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Re: [avr-libc-dev] Small Bootloader for M8

From: Jason Kyle
Subject: Re: [avr-libc-dev] Small Bootloader for M8
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2003 08:49:50 +1300

At 22:23 23/12/2003 +1300, Alex Shepherd wrote:
Hi Guys,

Anyone got a small bootloader for a Mega8 that they can share. Nothing
fancy I just need to upload new code fast and test. I can play with
fuses using AVR910 programmer and AVRProg.exe but it takes ages on a USB
dongle. :(

Not exactly small, around 700words, but fits in the mega8 and works nice and fast.



There is a small looking (128 word) bootloader that comes with BASCOM
although it is written in inline assembler. However as I don't have the
full version of the compiler, I tried to convert it to plain AVR
assembler and tried it.

It seems to go through the motions of loading the code using the BASCOM
terminal upload utility but the write doesn't happen. Anyone tried the
BASCOM code and found the problem?


Alex Shepherd

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