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Re: [avr-gcc-list] crc16.h - why inlined

From: Volkmar Dierkes
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] crc16.h - why inlined
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003 21:36:27 +0100
User-agent: 40tude_Dialog/ Hamster/


On Fri, 10 Jan 2003 07:51:22 -0600, TODD BATZLER wrote:

> Will this help?
> Self-extracting zip.
> 3 files from different sources that describe "Frame Check Sequences" of
> which a CRC is a member for 8 and 16 bit implementations.
> fcs.c - Routine that I wrote that mimics the irda CRC calculation
> without table lookup on Atmel mega8 and 8535.  I have not used this in a
> boot loader.

Thanks for your offer. I tried it and after a short modification to 
get it as an replacement for the original function I got it to work. 

And also the resulting code is a little bit smaller than before. But 
it is only 1 word.

But that was not the reason for my initial post. I only wanted to 
ask if it is better to change the inlined function of the available 
header-file to a not inlined function. I got my bootloader to work 
without inline. Sure I have more ideas for the bootloader, but I 
think for the Mega8 it is a good solution, and I am very happy that 
it fit into the 2K space ;-)

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