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Parse graphicspath for searching [was: Provide advice to ffap (find-file

From: Leo Stein
Subject: Parse graphicspath for searching [was: Provide advice to ffap (find-file-at-point) from \input@path?]
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:59:28 -0500

Hi again all,

Changing the subject of this thread because I went off on the tangent of making graphicx.el parse \graphicspath commands, so that extra paths could be searched when prompting for \includegraphics. The patch is attached. I assume there are things that I did that are not idiomatic, because I don't know this codebase (or really much emacs development at all). Please let me know if this is useful for inclusion or not. Obvious missing feature: What about multi-file documents? Also I did not try to make things robust, frankly because I don't know how.


PS I would like to be able to use this to search additional paths when prompting for \input or \include, but you mentioned earlier that you didn't want to support the LaTeX user modifying the internal macro \input@path. I still think it would be very handy!

On Sun, Sep 1, 2024 at 2:03 AM Arash Esbati <> wrote:
Leo Stein <> writes:

> The last article I was on had 13 figures. Putting everything in one
> directory is very disorganized. Writing all the figures into one big
> PDF just adds unneeded complications. Using \graphicspath and just the
> individual file names (with no paths or extensions) works great!

Just to avoid misunderstandings: I believe there is a market for
\graphicspath, and it is an official macro provided by the graphics
bundle, I'm not arguing against it.  I wanted to show workarounds for
the fact that the macro isn't supported in AUCTeX, and I have currently
no idea how to support it within AUCTeX.  But as always, patches are
welcome to change the situation.

Best, Arash

Attachment: 0001-Make-style-graphicx.el-parse-graphicspath-for-search.patch
Description: Binary data

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