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Re: DALY SUBDIRS in makefile

From: Peter Teeson
Subject: Re: DALY SUBDIRS in makefile
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2022 15:41:54 -0400

What is your operating system?

On Oct 30, 2022, at 11:22 PM, Peri Didaskalou <pfd@torfree.net> wrote:


Today I tried configuring and making GNU APL both via github and subversion.

Either way configure kept getting stuck on not finding the DALY subdirs under /doc /wslib3 and /wslib5, at least.
I managed to get configured after editing the paths in configure, but then make obviously ran into the same issue.

I'm sorry I didn't try editing the makefiles of those sans-DALY-subdirs DIRs, mostly out of ignorance and inexperience with creating these.
I also didn't feel like like joining the debug mailing list just yet, just for this.  I did search for DALY and SUBDIRS in the bug-apl archives.
I didn't find a discussion about this.

Anyhow, hances are by the time someone reads this, the issue will be fixed.

Peri Didaskalou

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