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Synctex and auctex: request for help

From: Rahguzar
Subject: Synctex and auctex: request for help
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2023 11:27:31 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.7; emacs 29.1

I have been looking to improve the synctex experience with `pdf-tools`
and `auctex` especially with my preferred way of writing every paragraph
on one line and using `visual-line-mode` for reflowing the text. Fixing
backward search turned out not to be too difficult see but it seems like making
forward text search more accurate is harder.

Basically the situation seems to be that although synctex is
theoretically capable to providing an accurate column number, it needs
tex engines to provide this information which none of them do. So it
only provides line level information. However a given source line can
correspond to multiple lines in pdf (and vice versa) and I in that case
synctex provides multiple results about the query asking editors to
somehow chose the best one.

However `pdf-tools` only gives access to first result of synctex forward
search. I don't know `c` but I think that is happening here,
This seems to correspond to only to a single or occasionally two pdf
lines corresponding to the same source line but not all of the lines. Is
someone who knows `c` and wants better forward search willing to either:

1) Change `cmd_synctex_forward_search` in `epdfinfo.c` so that it
returns the edges corresponding to the bounding box of the whole region
of pdf corresponding to the source line? My guess is (I am not sure)
that this would simply be the union of all the rectangles in individual
search results. Some care would be need when the paragraph get split
across pages.

2) Probably easier and backward compatible. Add a new function to
`epdfinfo.c` that returns the whole list of search results and expose
that to lisp so that the region can be determined from lisp.

With this change in `c` code, I think I can use techniques similar to
those used for backward search and those in `pdf-isearch` for
highlighting to get word level accuracy. But without a good bound on the
pdf region to search, it is hard to get good enough performance.

I have also posted the same message on pdf-tools repo:


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