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Re: Structured Variable Assignment - )more

From: Dr . Jürgen Sauermann
Subject: Re: Structured Variable Assignment - )more
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2020 11:46:49 +0100
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Hi Hans-Peter,

see details below, but before that let me explain what happens here.

Structured variables in GNU APL are implemented as a tree of nested APL
values. The root of the tree is a variable "owned" by the user. The leafs of the tree
are APL values that are also "owned" by the user, but all the rest of the tree is
"owned" (managed) by APL.

For this scheme to work it is essential that the part of the tree which is "owned" by
APL is always in a consistent state. If we would allow the user to modify the inner
nodes of the tree, then every (write-) access would need to be checked as to
whether the internal structure of the tree would remain consistent or not.

Currently GNU APL rejectes ALL such write accesses, except for overriding the
entire tree (A←new-value) and overriding the leafs (leaf A.b.c←new-value).

That is, you are allowed iread all parts of the tree and to modify the parts of the tree
that you own but not the parts of the tree that you do not own.
As a consequence, everything that potentially modifies the inner nodes of the tree,
in particular indexed assignment and selective specification, is being rejected.

In theory it would be possible to allow more write accesses, but then, for example,
selective specification would require that every APL function that can be used in
selective specification (including defined functions) would need to become aware
of the rules that define the consistency of the tree. That is almost impossible in
practice (and a lot of work) without an obvious beenefit. t would also impact
performance. I therefore decided to choose rules that are considerably simpler but
 but slightly more restrictive than theoretically needed.

Best Regards,

On 12/16/20 1:16 PM, Hans-Peter Sorge wrote:
Hi Jürgen,

Concerning the erasure of a variable, other language have such functionality too.
Like "unset VAR" or "VAR=", by that ignoring variable content.
Even ⎕EX does not care.

Protecting names is done by )PCOPY. or ⍫, though locking a function renders it unreadable.

And as I mentioned, when using structured variables the sequence
      A ← 2
will ⎕EX 'A.B'. The name-tree is not being protected:

For the reasons explained above. When you erase an entire tree, then there is
no longer a need to maintain its internal consistency.
To protect variables against erasure/changes, functionality should be implemented on a common level.
eg.  Quad Protect Variable -> ⎕PV

Is that ⎕PV something existing or did you make it up? I suppose my explanation in a previous email
might have been a little misleading. When I said an innernal node should not be overridden my
concern was not so much loss of data by an override bu rather an inconsistent state as a result. If you
subject a variable tree to the full power of all APL functions, then you could do rather dirty tricks
with it (for example temporarily hiding subtrees and making them visible again later on). This would
be  Pandora's Box that you cannot close once you open it.

 ⎕PV 'name'
⍝ name is unprotected.

1 ⎕PV 'name'
  ⎕EX 'name'
⍝ name is protected against erasure

2 ⎕PV 'name'
name ← 'new data'
name ← 'new data'
⍝ name is protected against modification

0 ⎕PV 'name'
⍝ unprotect name

I have to apologize for my endless train of ideas.
Working 45 years with APL, I have 45 years worth of ideas on my mind :-)

Best Regards

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