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Re: [avr-gcc-list] Some people use Netbeans to develop AVR-GCC?

From: David Brown
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] Some people use Netbeans to develop AVR-GCC?
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2013 16:15:50 +0100
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On 12/12/13 13:56, dfx wrote:
> I would like to use Netbeans to develop AVR-GCC but I had just started a
> small problem.
> I created a new Netbeans project using source code for atmega324pa
> already successfully developed previously.
> The editor of Netbeans correctly recognize all symbols except two: MCUCR
> and JTD.
> Has anyone encountered a similar problem?
> thank you very much
> Domenico

I feel slightly guilty about hijacking your thread with another question
instead of answering /your/ question, but I can't help wondering...

Why Netbeans?

I can well understand why you might not want to use AVR Studio with MS
Visual Studio.  Personally, I have never been particularly impressed
with MSVS, and I can't run current AVR Studio on my old Windows machine.
 But why not use a general programmer's editor like JEdit, or join the
majority and use Eclipse?  As far as I know, Netbeans is rarely used for
C - it is a popular choice for Java, but not so much for C or C++,
especially not in the embedded world.  (Microchip's MPLab is the
exception here.)

Anyway, whichever editor you use, be sure to use an external Makefile
instead of the IDE's project management.  That way you can get the
dependencies right (and much faster than using the built-in methods),
get exactly the flags you want (you are not limited to the ones picked
for a dialog box), and you get exactly the programs you want (the
version of the compiler that /you/ specify, not whatever the IDE happens
to find).



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