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Re: [Bino-list] bino cross-compile

From: Martin Lambers
Subject: Re: [Bino-list] bino cross-compile
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2011 20:08:08 +0200
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Hi Robert!

On 23/09/11 12:52, Robert Pliszko wrote:
> On 23.09.2011 10:09, Martin Lambers wrote:
>> The backtrace should print the actual function names instead of just
>> pointer values. Does your $MAKEINSTALL command maybe strip the debugging
>> symbols from the binary (e.g. "make install-strip" instead of just "make
>> install")?
> I've changed make install to make install-strip, but no effect, still
> the same situation...

It should be "make install", not "make install-strip", so it was
probably correct before.

> Sorry, I've never ever compiled app to debug, that's why I have problem
> with it.
> Could you explain to me step by step what command (compile, make) I have
> to use to create debug bino app?

Basically, it's
./configure CFLAGS="-g"; make; make install

The -g embeds debugging symbols in the resulting binary. This makes the
binary larger, but you have function and variable name information and
therefore various tools can make better reports (including debuggers,
valgrind, and Bino itself when it prints a backtrace).

Sometimes it is useful to also put -O0 into CFLAGS to disable all

With Bino, there's an additional configure option --enable-debug which
enables extra checks. These are normally disabled to avoid the overhead.

Using the 'strip' utility (which "make install-strip" does
automatically) removes all debugging symbols from the binary, thus
reducing its size considerably. This is usually what distributions do by
default to save space.

The Bino backtrace should contain function names instead of just
pointers, so that we know in which function the crash happens. I'm not
sure why this did not work. Maybe there is some call to the strip
utility in your build script? Did you "make clean" before "make" so that
you are not accidentally using existing object files that do not yet
contain dbeugging symbols?


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