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bug#10866: 1.11a OSX with llvm - 3 fails, 47 skips, 3 errors, out of 285

From: P. Martin
Subject: bug#10866: 1.11a OSX with llvm - 3 fails, 47 skips, 3 errors, out of 2856 tests
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 21:45:00 +0000 (GMT)

>On Feb 29, 2012, Stefano Lattarini <address@hidden> wrote: 
> ...
> Thanks for the confirmation.  The attached patch should fix this issue.
> I will wait a couple of days before pushing, in case you want to give
> it a try.
> Thanks,
>  Stefano

The 0001-self-checks-relax-tests-on-cleanup.patch was a success.
I solved another fail which was caused by an old bison-2.3.

FAIL: distcheck-override-infodir.test

I say that because I debugged it a bit and noticed mine was
from 2006.  I installed the latest bison-2.5, and it worked.
I also saw a test (maybe that one) was calling for a missing
makeinfo.  Again mine was old.  So I upgraded texinfo
and defined MAKEINFO in my environment.  Then I got a new
test fail.  So hooray, yes.

Today I attached new results, and I'd like to report:
3 fails, 27 skips, 1 error, out of 2910 tests using llvm-gcc

FAIL: java-uninstall.test
FAIL: vala-mix2.test
FAIL: txinfo30.test

vala2: skipped test: configure failure
vala3: skipped test: configure failure
vala5: skipped test: pkg-config m4 macros not found

and I am currently using this as my test rig:

8gb iMac core i5
64bit osx lion 10.7.3
llvm-gcc-4.2.1 (build 5658 llvm build 2336.9)
autoconf 2.68
automake 1.11a (525f16c)
bison 2.5
cscope 15.7a
deja-gnu 1.5
docutils 0.9 (repo)
gawk 4.0.0
gfortran 4.2.1 (build 5666)
glib 2.30.2
gnu-sed 4.2.1
help2man 1.40.6
libffi 3.0.10
libtool 2.4.2
lzip 1.12
lzlib 1.2
m4 1.4.16
pkg-config 0.25
perl 5.12.3
python 2.7.2
texinfo 4.13a
vala 0.15.2
xz 5.0.3

Thanks for all your help.

Attachment: test-suite.log
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