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RE: [avrdude-dev] Mega163 problem

From: Egbert Jan
Subject: RE: [avrdude-dev] Mega163 problem
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2006 19:57:36 +0100

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joerg Wunsch [mailto:address@hidden
> Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 2:59 PM
> To: address@hidden
> Cc: Egbert Jan
> Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] Mega163 problem
> As Egbert Jan wrote:
> > Previous commands succeeded; they returned the values as expected.
> > Next is the failing command (it is much longer than all previous
> > commands):
> > avrdude: Send: . [1b] . [0b] . [00] . [0c] . [0e] . [10] .
> [00] . [00]
> > . [00] . [00] . [00] . [00] . [00] . [ac] S [53] . [00] .
> [00] . [fd]
> > avrdude: Recv: . [1b]
> > avrdude: Recv: . [0b]
> > avrdude: Recv: . [00]
> > avrdude: Recv: . [02]
> > avrdude: Recv: . [0e]
> > avrdude: Recv: . [10]
> > avrdude: Recv: . [c0]
> > avrdude: Recv: . [cc]
> > avrdude: stk500v2_command(): command failed
> > avrdude: initialization failed, rc=-1
> Command 0x10 is ENTER_PROGMODE_ISP (the command code is
> always the 6th octet sent to the STK500).  I think that's the
> first command where the STK500 is actually going to talk ISP
> to the target (everything before has been setting up the
> parameters in the STK itself).  So if that fails, it means
> the target isn't responding at all.  Either one of the
> connections is not OK, or ISP programming had been disabled
> somehow (which on the ATmega163 could only happen through
> high-voltage parallel programming as there is no JTAG), or
> the target's clock is not operational (perhaps due to a wrong
> fuse setting).

There is essential info missing in the #PREFIX/etc/avrdude.conf file! I
copied a missing block from the mega162 to the mega163 block and now the
avrdude command succeeds (well... Partially; I get a verify error but
there is no 'avrdude: initialization failed, rc=-1' error anymore)

I was triggered by a posting earlier today about a wrong signature for the
mega8515 in 'avrdude.conf' and decided to start looking there. The
question is now: how reliable is avrdude.conf?????? Should it be compared
with the XML device files belonging to AVRstudio?

Any comments?
Egbert Jan

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