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RE: [avr-gcc-list] Re: TinyOs avr-gcc-4 - a wrap-up

From: Alex Shepherd
Subject: RE: [avr-gcc-list] Re: TinyOs avr-gcc-4 - a wrap-up
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 10:09:35 +1300

> Well, not to detract from this spirited discussion,
> but using a kernel approach doesn't really solve the
> question at hand, does it?  The problem is that TinyOS
> is written in nesC and no one has ported nesC to AVR.

The Meshnetics OpenMAC 802.15.4 library is written in nesC and runs on the
AVR1281 in their ZigBit modules, but it seems they give you a framework with
a bunch of call-backs where you can insert your normal C code to do stuff.

If you need to change anything at the nesC level then you have to go get
their port of nesC that works with the AVR-GCC compiler. So at least some
level of nesC exists for the AVR.


Alex Shepherd

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