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Re: [avrdude-dev] configuration file

From: Firepower
Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] configuration file
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2003 10:27:22 +0200

> ...yeah it would be ok...but then i program my target after every
> compile job that is not really what I want....but its ok for me
> so I have to write me batch and change this in every project 

>> You could add another target for the actual programming, something
>> like the following should work:

>> download: ${TARGET}.hex ${TARGET}_eeprom.hex
>>      avrdude -p ${MCU} -e -i ${TARGET}.hex
>>      avrdude -p ${MCU}    -i ${TARGET}_eeprom.hex

ohh yes sure..sorry it was to late last night...
eric maybe you can put this option in the next 
winavr release as small option for other users too?


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