On 04/05/2012 12:10 PM, Martin Lambers wrote:
Hi Goetz!
On Thu, 05 Apr 2012 09:38:54 -0600, Goetz Dapp wrote:
I was wondering if it is at all possible to add two input devices
instead of one for 3D playback and designate them to one
perspective, i.e. /dev/video0 = left and /dev/video1 = right, or
something along those lines?
There was an arbitrary limitation for a single device. I just
removed this, and opening two devices for left/right now works, at
least with the X11 grabber pseudo device (I don't have any v4l2
Can you test the latest version from the git repository?
It should be possible to open the video devices from the command
line: $ bino --device-frame-size=800x600 /dev/video0 /dev/video1
If this works for you, I'll change the GUI dialog to allow this,
It would be awesome if it also were possible to manually adjust
some of the v4l2 control ids for these devices.
Hm, we're going through FFmpeg to open v4l2 devices. What controls
would you like to adjust? Sorry, I don't know much about v4l2...
Hi Martin,
thanks for your quick reply! I'll compile Bino from git tonight and
give it a shot.
Regarding the v4l2 controls, I am not even sure if that is doable
through ffmpeg. I am using a camera that has an autofocus
(V4L2_CID_FOCUS_AUTO) and auto white balance feature
(V4L2_CID_AUTO_WHITE_BALANCE), which sometimes messes up a video
during recording. There are other controls, too, that might be
interesting for my setup. I was thinking about presetting it, and
then turn it off, hence my question about the controls.