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Re: [avrdude-dev] GUI development

From: Bob Paddock
Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] GUI development
Date: Tue, 04 Oct 2005 10:36:41 -0400
User-agent: Opera M2/8.50 (Win32, build 7700)

On Tue, 04 Oct 2005 09:30:27 -0400, Sumeet Pal Singh <address@hidden> wrote:

I am student in IIT Kanpur in India. Just today I heard about Red Hat
Scholarships 2005-2006 The Lord of the Code contest and I thought why not
develop the gui for avrdude.

Can someone tell me where is I can find the code for the gui developed until now and how can I contribute.


It uses the wxWidgets cross platform kit.
http://www.wxwidgets.org/  By using that you will have an application that
will work for your Red Hat contest, as well as an application that will run on
several other systems, such as BSD, MAC, and Windows.

AVRDUDE is great for the development environment as it stands now, being command line based
you can run it from Makefiles and Script/Batch files.

But something I would like to see is true integration of the GUI into AVRDUDE. The reason for this is to make the GUI version more useful in a production environment, as it stands now the GUI is intended for people that know what Flash, Fuses, etc are, and the handling of errors returned from AVRDUDE to the GUI is a bit weak (this is the main
problem with the GUI/AVRDUDE integration as it stands now).

In production usage you want a GUI as simple as possible. A menu to select your product, which loads the correct Flash and EEPROM files, a button that says "start programming"
and a big Red/Green widget that says if the programming succeed or failed.

If you really want to get fancy the ability to read Pony Prog scripts via AVRDUDE would be an useful addition, as Pony Prog has been abandoned by its author and is not supporting new devices. http://www.lancos.com/prog.html I can send you a .ZIP file of the script commands, off the list, if you are interested. There are many people on the Pony Prog list looking for a alternative for doing AVRs now. Hopefully that would
get you lots of contest points?

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