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Re: auto-inserting COPYING

From: Peter Johansson
Subject: Re: auto-inserting COPYING
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 21:24:18 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20081105)

Hi Karl,

Karl Berry wrote:
I just learned that in some circumstances automake will insert a COPYING
file if it's missing (albeit with a warning), e.g., at make dist?  (I
didn't look into the precise details.)
This is a very old feature and according to NEWS it was actually deprecated in version 1.8.

I expect there's probably been plenty of discussion about it that I'm
unaware of, but to my naive eyes, this is simply a mistake.  It seems to
me that the license file of whatever sort should always be included in
the sources: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#WhyMustIInclude.

Having automake insert it tempts people to treat it as an auto-generated
I believe many people got aware of the problem after automake was upgraded to insert GPLv3 rather than GPLv2 as before, which meant that which file that was "auto-generated" depended on which version of automake that was used.

If there are significant arguments for auto-inclusion of COPYING, we
should probably ask rms about it explicitly.  Unless he's already given
his blessing, in which case forget this whole thing.

Yes this has been discussed before. See for example this thread
in which rms shares his thoughts on the matter.

Seems like the conclusion of this discussion was to add a warning when a COPYING was inserted


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