This is the gnu-apl-mode interactive buffer. To toggle keyboard help, call M-x gnu-apl-show-keyboard (C-c C-k by default). APL symbols are bound to the standard keys with the Super key. You can also activate the APL-Z input method (M-x toggle-input-method or C-\) which allows you to input APL symbols by prefixing the key with a "." (period). There are several customisation options that can be set. Click the link or run M-x customize-group RET gnu-apl to set up. To disable this message, set gnu-apl-show-tips-on-start to nil. Network listener started. Connection information: mode:tcp addr:39193 )load 1 dom3 )LOAD dom3 (file /home/dalyw/workspaces/dom3) failed: No such file or directory ⍞←t1←dom∆createElement 'wld' VALUE ERROR ⍞←t1←dom∆createElement 'wld' ^ )fns dom∆cr )load 1 dom3 WARNING: File pipe-to_client still open - closing it DUMPED 2019-07-30 17:40:05 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 10:10:17 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 09:54:34 (GMT-4) ⍞←t1←dom∆createElement 'wld' nodeName wld nodeValue nodeType 1 attributes )fns dom∆node dom∆nodeList∆appendNode dom∆nodeList∆item dom∆nodeList∆length dom∆node∆appendChild dom∆node∆attributes dom∆node∆children dom∆node∆getChild dom∆node∆getChildren dom∆node∆hasChildren dom∆node∆nodeName dom∆node∆nodeType dom∆node∆nodeValue dom∆node∆ownerDocument dom∆node∆predicate dom∆node∆prependChild dom∆node∆setAttribute dom∆node∆setChildren dom∆node∆setNodeName dom∆node∆setNodeType dom∆node∆setNodeValue dom∆node∆setOwenerDocument dom∆node∆toxml )load 1 dom3 DUMPED 2019-07-31 08:36:12 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 10:10:17 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 09:54:34 (GMT-4) )copy 1 utf8 DUMPED 2019-06-17 10:26:55 (GMT-4) t1←utf8∆read 'test_data/manual.html' t2←dom∆parse t1 ⍞←dom∆node∆toxml t2 LENGTH ERROR utl∆stringEquals[3] b←∧/(l↑str1)=l↑str2 ^ ^ )si utl∆stringEquals[3] dom∆node∆toxml[12] μ-Z__LO_EACH_B[2] dom∆node∆toxml[5] μ-Z__LO_EACH_B[2] dom∆node∆toxml[8] μ-Z__LO_EACH_B[2] dom∆node∆toxml[8] μ-Z__LO_EACH_B[2] dom∆node∆toxml[38] ⋆ str1 True dom∆attr∆predicate node SYNTAX ERROR dom∆attr∆predicate[2] →(∼b←dom∆node∆predicat ^ ^ → dom∆node∆predicate node 1 node nodeName nodeValue nodeName type nodeValue text/css nodeType 2 nodeType 2 1⊃node 2⊃node nodeName nodeValue nodeName type nodeValue text/css nodeType 2 nodeType 2 dom∆node∆nodeValue node VALUE ERROR dom∆nodeValue node ^ → dom∆node∆nodeValue node nodeName type nodeValue text/css nodeType 2 ⍴node 2 2 1⊃node RANK ERROR 2 1⊃node ^ ^ dom∆node∆predicate node 1 )si ⋆ utl∆stringEquals[3] dom∆node∆toxml[12] μ-Z__LO_EACH_B[2] dom∆node∆toxml[5] μ-Z__LO_EACH_B[2] dom∆node∆toxml[8] μ-Z__LO_EACH_B[2] dom∆node∆toxml[8] μ-Z__LO_EACH_B[2] dom∆node∆toxml[38] ⋆ )sic S∆dom∆node∆toxml←5 ⍞←dom∆node∆toxml t2 dom∆node∆toxml[5] ⍴dom∆node∆attributes node 0 )sic )clear CLEAR WS )load 1 dom3 DUMPED 2019-07-31 08:46:50 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 10:10:17 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 09:54:34 (GMT-4) )copy 1 utf8 DUMPED 2019-06-17 10:26:55 (GMT-4) t1←utf8∆read 'test_data/manual.html' t2←dom∆parse t1 ⍞←dom∆node∆toxml t2 VALUE ERROR dom∆node∆toxml[5] ⍎(dom∆node∆hasAttributes node) ^ )fns dom∆node dom∆nodeList∆appendNode dom∆nodeList∆item dom∆nodeList∆length dom∆node∆appendChild dom∆node∆assAttributes dom∆node∆attributes dom∆node∆children dom∆node∆getChild dom∆node∆getChildren dom∆node∆hasChildren dom∆node∆nodeName dom∆node∆nodeType dom∆node∆nodeValue dom∆node∆ownerDocument dom∆node∆predicate dom∆node∆prependChild dom∆node∆setAttribute dom∆node∆setChildren dom∆node∆setNodeName dom∆node∆setNodeType dom∆node∆setNodeValue dom∆node∆setOwenerDocument dom∆node∆toxml )sic )clear CLEAR WS )load 1 dom3 DUMPED 2019-07-31 08:48:27 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 10:10:17 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 09:54:34 (GMT-4) )copy 1 utf8 DUMPED 2019-06-17 10:26:55 (GMT-4) t1←utf8∆read 'test_data/manual.html' t2←dom∆parse t1 ⍞←dom∆node∆toxml t2 SYNTAX ERROR dom∆node∆hasAttributes[1] b←0≠dom∆node∆attribu ^ ^ utl∆helpFns 'dom∆node∆attributes' attrs←dom∆node∆attributes node ⍝ Function returns a vector of attributes )sic )clear CLEAR WS )load 1 dom3 DUMPED 2019-07-31 08:49:44 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 10:10:17 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 09:54:34 (GMT-4) )copy 1 utf8 DUMPED 2019-06-17 10:26:55 (GMT-4) t1←utf8∆read 'test_data/manual.html' t2←dom∆parse t1 ⍞←dom∆node∆toxml t2 LENGTH ERROR dom∆node∆toxml[5] ⍎(dom∆node∆hasAttributes node) ^ ^ (dom∆node∆hasAttributes node)/'xml←xml,dom∆node∆toxml ¨ dom∆node∆attributes node' LENGTH ERROR (dom∆node∆hasAttributes node)/'xml←xml,dom∆no ^ ^ dom∆node∆hasAttributes node )sic )clear CLEAR WS )load 1 dom3 DUMPED 2019-07-31 08:51:46 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 10:10:17 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 09:54:34 (GMT-4) )copy 1 utf8 DUMPED 2019-06-17 10:26:55 (GMT-4) t1←utf8∆read 'test_data/manual.html' t2←dom∆parse t1 ⍞←dom∆node∆toxml t2 LENGTH ERROR utl∆stringEquals[3] b←∧/(l↑str1)=l↑str2 ^ ^ )si utl∆stringEquals[3] dom∆node∆toxml[12] μ-Z__LO_EACH_B[2] ⋆⋆ dom∆node∆toxml[5] μ-Z__LO_EACH_B[2] dom∆node∆toxml[8] μ-Z__LO_EACH_B[2] dom∆node∆toxml[8] μ-Z__LO_EACH_B[2] dom∆node∆toxml[38] ⋆ str1 True str2 nodeName type nodeValue text/css nodeType 2 S∆dom∆node∆toxml←12 )sic Symbol is: 'elm' at ---------------------------------------- -- Stack trace at ---------------------------------------- 0x7FB65BD7C830 __libc_start_main 0x4519B5 main 0x5BA0F5 Workspace::immediate_execution(bool) 0x4AAC67 Command::process_line() 0x4AA893 Command::process_line(UCS_string&) 0x4A9DA1 Command::do_APL_command(std::ostream&, UCS_string&) 0x5BABEF Workspace::clear_SI(std::ostream&) 0x5B9F83 Workspace::pop_SI(char const*) 0x558554 StateIndicator::~StateIndicator() 0x5A40A0 UserFunction_header::pop_local_vars() const 0x568302 Symbol::pop() ======================================== Process apl finished This is the gnu-apl-mode interactive buffer. To toggle keyboard help, call M-x gnu-apl-show-keyboard (C-c C-k by default). APL symbols are bound to the standard keys with the Super key. You can also activate the APL-Z input method (M-x toggle-input-method or C-\) which allows you to input APL symbols by prefixing the key with a "." (period). There are several customisation options that can be set. Click the link or run M-x customize-group RET gnu-apl to set up. To disable this message, set gnu-apl-show-tips-on-start to nil. Network listener started. Connection information: mode:tcp addr:33243 )load 1 dom3 WARNING: File pipe-to_client still open - closing it DUMPED 2019-07-31 08:51:46 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 10:10:17 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 09:54:34 (GMT-4) )copy 1 utf8 DUMPED 2019-06-17 10:26:55 (GMT-4) t1←utf8∆read 'test_data/manual.html' t2←dom∆parse t1 ⍞←dom∆node∆toxml t2 LENGTH ERROR utl∆stringEquals[3] b←∧/(l↑str1)=l↑str2 ^ ^ )sic S∆dom∆node∆toxml←12 ⍞←dom∆node∆toxml t2 dom∆node∆toxml[12] ⍴dom∆node∆attributes node 0 →⎕lc LENGTH ERROR utl∆stringEquals[3] b←∧/(l↑str1)=l↑str2 ^ ^ )si utl∆stringEquals[3] dom∆node∆toxml[12] μ-Z__LO_EACH_B[2] ⋆⋆ dom∆node∆toxml[5] μ-Z__LO_EACH_B[2] dom∆node∆toxml[8] μ-Z__LO_EACH_B[2] dom∆node∆toxml[8] μ-Z__LO_EACH_B[2] dom∆node∆toxml[38] ⋆ )sic S∆dom∆node∆toxml←5 ⍞←dom∆node∆toxml t2 dom∆node∆toxml[5] dom∆node∆hasAttributes node 0 →⎕lc dom∆node∆toxml[5] dom∆node∆hasAttributes node 0 →⎕lc dom∆node∆toxml[5] dom∆node∆hasAttributes node 0 →⎕lc dom∆node∆toxml[5] dom∆node∆hasAttributes node 1 ⍞←dom∆node∆attributes node nodeName nodeName nodeName nodeValue nodeName type nodeValue nodeName rel nodeValue nodeName href nodeValue text/css nodeValue stylesheet nodeValue /DM-stylesheets/timothy.css nodeType 2 nodeType 2 nodeType 2 nodeType 2 nodeType 2 nodeType 2 t3←dom∆node∆attributes node ⍴t3 3 2⊃t3 nodeName nodeValue nodeName type nodeValue text/css nodeType 2 nodeType 2 2⊃t3 nodeName nodeValue nodeName rel nodeValue stylesheet nodeType 2 nodeType 2 )sic )clear CLEAR WS )fns dom∆parse )load 1 dom3 DUMPED 2019-07-31 08:51:46 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 10:10:17 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 09:54:34 (GMT-4) )fns dom∆parse dom∆parse dom∆parse∆attributes dom∆parse∆comment dom∆parse∆elementChildren dom∆parse∆nextAttr dom∆parse∆nextNode )fns dom∆n dom∆nodeList∆appendNode dom∆nodeList∆item dom∆nodeList∆length dom∆node∆appendChild dom∆node∆attributes dom∆node∆children dom∆node∆getChild dom∆node∆getChildren dom∆node∆hasAttributes dom∆node∆hasChildren dom∆node∆nodeName dom∆node∆nodeType dom∆node∆nodeValue dom∆node∆ownerDocument dom∆node∆predicate dom∆node∆prependChild dom∆node∆setAttribute dom∆node∆setChildren dom∆node∆setNodeName dom∆node∆setNodeType dom∆node∆setNodeValue dom∆node∆setOwenerDocument dom∆node∆toxml )clear CLEAR WS )load 1 dom3 DUMPED 2019-07-31 09:03:25 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 10:10:17 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 09:54:34 (GMT-4) )copy 1 utf8 DUMPED 2019-06-17 10:26:55 (GMT-4) t1←utf8∆read 'test_data/manual.html' t2←dom∆parse t1 SYNTAX ERROR dom∆attr∆predicate[2] →(∼b←dom∆node∆predicat ^ ^ )sic )clear CLEAR WS )load 1 dom3 DUMPED 2019-07-31 09:04:30 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 10:10:17 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 09:54:34 (GMT-4) )copy 1 utf8 DUMPED 2019-06-17 10:26:55 (GMT-4) )load 1 dom3 DUMPED 2019-07-31 09:05:07 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 10:10:17 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 09:54:34 (GMT-4) )copy 1 utf8 DUMPED 2019-06-17 10:26:55 (GMT-4) t1←utf8∆read 'test_data/manual.html' t2←dom∆parse t1 RARG NOT AN ATTRIBUTE dom∆parse∆nextAttr ^ item VALUE ERROR item ^ )sic S∆dom∆node∆setAttribute←1 t2←dom∆parse t1 dom∆node∆setAttribute[1] item nodeName class nodeValue first nodeType 2 dom∆attr∆predicate item 1 )sic )clear CLEAR WS )load 1 dom3 DUMPED 2019-07-31 09:07:59 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 10:10:17 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 09:54:34 (GMT-4) )copy 1 utf8 DUMPED 2019-06-17 10:26:55 (GMT-4) t1←utf8∆read 'test_data/manual.html' t2←dom∆parse t1 VALUE ERROR dom∆node∆setAttribute[3] attr←attr dom∆nodeList∆ ^ )fns dom∆nodeList∆ dom∆nodeList∆appendNode dom∆nodeList∆item dom∆nodeList∆length item nodeName class nodeValue first nodeType 2 (dom∆node∆attributes node) dom∆nodeList∆appendNode item 0 (dom∆node∆attributes node) dom∆nodeList∆appendNode item attr dom∆nodeList∆appendNode item )sic )clear CLEAR WS )load 1 dom3 DUMPED 2019-07-31 11:17:47 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 10:10:17 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 09:54:34 (GMT-4) )copy 1 utf8 DUMPED 2019-06-17 10:26:55 (GMT-4) t1←utf8∆read 'test_data/manual.html' t2←dom∆parse t1 RANK ERROR lex∆assign[8] keyShape←⍴keys←⊃nx[;1] ^ ^ )si lex∆assign[8] dom∆node∆setAttribute[4] dom∆parse∆nextAttr[8] dom∆parse∆attributes[4] dom∆parse∆nextNode[46] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[50] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[37] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[50] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[50] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[37] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[50] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[37] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[50] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[37] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[37] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[50] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[37] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[50] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[37] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[50] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[37] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[50] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[37] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[19] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[37] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[50] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[37] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[50] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[37] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[37] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[37] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[25] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[31] dom∆parse[3] ⋆ )sic )clear CLEAR WS )load 1 dom3 DUMPED 2019-07-31 11:17:47 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 10:10:17 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 09:54:34 (GMT-4) )copy 1 utf8 DUMPED 2019-06-17 10:26:55 (GMT-4) t1←utf8∆read 'test_data/manual.html' t2←dom∆parse t1 RANK ERROR lex∆assign[8] keyShape←⍴keys←⊃nx[;1] ^ ^ )si lex∆assign[8] dom∆node∆setAttribute[4] dom∆parse∆nextAttr[8] dom∆parse∆attributes[4] dom∆parse∆nextNode[46] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[50] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[37] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[50] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[50] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[37] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[50] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[37] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[50] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[37] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[37] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[50] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[37] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[50] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[37] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[50] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[37] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[50] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[37] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[19] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[37] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[50] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[37] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[50] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[37] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[37] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[37] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[25] dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] dom∆parse∆nextNode[31] dom∆parse[3] ⋆ node nodeName #text# nodeName p nodeValue Documents are stored by Timothy in categories (or folders),and any categor y may contain more categories. Each category yields a tree, on which each subcategory is a branch and each document a leaf. A document has a name. However, it is identified by the list of each category you must traverse t o reach the document, with the last item on the list as the document name. This list is called the path, and it is written as one long string with a slash between each branch. Thus this document is: nodeValue nodeType 3 nodeType 1 attributes dom∆node∆predicate node 1 sic VALUE ERROR sic ^ )sic )clear CLEAR WS )load 1 dom3 DUMPED 2019-07-31 11:41:29 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 10:10:17 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 09:54:34 (GMT-4) )copy 1 utf8 DUMPED 2019-06-17 10:26:55 (GMT-4) t1←utf8∆read 'test_data/manual.html' t2←dom∆parse t1 ⍞←dom∆node∆toxml t2 Timothy Document Manager Manual


Timothy is a cloud based file archive designed to document your work. It is a world wide web browser based application where you can upload and organize your files. Timothy stores your file in a hierarchy of categories similiar to a disk drive.

Timothy stores your file with information about your file which explains what it is and how it fits. Users make better filing decisions with this information available.

This manual covers:

Basic Operation

Documents are stored by Timothy in categories (or folders),and any category may contain more categories. Each category yields a tree, on which each subcategory is a branch and each document a leaf. A document has a name. However, it is identified by the list of each category you must traverse to reach the document, with the last item on the list as the document name. This list is called the path, and it is written as one long string with a slash between each branch. Thus this document is:

dom∆node∆nodeName ¨ 1⊃t2 VALUE ERROR dom∆node∆name¨1⊃t2 ^ dom∆node∆nodeName ¨ 1 4 1⊃t2 xml html #text# html dom∆node∆nodeName ¨ 1 4 1 2 1⊃t2 #text# head #text# body #text# dom∆node∆nodeName ¨ 1 4 1 2 1⊃t2 #text# title #text# link #text# utl∆execTime 't2←dom∆parse t1' 56 utl∆execTime 't2←dom∆parse t1' 55 utl∆execTime 't2←dom∆parse t1' 55 )load 1 dom DUMPED 2019-07-14 12:50:37 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 10:10:17 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 09:54:34 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-06-27 12:38:53 (GMT-4) )copy 1 utf8 DUMPED 2019-06-17 10:26:55 (GMT-4) t1←utf8∆read 'test_data/manual.html' utl∆execTime 't2←dom∆parse t1' 68 utl∆execTime 't2←dom∆parse t1' 59 utl∆execTime 't2←dom∆parse t1' 58 utl∆execTime 't2←dom∆parse t1' 63 utl∆execTime 't2←dom∆parse t1' 61 utf∆read 'test_data/2018-all.resume' VALUE ERROR t1←utf∆read 'test_data/2018-all.resume' ^ t1←utf8∆read 'test_data/2018-all.resume' VALUE ERROR utf∆read 'test_data/2018-all.resume' ^ t1←utf8∆read 'test_data/2018-all.resume' utl∆execTime 't2←dom∆parse t1' 1845 utl∆execTime 't2←dom∆parse t1' 1595 utl∆execTime 't2←dom∆parse t1' 1598 utl∆execTime 't2←dom∆parse t1' 1606 )load 1 dom3 DUMPED 2019-07-31 11:41:29 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 10:10:17 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 09:54:34 (GMT-4) )copy 1 utf8 DUMPED 2019-06-17 10:26:55 (GMT-4) t1←utf8∆read 'test_data/2018-all.resume' utl∆execTime 't2←dom∆parse t1' 1447 utl∆execTime 't2←dom∆parse t1' 1470 utl∆execTime 't2←dom∆parse t1' 1477 t1←utf8∆read '/home/dalyw/workspaces/apache_log.xml' t2←dom∆parse t1 WS FULL+ dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] newNodes←newNodes dom∆parse ^ ^ )wsid IS 1 dom3 t3←utf8∆read '/home/dalyw/odf/RequiemTheDoor/content.xml' VALUE ERROR t3←ujtf8∆read '/home/dalyw/odf/RequiemTheDoor/con ^ t3←utf8∆read '/home/dalyw/odf/RequiemTheDoor/content.xml' t4←dom∆parse t3 WS FULL+ dom∆parse∆nextNode[12] newNodes←newNodes dom∆parse ^ ^ )clear CLEAR WS )load 1 dom3 DUMPED 2019-07-31 11:41:29 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 10:10:17 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 09:54:34 (GMT-4) )load 1 utf8 DUMPED 2019-06-17 10:26:55 (GMT-4) t3←utf8∆read '/home/dalyw/odf/RequiemTheDoor/content.xml' VALUE ERROR utf8∆read[2] utl∆es(0>fh←'r' ⎕FIO[3]fname)/fname,' ^ )sic )load 1 dom3 WARNING: File /home/dalyw/odf/RequiemTheDoor/content.xml still open - closing it DUMPED 2019-07-31 11:41:29 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 10:10:17 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 09:54:34 (GMT-4) )copy 1 utf8 DUMPED 2019-06-17 10:26:55 (GMT-4) t3←utf8∆read '/home/dalyw/odf/RequiemTheDoor/content.xml' t4←dom∆parse t3 INDEX ERROR dom∆parse∆nextAttr[7] curAttr←curAttr dom∆node∆s ^ ^ )load 1 utf8 DUMPED 2019-07-31 13:03:49 (GMT-4) DUMPED 2019-07-01 10:10:17 (GMT-4) t3←utf8∆read '/home/dalyw/odf/RequiemTheDoor/content.xml'