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Re: Standard way to compute a Mandelbrot fractal in APL

From: Kacper Gutowski
Subject: Re: Standard way to compute a Mandelbrot fractal in APL
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2020 10:44:33 +0200

On Mon, Sep 21, 2020 at 01:17:18PM +0800, Elias Mårtenson wrote:
What is the neatest way to compute a Mandelbrot fractal in APL? The fact
that you have to break out of the loop as soon as the absolute value of Z
is >2 makes it a bit ugly. Is there a neater way to do this?

This is what I came up with that works in GNU APL:

" #"[⌊0.5+50÷⍨ { (n ⊣ {(x+⍵×⍵) ⊣ n←n+1}⍣{(2<|⍺) ∨ n≥50} n←0) ⊣ x←⍵ }¨
(0J1×r) ∘.+ r←¯2+25÷⍨⍳100]

If you wanted to use different colors for different number of iterations before it escapes 2≥| disc, my only suggestion would be to get rid of each which makes it slow. But since you only need one fixed threshold, I would do it like that:

      rr←(0J1×r) ∘.+ r←¯2+25÷⍨⍳100
      " #"[⎕IO+ 2≥| {⍺+×⍨⍵⊣((2<|,⍵)/,⍵)←2}⍣23⍨ rr]

(⍣23 instead of 25 because I start from ⍺ rather than from 0.)
Notably, if you use ⋆ with real right argument instead of ×, GNU APL has a bug where it returns infinity instead of a domain error, so you don't need to check for it ;)

      " #"[⎕IO+ 2≥| {⍺+⍵⋆2}⍣23⍨ rr]

/cc Jürgen:

      x⋆2    ⍝ should be a domain error
      x⋆2J0  ⍝ like it is here


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