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Re: [avrdude-dev] Avrdude Gui problem

From: Dave N6NZ
Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] Avrdude Gui problem
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 14:03:07 -0800
User-agent: Thunderbird 1.5 (X11/20051201)

Joerg Wunsch wrote:
(*) If the GUI toolkit works reasonably,

I can then just go ahead and
modify the GUI to my liking on a Unix machine, and assume that about
the same kind of change will automatically appear on Win32 and MacOS
X.  If there are separate GUIs, the work has to be done three times,
once for each GUI.

Well, the trick is finding a tool where all the bits and pieces are available on all platforms and work the same way. Maybe some RAD tool expert can tell us about one.

Perhaps there is a way to do this with something that runs in a web browser. Again, I'm not really up on the nuts and bolts of creating a widget that can be used from Java running in a web browser, but maybe that is the way to accomplish a cross-platform gui. I know that for security reasons, the Java language has limited support for calling out to arbitrary C code, so maybe a Java wrapper around the .so is technically difficult.

An off-the-wall idea is to do something like CUPS does -- provide an HTTP server interface running on some local port, so you point your web browser at something like http://localhost:7135/ and find yourself talking to an avrdude gui. That certainly can be accomplished on *nix and OS X. I'm not sure what it takes to implement a port listener in Windows.

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