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Re: Building universal binaries makes 'check' fail

From: Peter O'Gorman
Subject: Re: Building universal binaries makes 'check' fail
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2007 08:18:59 +0900

On Feb 28, 2007, at 12:47 PM, Elias Pipping wrote:


autoconf fails for me with

I am not sure it is worth the effort to get autoconf "clean" for  
Apple's universal builds. The whole autoconf philosophy is about  
checking header/library availability and system features. These will  
differ on different systems building the same code with the same  
options if there are differences in cputype etc. Apple suggests using  
their lipo tool to create universal binaries from multiple single  
architecture runs of configure and make.
It should be decided whether the effort is worth it before continuing  
to patch for this.

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