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how to add a new pdf viewer?

From: Uwe Brauer
Subject: how to add a new pdf viewer?
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2023 16:33:34 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/29.0.50 (gnu/linux)


Currently I am running Ubuntu 16.04.
In the past, I added some no standard pdf viewer to auctex, like the
FoxitReader, but then the syntax changed some time ago and anyway I was
happy with evince and okular. 

However I want now to add a new pdfviewer

The new viewer is 


While the old one is still


Below I explain the reason for this setting.

If I run from my command line (tcsh shell)

which evince 

It shows me 


And indeed running evince, starts up the new one.

Now I have 

(defun TeX-viewer-set-to-evince44 ()
  "Small hack to set the PDF viewer to Evince"
  (setq TeX-view-program-selection
        '(((output-dvi style-pstricks)
           "dvips and gv")
          (output-dvi "xdvi")
          (output-html "xdg-open")
          (output-pdf "Evince44")))
  (message "Output PDF is set now to Evince44"))


TeX-view-program-list is a variable defined in ‘tex.el’.

Its value is
Original value was nil

So when I fire up TeX-viewer-set-to-evince44

And then run C-c C-v (TeX-view)

Auctex starts the *old* evince viewer not the new one 

What do I miss here??

Any help is strongly appreciated.

*Rationale* I just found out that more recent versions of evince display
links as pop-up menus which is very very useful (Skim has this for Mac,
but the new evince version seems even better)
Since my Ubuntu is quite old, I could only install the new evince-44 via

So the old (Original Ubuntu version) evince version is in


And the new one on


So I decided  to set a symbolic link from 
/snap/bin/evince to /usr/local/bin/evince.

And as I said above it works.

BTW there seems no possibility to configure evince that it uses
emacsclient, to jump from the pdf to the source file. I have to use
okular for this and this is why I have also 

(defun my-toggle-evince-or-okular ()
  "This function allows to switch between the PDF viewers `Evince'
and `Okular'."
  (with-output-to-temp-buffer "TeX-viewer-list-buffer"
    (princ "List of functions\n")
    (princ "1: TeX-viewer-set-to-evince\n")
    (princ "2: TeX-viewer-set-to-okular\n")
    (princ "3: TeX-viewer-set-to-evince44\n"))
  (let  ((ch (string-to-char (read-string "Which choice: 1: 2: 3: "))))
    (call-interactively (cond
                         ((eql ch ?1) #'TeX-viewer-set-to-evince)
                         ((eql ch ?2) #'TeX-viewer-set-to-okular)
                         ((eql ch ?3) #'TeX-viewer-set-to-evince44)
                         (t (error 'args-out-of-range '(1 2 3 ch))))))
  (kill-buffer "TeX-viewer-list-buffer"))


Uwe Brauer 

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I support to deliver weapons to Ukraine's military. 
I support the NATO membership of the Ukraine.
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