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[avrdude-dev] [bug #22699] Errors in AVR910 Device Codes

From: Klaus Leidinger
Subject: [avrdude-dev] [bug #22699] Errors in AVR910 Device Codes
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 21:50:54 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/20080201 Firefox/

Follow-up Comment #2, bug #22699 (project avrdude):

> Klaus Leidinger uses 0x31, 0x33, 0x35, myAVR uses 0x6, 0x7,
> 0x8, respectively. Which one to chose, and why that one? 

As I wrote in the avrfreaks forum, ist is not so important whom code you use,
important is that avrdude gives some devicecode for the newer devices. Any
distributor of a avr910 Firmware should be interested to be compatible with

I think there are at least 3 implementations of avr910 with different
devicecodes, where the devicecode scheme seems not to follow any  rule.

I'm willing to change the devicecodes and would strongly agree to a new list
given by the avrdude.conf to get rid of this incompatiblities.  

>> 3. The device code for mega162 is listed as 0x63 but this
>> should be 0x62 because device code 0x63 is for the mega162
>> bootloader.

> There's no official assignment for the ATmega162 bootloader,
> or the ATmega162 at all. 

In the avr109 Sourcecode gcc section is a Parts.txt or the preprocessor.xls)
which lists the devicecode for m162 to 0x63

So my suggestion is that avrdude should declare devicecodes and  I expect the
devicecode mess is over soon. (except the bootloader code mess ;-) )

Kind Regards,


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