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[avrdude-dev] little patch to allow USB/serial bitbanging

From: limor
Subject: [avrdude-dev] little patch to allow USB/serial bitbanging
Date: Thu, 25 May 2006 03:07:10 -0400

everyone says its a bad idea, but i want to sell a very inexpensive
serial port version of a little persistance of vision kit
(http://www.ladyada.net/make/minipov2/) for mac users and people
without parallel ports...the current version has a "DT006" bitbang
parallel built in.

so anyways i made one with a couple 5.1v zeners (similar to ponyprog's
serial adaptor) and in order for it to work with USB/serial
converters, i need to usleep(2000) after each bitflip. yeah its slow,
but its also only 300bytes of firmware so thats 90seconds. plus if you
dont have a parallel/serial port, what are you going to do?

i patched avrdude 5.1 so that you can have:

 id    = "dasa";
 desc  = "serial port banging, reset=rts sck=dtr mosi=txd miso=cts";
 type  = serbb;
 reset = 6;
 sck   = 4;
 mosi  = 3;
 miso  = 7;
 delay=2000;   # usec delay per bit

its only like 6 lines, tested works for mac (posix) and win. should i
submit a patch? if you dont specify the delay then it just assumes 0us
and its fast like before. i figure it doesnt clutter the code up much,
why not add it in?

let me know, yo!

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