I have started using the atmega88 and didn't get any timer1 interrupt
After hours I realized by disassemling that the definition for
OCIEA1/2 are taken from
the atmega8 (iom88.h is incluing that one). But that seems wrong,
since there have been sigificant changes between the mega8 and the
mega88, or have I missed something.
#define TIMSK0 _SFR_MEM8 (0x6E)
/* TIMSK0 */
#define OCIE0B 3
#define OCIE0A 2
#define TOIE0 0
#define TIMSK1 _SFR_MEM8 (0x6F)
/* TIMSK1 */
#define ICIE1 5
#define OCIE1B 3
#define OCIE1A 2
#define TOIE1 0
#define TIMSK2 _SFR_MEM8 (0x70)
/* TIMSK2 */
#define OCIE2B 3
#define OCIE2A 2
#define TOIE2 0
for the atmega88 those are in bit position 1 and 2.
Any comments?