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[avrdude-dev] Win32 Merge

From: Alex Shepherd
Subject: [avrdude-dev] Win32 Merge
Date: Mon, 17 May 2004 23:02:58 +1200

Hi Guys,

Well I've finally managed to merge the code from Martin Thomas into the
current version and have been able to test the code briefly on a 2313 and a
Mega8 using the dt006 parallel port programmer. Obviously it needs more
testing but from memory avrdude doesn't like my avr910 programmer and I have
no stk500 or avrisp. :(( 

I could commit the source code changes to CVS but I'm not sure what I should
do about the scripts Martin used to make his code.

I have made a ZIP file here:

That contains all the changed source code and the "w32_mthomas" directory
that contains the build/make scripts.

Can one of you guys who know about how these sorts of things should be
integrated with the autoconf scripts  have a look at what is there and
suggest how we proceed?


Alex Shepherd

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