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Re: [avrdude-dev] make depend

From: Joerg Wunsch
Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] make depend
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 22:52:12 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

As Theodore A. Roth wrote:

> Ok. I'll leave the YACC=byacc line for now. We can remove it once the
> grammar is bison friendly.

The grammar was already bison-friendly enough. ;-)  The include order
wasn't, includes should go between %{ and %} on top, i've fixed this.
(byacc doesn't seem to care, bison does.)

The remaining incompatibility is one of bison's idiosyncracies:
instead of defaulting to the hysterical yacc way of generating
y.tab.c/y.tab.h, it defaults to ${sourcename:h}.tab.[ch].  I can be
made yacc-compatible with -y, but of course, yacc would not understand
that.  (I understand that the y.tab.[ch] way sucks, but changing
defaults in something that is meant to be a replacement sucks even

The only Linux box i've got access to defaults to yacc, not bison (a
SuSE Linux).  Suppose you turn the YFLAGS= line into a YFLAGS += one,
maybe your Linuxen would default to bison -y then?

I guess we can't avoid autoconf/automake in the long run. :-(
J"org Wunsch                                           Unix support engineer
address@hidden        http://www.interface-systems.de/~j/

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