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[avr-gcc-list] OT: A Question On Programming the Clock Source On the AT

From: John Branthoover
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] OT: A Question On Programming the Clock Source On the ATmega8515-16AC.
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 14:50:04 -0400

Hello All,
     I am trying to program the clock source on the ATmega8515-16AC.  I have
a 16 MHz crystal connected to the microcontroller.  I believe that I want to
have the following fuses programmed as follows:

CKSEL3..0 = 1111
SUT1..0 = 11

Note:  Where 1 = unprogrammed.
       Where 0 = programmed.

    Are these settings correct?  Is there anything else that I need to do?
I have had no success in getting the microcontroller to run.  I keep having
to use an external clock source in order to re-program it back to the
internal RC oscillator.  I have looked at the ATmega8515's data sheet and on
page 35,  table 7 which list the different crystal operating modes and it
does not have any settings for speeds greater than 8 MHz.  Why?  What am I

     Any information that you can give me will greatly appreciated.

     Thank you for your time and have a nice day.

John Branthoover            :
Electrical Design Engineer  :
Acutronic USA,  Inc.        :Phone  (412) 968-1051
640 Alpha Drive             :Fax    (412) 963-0816
Pittsburgh PA 15238         :Email  address@hidden
USA                         :WEB    http://www.acutronic.com

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