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Re: ASynK: Announcing experimental support for BBDB file format ver 9

From: Sriram Karra
Subject: Re: ASynK: Announcing experimental support for BBDB file format ver 9
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2018 12:31:03 -0700

Hi Barak,

H. Dieter Wilhelm (who chimed in earlier on this thread) did reach out to me earlier on the same topic, but I do not recall where that landed. I am totally happy to have a stable version of ASynK made into a debian package, but I have not used Debian or any Linux on any personal machine in ages. So I am not sure I can do anything to help. 

One thing though is I have not yet merged the support for bbdb format ver9 into master. That might be a more appropriate thing to do. Let me take a look at one or two bug reports I got with that experimental branch, and make a formal release and you can repackage as you see fit.


On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 7:44 AM Barak A. Pearlmutter <address@hidden> wrote:
I've pushed a preliminary packaging to
branch "debian", if anyone could build/install/test it I'd be

    git clone
    cd ASynK
    git checkout debian
    (apt-get install anthing-missing)
    fakeroot debian/rules binary
    dpkg --install ../asynk*.deb
    asynk --test-this-backup-your-data-first

I've called it version 2.2.0 per the git tag, even though has


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