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From: Dr . Mahmoud Sa'id
Subject: MS
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 14:01:25 -1200

My names are Dr. Mahmoud Sa'id. I am an Iraqi indigene. I am presently a member 
of the Iraq Project and Contracting Office (PCO) formerly known as the Program 
Management Office (PMO) in Iraq. The responsibility of this said committee as 
it is declared on section 3 (1) (Contracting Authority) of the Coalition 
Provisional Authority Order Number 87 (CPA/ORD/14 May 2004/87), states 
that;"The authority to obligate government funds, award and sign government 
public contracts, enter into and authorize material modifications to such 
contracts, and authorize the payment of invoices and claims, shall rest solely 
with a qualified government agency or a committee within each governmental unit 
or agency, duly appointed under the authority of this Order".

As members of this committee, my colleagues and I have until recently watched 
with astonishment how our aforementioned responsibility (mainly choice of 
contractor) has been greatly influenced by United States government officials 
on the committee. The latter has been very influential on "Who" gets "What", as 
it concerns large value contracts. These are by and large contracts whose value 
exceeds twenty million United States Dollars ($20m). Contracts with lesser 
value, they have habitually left to us to oversee in accordance with the laid 
down regulations governing contract matters.

My colleagues and I after much 'brainstorming' have discovered a means through 
which we can make some money. In our most recent processing of contract 
tenders, we awarded two (2) contracts totaling nearly thirty million ($30m). 
These said contracts; we have listed on the CPA-CA Register of Awards. Once a 
'Request For Proposal' (RFP) on a project has been developed, it is evidenced 
as being identified in a 'contract capacity', by listing it in the CPA-CA 
Register of Award. A contractor is at the right time allocated to execute the 
job. By next week, it would be time to allocate contractors to these two 
aforementioned contracts amongst others. This is the reason why I am contacting 
you. We are seeking a bona-fide individual, whom we can negotiate with to 
'fill' this key opening (the contractor).

This is our intention for you;
The role would be for you to nominate a company for us to 'fill-in' as the 
beneficiary contractor. You have to of course own controlling 'shares' in your 
nominated company. As soon as the contractor list is published, you would 
in-turn elect to sell the said contract title to a major contractor vast in 
Iraqi contracts. We already have a contractor whom we are familiar with, that 
can buy the said contract title from you. You might ask why we are not just 
going ahead to list this said major contractor as the awardee.

As it concerns Iraqi contracts, there is an extent to which one contracting 
firm can be directly awarded several contracts in the same dispensation. Our 
nominee is a major player in contracts in Iraq. Based on the extent of 
contracts he is handling in Iraq, though he has the capacity to handle more, he 
cannot be awarded more jobs directly. He can now only afford to buy contract 
titles from those whom have won the right to execute these contracts. The 
buying of contract titles in Iraq is a common occurrence these days. A lot of 
the contract beneficiaries in Iraq decide to sell to other major contractors 
due to the security/safety concerns prevalent here. The fear of kidnapping 
mostly does not allow them to execute the contracts themselves.

Following negotiations with our nominee contractor, whom would buy the contract 
title in your name, you stand to benefit to the tune of at least Two Million 
United States Dollars ($2m). This is achievable within a time frame of twenty 
(20) working days. Take note that we have perfectly rehearsed the entire 
process to achieve our objective. You only have to signify your interest to 
make money with us, to enable us furnish you with the nitty-gritty of the 
entire process. Also take note that this transaction is entirely risk-free. You 
do not have to set 'foot' in Iraq.

Due to the system of governance in Iraq, transparency and accountability is 
assured. All contract data is clearly published on Iraqi government websites. 
You would this way, be able to monitor very vital aspects of this transaction.

My colleagues and I await your response to enable our further action. You can 
respond through address@hidden             

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