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Re: Reporting warnings from pdftex itself (not LaTeX macro layer)

From: Ikumi Keita
Subject: Re: Reporting warnings from pdftex itself (not LaTeX macro layer)
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2024 23:15:53 +0900

>>>>> Andreas Matthias <> writes:
> Here are the functions that generate the warnings.
> pdfTeX:
> <

> luaTeX:
> <

> Andreas

Thanks. It's hard for me to tell how the LuaTeX warning begins, so my
tentative plan is to support only pdfTeX warnings. I hope the attached
patch does the expected job.

What do others think?

Ikumi Keita
#StandWithUkraine #StopWarInUkraine
#Gaza #StopMassiveKilling #CeasefireNOW

Attachment: patch
Description: tentative fix

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