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bug#18734: [PATCH] vala: Improper parsing of valac arguments leads to ga

From: Colomban Wendling
Subject: bug#18734: [PATCH] vala: Improper parsing of valac arguments leads to garbage in DIST_COMMON
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 17:17:00 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Icedove/31.1.2


The parsing of valac flags is too permissive and incorrectly matches
some input, possibly leading to garbage in DIST_COMMON -- and then,
build failures.

The problem is that parsing of valac flags uses a non-anchored pattern
and so any argument happening to be a subset of a parsed argument will
match it, e.g. `vapi` will match against `--vapi` or `--internal-vapi`.

E.g. when using the following:

        something_VALAFLAGS = --vapidir vapi --pkg foo

`--pkg` is recognized as an interesting argument (and so, added to
`DIST_COMMON`) because `vapi` (the argument for `--vapidir`) matched
against `--vapi`.

Please find attached a patch fixing the issue.


Attachment: 0001-vala-Fix-parsing-valac-flags.patch
Description: Text Data

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