Good online reference for CVS:
Scroll down to the bottom for the online verion of the book.
What platform do you development work on? Linux? FreeBSD? Windows?
Mark v/d W. wrote:
Thanks everybody! I'll have a look at CVS and Patch etc. Any other
P.S.: I have registered myself with the mailing list.
Eric Weddington wrote:
Mark v/d W. wrote:
Hi Everyone
I've been wondering for some time now, how can I contribute to
avr-gcc (and everything used with it), and what skills I need to be
useful. Are there any jobs that need to be done? I hear a lot about
floating point routines that need to be rewritten. Is there any way
I could help out there?
Mark v/d W.
First off, subscribe to the avr-libc-dev mailing list; that way your
emails don't have to be approved to be posted to the list. ;-)
You should familiarize yourself with CVS. Also, with the "diff" and
"patch" tools.
There are plenty of jobs that need to be done in avr-libc. Yes, we
can always use a floating point maintainer. I'm not sure if the
routines need to be rewritten (others can address that point). But I
would certainly like to see 64-bit floating point (double) routines
added to the library. We have an open position for a C++ maintainer;
someone who is familiar with what is required for a C++ toolchain
and can possibly get libsup++ built for the AVR. We also have a todo
list, though it might be a bit out of date. And then there are
always bugs to be fixed and new devices seem to come out every other
Usually, new developers contribute patches to the avr-libc project
(usually through the Patch Manager on the Savannah project). After a
few patches, everything looks good, we can certainly give you write
access to CVS. We're certainly not elitest, but you have to know the
basics of the tools (CVS, diff, patch) and willing to work together
on a cross-platform project. Note that the AVR toolchain can now be
built for Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Mac OS X, Windows, and Solaris
(and I can't remember if someone has tried building on NetBSD).