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Re: OT: Re: [avr-gcc-list] Programming Atmel FPGAs from AVR?

From: Steve Franks
Subject: Re: OT: Re: [avr-gcc-list] Programming Atmel FPGAs from AVR?
Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 16:26:00 -0700

Atmel engineers did not fill me in on the details.  What I observed is
that the device ID, eeprom, fuses, and flash all read as zeros thru
the jtagice and avrisp after several programming cycles with another
device in the chain.  My assumption is that there are some fuses in
the device used only in manufacturing or test that were irreversibly
set incorrectly.  That assumption as I recall was echoed by the tech
support person I was emailing back & forth with in Norway.


On 5/22/07, Rick Mann <address@hidden> wrote:

On May 22, 2007, at 1:45 PM, Steve Franks wrote:

> We placed a mega128 and a Xilnx CPLD in a chain together.  We
> programmed the xilinx with their tools several hundred times.  We
> could take a fresh board with a mega128, program it 4-5 times with a
> jtagice, and everything would then start reading "0x00" - flash,
> eeprom, fuses, everything.  The project quickly ran over schedule with
> us reworking pcb's after every 5 program cycles and the project was
> canceled.  As a post-mortem, we actually were invited to send boards
> back to Norway for analysis, and after several months, the answer was,
> "you are correct, they are wiped internally, that is never supposed to
> happen, we're very sorry".  Anyone who doubts my sincerity is (1)
> welcome to request a copy of my emails with atmel privately, and (2)
> should know that I still use Avr devices pretty much exclusively in my
> uC development, so am not attempting to discredit atmel here, just to
> say that they did not successfully do this particular thing (jtag
> chains).  I make no claim that this is or is not an issue on any part
> other than the mega128.  I have not gotten any indication to believe
> that it has been fixed in later devices, and I have not tried it
> since.

Wait, so you're saying that, using a JTAGICE Mk II, an ATmega128 was
wiped clean? As in, all the logic as well? I wouldn't have thought
that would be possible (i.e., it was etched in silicon). Or do you
mean just the flash portions?


Steve Franks, KE7BTE
Staff Engineer
La Palma Devices, LLC
(520) 312-0089

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