Vidya Praveen
On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 9:42 PM, Daved <address@hidden
<mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:
Thanks for the responses guys. It's not always clear where to post
problems with this stuff.
I have since done a general web search for the problem and did find
a code correction for w5100.h. I was about to try it when my Arduino
ATmega328P chip went bad and I am now waiting for another one in the
mail. It's still puzzling why an earlier complier version works
while a newer one does not.
Anyway, I have already spent way too much time tracking this down so
other than testing the code correction when I get a new chip, I am
going to let it rest
----- Original Message ----- From: "Joerg Wunsch"
<address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>>
To: "David Brown" <address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>>
Cc: "David DeHaven" <address@hidden
<mailto:address@hidden>>; <address@hidden
Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2012 5:46 AM
Subject: Re: [avr-libc-dev] [bug #35467] Not sure this the right
plce to submit this but...
As David Brown wrote:
For future reference, remember that when you make a bug
report, the
"summary" is critical - it lets people see at a glance what
the problem
is, it is used for searching for similar problems, and is
used in
reports of outstanding issues.
Thanks for the reminder, I changed the subject in the bug
tracker even
though it's closed, for the benefit of those who are searching
old bug
cheers, J"org .-.-. --... ...-- -.. . DL8DTL NIC: JW11-RIPE
Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)
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