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Re: Updating xparse.el

From: Arash Esbati
Subject: Re: Updating xparse.el
Date: Wed, 09 Sep 2020 22:37:10 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.50

Hi Florent,

Florent Rougon <> writes:

> Arash Esbati <> wrote:
>> I don't think it is a big deal to provide a custom variable, say,
>> `font-latex-fontify-code-arguments' and then apply a conditional to the
>> style files in the fontification section.
>> What do others think?  Any idea for a better variable name?
> That would be a great improvement, IMHO. Of course, by “not fontifying
> code arguments,” what I really mean is “fontify them as if they were not
> macro arguments.” IOW, I'm happy with little things being fontified
> inside the “replacement text” argument of a command. What I don't like
> is when the whole code is forcibly colored in blue, which kills the
> finer fontification one would have if the same code were outside a macro
> argument. Example of what I like (my setup):
> As you can see, the #1 and #2 inside the code arguments are not in the
> same face as the rest of said arguments, and that's quite fine with me.

Sorry for my late response.  I had a second thought on this and came up
with the name `font-latex-fontify-replacement-text'.  A patch to
xparse.el can look like this:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
diff --git a/style/xparse.el b/style/xparse.el
index 79ab6042..fdab749e 100644
--- a/style/xparse.el
+++ b/style/xparse.el
@@ -287,21 +287,35 @@ TYPE is one of the symobols mac or env."
    ;; Fontification
    (when (and (featurep 'font-latex)
              (eq TeX-install-font-lock 'font-latex-setup))
-     (font-latex-add-keywords '(("DeclareDocumentCommand" "|{\\{{")
-                               ("NewDocumentCommand"     "|{\\{{")
-                               ("ProvideDocumentCommand" "|{\\{{")
-                               ("RenewDocumentCommand"   "|{\\{{")
-                               ;;
-                               ("DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand" "|{\\{{")
-                               ("NewExpandableDocumentCommand"     "|{\\{{")
-                               ("ProvideExpandableDocumentCommand" "|{\\{{")
-                               ("RenewExpandableDocumentCommand"   "|{\\{{")
-                               ;;
-                               ("DeclareDocumentEnvironment" "{{{{")
-                               ("NewDocumentEnvironment"     "{{{{")
-                               ("ProvideDocumentEnvironment" "{{{{")
-                               ("RenewDocumentEnvironment"   "{{{{"))
-                             'function)))
+     (defcustom font-latex-fontify-replacement-text t
+       "Non-nil means fontify replacement text of macros.
+This option is mainly relevant for .dtx or .sty file writers."
+       :group 'font-latex
+       :type 'boolean)
+     (put 'font-latex-fontify-replacement-text
+         'safe-local-variable
+         #'booleanp)
+     (let ((macs (if font-latex-fontify-replacement-text
+                    "|{\\{{"
+                  "|{\\{"))
+          (envs (if font-latex-fontify-replacement-text
+                    "{{{{"
+                  "{{")))
+       (font-latex-add-keywords `(("DeclareDocumentCommand" ,macs)
+                                 ("NewDocumentCommand"     ,macs)
+                                 ("ProvideDocumentCommand" ,macs)
+                                 ("RenewDocumentCommand"   ,macs)
+                                 ;;
+                                 ("DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand" ,macs)
+                                 ("NewExpandableDocumentCommand"     ,macs)
+                                 ("ProvideExpandableDocumentCommand" ,macs)
+                                 ("RenewExpandableDocumentCommand"   ,macs)
+                                 ;;
+                                 ("DeclareDocumentEnvironment" ,envs)
+                                 ("NewDocumentEnvironment"     ,envs)
+                                 ("ProvideDocumentEnvironment" ,envs)
+                                 ("RenewDocumentEnvironment"   ,envs))
+                               'function))))

 (defun LaTeX-xparse-package-options ()
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

The variable will eventually land in font-latex.el, I put it in
xparse.el for testing purposes.  The style file is attached, do you want
to give it a roll?

> Thanks for your great work; AUCTeX is truly a very well maintained
> project!

Thank you for your kind words, enjoy!

Best, Arash

Attachment: xparse.el.gz
Description: Binary data

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