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Re: [avr-gcc-list] avr-gcc & ld segfaults when compiling micropendous pr

From: Fabio Varesano
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] avr-gcc & ld segfaults when compiling micropendous programs
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2012 14:53:21 +0100
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Thanks for the suggestions. I uploaded intermediate files there.
However, I then updated to binutils current snapshot and the bug is no more there. Marked the issue as fixed. Hopefully the bug report will be useful for people on 2.22 having the same issue.

Thanks for your help.

On 01/22/2012 02:35 PM, Georg-Johann Lay wrote:
Fabio Varesano schrieb:
Hi all,

I recently bought a Micropendous board.. I'm now trying to have some
of the examples available to be compiled but they all fails with a
segmentation fault (See bottom of the mail).

I'm using avr-gcc 4.6.2 on a 64bit Archlinux. An example of such
firmware is VirtualSerial available from

What do you think?

As is it the linker that crashes and not the compiler: What version of
binutils do you use?

Does it work without relaxing?

It's binutils 2.22 and yes it's not shown when relaxing is not enabled.

It does look like a bug to me which I reported to
http://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=13612 with a simple
test case showing the issue.

Thanks for reporting.

But notice that binutils cannot chew C code. Maybe it's better to
attach the compiler output? Use -save-temps to get intermediate .s
assembler file. Better attach it together with the linker options you

Notice that binutils developers in general don't have AVR environment
installed or even know what "AVR" is; suppose it's a generic bug and
someone working for PowerPC would like to fix it.

The less barriers a bug report contains, the more likely someone will
take care of the bug; thus the report should not refer to avr-gcc or

Does the code need objects from avr-libc to link against?
Or can you get the bug without referring to libc?


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