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Re: [FR] Support for spell checking of citation macros

From: Gustavo Barros
Subject: Re: [FR] Support for spell checking of citation macros
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2019 11:36:09 -0300
User-agent: mu4e 1.2.0; emacs 26.3

Hi all,

On Tue, Nov 19 2019, Gustavo Barros wrote:

This is a feature request for adding support for spell checking of citation
macros in AUCTeX.  That is, to skip citation macros bibkeys while

This is a follow up message, as I could finally reach better results for the flyspell case, which I share.

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun my/tex-flyspell-bibkey-p ()
 "Returns non-nil if on a citation macro bibkey, nil otherwise."
 (let ((macro (reftex-what-macro 1 (- (point) (* 10 fill-column))))
       (pos (point))
    (stringp (car macro))
(string-match "\\`\\\\cite\\|cite\\([s*]\\|texts?\\)?\\'\\|bibentry"
                  (car macro))
      (goto-char (cdr macro))
      (re-search-forward (regexp-quote (car macro))
                         (+ (point) (length (car macro))) t)
      (while (and (my/reftex-move-to-next-citation-arg)
                  (> pos (point)))
        (setq lastarg (following-char))
        (forward-list 1))
      (eq lastarg ?\{)))))

(defsubst my/reftex-move-to-next-citation-arg (&optional _ignore)
 ;; Just extends 'reftex-move-to-next-arg' to the parenthesis case
 ;; of biblatex qualified citation lists.
  ;; Just to be quick:
  ((memq (following-char) '(?\( ?\[ ?\{)))
  ;; Do a search
  ((and reftex-allow-detached-macro-args
(looking-at "[ \t]*[\n\r]?\\([ \t]*%[^\n\r]*[\n\r]\\)*[ \t]*[([{]"))
   (goto-char (1- (match-end 0)))
  (t nil)))

This function should handle the check whether we are at a bibkey or not reliably without parsing the bibfiles. It also handles whitespace between macro arguments in the same terms as RefTeX (that is, if you use `reftex-allow-detached-macro-args'). The only case I could conceive where this doesn't work is when the space comes between the macro name and the *first* argument. That is, things will work with "\cite[See] [34] {Foo2019}", but not with "\cite [See][34]{Foo2019}". But that's because `reftex-what-macro' won't recognize the second case as a macro. Anyway, this is enough of a corner case for me to be satisfied with this.

If this is deemed decent, it might also be useful at

Best regards,
Gustavo Barros.

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