after quite some time I'm coming back to developing avrgcc
applications for
Atmel Mega 103 and next step mega128can.
I've designed prototype of custom home automation system (based on
Canbus devices and rs232 Gateway).
On top of home automation network there is main controller (based on
microcontroller) with rs-232 interface that can be connected to PC. Now I
have several dillemas and would kindly ask for quick answers:
- what free rtos could be best at the moment for developing
applications ?
Is AvrX the best solution ?
- I'd need to implement some sort of home automation state machine, that
would implement event based commands and also main loop that would be
checked in regular time intervals whether there are any timed commands
to be
released. Any idea, similar code, pointer to more info ?
- how to interface outside world to gain as much user freindliness for
configuration and control at low cost (preferably no cost) :
Main idea is to mimic some X10 two way controllers (to act exactly os
one of them) - but they have ability to implement also time or event
based macros. What engine could be used to
implement this ? Is there any project on simulating x-10 controller
with AVR ?
- I'd like to have dynamic specification of all devices present in home
automation system - where each type of device has its own functions
and data
- I'd like to have some sort of dynamic descriptive data structure that
could be parsed few times a second for timed events to occur (operating
devices at some certain time) and also event driven parser that could
trigger actions according to event and also some other conditions (time,
state of devices, ...) that happend.
I'd like to have above in flexible way to be able to easily reconfigure
system from PC or any other client with some simple set of commands...
Any pointer, example code, more info ?
Thanks in advance,
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