GNU Automake 1.16.2: ./test-suite.log
# TOTAL: 2915
# PASS: 2779
# SKIP: 96
# XFAIL: 39
# FAIL: 1
# XPASS: 0
# ERROR: 0
.. contents:: :depth: 2
SKIP: t/get-sysconf
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: none
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ st=0
+ test -d /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/.git
+ test -f /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/ChangeLog
+ awk
BEGIN { first = 1 }
(first == 1) { print; first = 0; next; }
/^[^\t]/ { exit(0); }
{ print }
2020-03-16 Jim Meyering
version 1.16.2
* configure.ac (AC_INIT): Bump version number to 1.16.2.
* m4/amversion.m4: Likewise (auto-updated by "make bootstrap").
* NEWS: Record release version.
+ /usr/bin/perl -V
Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 24 subversion 1) configuration:
osname=linux, osvers=3.16.0, archname=x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi
uname='linux localhost 3.16.0 #1 smp debian 3.16.0 x86_64 gnulinux '
config_args='-Dusethreads -Duselargefiles -Dcc=x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc -Dcpp=x86_64-linux-gnu-cpp -Dld=x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc -Dccflags=-DDEBIAN -Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -g -O2 -fdebug-prefix-map=/build/perl-mBlkB0/perl-5.24.1=. -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Dldflags= -Wl,-z,relro -Dlddlflags=-shared -Wl,-z,relro -Dcccdlflags=-fPIC -Darchname=x86_64-linux-gnu -Dprefix=/usr -Dprivlib=/usr/share/perl/5.24 -Darchlib=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.24 -Dvendorprefix=/usr -Dvendorlib=/usr/share/perl5 -Dvendorarch=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.24 -Dsiteprefix=/usr/local -Dsitelib=/usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1 -Dsitearch=/usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.24.1 -Dman1dir=/usr/share/man/man1 -Dman3dir=/usr/share/man/man3 -Dsiteman1dir=/usr/local/man/man1 -Dsiteman3dir=/usr/local/man/man3 -Dusesitecustomize -Duse64bitint -Dman1ext=1 -Dman3ext=3perl -Dpager=/usr/bin/sensible-pager -Uafs -Ud_csh -Ud_ualarm -Uusesfio -Uusenm -Ui_libutil -Uversiononly -DDEBUGGING=-g -Doptimize=-O2 -dEs -Duseshrplib -Dlibperl=libperl.so.5.24.1'
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
useithreads=define, usemultiplicity=define
use64bitint=define, use64bitall=define, uselongdouble=undef
usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
cc='x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc', ccflags ='-D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DDEBIAN -fwrapv -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64',
optimize='-O2 -g',
cppflags='-D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DDEBIAN -fwrapv -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/usr/local/include'
ccversion='', gccversion='6.3.0 20170516', gccosandvers=''
intsize=4, longsize=8, ptrsize=8, doublesize=8, byteorder=12345678, doublekind=3
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=16, longdblkind=3
ivtype='long', ivsize=8, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t', lseeksize=8
alignbytes=8, prototype=define
Linker and Libraries:
ld='x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc', ldflags =' -fstack-protector-strong -L/usr/local/lib'
libpth=/usr/local/lib /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6/include-fixed /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/lib /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /lib/../lib /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/lib/../lib /lib
libs=-lgdbm -lgdbm_compat -ldb -ldl -lm -lpthread -lc -lcrypt
perllibs=-ldl -lm -lpthread -lc -lcrypt
libc=libc-2.24.so, so=so, useshrplib=true, libperl=libperl.so.5.24
Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags='-Wl,-E'
cccdlflags='-fPIC', lddlflags='-shared -L/usr/local/lib -fstack-protector-strong'
Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):
Locally applied patches:
DEBPKG:debian/cpan_definstalldirs - Provide a sensible INSTALLDIRS default for modules installed from CPAN.
DEBPKG:debian/db_file_ver - https://bugs.debian.org/340047 Remove overly restrictive DB_File version check.
DEBPKG:debian/doc_info - Replace generic man(1) instructions with Debian-specific information.
DEBPKG:debian/enc2xs_inc - https://bugs.debian.org/290336 Tweak enc2xs to follow symlinks and ignore missing @INC directories.
DEBPKG:debian/errno_ver - https://bugs.debian.org/343351 Remove Errno version check due to upgrade problems with long-running processes.
DEBPKG:debian/libperl_embed_doc - https://bugs.debian.org/186778 Note that libperl-dev package is required for embedded linking
DEBPKG:fixes/respect_umask - Respect umask during installation
DEBPKG:debian/writable_site_dirs - Set umask approproately for site install directories
DEBPKG:debian/extutils_set_libperl_path - EU:MM: set location of libperl.a under /usr/lib
DEBPKG:debian/no_packlist_perllocal - Don't install .packlist or perllocal.pod for perl or vendor
DEBPKG:debian/fakeroot - Postpone LD_LIBRARY_PATH evaluation to the binary targets.
DEBPKG:debian/instmodsh_doc - Debian policy doesn't install .packlist files for core or vendor.
DEBPKG:debian/ld_run_path - Remove standard libs from LD_RUN_PATH as per Debian policy.
DEBPKG:debian/libnet_config_path - Set location of libnet.cfg to /etc/perl/Net as /usr may not be writable.
DEBPKG:debian/mod_paths - Tweak @INC ordering for Debian
DEBPKG:debian/prune_libs - https://bugs.debian.org/128355 Prune the list of libraries wanted to what we actually need.
DEBPKG:fixes/net_smtp_docs - [rt.cpan.org #36038] https://bugs.debian.org/100195 Document the Net::SMTP 'Port' option
DEBPKG:debian/perlivp - https://bugs.debian.org/510895 Make perlivp skip include directories in /usr/local
DEBPKG:debian/deprecate-with-apt - https://bugs.debian.org/747628 Point users to Debian packages of deprecated core modules
DEBPKG:debian/squelch-locale-warnings - https://bugs.debian.org/508764 Squelch locale warnings in Debian package maintainer scripts
DEBPKG:debian/skip-upstream-git-tests - Skip tests specific to the upstream Git repository
DEBPKG:debian/patchlevel - https://bugs.debian.org/567489 List packaged patches for 5.24.1-3+deb9u6 in patchlevel.h
DEBPKG:debian/skip-kfreebsd-crash - https://bugs.debian.org/628493 [perl #96272] Skip a crashing test case in t/op/threads.t on GNU/kFreeBSD
DEBPKG:fixes/document_makemaker_ccflags - https://bugs.debian.org/628522 [rt.cpan.org #68613] Document that CCFLAGS should include $Config{ccflags}
DEBPKG:debian/find_html2text - https://bugs.debian.org/640479 Configure CPAN::Distribution with correct name of html2text
DEBPKG:debian/perl5db-x-terminal-emulator.patch - https://bugs.debian.org/668490 Invoke x-terminal-emulator rather than xterm in perl5db.pl
DEBPKG:debian/cpan-missing-site-dirs - https://bugs.debian.org/688842 Fix CPAN::FirstTime defaults with nonexisting site dirs if a parent is writable
DEBPKG:fixes/memoize_storable_nstore - [rt.cpan.org #77790] https://bugs.debian.org/587650 Memoize::Storable: respect 'nstore' option not respected
DEBPKG:debian/regen-skip - Skip a regeneration check in unrelated git repositories
DEBPKG:debian/makemaker-pasthru - https://bugs.debian.org/758471 Pass LD settings through to subdirectories
DEBPKG:debian/makemaker-manext - https://bugs.debian.org/247370 Make EU::MakeMaker honour MANnEXT settings in generated manpage headers
DEBPKG:debian/devel-ppport-reproducibility - https://bugs.debian.org/801523 Sort the list of XS code files when generating RealPPPort.xs
DEBPKG:debian/encode-unicode-bom-doc - https://bugs.debian.org/798727 Document Debian backport of Encode::Unicode fix
DEBPKG:debian/kfreebsd-softupdates - https://bugs.debian.org/796798 Work around Debian Bug#796798
DEBPKG:fixes/autodie-scope - https://bugs.debian.org/798096 Fix a scoping issue with "no autodie" and the "system" sub
DEBPKG:fixes/crosscompile-no-targethost - [23695c0] [perl #127234] Fix the Configure escape with usecrosscompile but no targethost
DEBPKG:fixes/memoize-pod - [rt.cpan.org #89441] Fix POD errors in Memoize
DEBPKG:fixes/ok-pod - Added encoding for pod.
DEBPKG:debian/hurd-softupdates - https://bugs.debian.org/822735 Fix t/op/stat.t failures on hurd
DEBPKG:fixes/nntp_docs - https://bugs.debian.org/51962 Net::NNTP: Correct innd/nnrpd confusion in relation to Reader option
DEBPKG:fixes/math_complex_doc_great_circle - https://bugs.debian.org/697567 [rt.cpan.org #114104] Math::Trig: clarify definition of great_circle_midpoint
DEBPKG:fixes/math_complex_doc_see_also - https://bugs.debian.org/697568 [rt.cpan.org #114105] Math::Trig: add missing SEE ALSO
DEBPKG:fixes/math_complex_doc_angle_units - https://bugs.debian.org/731505 [rt.cpan.org #114106] Math::Trig: document angle units
DEBPKG:fixes/cpan_web_link - https://bugs.debian.org/367291 CPAN: Add link to main CPAN web site
DEBPKG:fixes/time_piece_doc - https://bugs.debian.org/817925 Time::Piece: Improve documentation for add_months and add_years
DEBPKG:fixes/perlbug-refactor - https://bugs.debian.org/822463 [perl #128020] perlbug: Refactor duplicated file reading code
DEBPKG:fixes/perlbug-linewrap - https://bugs.debian.org/822463 [perl #128020] perlbug: wrap overly long lines
DEBPKG:fixes/hurd_sigaction - https://bugs.debian.org/825016 [d54f4ed] ext/POSIX/t/sigaction.t: Skip uid and pid tests on GNU/Hurd
DEBPKG:fixes/hurd_hints - [4694301] https://bugs.debian.org/825020 [perl #128279] Modify hints for Hurd per Debian ticket 825020.
DEBPKG:fixes/extutils-parsexs-reproducibility - [perl #128517] https://bugs.debian.org/829296 Make the output of ExtUtils::ParseXS reproducible
DEBPKG:debian/CVE-2016-1238/sitecustomize-in-etc - Look for sitecustomize.pl in /etc/perl rather than sitelib on Debian systems
DEBPKG:debian/CVE-2016-1238/test-suite-without-dot - [perl #127810] Patch unit tests to explicitly insert "." into @INC when needed.
DEBPKG:debian/CVE-2016-1238/eumm-without-dot - [perl #127810] Add PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC support to EU::MM for fortify_inc support.
DEBPKG:debian/CVE-2016-1238/cpan-without-dot - [perl #127810] Set PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC for cpan usage
DEBPKG:debian/document_inc_removal - Document in perlvar that we remove '.' from @INC by default
DEBPKG:fixes/extutils_makemaker_reproducible - https://bugs.debian.org/835815 https://bugs.debian.org/834190 Make perllocal.pod files reproducible
DEBPKG:debian/CVE-2016-1238/remove-inc-test - Remove test for '.' in @INC as it might not be
DEBPKG:fixes/file_path_hurd_errno - File-Path: Fix test failure in Hurd due to hard-coded ENOENT
DEBPKG:debian/hppa_op_optimize_workaround - https://bugs.debian.org/838613 Temporarily lower the optimization of op.c on hppa due to gcc-6 problems
DEBPKG:fixes/test-builder-warning - https://bugs.debian.org/840968 Silence a 'used only once' warning in Test::Builder
DEBPKG:fixes/longdblinf-randomness - [dd68853] [perl #130133] https://bugs.debian.org/844752 Configure: fix garbage filtering with 80-bit long doubles
DEBPKG:debian/installman-utf8 - https://bugs.debian.org/840211 Generate man pages with UTF-8 characters
DEBPKG:fixes/list_assign_leak - [1050723] [perl #130766] https://bugs.debian.org/855064 avoid a leak in list assign from/to magic values
DEBPKG:fixes/perlfunc_inc_doc - [a03e9f8] https://bugs.debian.org/839536 [perl #130832] Documentation fixes for '.' possibly no longer being in @INC
DEBPKG:fixes/file_path_chmod_race - https://bugs.debian.org/863870 [rt.cpan.org #121951] Prevent directory chmod race attack.
DEBPKG:fixes/extutils_file_path_compat - Correct the order of tests of chmod(). (#294)
DEBPKG:debian/customized - Update customized.dat for files patched in Debian
DEBPKG:fixes/getopt-long-1 - https://bugs.debian.org/855532 [rt.cpan.org #114999] Fix bug RT#114999
DEBPKG:fixes/getopt-long-2 - [rt.cpan.org #120300] Withdraw part of commit 5d9947fb445327c7299d8beb009d609bc70066c0, which tries to implement more GNU getopt_long campatibility. GNU
DEBPKG:fixes/getopt-long-3 - provide a default value for optional arguments
DEBPKG:fixes/getopt-long-4 - https://bugs.debian.org/864544 [rt.cpan.org #122068] Fix issue #122068.
DEBPKG:fixes/fbm-instr-crash - [bb152a4] [perl #131575] https://bugs.debian.org/864782 don't call Perl_fbm_instr() with negative length
DEBPKG:debian/CVE-2016-1238/base-pm-amends-pt2 - [1afa289] Limit dotless-INC effect on base.pm with guard:
DEBPKG:fixes/CVE-2017-12837 - https://bugs.debian.org/875596 [perl #131582] [f7e5417] regcomp [perl #131582]
DEBPKG:fixes/CVE-2017-12883 - https://bugs.debian.org/875597 [perl #131598] [40b3cda] PATCH: [perl #131598]
DEBPKG:fixes/CVE-2018-6797 - [perl #132227] (perl #132227) restart a node if we change to uni rules within the node and encounter a sharp S
DEBPKG:fixes/CVE-2018-6798/pt1 - [perl #132063] Heap buffer overflow
DEBPKG:fixes/CVE-2018-6798/pt2 - [perl #132063] v5.24.3: fix TRIE_READ_CHAR and DECL_TRIE_TYPE to account for non-utf8 target
DEBPKG:fixes/CVE-2018-6798/pt3 - [perl #132063] (perl #132063) we should no longer warn for this code
DEBPKG:fixes/CVE-2018-6913 - [perl #131844] (perl #131844) fix various space calculation issues in pp_pack.c
DEBPKG:fixes/CVE-2018-12015-Archive-Tar-directory-traversal - https://bugs.debian.org/900834 [rt.cpan.org #125523] Remove existing files before overwriting them
DEBPKG:fixes/CVE-2018-18311 - Perl_my_setenv(); handle integer wrap
DEBPKG:fixes/CVE-2018-18312 - for 5.26 maint
DEBPKG:fixes/CVE-2018-18313 - regcomp.c: Convert some strchr to memchr
DEBPKG:fixes/CVE-2018-18314 - fix #131649 - extended charclass can trigger assert
DEBPKG:fixes/time-local-2020 - https://bugs.debian.org/915209 [rt.cpan.org #124787] Fix Time::Local tests
Built under linux
Compiled at Jan 25 2020 17:54:54
+ /usr/bin/perl -e use TAP::Parser; print $TAP::Parser::VERSION, "\n"
+ lex --version
lex 2.6.1
+ lex --help
Usage: lex [OPTIONS] [FILE]...
Generates programs that perform pattern-matching on text.
Table Compression:
-Ca, --align trade off larger tables for better memory alignment
-Ce, --ecs construct equivalence classes
-Cf do not compress tables; use -f representation
-CF do not compress tables; use -F representation
-Cm, --meta-ecs construct meta-equivalence classes
-Cr, --read use read() instead of stdio for scanner input
-f, --full generate fast, large scanner. Same as -Cfr
-F, --fast use alternate table representation. Same as -CFr
-Cem default compression (same as --ecs --meta-ecs)
-d, --debug enable debug mode in scanner
-b, --backup write backing-up information to lex.backup
-p, --perf-report write performance report to stderr
-s, --nodefault suppress default rule to ECHO unmatched text
-T, --trace lex should run in trace mode
-w, --nowarn do not generate warnings
-v, --verbose write summary of scanner statistics to stdout
--hex use hexadecimal numbers instead of octal in debug outputs
-o, --outfile=FILE specify output filename
-S, --skel=FILE specify skeleton file
-t, --stdout write scanner on stdout instead of lex.yy.c
--yyclass=NAME name of C++ class
--header-file=FILE create a C header file in addition to the scanner
--tables-file[=FILE] write tables to FILE
Scanner behavior:
-7, --7bit generate 7-bit scanner
-8, --8bit generate 8-bit scanner
-B, --batch generate batch scanner (opposite of -I)
-i, --case-insensitive ignore case in patterns
-l, --lex-compat maximal compatibility with original lex
-X, --posix-compat maximal compatibility with POSIX lex
-I, --interactive generate interactive scanner (opposite of -B)
--yylineno track line count in yylineno
Generated code:
-+, --c++ generate C++ scanner class
-Dmacro[=defn] #define macro defn (default defn is '1')
-L, --noline suppress #line directives in scanner
-P, --prefix=STRING use STRING as prefix instead of "yy"
-R, --reentrant generate a reentrant C scanner
--bison-bridge scanner for bison pure parser.
--bison-locations include yylloc support.
--stdinit initialize yyin/yyout to stdin/stdout
--noansi-definitions old-style function definitions
--noansi-prototypes empty parameter list in prototypes
--nounistd do not include
--noFUNCTION do not generate a particular FUNCTION
-c do-nothing POSIX option
-n do-nothing POSIX option
-h, --help produce this help message
-V, --version report lex version
+ yacc --version
bison (GNU Bison) 3.5.4
Ãcrit par Robert Corbett et Richard Stallman.
Copyright © 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Ce logiciel est libre; voir les sources pour les conditions de
reproduction. AUCUNE garantie n'est donnée; tant pour des raisons
+ yacc --help
Usage: /usr/local/bin/bison [OPTION]... FICHIER
Génération d'un analyseur LR déterministe or d'un LR généralisé (GLR) employant
LALR(1), IELR(1) ou des tables d'analyseur LR(1) canonique.
Les paramètres requis pour les options longues sont également requis pour les options courtes.
La même chose est vraie pour les paramètres optionnels.
Modes d'utilisation:
-h, --help afficher l'aide-mémoire et terminer
-V, --version afficher le nom et la version du logiciel et
--print-localedir afficher le répertoire contenant les données avec
dépendance des locales et terminer
--print-datadir afficher le répertoire contenant les squelettes et
XSLT et terminer
-u, --update appliquer les correctifs au fichier de grammaire source
et terminer
-f, --feature[=FONCTIONS] activer des fonctionnalités diverses
FONCTIONS est une liste de mots séparés par des virgules pouvant contenir :
caret, diagnostics-show-caret
montrer les erreurs avec des curseurs
fixit, diagnostics-parseable-fixits
montrer les correctifs sous forme machine
syntax-only ne générer aucun fichier
all tous ci-dessus
none désactiver tous ci-dessus
Diagnostiques :
-W, --warnings[=CATÃGORIE] rapporter les avertissements dans CATÃGORIE
--color[=QUAND] quand coloriser les diagnostiques
--style=FICHIER spécifie le FICHIER CSS pour la colorisation des diagnostiques
Les catégories d'avertissements incluent :
conflicts-sr conflits S/R (activé par défaut)
conflicts-rr conflits R/R (activé par défaut)
dangling-alias l'alias chaîne n'est pas attaché à un symbole
deprecated construction obsolète
empty-rule règle vide sans %empty
midrule-values valeurs de règle intermédiaire non définies ou inutilisées
precedence priorité et associativité inutiles
yacc incompatibilités avec POSIX Yacc
other tous les autres avertissements (activé par défaut)
all tous les avertissements sauf « dangling-alias » et « yacc »
no-CATEGORY désactiver les avertissements dans CATEGORIE
none désactiver tous les avertissements
error[=CATEGORY] traiter les avertissements comme des erreurs
QUAND peut prendre l'une des valeurs suivantes :
always, yes coloriser la sortie
never, no ne pas coloriser la sortie
auto, tty coloriser si le périphérique de sortie est un tty
Réglages de l'analyseur:
-L, --language=LANGAGE indiquer le langage de programmation de sortie
-S, --skeleton=FICHIER utiliser le FICHIER squelette
-t, --debug activer le mode de suivi
identique à « -Dparse.trace »
--locations permettre le calcul des localisations
-D, --define=NOM[=VALEUR] similaire à « %define NOM "VALEUR" »
-F, --force-define=NOM[=VALEUR] outrepasse « %define NOM "VALEUR" »
-p, --name-prefix=PRÃFIXE accoler le PRÃFIXE aux symboles externes
rendu obsolète par « -Dapi.prefix=PRÃFIXE »
-l, --no-lines ne pas générer les directives « #line »
-k, --token-table inclure la table des noms de jetons
-y, --yacc émuler Yacc en mode POSIX
Fichiers de sortie :
--defines[=FICHIER] produire un fichier d'en-tête
-d idem mais sans spécifier le FICHIER (pour le Yacc POSIX)
-r, --report=CHOSES générer les détails concernant l'automate
--report-file=FICHIER écrire le rapport dans le FICHIER
-v, --verbose identique à « --report=state »
-b, --file-prefix=PRÃFIXE utiliser le PRÃFIXE pour le fichier de sortie
-o, --output=FICHIER produire la sortie dans le FICHIER
-g, --graph[=FICHIER] produire aussi un graphe de l'automate
-x, --xml[=FICHIER] produire un rapport XML de l'automate
CHOSES est une liste de mots séparés par des virgules pouvant contenir :
states décrire les états
itemsets compléter les ensembles d'éléments du cÅur avec leurs fermetures
lookaheads explicitement associer les jetons lookahead aux éléments
solved décrire la solution aux conflits par décalage/réduction
all inclure toutes les informations ci-dessus
none désactiver le rapport
Rapportez toutes anomalies à .
page d'accueil de GNU Bison: .
Aide générique sur l'utilisation des logiciels GNU: .
Signalez les erreurs de traductions à .
Pour la documentation complète, exécutez: info bison.
+ cat /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/config.log
This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake.
It was created by GNU Automake configure 1.16.2, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69.204-98d6. Invocation command line was
$ ./configure CC=gcc 'CFLAGS=-march=znver1 -mtune=znver1 -O3' CXX=g++ 'CXXFLAGS=-march=znver1 -mtune=znver1 -O3'
## --------- ##
## Platform. ##
## --------- ##
hostname = zendev1
uname -m = x86_64
uname -r = 5.6.9ryzen
uname -s = Linux
uname -v = #22 SMP Sat May 2 17:07:55 CEST 2020
/usr/bin/uname -p = unknown
/bin/uname -X = unknown
/bin/arch = unknown
/usr/bin/arch -k = unknown
/usr/convex/getsysinfo = unknown
/usr/bin/hostinfo = unknown
/bin/machine = unknown
/usr/bin/oslevel = unknown
/bin/universe = unknown
PATH: /home/hv/bin/
PATH: /usr/local/bin/
PATH: /usr/bin/
PATH: /bin/
PATH: /home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin/
PATH: /home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin/
PATH: /opt/SEGGER/JLink/
## ----------- ##
## Core tests. ##
## ----------- ##
configure:2048: checking whether make supports nested variables
configure:2066: result: yes
configure:2082: checking build system type
configure:2097: result: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
configure:2117: checking host system type
configure:2131: result: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
configure:2184: checking for a BSD-compatible install
configure:2257: result: /usr/bin/install -c
configure:2268: checking whether build environment is sane
configure:2323: result: yes
configure:2484: checking for a race-free mkdir -p
configure:2528: result: /bin/mkdir -p
configure:2535: checking for gawk
configure:2556: found /usr/local/bin/gawk
configure:2567: result: gawk
configure:2578: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)
configure:2601: result: yes
configure:2754: checking whether ln -s works
configure:2758: result: yes
configure:2768: checking for perl
configure:2791: found /usr/bin/perl
configure:2803: result: /usr/bin/perl
configure:2815: /usr/bin/perl --version
This is perl 5, version 24, subversion 1 (v5.24.1) built for x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi
(with 86 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)
Copyright 1987-2017, Larry Wall
Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or the
GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5 source kit.
Complete documentation for Perl, including FAQ lists, should be found on
this system using "man perl" or "perldoc perl". If you have access to the
Internet, point your browser at http://www.perl.org/, the Perl Home Page.
configure:2818: $? = 0
configure:2830: checking for tex
configure:2851: found /usr/bin/tex
configure:2862: result: tex
configure:2873: tex --version ,
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Written by David J. MacKenzie and Akim Demaille.
configure:3004: $? = 0
configure:3012: result: yes
configure:3019: checking whether autoconf works
configure:3027: cd conftest && autoconf -o /dev/null conftest.ac
configure:3030: $? = 0
configure:3039: result: yes
configure:3046: checking whether autoconf is recent enough
configure:3054: cd conftest && autoconf -o /dev/null conftest.ac
configure:3057: $? = 0
configure:3066: result: yes
configure:3073: checking whether ln works
configure:3094: result: yes
configure:3112: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e
configure:3176: result: /bin/grep
configure:3181: checking for egrep
configure:3249: result: /bin/grep -E
configure:3254: checking for fgrep
configure:3322: result: /bin/grep -F
configure:3365: will now look for a sturdy POSIX shell, for our testsuite
configure:3403: checking for sh
configure:3426: found /bin/sh
configure:3438: result: /bin/sh
configure:3403: checking for sh5
configure:3441: result: no
configure:3403: checking for dash
configure:3426: found /bin/dash
configure:3438: result: /bin/dash
configure:3403: checking for ash
configure:3426: found /bin/ash
configure:3438: result: /bin/ash
configure:3403: checking for bash
configure:3426: found /usr/local/bin/bash
configure:3438: result: /usr/local/bin/bash
configure:3403: checking for zsh
configure:3426: found /usr/bin/zsh
configure:3438: result: /usr/bin/zsh
configure:3403: checking for ksh
configure:3441: result: no
configure:3403: checking for pdksh
configure:3441: result: no
configure:3462: checking whether /bin/sh supports $(cmd)
configure:3472: result: yes
configure:3482: checking whether /bin/sh supports $((expr))
configure:3492: result: yes
configure:3502: checking whether /bin/sh supports ${#var}
configure:3515: result: yes
configure:3525: checking whether /bin/sh supports ${var#glob} and ${var%glob}
configure:3539: result: yes
configure:3549: checking whether /bin/sh preserves exit traps with "set -e"
configure:3559: result: yes
configure:3569: checking whether /bin/sh can define exit traps in a shell function
configure:3579: result: yes
configure:3589: checking whether /bin/sh corrupts stderr with "set -x"
configure:3603: result: no
configure:3611: checking whether /bin/sh can return early from "dot-sourced" files
configure:3621: result: yes
configure:3633: checking whether /bin/sh supports alias named like shell builtins
configure:3643: result: yes
configure:3653: checking whether /bin/sh supports "test -e"
configure:3663: result: yes
configure:3681: shell /bin/sh is good enough, stop looking
configure:3698: will use /bin/sh as the testsuite shell
configure:3722: will now look for generic compilers
configure:3850: checking for C compiler version
configure:3859: gcc --version >&5
gcc (GCC) 8.4.0
Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
configure:3870: $? = 0
configure:3859: gcc -v >&5
Using built-in specs.
Target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
Configured with: ../../gcc-8.4.0/configure CFLAGS='-march=znver1 -mtune=znver1 -O3' CXXFLAGS='-march=znver1 -mtune=znver1 -O3' --enable-languages=c,c++,lto --with-cpu=znver1 --with-tune=znver1 --with-fpmath=avx --enable-nls --with-diagnostics-color=always --enable-linker-build-id --with-linker-hash-style=both --enable-offload-targets=hsa --disable-multilib --with-build-config=bootstrap-lto
Thread model: posix
gcc version 8.4.0 (GCC)
configure:3870: $? = 0
configure:3859: gcc -V >&5
[01m[Kgcc:[m[K [01;31m[Kerror: [m[Kunrecognized command line option '[01m[K-V[m[K'
[01m[Kgcc:[m[K [01;31m[Kfatal error: [m[Kno input files
compilation terminated.
configure:3870: $? = 1
configure:3859: gcc -qversion >&5
[01m[Kgcc:[m[K [01;31m[Kerror: [m[Kunrecognized command line option '[01m[K-qversion[m[K'; did you mean '[01m[K--version[m[K'?
[01m[Kgcc:[m[K [01;31m[Kfatal error: [m[Kno input files
compilation terminated.
configure:3870: $? = 1
configure:3859: gcc -version >&5
[01m[Kgcc:[m[K [01;31m[Kerror: [m[Kunrecognized command line option '[01m[K-version[m[K'
[01m[Kgcc:[m[K [01;31m[Kfatal error: [m[Kno input files
compilation terminated.
configure:3870: $? = 1
configure:3890: checking whether the C compiler works
configure:3912: gcc -march=znver1 -mtune=znver1 -O3 conftest.c >&5
configure:3916: $? = 0
configure:3968: result: yes
configure:3971: checking for C compiler default output file name
configure:3973: result: a.out
configure:3979: checking for suffix of executables
configure:3986: gcc -o conftest -march=znver1 -mtune=znver1 -O3 conftest.c >&5
configure:3990: $? = 0
configure:4015: result:
configure:4037: checking whether we are cross compiling
configure:4047: gcc -o conftest -march=znver1 -mtune=znver1 -O3 conftest.c >&5
configure:4051: $? = 0
configure:4058: ./conftest
configure:4062: $? = 0
configure:4080: result: no
configure:4085: checking for suffix of object files
configure:4108: gcc -c -march=znver1 -mtune=znver1 -O3 conftest.c >&5
configure:4112: $? = 0
configure:4136: result: o
configure:4140: checking whether the compiler supports GNU C
configure:4160: gcc -c -march=znver1 -mtune=znver1 -O3 conftest.c >&5
configure:4160: $? = 0
configure:4170: result: yes
configure:4179: checking whether gcc accepts -g
configure:4200: gcc -c -g conftest.c >&5
configure:4200: $? = 0
configure:4244: result: yes
configure:4261: checking for gcc option to enable C11 features
configure:4465: gcc -c -march=znver1 -mtune=znver1 -O3 conftest.c >&5
configure:4465: $? = 0
configure:4480: result: none needed
configure:4799: checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together
configure:4822: gcc -c conftest.c -o conftest2.o
configure:4825: $? = 0
configure:4822: gcc -c conftest.c -o conftest2.o
configure:4825: $? = 0
configure:4837: result: yes
configure:5025: checking for C++ compiler version
configure:5034: g++ --version >&5
g++ (GCC) 8.4.0
Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
configure:5045: $? = 0
configure:5034: g++ -v >&5
Using built-in specs.
Target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
Configured with: ../../gcc-8.4.0/configure CFLAGS='-march=znver1 -mtune=znver1 -O3' CXXFLAGS='-march=znver1 -mtune=znver1 -O3' --enable-languages=c,c++,lto --with-cpu=znver1 --with-tune=znver1 --with-fpmath=avx --enable-nls --with-diagnostics-color=always --enable-linker-build-id --with-linker-hash-style=both --enable-offload-targets=hsa --disable-multilib --with-build-config=bootstrap-lto
Thread model: posix
gcc version 8.4.0 (GCC)
configure:5045: $? = 0
configure:5034: g++ -V >&5
[01m[Kg++:[m[K [01;31m[Kerror: [m[Kunrecognized command line option '[01m[K-V[m[K'
[01m[Kg++:[m[K [01;31m[Kfatal error: [m[Kno input files
compilation terminated.
configure:5045: $? = 1
configure:5034: g++ -qversion >&5
[01m[Kg++:[m[K [01;31m[Kerror: [m[Kunrecognized command line option '[01m[K-qversion[m[K'; did you mean '[01m[K--version[m[K'?
[01m[Kg++:[m[K [01;31m[Kfatal error: [m[Kno input files
compilation terminated.
configure:5045: $? = 1
configure:5065: checking whether the C++ compiler works
configure:5087: g++ -march=znver1 -mtune=znver1 -O3 conftest.cpp >&5
configure:5091: $? = 0
configure:5143: result: yes
configure:5146: checking for C++ compiler default output file name
configure:5148: result: a.out
configure:5154: checking for suffix of executables
configure:5161: g++ -o conftest -march=znver1 -mtune=znver1 -O3 conftest.cpp >&5
configure:5165: $? = 0
configure:5190: result:
configure:5212: checking whether we are cross compiling
configure:5222: g++ -o conftest -march=znver1 -mtune=znver1 -O3 conftest.cpp >&5
configure:5226: $? = 0
configure:5233: ./conftest
configure:5237: $? = 0
configure:5255: result: no
configure:5260: checking for suffix of object files
configure:5283: g++ -c -march=znver1 -mtune=znver1 -O3 conftest.cpp >&5
configure:5287: $? = 0
configure:5311: result: o
configure:5315: checking whether the compiler supports GNU C++
configure:5335: g++ -c -march=znver1 -mtune=znver1 -O3 conftest.cpp >&5
configure:5335: $? = 0
configure:5345: result: yes
configure:5354: checking whether g++ accepts -g
configure:5375: g++ -c -g conftest.cpp >&5
configure:5375: $? = 0
configure:5419: result: yes
configure:5436: checking for g++ option to enable C++11 features
configure:5673: g++ -c -march=znver1 -mtune=znver1 -O3 conftest.cpp >&5
configure:5673: $? = 0
configure:5688: result: none needed
configure:5958: checking for xlf95
configure:5993: result: no
configure:5958: checking for f95
configure:5993: result: no
configure:5958: checking for fort
configure:5993: result: no
configure:5958: checking for ifort
configure:5993: result: no
configure:5958: checking for ifc
configure:5993: result: no
configure:5958: checking for efc
configure:5993: result: no
configure:5958: checking for pgfortran
configure:5993: result: no
configure:5958: checking for pgf95
configure:5993: result: no
configure:5958: checking for lf95
configure:5993: result: no
configure:5958: checking for ftn
configure:5993: result: no
configure:5958: checking for nagfor
configure:5993: result: no
configure:5958: checking for xlf90
configure:5993: result: no
configure:5958: checking for f90
configure:5993: result: no
configure:5958: checking for armflang
configure:5993: result: no
configure:5958: checking for flang
configure:5993: result: no
configure:5958: checking for pgf90
configure:5993: result: no
configure:5958: checking for pghpf
configure:5993: result: no
configure:5958: checking for epcf90
configure:5993: result: no
configure:5958: checking for g95
configure:5993: result: no
configure:5958: checking for gfortran
configure:5993: result: no
configure:6016: checking for Fortran compiler version
configure:6025: --version >&5
./configure: 1: eval: --version: not found
configure:6036: $? = 127
configure:6025: -v >&5
./configure: 1: eval: -v: not found
configure:6036: $? = 127
configure:6025: -V >&5
./configure: 1: eval: -V: not found
configure:6036: $? = 127
configure:6025: -qversion >&5
./configure: 1: eval: -qversion: not found
configure:6036: $? = 127
configure:6051: checking whether the Fortran compiler works
configure:6073: conftest.f >&5
./configure: 1: eval: conftest.f: not found
configure:6077: $? = 127
configure:6117: result: no
configure: failed program was:
| program main
| end
configure:6123: WARNING: Fortran compiler cannot create executables
configure:6377: tests requiring the Fortran compiler will be skipped
configure:6463: checking for xlf
configure:6498: result: no
configure:6463: checking for f77
configure:6498: result: no
configure:6463: checking for frt
configure:6498: result: no
configure:6463: checking for pgf77
configure:6498: result: no
configure:6463: checking for cf77
configure:6498: result: no
configure:6463: checking for fort77
configure:6498: result: no
configure:6463: checking for fl32
configure:6498: result: no
configure:6463: checking for af77
configure:6498: result: no
configure:6463: checking for g77
configure:6498: result: no
configure:6463: checking for armflang
configure:6498: result: no
configure:6463: checking for flang
configure:6498: result: no
configure:6463: checking for gfortran
configure:6498: result: no
configure:6521: checking for Fortran 77 compiler version
configure:6530: --version >&5
./configure: 1: eval: --version: not found
configure:6541: $? = 127
configure:6530: -v >&5
./configure: 1: eval: -v: not found
configure:6541: $? = 127
configure:6530: -V >&5
./configure: 1: eval: -V: not found
configure:6541: $? = 127
configure:6530: -qversion >&5
./configure: 1: eval: -qversion: not found
configure:6541: $? = 127
configure:6556: checking whether the Fortran 77 compiler works
configure:6578: conftest.f >&5
./configure: 1: eval: conftest.f: not found
configure:6582: $? = 127
configure:6622: result: no
configure: failed program was:
| program main
| end
configure:6628: WARNING: Fortran 77 compiler cannot create executables
configure:6882: tests requiring the Fortran 77 compiler will be skipped
configure:6915: will now look for GNU compilers
configure:6922: gcc is already a GNU C compiler
configure:7038: gcc --version && gcc -v
gcc (GCC) 8.4.0
Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
Using built-in specs.
Target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
Configured with: ../../gcc-8.4.0/configure CFLAGS='-march=znver1 -mtune=znver1 -O3' CXXFLAGS='-march=znver1 -mtune=znver1 -O3' --enable-languages=c,c++,lto --with-cpu=znver1 --with-tune=znver1 --with-fpmath=avx --enable-nls --with-diagnostics-color=always --enable-linker-build-id --with-linker-hash-style=both --enable-offload-targets=hsa --disable-multilib --with-build-config=bootstrap-lto
Thread model: posix
gcc version 8.4.0 (GCC)
configure:7041: $? = 0
configure:7057: g++ is already a GNU C++ compiler
configure:7174: g++ --version && g++ -v
g++ (GCC) 8.4.0
Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
Using built-in specs.
Target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
Configured with: ../../gcc-8.4.0/configure CFLAGS='-march=znver1 -mtune=znver1 -O3' CXXFLAGS='-march=znver1 -mtune=znver1 -O3' --enable-languages=c,c++,lto --with-cpu=znver1 --with-tune=znver1 --with-fpmath=avx --enable-nls --with-diagnostics-color=always --enable-linker-build-id --with-linker-hash-style=both --enable-offload-targets=hsa --disable-multilib --with-build-config=bootstrap-lto
Thread model: posix
gcc version 8.4.0 (GCC)
configure:7177: $? = 0
configure:7252: checking for gfortran
configure:7287: result: no
configure:7388: checking for g77
configure:7423: result: no
configure:7388: checking for gfortran
configure:7423: result: no
configure:7518: checking for gcj
configure:7553: result: no
configure:7754: checking that generated files are newer than configure
configure:7760: result: done
configure:7775: creating ./config.status
## ---------------------- ##
## Running config.status. ##
## ---------------------- ##
This file was extended by GNU Automake config.status 1.16.2, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69.204-98d6. Invocation command line was
$ ./config.status
on zendev1
config.status:8568: creating Makefile
config.status:8568: creating pre-inst-env
## ---------------- ##
## Cache variables. ##
## ---------------- ##
ac_cv_env_CFLAGS_value='-march=znver1 -mtune=znver1 -O3'
ac_cv_env_CXXFLAGS_value='-march=znver1 -mtune=znver1 -O3'
ac_cv_path_EGREP='/bin/grep -E'
ac_cv_path_FGREP='/bin/grep -F'
ac_cv_path_install='/usr/bin/install -c'
## ----------------- ##
## Output variables. ##
## ----------------- ##
ACLOCAL='"/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/pre-inst-env" aclocal-1.16'
AUTOCONF='${SHELL} /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/lib/missing autoconf'
AUTOHEADER='${SHELL} /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/lib/missing autoheader'
AUTOMAKE='"/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/pre-inst-env" automake-1.16'
CFLAGS='-march=znver1 -mtune=znver1 -O3'
CXXFLAGS='-march=znver1 -mtune=znver1 -O3'
DEFS='-DPACKAGE_NAME=\"GNU\ Automake\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"automake\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.16.2\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"GNU\ Automake\ 1.16.2\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"address@hidden\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"https://www.gnu.org/software/automake/\"'
EGREP='/bin/grep -E'
FGREP='/bin/grep -F'
GNU_CFLAGS='-march=znver1 -mtune=znver1 -O3'
GNU_CXXFLAGS='-march=znver1 -mtune=znver1 -O3'
INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM='$(install_sh) -c -s'
LN_S='ln -s'
MAKEINFO='${SHELL} /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/lib/missing makeinfo'
MKDIR_P='/bin/mkdir -p'
PACKAGE_STRING='GNU Automake 1.16.2'
am__tar='$${TAR-tar} chof - "$$tardir"'
am__untar='$${TAR-tar} xf -'
install_sh='${SHELL} /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/lib/install-sh'
## ----------- ##
## confdefs.h. ##
## ----------- ##
/* confdefs.h */
#define PACKAGE_NAME "GNU Automake"
#define PACKAGE_TARNAME "automake"
#define PACKAGE_VERSION "1.16.2"
#define PACKAGE_STRING "GNU Automake 1.16.2"
#define PACKAGE_BUGREPORT "address@hidden"
#define PACKAGE_URL "https://www.gnu.org/software/automake/"
configure: exit 0
## ---------------------- ##
## Running config.status. ##
## ---------------------- ##
This file was extended by GNU Automake config.status 1.16.2, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69.204-98d6. Invocation command line was
$ ./config.status --file=-
on zendev1
## ---------------------- ##
## Running config.status. ##
## ---------------------- ##
This file was extended by GNU Automake config.status 1.16.2, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69.204-98d6. Invocation command line was
$ ./config.status --file=-
on zendev1
## ---------------------- ##
## Running config.status. ##
## ---------------------- ##
This file was extended by GNU Automake config.status 1.16.2, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69.204-98d6. Invocation command line was
$ ./config.status --file=-
on zendev1
## ---------------------- ##
## Running config.status. ##
## ---------------------- ##
This file was extended by GNU Automake config.status 1.16.2, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69.204-98d6. Invocation command line was
$ ./config.status --file=-
on zendev1
## ---------------------- ##
## Running config.status. ##
## ---------------------- ##
This file was extended by GNU Automake config.status 1.16.2, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69.204-98d6. Invocation command line was
$ ./config.status --file=-
on zendev1
## ---------------------- ##
## Running config.status. ##
## ---------------------- ##
This file was extended by GNU Automake config.status 1.16.2, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69.204-98d6. Invocation command line was
$ ./config.status --file=-
on zendev1
## ---------------------- ##
## Running config.status. ##
## ---------------------- ##
This file was extended by GNU Automake config.status 1.16.2, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69.204-98d6. Invocation command line was
$ ./config.status --file=-
on zendev1
+ cat /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin/aclocal-1.16
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# aclocal - create aclocal.m4 by scanning configure.ac -*- perl -*-
# Generated from bin/aclocal.in; do not edit by hand.
# Copyright (C) 1996-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
# Written by Tom Tromey , and
# Alexandre Duret-Lutz .
unshift (@INC, '/usr/local/share/automake-1.16')
use strict;
use Automake::Config;
use Automake::General;
use Automake::Configure_ac;
use Automake::Channels;
use Automake::ChannelDefs;
use Automake::XFile;
use Automake::FileUtils;
use File::Basename;
use File::Path ();
# Some globals.
# Support AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS also with older autoconf.
# FIXME: To be removed in Automake 2.0, once we can assume autoconf
# 2.70 or later.
# FIXME: keep in sync with 'internal/ac-config-macro-dirs.m4'.
my $ac_config_macro_dirs_fallback =
'm4_ifndef([AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS], [' .
'm4_defun([_AM_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS], [])' .
# We do not operate in threaded mode.
$perl_threads = 0;
# Include paths for searching macros. We search macros in this order:
# user-supplied directories first, then the directory containing the
# automake macros, and finally the system-wide directories for
# third-party macros.
# @user_includes can be augmented with -I or AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS.
# @automake_includes can be reset with the '--automake-acdir' option.
# @system_includes can be augmented with the 'dirlist' file or the
# ACLOCAL_PATH environment variable, and reset with the '--system-acdir'
# option.
my @user_includes = ();
my @automake_includes = ('/usr/local/share/aclocal-' . $APIVERSION);
my @system_includes = ('/usr/local/share/aclocal');
# Whether we should copy M4 file in $user_includes[0].
my $install = 0;
# --diff
my @diff_command;
# --dry-run
my $dry_run = 0;
# configure.ac or configure.in.
my $configure_ac;
# Output file name.
my $output_file = 'aclocal.m4';
# Option --force.
my $force_output = 0;
# Modification time of the youngest dependency.
my $greatest_mtime = 0;
# Which macros have been seen.
my %macro_seen = ();
# Remember the order into which we scanned the files.
# It's important to output the contents of aclocal.m4 in the opposite order.
# (Definitions in first files we have scanned should override those from
# later files. So they must appear last in the output.)
my @file_order = ();
# Map macro names to file names.
my %map = ();
# Ditto, but records the last definition of each macro as returned by --trace.
my %map_traced_defs = ();
# Map basenames to macro names.
my %invmap = ();
# Map file names to file contents.
my %file_contents = ();
# Map file names to file types.
my %file_type = ();
use constant FT_USER => 1;
use constant FT_AUTOMAKE => 2;
use constant FT_SYSTEM => 3;
# Map file names to included files (transitively closed).
my %file_includes = ();
# Files which have already been added.
my %file_added = ();
# Files that have already been scanned.
my %scanned_configure_dep = ();
# Serial numbers, for files that have one.
# The key is the basename of the file,
# the value is the serial number represented as a list.
my %serial = ();
# Matches a macro definition.
# AC_DEFUN([macroname], ...)
# or
# AC_DEFUN(macroname, ...)
# When macroname is '['-quoted , we accept any character in the name,
# except ']'. Otherwise macroname stops on the first ']', ',', ')',
# or '\n' encountered.
my $ac_defun_rx =
# Matches an AC_REQUIRE line.
my $ac_require_rx = "AC_REQUIRE\\((?:\\[([^]]+)\\]|([^],)\n]+))\\)";
# Matches an m4_include line.
my $m4_include_rx = "(m4_|m4_s|s)include\\((?:\\[([^]]+)\\]|([^],)\n]+))\\)";
# Match a serial number.
my $serial_line_rx = '^#\s*serial\s+(\S*)';
my $serial_number_rx = '^\d+(?:\.\d+)*$';
# Autoconf version. This variable is set by 'trace_used_macros'.
my $ac_version;
# User directory containing extra m4 files for macros definition,
# as extracted from calls to the macro AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS.
# This variable is updated by 'trace_used_macros'.
my @ac_config_macro_dirs;
# If set, names a temporary file that must be erased on abnormal exit.
my $erase_me;
# Constants for the $ERR_LEVEL parameter of the 'scan_m4_dirs' function.
use constant SCAN_M4_DIRS_SILENT => 0;
use constant SCAN_M4_DIRS_WARN => 1;
use constant SCAN_M4_DIRS_ERROR => 2;
# Prototypes for all subroutines.
sub add_file ($);
sub add_macro ($);
sub check_acinclude ();
sub install_file ($$);
sub list_compare (\@\@);
sub parse_ACLOCAL_PATH ();
sub parse_arguments ();
sub reset_maps ();
sub scan_configure ();
sub scan_configure_dep ($);
sub scan_file ($$$);
sub scan_m4_dirs ($$@);
sub scan_m4_files ();
sub strip_redundant_includes (%);
sub trace_used_macros ();
sub unlink_tmp (;$);
sub usage ($);
sub version ();
sub write_aclocal ($@);
sub xmkdir_p ($);
# Erase temporary file ERASE_ME. Handle signals.
sub unlink_tmp (;$)
my ($sig) = @_;
if ($sig)
verb "caught SIG$sig, bailing out";
if (defined $erase_me && -e $erase_me && !unlink ($erase_me))
fatal "could not remove '$erase_me': $!";
undef $erase_me;
# reraise default handler.
if ($sig)
$SIG{$sig} = 'DEFAULT';
kill $sig => $$;
$SIG{'INT'} = $SIG{'TERM'} = $SIG{'QUIT'} = $SIG{'HUP'} = 'unlink_tmp';
END { unlink_tmp }
sub xmkdir_p ($)
my $dir = shift;
local $@ = undef;
if -d $dir or eval { File::Path::mkpath $dir };
chomp $@;
$@ =~ s/\s+at\s.*\bline\s\d+.*$//;
fatal "could not create directory '$dir': $@";
# Check macros in acinclude.m4. If one is not used, warn.
sub check_acinclude ()
foreach my $key (keys %map)
# FIXME: should print line number of acinclude.m4.
msg ('syntax', "macro '$key' defined in acinclude.m4 but never used")
if $map{$key} eq 'acinclude.m4' && ! exists $macro_seen{$key};
sub reset_maps ()
$greatest_mtime = 0;
%macro_seen = ();
@file_order = ();
%map = ();
%map_traced_defs = ();
%file_contents = ();
%file_type = ();
%file_includes = ();
%file_added = ();
%scanned_configure_dep = ();
%invmap = ();
%serial = ();
undef &search;
# install_file ($SRC, $DESTDIR)
sub install_file ($$)
my ($src, $destdir) = @_;
my $dest = $destdir . "/" . basename ($src);
my $diff_dest;
verb "installing $src to $dest";
if ($force_output
|| !exists $file_contents{$dest}
|| $file_contents{$src} ne $file_contents{$dest})
if (-e $dest)
msg 'note', "overwriting '$dest' with '$src'";
$diff_dest = $dest;
msg 'note', "installing '$dest' from '$src'";
if (@diff_command)
if (! defined $diff_dest)
# $dest does not exist. We create an empty one just to
# run diff, and we erase it afterward. Using the real
# the destination file (rather than a temporary file) is
# good when diff is run with options that display the
# file name.
# If creating $dest fails, fall back to /dev/null. At
# least one diff implementation (Tru64's) cannot deal
# with /dev/null. However working around this is not
# worth the trouble since nobody run aclocal on a
# read-only tree anyway.
$erase_me = $dest;
my $f = new IO::File "> $dest";
if (! defined $f)
undef $erase_me;
$diff_dest = '/dev/null';
$diff_dest = $dest;
my @cmd = (@diff_command, $diff_dest, $src);
$! = 0;
verb "running: @cmd";
my $res = system (@cmd);
Automake::FileUtils::handle_exec_errors "@cmd", 1
if $res;
elsif (!$dry_run)
xmkdir_p ($destdir);
xsystem ('cp', $src, $dest);
# Compare two lists of numbers.
sub list_compare (\@\@)
my @l = @{$_[0]};
my @r = @{$_[1]};
while (1)
if (0 == @l)
return (0 == @r) ? 0 : -1;
elsif (0 == @r)
return 1;
elsif ($l[0] < $r[0])
return -1;
elsif ($l[0] > $r[0])
return 1;
shift @l;
shift @r;
# scan_m4_dirs($TYPE, $ERR_LEVEL, @DIRS)
# -----------------------------------------------
# Scan all M4 files installed in @DIRS for new macro definitions.
# Register each file as of type $TYPE (one of the FT_* constants).
# If a directory in @DIRS cannot be read:
# - fail hard if $ERR_LEVEL == SCAN_M4_DIRS_ERROR
# - just print a warning if $ERR_LEVEL == SCAN_M4_DIRS_WA
# - continue silently if $ERR_LEVEL == SCAN_M4_DIRS_SILENT
sub scan_m4_dirs ($$@)
my ($type, $err_level, @dirlist) = @_;
foreach my $m4dir (@dirlist)
if (! opendir (DIR, $m4dir))
# TODO: maybe avoid complaining only if errno == ENONENT?
my $message = "couldn't open directory '$m4dir': $!";
if ($err_level == SCAN_M4_DIRS_ERROR)
fatal $message;
elsif ($err_level == SCAN_M4_DIRS_WARN)
msg ('unsupported', $message);
elsif ($err_level == SCAN_M4_DIRS_SILENT)
next; # Silently ignore.
prog_error "invalid \$err_level value '$err_level'";
# We reverse the directory contents so that foo2.m4 gets
# used in preference to foo1.m4.
foreach my $file (reverse sort grep (! /^\./, readdir (DIR)))
# Only examine .m4 files.
next unless $file =~ /\.m4$/;
# Skip some files when running out of srcdir.
next if $file eq 'aclocal.m4';
my $fullfile = File::Spec->canonpath ("$m4dir/$file");
scan_file ($type, $fullfile, 'aclocal');
closedir (DIR);
# Scan all the installed m4 files and construct a map.
sub scan_m4_files ()
# First, scan configure.ac. It may contain macro definitions,
# or may include other files that define macros.
scan_file (FT_USER, $configure_ac, 'aclocal');
# Then, scan acinclude.m4 if it exists.
if (-f 'acinclude.m4')
scan_file (FT_USER, 'acinclude.m4', 'aclocal');
# Finally, scan all files in our search paths.
if (@user_includes)
# Don't explore the same directory multiple times. This is here not
# only for speedup purposes. We need this when the user has e.g.
# specified 'ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I m4' and has also set
# AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR[S]([m4]) in configure.ac. This makes the 'm4'
# directory to occur twice here and fail on the second call to
# scan_m4_dirs([m4]) when the 'm4' directory doesn't exist.
# TODO: Shouldn't there be rather a check in scan_m4_dirs for
# @user_includes[0]?
@user_includes = uniq @user_includes;
# Don't complain if the first user directory doesn't exist, in case
# we need to create it later (can happen if '--install' was given).
scan_m4_dirs (FT_USER,
scan_m4_dirs (FT_USER,
scan_m4_dirs (FT_AUTOMAKE, SCAN_M4_DIRS_ERROR, @automake_includes);
scan_m4_dirs (FT_SYSTEM, SCAN_M4_DIRS_ERROR, @system_includes);
# Construct a new function that does the searching. We use a
# function (instead of just evaluating $search in the loop) so that
# "die" is correctly and easily propagated if run.
my $search = "sub search {\nmy \$found = 0;\n";
foreach my $key (reverse sort keys %map)
$search .= ('if (/\b\Q' . $key . '\E(?!\w)/) { add_macro ("' . $key
. '"); $found = 1; }' . "\n");
$search .= "return \$found;\n};\n";
eval $search;
prog_error "$@\n search is $search" if $@;
# Add a macro to the output.
sub add_macro ($)
my ($macro) = @_;
# Ignore unknown required macros. Either they are not really
# needed (e.g., a conditional AC_REQUIRE), in which case aclocal
# should be quiet, or they are needed and Autoconf itself will
# complain when we trace for macro usage later.
return unless defined $map{$macro};
verb "saw macro $macro";
$macro_seen{$macro} = 1;
add_file ($map{$macro});
# scan_configure_dep ($file)
# --------------------------
# Scan a configure dependency (configure.ac, or separate m4 files)
# for uses of known macros and AC_REQUIREs of possibly unknown macros.
# Recursively scan m4_included files.
sub scan_configure_dep ($)
my ($file) = @_;
# Do not scan a file twice.
return ()
if exists $scanned_configure_dep{$file};
$scanned_configure_dep{$file} = 1;
my $mtime = mtime $file;
$greatest_mtime = $mtime if $greatest_mtime < $mtime;
my $contents = exists $file_contents{$file} ?
$file_contents{$file} : contents $file;
my $line = 0;
my @rlist = ();
my @ilist = ();
foreach (split ("\n", $contents))
# Remove comments from current line.
# Avoid running all the following regexes on white lines.
next if /^\s*$/;
while (/$m4_include_rx/go)
my $ifile = $2 || $3;
# Skip missing 'sinclude'd files.
next if $1 ne 'm4_' && ! -f $ifile;
push @ilist, $ifile;
while (/$ac_require_rx/go)
push (@rlist, $1 || $2);
# The search function is constructed dynamically by
# scan_m4_files. The last parenthetical match makes sure we
# don't match things that look like macro assignments or
if (! &search && /(^|\s+)(AM_[A-Z0-9_]+)($|[^\]\)=A-Z0-9_])/)
# Macro not found, but AM_ prefix found.
# Make this just a warning, because we do not know whether
# the macro is actually used (it could be called conditionally).
msg ('unsupported', "$file:$line",
"macro '$2' not found in library");
add_macro ($_) foreach (@rlist);
scan_configure_dep ($_) foreach @ilist;
# add_file ($FILE)
# ----------------
# Add $FILE to output.
sub add_file ($)
my ($file) = @_;
# Only add a file once.
return if ($file_added{$file});
$file_added{$file} = 1;
scan_configure_dep $file;
# Point to the documentation for underquoted AC_DEFUN only once.
my $underquoted_manual_once = 0;
# scan_file ($TYPE, $FILE, $WHERE)
# --------------------------------
# Scan a single M4 file ($FILE), and all files it includes.
# Return the list of included files.
# $TYPE is one of FT_USER, FT_AUTOMAKE, or FT_SYSTEM, depending
# on where the file comes from.
# $WHERE is the location to use in the diagnostic if the file
# does not exist.
sub scan_file ($$$)
my ($type, $file, $where) = @_;
my $basename = basename $file;
# Do not scan the same file twice.
return @{$file_includes{$file}} if exists $file_includes{$file};
# Prevent potential infinite recursion (if two files include each other).
return () if exists $file_contents{$file};
unshift @file_order, $file;
$file_type{$file} = $type;
fatal "$where: file '$file' does not exist" if ! -e $file;
my $fh = new Automake::XFile $file;
my $contents = '';
my @inc_files = ();
my %inc_lines = ();
my $defun_seen = 0;
my $serial_seen = 0;
my $serial_older = 0;
while ($_ = $fh->getline)
# Ignore '##' lines.
next if /^##/;
$contents .= $_;
my $line = $_;
if ($line =~ /$serial_line_rx/go)
my $number = $1;
if ($number !~ /$serial_number_rx/go)
msg ('syntax', "$file:$.",
"ill-formed serial number '$number', "
. "expecting a version string with only digits and dots");
elsif ($defun_seen)
# aclocal removes all definitions from M4 file with the
# same basename if a greater serial number is found.
# Encountering a serial after some macros will undefine
# these macros...
msg ('syntax', "$file:$.",
'the serial number must appear before any macro definition');
# We really care about serials only for non-automake macros
# and when --install is used. But the above diagnostics are
# made regardless of this, because not using --install is
# not a reason not the fix macro files.
elsif ($install && $type != FT_AUTOMAKE)
$serial_seen = 1;
my @new = split (/\./, $number);
verb "$file:$.: serial $number";
if (!exists $serial{$basename}
|| list_compare (@new, @{$serial{$basename}}) > 0)
# Delete any definition we knew from the old macro.
foreach my $def (@{$invmap{$basename}})
verb "$file:$.: ignoring previous definition of $def";
delete $map{$def};
$invmap{$basename} = [];
$serial{$basename} = \@new;
$serial_older = 1;
# Remove comments from current line.
# Do not do it earlier, because the serial line is a comment.
$line =~ s/\bdnl\b.*$//;
$line =~ s/\#.*$//;
while ($line =~ /$ac_defun_rx/go)
$defun_seen = 1;
if (! defined $1)
msg ('syntax', "$file:$.", "underquoted definition of $2"
. "\n run info Automake 'Extending aclocal'\n"
. " or see https://www.gnu.org/software/automake/manual/"
. "automake.html#Extending-aclocal")
unless $underquoted_manual_once;
$underquoted_manual_once = 1;
# If this macro does not have a serial and we have already
# seen a macro with the same basename earlier, we should
# ignore the macro (don't exit immediately so we can still
# diagnose later #serial numbers and underquoted macros).
$serial_older ||= ($type != FT_AUTOMAKE
&& !$serial_seen && exists $serial{$basename});
my $macro = $1 || $2;
if (!$serial_older && !defined $map{$macro})
verb "found macro $macro in $file: $.";
$map{$macro} = $file;
push @{$invmap{$basename}}, $macro;
# Note: we used to give an error here if we saw a
# duplicated macro. However, this turns out to be
# extremely unpopular. It causes actual problems which
# are hard to work around, especially when you must
# mix-and-match tool versions.
verb "ignoring macro $macro in $file: $.";
while ($line =~ /$m4_include_rx/go)
my $ifile = $2 || $3;
# Skip missing 'sinclude'd files.
next if $1 ne 'm4_' && ! -f $ifile;
push (@inc_files, $ifile);
$inc_lines{$ifile} = $.;
# Ignore any file that has an old serial (or no serial if we know
# another one with a serial).
return ()
if ($serial_older ||
($type != FT_AUTOMAKE && !$serial_seen && exists $serial{$basename}));
$file_contents{$file} = $contents;
# For some reason I don't understand, it does not work
# to do "map { scan_file ($_, ...) } @inc_files" below.
# With Perl 5.8.2 it undefines @inc_files.
my @copy = @inc_files;
my @all_inc_files = (@inc_files,
map { scan_file ($type, $_,
"$file:$inc_lines{$_}") } @copy);
$file_includes{$file} = \@all_inc_files;
return @all_inc_files;
# strip_redundant_includes (%FILES)
# ---------------------------------
# Each key in %FILES is a file that must be present in the output.
# However some of these files might already include other files in %FILES,
# so there is no point in including them another time.
# This removes items of %FILES which are already included by another file.
sub strip_redundant_includes (%)
my %files = @_;
# Always include acinclude.m4, even if it does not appear to be used.
$files{'acinclude.m4'} = 1 if -f 'acinclude.m4';
# File included by $configure_ac are redundant.
$files{$configure_ac} = 1;
# Files at the end of @file_order should override those at the beginning,
# so it is important to preserve these trailing files. We can remove
# a file A if it is going to be output before a file B that includes
# file A, not the converse.
foreach my $file (reverse @file_order)
next unless exists $files{$file};
foreach my $ifile (@{$file_includes{$file}})
next unless exists $files{$ifile};
delete $files{$ifile};
verb "$ifile is already included by $file";
# configure.ac is implicitly included.
delete $files{$configure_ac};
return %files;
sub trace_used_macros ()
my %files = map { $map{$_} => 1 } keys %macro_seen;
%files = strip_redundant_includes %files;
# When AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS is used, avoid possible spurious warnings
# from autom4te about macros being "m4_require'd but not m4_defun'd";
# for more background, see:
# https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/autoconf-patches/2012-11/msg00004.html
# as well as autoconf commit 'v2.69-44-g1ed0548', "warn: allow aclocal
# to silence m4_require warnings".
my $early_m4_code .= "m4_define([m4_require_silent_probe], [-])";
my $traces = ($ENV{AUTOM4TE} || 'autom4te');
$traces .= " --language Autoconf-without-aclocal-m4 ";
$traces = "echo '$early_m4_code' | $traces - ";
# Support AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS also with older autoconf.
# Note that we can't use '$ac_config_macro_dirs_fallback' here, because
# a bug in option parsing code of autom4te 2.68 and earlier will cause
# it to read standard input last, even if the "-" argument is specified
# early.
# FIXME: To be removed in Automake 2.0, once we can assume autoconf
# 2.70 or later.
$traces .= "$automake_includes[0]/internal/ac-config-macro-dirs.m4 ";
# All candidate files.
$traces .= join (' ',
(map { "'$_'" }
(grep { exists $files{$_} } @file_order))) . " ";
# All candidate macros.
$traces .= join (' ',
(map { "--trace='$_:\$f::\$n::\${::}%'" }
# FIXME: Tracing the next two macros is a hack for
# compatibility with older autoconf. Remove this in
# Automake 2.0, when we can assume Autoconf 2.70 or
# later.
# Do not trace $1 for all other macros as we do
# not need it and it might contains harmful
# characters (like newlines).
(map { "--trace='$_:\$f::\$n'" } (keys %macro_seen)));
verb "running $traces $configure_ac";
my $tracefh = new Automake::XFile ("$traces $configure_ac |");
@ac_config_macro_dirs = ();
my %traced = ();
while ($_ = $tracefh->getline)
my ($file, $macro, $arg1) = split (/::/);
$traced{$macro} = 1 if exists $macro_seen{$macro};
if ($macro eq 'AC_DEFUN' || $macro eq 'AC_DEFUN_ONCE'
|| $macro eq 'AU_DEFUN')
$map_traced_defs{$arg1} = $file;
elsif ($macro eq '_AM_AUTOCONF_VERSION')
$ac_version = $arg1;
elsif ($macro eq 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR_TRACE')
push @ac_config_macro_dirs, $arg1;
# FIXME: We still need to trace AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR
# for compatibility with older autoconf. Remove this
# once we can assume Autoconf 2.70 or later.
elsif ($macro eq 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR')
@ac_config_macro_dirs = ($arg1);
# FIXME:This is an hack for compatibility with older autoconf.
# Remove this once we can assume Autoconf 2.70 or later.
elsif ($macro eq '_AM_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS')
# Empty leading/trailing fields might be produced by split,
# hence the grep is really needed.
push @ac_config_macro_dirs, grep (/./, (split /\s+/, $arg1));
# FIXME: in Autoconf >= 2.70, AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR calls
# AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR_TRACE behind the scenes, which could
# leave unwanted duplicates in @ac_config_macro_dirs.
# Remove this in Automake 2.0, when we'll stop tracing
# AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR explicitly.
@ac_config_macro_dirs = uniq @ac_config_macro_dirs;
return %traced;
sub scan_configure ()
# Make sure we include acinclude.m4 if it exists.
if (-f 'acinclude.m4')
add_file ('acinclude.m4');
scan_configure_dep ($configure_ac);
# Write output.
# Return 0 iff some files were installed locally.
sub write_aclocal ($@)
my ($output_file, @macros) = @_;
my $output = '';
my %files = ();
# Get the list of files containing definitions for the macros used.
# (Filter out unused macro definitions with $map_traced_defs. This
# can happen when an Autoconf macro is conditionally defined:
# aclocal sees the potential definition, but this definition is
# actually never processed and the Autoconf implementation is used
# instead.)
for my $m (@macros)
$files{$map{$m}} = 1
if (exists $map_traced_defs{$m}
&& $map{$m} eq $map_traced_defs{$m});
# Do not explicitly include a file that is already indirectly included.
%files = strip_redundant_includes %files;
my $installed = 0;
for my $file (grep { exists $files{$_} } @file_order)
# Check the time stamp of this file, and of all files it includes.
for my $ifile ($file, @{$file_includes{$file}})
my $mtime = mtime $ifile;
$greatest_mtime = $mtime if $greatest_mtime < $mtime;
# If the file to add looks like outside the project, copy it
# to the output. The regex catches filenames starting with
# things like '/', '\', or 'c:\'.
if ($file_type{$file} != FT_USER
|| $file =~ m,^(?:\w:)?[\\/],)
if (!$install || $file_type{$file} != FT_SYSTEM)
# Copy the file into aclocal.m4.
$output .= $file_contents{$file} . "\n";
# Install the file (and any file it includes).
my $dest;
for my $ifile (@{$file_includes{$file}}, $file)
install_file ($ifile, $user_includes[0]);
$installed = 1;
# Otherwise, simply include the file.
$output .= "m4_include([$file])\n";
if ($installed)
verb "running aclocal anew, because some files were installed locally";
return 0;
# Nothing to output?!
# FIXME: Shouldn't we diagnose this?
return 1 if ! length ($output);
if ($ac_version)
# Do not use "$output_file" here for the same reason we do not
# use it in the header below. autom4te will output the name of
# the file in the diagnostic anyway.
$output = "m4_ifndef([AC_AUTOCONF_VERSION],
m4_if(m4_defn([AC_AUTOCONF_VERSION]), [$ac_version],,
[m4_warning([this file was generated for autoconf $ac_version.
You have another version of autoconf. It may work, but is not guaranteed to.
If you have problems, you may need to regenerate the build system entirely.
To do so, use the procedure documented by the package, typically 'autoreconf'.])])
# We used to print "# $output_file generated automatically etc." But
# this creates spurious differences when using autoreconf. Autoreconf
# creates aclocal.m4t and then rename it to aclocal.m4, but the
# rebuild rules generated by Automake create aclocal.m4 directly --
# this would gives two ways to get the same file, with a different
# name in the header.
$output = "# generated automatically by aclocal $VERSION -*- Autoconf -*-
# Copyright (C) 1996-$RELEASE_YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# We try not to update $output_file unless necessary, because
# doing so invalidate Autom4te's cache and therefore slows down
# tools called after aclocal.
# We need to overwrite $output_file in the following situations.
# * The --force option is in use.
# * One of the dependencies is younger.
# (Not updating $output_file in this situation would cause
# make to call aclocal in loop.)
# * The contents of the current file are different from what
# we have computed.
if (!$force_output
&& $greatest_mtime < mtime ($output_file)
&& $output eq contents ($output_file))
verb "$output_file unchanged";
return 1;
verb "writing $output_file";
if (!$dry_run)
if (-e $output_file && !unlink $output_file)
fatal "could not remove '$output_file': $!";
my $out = new Automake::XFile "> $output_file";
print $out $output;
return 1;
# Print usage and exit.
sub usage ($)
my ($status) = @_;
print <<'EOF';
Usage: aclocal [OPTION]...
Generate 'aclocal.m4' by scanning 'configure.ac' or 'configure.in'
--automake-acdir=DIR directory holding automake-provided m4 files
--system-acdir=DIR directory holding third-party system-wide files
--diff[=COMMAND] run COMMAND [diff -u] on M4 files that would be
changed (implies --install and --dry-run)
--dry-run pretend to, but do not actually update any file
--force always update output file
--help print this help, then exit
-I DIR add directory to search list for .m4 files
--install copy third-party files to the first -I directory
--output=FILE put output in FILE (default aclocal.m4)
--print-ac-dir print name of directory holding system-wide
third-party m4 files, then exit
--verbose don't be silent
--version print version number, then exit
-W, --warnings=CATEGORY report the warnings falling in CATEGORY
Warning categories include:
syntax dubious syntactic constructs (default)
unsupported unknown macros (default)
all all the warnings (default)
no-CATEGORY turn off warnings in CATEGORY
none turn off all the warnings
error treat warnings as errors
Report bugs to .
GNU Automake home page: .
General help using GNU software: .
exit $status;
# Print version and exit.
sub version ()
print <
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Written by Tom Tromey
and Alexandre Duret-Lutz .
exit 0;
# Parse command line.
sub parse_arguments ()
my $print_and_exit = 0;
my $diff_command;
my %cli_options =
'help' => sub { usage(0); },
'version' => \&version,
'system-acdir=s' => sub { shift; @system_includes = @_; },
'automake-acdir=s' => sub { shift; @automake_includes = @_; },
'diff:s' => \$diff_command,
'dry-run' => \$dry_run,
'force' => \$force_output,
'I=s' => \@user_includes,
'install' => \$install,
'output=s' => \$output_file,
'print-ac-dir' => \$print_and_exit,
'verbose' => sub { setup_channel 'verb', silent => 0; },
'W|warnings=s' => \&parse_warnings,
use Automake::Getopt ();
Automake::Getopt::parse_options %cli_options;
if (@ARGV > 0)
fatal ("non-option arguments are not accepted: '$ARGV[0]'.\n"
. "Try '$0 --help' for more information.");
if ($print_and_exit)
print "@system_includes\n";
exit 0;
if (defined $diff_command)
$diff_command = 'diff -u' if $diff_command eq '';
@diff_command = split (' ', $diff_command);
$install = 1;
$dry_run = 1;
# Finally, adds any directory listed in the 'dirlist' file.
if (@system_includes && open (DIRLIST, "$system_includes[0]/dirlist"))
while ()
# Ignore '#' lines.
next if /^#/;
# strip off newlines and end-of-line comments
foreach my $dir (glob)
push (@system_includes, $dir) if -d $dir;
close (DIRLIST);
# Add any directory listed in the 'ACLOCAL_PATH' environment variable
# to the list of system include directories.
sub parse_ACLOCAL_PATH ()
return if not defined $ENV{"ACLOCAL_PATH"};
# Directories in ACLOCAL_PATH should take precedence over system
# directories, so we use unshift. However, directories that
# come first in ACLOCAL_PATH take precedence over directories
# coming later, which is why the result of split is reversed.
foreach my $dir (reverse split /:/, $ENV{"ACLOCAL_PATH"})
unshift (@system_includes, $dir) if $dir ne '' && -d $dir;
# Don't refer to installation directories from the build environment
@automake_includes = ();
@system_includes = ();
@automake_includes = ($ENV{"ACLOCAL_AUTOMAKE_DIR"})
parse_WARNINGS; # Parse the WARNINGS environment variable.
$configure_ac = require_configure_ac;
# We may have to rerun aclocal if some file have been installed, but
# it should not happen more than once. The reason we must run again
# is that once the file has been moved from /usr/share/aclocal/ to the
# local m4/ directory it appears at a new place in the search path,
# hence it should be output at a different position in aclocal.m4. If
# we did not rerun aclocal, the next run of aclocal would produce a
# different aclocal.m4.
my $loop = 0;
my $rerun_due_to_macrodir = 0;
while (1)
prog_error "too many loops" if $loop > 2 + $rerun_due_to_macrodir;
last if $exit_code;
my %macro_traced = trace_used_macros;
if (!$rerun_due_to_macrodir && @ac_config_macro_dirs)
# The directory specified in calls to the AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS
# m4 macro (if any) must go after the user includes specified
# explicitly with the '-I' option.
push @user_includes, @ac_config_macro_dirs;
# We might have to scan some new directory of .m4 files.
if ($install && !@user_includes)
fatal "installation of third-party macros impossible without " .
"-I options nor AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR{,S} m4 macro(s)";
last if write_aclocal ($output_file, keys %macro_traced);
last if $dry_run;
exit $exit_code;
+ cat /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin/automake-1.16
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# automake - create Makefile.in from Makefile.am -*- perl -*-
# Generated from bin/automake.in; do not edit by hand.
# Copyright (C) 1994-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
# Originally written by David Mackenzie .
# Perl reimplementation by Tom Tromey , and
# Alexandre Duret-Lutz .
package Automake;
use strict;
unshift (@INC, '/usr/local/share/automake-1.16')
# Override SHELL. This is required on DJGPP so that system() uses
# bash, not COMMAND.COM which doesn't quote arguments properly.
# Other systems aren't expected to use $SHELL when Automake
# runs, but it should be safe to drop the "if DJGPP" guard if
# it turns up other systems need the same thing. After all,
# if SHELL is used, ./configure's SHELL is always better than
# the user's SHELL (which may be something like tcsh).
$ENV{'SHELL'} = '/bin/sh' if exists $ENV{'DJDIR'};
use Automake::Config;
if ($perl_threads)
require threads;
import threads;
require Thread::Queue;
import Thread::Queue;
use Automake::General;
use Automake::XFile;
use Automake::Channels;
use Automake::ChannelDefs;
use Automake::Configure_ac;
use Automake::FileUtils;
use Automake::Location;
use Automake::Condition qw/TRUE FALSE/;
use Automake::DisjConditions;
use Automake::Options;
use Automake::Variable;
use Automake::VarDef;
use Automake::Rule;
use Automake::RuleDef;
use Automake::Wrap 'makefile_wrap';
use Automake::Language;
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec;
use Carp;
## ----------------------- ##
## Subroutine prototypes. ##
## ----------------------- ##
sub append_exeext (&$);
sub check_gnits_standards ();
sub check_gnu_standards ();
sub check_trailing_slash ($\$);
sub check_typos ();
sub define_files_variable ($\@$$);
sub define_standard_variables ();
sub define_verbose_libtool ();
sub define_verbose_texinfo ();
sub do_check_merge_target ();
sub get_number_of_threads ();
sub handle_compile ();
sub handle_data ();
sub handle_dist ();
sub handle_emacs_lisp ();
sub handle_factored_dependencies ();
sub handle_footer ();
sub handle_gettext ();
sub handle_headers ();
sub handle_install ();
sub handle_java ();
sub handle_languages ();
sub handle_libraries ();
sub handle_libtool ();
sub handle_ltlibraries ();
sub handle_makefiles_serial ();
sub handle_man_pages ();
sub handle_minor_options ();
sub handle_options ();
sub handle_programs ();
sub handle_python ();
sub handle_scripts ();
sub handle_silent ();
sub handle_subdirs ();
sub handle_tags ();
sub handle_targets ();
sub handle_tests ();
sub handle_tests_dejagnu ();
sub handle_texinfo ();
sub handle_user_recursion ();
sub initialize_per_input ();
sub lang_lex_finish ();
sub lang_sub_obj ();
sub lang_vala_finish ();
sub lang_yacc_finish ();
sub locate_aux_dir ();
sub parse_arguments ();
sub scan_aclocal_m4 ();
sub scan_autoconf_files ();
sub silent_flag ();
sub transform ($\%);
sub transform_token ($\%$);
sub usage ();
sub version ();
sub yacc_lex_finish_helper ();
## ----------- ##
## Constants. ##
## ----------- ##
# Some regular expressions. One reason to put them here is that it
# makes indentation work better in Emacs.
# Writing singled-quoted-$-terminated regexes is a pain because
# perl-mode thinks of $' as the ${'} variable (instead of a $ followed
# by a closing quote. Letting perl-mode think the quote is not closed
# leads to all sort of misindentations. On the other hand, defining
# regexes as double-quoted strings is far less readable. So usually
# we will write:
# $REGEX = '^regex_value' . "\$";
my $IGNORE_PATTERN = '^\s*##([^#\n].*)?\n';
my $WHITE_PATTERN = '^\s*' . "\$";
my $TARGET_PATTERN='[$a-zA-Z0-9_.@%][-.a-zA-Z0-9_(){}/$+@%]*';
# A rule has three parts: a list of targets, a list of dependencies,
# and optionally actions.
"^($TARGET_PATTERN(?:(?:\\\\\n|\\s)+$TARGET_PATTERN)*) *:([^=].*|)\$";
# Only recognize leading spaces, not leading tabs. If we recognize
# leading tabs here then we need to make the reader smarter, because
# otherwise it will think rules like 'foo=bar; \' are errors.
my $ASSIGNMENT_PATTERN = '^ *([^ \t=:+]*)\s*([:+]?)=\s*(.*)' . "\$";
# This pattern recognizes a Gnits version id and sets $1 if the
# release is an alpha release. We also allow a suffix which can be
# used to extend the version number with a "fork" identifier.
my $GNITS_VERSION_PATTERN = '\d+\.\d+([a-z]|\.\d+)?(-[A-Za-z0-9]+)?';
my $IF_PATTERN = '^if\s+(!?)\s*([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\s*(?:#.*)?' . "\$";
'^else(?:\s+(!?)\s*([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*))?\s*(?:#.*)?' . "\$";
'^endif(?:\s+(!?)\s*([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*))?\s*(?:#.*)?' . "\$";
my $PATH_PATTERN = '(\w|[+/.-])+';
# This will pass through anything not of the prescribed form.
my $INCLUDE_PATTERN = ('^include\s+'
. '((\$\(top_srcdir\)/' . $PATH_PATTERN . ')'
. '|(\$\(srcdir\)/' . $PATH_PATTERN . ')'
. '|([^/\$]' . $PATH_PATTERN . '))\s*(#.*)?' . "\$");
# Directories installed during 'install-exec' phase.
'^(?:bin|sbin|libexec|sysconf|localstate|lib|pkglib|.*exec.*)' . "\$";
# Values for AC_CANONICAL_*
use constant AC_CANONICAL_BUILD => 1;
use constant AC_CANONICAL_HOST => 2;
use constant AC_CANONICAL_TARGET => 3;
# Values indicating when something should be cleaned.
use constant MOSTLY_CLEAN => 0;
use constant CLEAN => 1;
use constant DIST_CLEAN => 2;
use constant MAINTAINER_CLEAN => 3;
# Libtool files.
my @libtool_files = qw(ltmain.sh config.guess config.sub);
# ltconfig appears here for compatibility with old versions of libtool.
my @libtool_sometimes = qw(ltconfig ltcf-c.sh ltcf-cxx.sh ltcf-gcj.sh);
# Commonly found files we look for and automatically include in
my @common_files =
ar-lib compile config.guess config.rpath
config.sub depcomp install-sh libversion.in mdate-sh
missing mkinstalldirs py-compile texinfo.tex ylwrap),
@libtool_files, @libtool_sometimes);
# Commonly used files we auto-include, but only sometimes. This list
# is used for the --help output only.
my @common_sometimes =
qw(aclocal.m4 acconfig.h config.h.top config.h.bot configure
configure.ac configure.in stamp-vti);
# Standard directories from the GNU Coding Standards, and additional
# pkg* directories from Automake. Stored in a hash for fast member check.
my %standard_prefix =
map { $_ => 1 } (qw(bin data dataroot doc dvi exec html include info
lib libexec lisp locale localstate man man1 man2
man3 man4 man5 man6 man7 man8 man9 oldinclude pdf
pkgdata pkginclude pkglib pkglibexec ps sbin
sharedstate sysconf));
# Copyright on generated Makefile.ins.
my $gen_copyright = "\
# Copyright (C) 1994-$RELEASE_YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation
# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# These constants are returned by the lang_*_rewrite functions.
# LANG_SUBDIR means that the resulting object file should be in a
# subdir if the source file is. In this case the file name cannot
# have '..' components.
use constant LANG_IGNORE => 0;
use constant LANG_PROCESS => 1;
use constant LANG_SUBDIR => 2;
# These are used when keeping track of whether an object can be built
# by two different paths.
use constant COMPILE_LIBTOOL => 1;
use constant COMPILE_ORDINARY => 2;
# We can't always associate a location to a variable or a rule,
# when it's defined by Automake. We use INTERNAL in this case.
use constant INTERNAL => new Automake::Location;
# Serialization keys for message queues.
use constant QUEUE_MESSAGE => "msg";
use constant QUEUE_CONF_FILE => "conf file";
use constant QUEUE_LOCATION => "location";
use constant QUEUE_STRING => "string";
## ---------------------------------- ##
## Variables related to the options. ##
## ---------------------------------- ##
# TRUE if we should always generate Makefile.in.
my $force_generation = 1;
# From the Perl manual.
my $symlink_exists = (eval 'symlink ("", "");', $@ eq '');
# TRUE if missing standard files should be installed.
my $add_missing = 0;
# TRUE if we should copy missing files; otherwise symlink if possible.
my $copy_missing = 0;
# TRUE if we should always update files that we know about.
my $force_missing = 0;
## ---------------------------------------- ##
## Variables filled during files scanning. ##
## ---------------------------------------- ##
# Name of the configure.ac file.
my $configure_ac;
# Files found by scanning configure.ac for LIBOBJS.
my %libsources = ();
# Names used in AC_CONFIG_HEADERS call.
my @config_headers = ();
# Names used in AC_CONFIG_LINKS call.
my @config_links = ();
# List of Makefile.am's to process, and their corresponding outputs.
my @input_files = ();
my %output_files = ();
# Complete list of Makefile.am's that exist.
my @configure_input_files = ();
# List of files in AC_CONFIG_FILES/AC_OUTPUT without Makefile.am's,
# and their outputs.
my @other_input_files = ();
# appears. The keys are the files created by these macros.
my %ac_config_files_location = ();
# The condition under which AC_CONFIG_FOOS appears.
my %ac_config_files_condition = ();
# Directory to search for configure-required files. This
# will be computed by locate_aux_dir() and can be set using
# AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR in configure.ac.
# $CONFIG_AUX_DIR is the 'raw' directory, valid only in the source-tree.
my $config_aux_dir = '';
my $config_aux_dir_set_in_configure_ac = 0;
# $AM_CONFIG_AUX_DIR is prefixed with $(top_srcdir), so it can be used
# in Makefiles.
my $am_config_aux_dir = '';
# Directory to search for AC_LIBSOURCE files, as set by AC_CONFIG_LIBOBJ_DIR
# in configure.ac.
my $config_libobj_dir = '';
# Whether AM_GNU_GETTEXT has been seen in configure.ac.
my $seen_gettext = 0;
# Whether AM_GNU_GETTEXT([external]) is used.
my $seen_gettext_external = 0;
# Where AM_GNU_GETTEXT appears.
my $ac_gettext_location;
# Whether AM_GNU_GETTEXT_INTL_SUBDIR has been seen.
my $seen_gettext_intl = 0;
# The arguments of the AM_EXTRA_RECURSIVE_TARGETS call (if any).
my @extra_recursive_targets = ();
# Lists of tags supported by Libtool.
my %libtool_tags = ();
# 1 if Libtool uses LT_SUPPORTED_TAG. If it does, then it also
my $libtool_new_api = 0;
# Most important AC_CANONICAL_* macro seen so far.
my $seen_canonical = 0;
# Where AM_MAINTAINER_MODE appears.
my $seen_maint_mode;
# Actual version we've seen.
my $package_version = '';
# Where version is defined.
my $package_version_location;
# TRUE if we've seen AM_PROG_AR
my $seen_ar = 0;
# Location of AC_REQUIRE_AUX_FILE calls, indexed by their argument.
my %required_aux_file = ();
# Where AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE is called.
my $seen_init_automake = 0;
my $seen_automake_version = 0;
# Hash table of discovered configure substitutions. Keys are names,
# values are 'FILE:LINE' strings which are used by error message
# generation.
my %configure_vars = ();
# Ignored configure substitutions (i.e., variables not to be output in
# Makefile.in)
my %ignored_configure_vars = ();
# Files included by $configure_ac.
my @configure_deps = ();
# Greatest timestamp of configure's dependencies.
my $configure_deps_greatest_timestamp = 0;
# Hash table of AM_CONDITIONAL variables seen in configure.
my %configure_cond = ();
# This maps extensions onto language names.
my %extension_map = ();
# List of the DIST_COMMON files we discovered while reading
# configure.ac.
my @configure_dist_common = ();
# This maps languages names onto objects.
my %languages = ();
# Maps each linker variable onto a language object.
my %link_languages = ();
# maps extensions to needed source flags.
my %sourceflags = ();
# List of targets we must always output.
# FIXME: Complete, and remove falsely required targets.
my %required_targets =
'all' => 1,
'dvi' => 1,
'pdf' => 1,
'ps' => 1,
'info' => 1,
'install-info' => 1,
'install' => 1,
'install-data' => 1,
'install-exec' => 1,
'uninstall' => 1,
# FIXME: Not required, temporary hacks.
# Well, actually they are sort of required: the -recursive
# targets will run them anyway...
'html-am' => 1,
'dvi-am' => 1,
'pdf-am' => 1,
'ps-am' => 1,
'info-am' => 1,
'install-data-am' => 1,
'install-exec-am' => 1,
'install-html-am' => 1,
'install-dvi-am' => 1,
'install-pdf-am' => 1,
'install-ps-am' => 1,
'install-info-am' => 1,
'installcheck-am' => 1,
'uninstall-am' => 1,
'tags-am' => 1,
'ctags-am' => 1,
'cscopelist-am' => 1,
'install-man' => 1,
# Queue to push require_conf_file requirements to.
my $required_conf_file_queue;
# The name of the Makefile currently being processed.
my $am_file = 'BUG';
## ------------------------------------------ ##
## Variables reset by &initialize_per_input. ##
## ------------------------------------------ ##
# Relative dir of the output makefile.
my $relative_dir;
# Greatest timestamp of the output's dependencies (excluding
# configure's dependencies).
my $output_deps_greatest_timestamp;
# These variables are used when generating each Makefile.in.
# They hold the Makefile.in until it is ready to be printed.
my $output_vars;
my $output_all;
my $output_header;
my $output_rules;
my $output_trailer;
# This is the conditional stack, updated on if/else/endif, and
# used to build Condition objects.
my @cond_stack;
# This holds the set of included files.
my @include_stack;
# List of dependencies for the obvious targets.
my @all;
my @check;
my @check_tests;
# Keys in this hash table are files to delete. The associated
# value tells when this should happen (MOSTLY_CLEAN, DIST_CLEAN, etc.)
my %clean_files;
# Keys in this hash table are object files or other files in
# subdirectories which need to be removed. This only holds files
# which are created by compilations. The value in the hash indicates
# when the file should be removed.
my %compile_clean_files;
# Keys in this hash table are directories where we expect to build a
# libtool object. We use this information to decide what directories
# to delete.
my %libtool_clean_directories;
# Value of $(SOURCES), used by tags.am.
my @sources;
# Sources which go in the distribution.
my @dist_sources;
# This hash maps object file names onto their corresponding source
# file names. This is used to ensure that each object is created
# by a single source file.
my %object_map;
# This hash maps object file names onto an integer value representing
# whether this object has been built via ordinary compilation or
# libtool compilation (the COMPILE_* constants).
my %object_compilation_map;
# This keeps track of the directories for which we've already
# created dirstamp code. Keys are directories, values are stamp files.
# Several keys can share the same stamp files if they are equivalent
# (as are './/foo' and 'foo').
my %directory_map;
# All .P files.
my %dep_files;
# This is a list of all targets to run during "make dist".
my @dist_targets;
# List of all programs, libraries and ltlibraries as returned
# by am_install_var
my @proglist;
my @liblist;
my @ltliblist;
# Blacklist of targets (as canonical base name) for which object file names
# may not be automatically shortened
my @dup_shortnames;
# Keep track of all programs declared in this Makefile, without
# $(EXEEXT). @substitutions@ are not listed.
my %known_programs;
my %known_libraries;
# This keeps track of which extensions we've seen (that we care
# about).
my %extension_seen;
# This is random scratch space for the language finish functions.
# Don't randomly overwrite it; examine other uses of keys first.
my %language_scratch;
# We keep track of which objects need special (per-executable)
# handling on a per-language basis.
my %lang_specific_files;
# List of distributed files to be put in DIST_COMMON.
my @dist_common;
# This is set when 'handle_dist' has finished. Once this happens,
# we should no longer push on dist_common.
my $handle_dist_run;
# Used to store a set of linkers needed to generate the sources currently
# under consideration.
my %linkers_used;
# True if we need 'LINK' defined. This is a hack.
my $need_link;
# Does the generated Makefile have to build some compiled object
# (for binary programs, or plain or libtool libraries)?
my $must_handle_compiled_objects;
# Record each file processed by make_paragraphs.
my %transformed_files;
## ---------------------------------------------- ##
## Variables not reset by &initialize_per_input. ##
## ---------------------------------------------- ##
# Cache each file processed by make_paragraphs.
# (This is different from %transformed_files because
# %transformed_files is reset for each file while %am_file_cache
# it global to the run.)
my %am_file_cache;
# var_SUFFIXES_trigger ($TYPE, $VALUE)
# ------------------------------------
# This is called by Automake::Variable::define() when SUFFIXES
# is defined ($TYPE eq '') or appended ($TYPE eq '+').
# The work here needs to be performed as a side-effect of the
# macro_define() call because SUFFIXES definitions impact
# on $KNOWN_EXTENSIONS_PATTERN which is used used when parsing
# the input am file.
sub var_SUFFIXES_trigger
my ($type, $value) = @_;
accept_extensions (split (' ', $value));
Automake::Variable::hook ('SUFFIXES', \&var_SUFFIXES_trigger);
# initialize_per_input ()
# -----------------------
# (Re)-Initialize per-Makefile.am variables.
sub initialize_per_input ()
reset_local_duplicates ();
$relative_dir = undef;
$output_deps_greatest_timestamp = 0;
$output_vars = '';
$output_all = '';
$output_header = '';
$output_rules = '';
$output_trailer = '';
@cond_stack = ();
@include_stack = ();
@all = ();
@check = ();
@check_tests = ();
%clean_files = ();
%compile_clean_files = ();
# We always include '.'. This isn't strictly correct.
%libtool_clean_directories = ('.' => 1);
@sources = ();
@dist_sources = ();
%object_map = ();
%object_compilation_map = ();
%directory_map = ();
%dep_files = ();
@dist_targets = ();
@dist_common = ();
$handle_dist_run = 0;
@proglist = ();
@liblist = ();
@ltliblist = ();
@dup_shortnames = ();
%known_programs = ();
%known_libraries = ();
%extension_seen = ();
%language_scratch = ();
%lang_specific_files = ();
$need_link = 0;
$must_handle_compiled_objects = 0;
%transformed_files = ();
# Initialize our list of languages that are internally supported.
my @cpplike_flags =
# C.
register_language ('name' => 'c',
'Name' => 'C',
'config_vars' => ['CC'],
'autodep' => '',
'flags' => ['CFLAGS', 'CPPFLAGS'],
'ccer' => 'CC',
'compiler' => 'COMPILE',
'compile' => "\$(CC) @cpplike_flags \$(AM_CFLAGS) \$(CFLAGS)",
'lder' => 'CCLD',
'ld' => '$(CC)',
'linker' => 'LINK',
'link' => '$(CCLD) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@',
'compile_flag' => '-c',
'output_flag' => '-o',
'libtool_tag' => 'CC',
'extensions' => ['.c']);
# C++.
register_language ('name' => 'cxx',
'Name' => 'C++',
'config_vars' => ['CXX'],
'linker' => 'CXXLINK',
'link' => '$(CXXLD) $(AM_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@',
'autodep' => 'CXX',
'flags' => ['CXXFLAGS', 'CPPFLAGS'],
'compile' => "\$(CXX) @cpplike_flags \$(AM_CXXFLAGS) \$(CXXFLAGS)",
'ccer' => 'CXX',
'compiler' => 'CXXCOMPILE',
'compile_flag' => '-c',
'output_flag' => '-o',
'libtool_tag' => 'CXX',
'lder' => 'CXXLD',
'ld' => '$(CXX)',
'pure' => 1,
'extensions' => ['.c++', '.cc', '.cpp', '.cxx', '.C']);
# Objective C.
register_language ('name' => 'objc',
'Name' => 'Objective C',
'config_vars' => ['OBJC'],
'linker' => 'OBJCLINK',
'autodep' => 'OBJC',
'flags' => ['OBJCFLAGS', 'CPPFLAGS'],
'compile' => "\$(OBJC) @cpplike_flags \$(AM_OBJCFLAGS) \$(OBJCFLAGS)",
'ccer' => 'OBJC',
'compiler' => 'OBJCCOMPILE',
'compile_flag' => '-c',
'output_flag' => '-o',
'lder' => 'OBJCLD',
'ld' => '$(OBJC)',
'pure' => 1,
'extensions' => ['.m']);
# Objective C++.
register_language ('name' => 'objcxx',
'Name' => 'Objective C++',
'config_vars' => ['OBJCXX'],
'linker' => 'OBJCXXLINK',
'autodep' => 'OBJCXX',
'flags' => ['OBJCXXFLAGS', 'CPPFLAGS'],
'compile' => "\$(OBJCXX) @cpplike_flags \$(AM_OBJCXXFLAGS) \$(OBJCXXFLAGS)",
'ccer' => 'OBJCXX',
'compiler' => 'OBJCXXCOMPILE',
'compile_flag' => '-c',
'output_flag' => '-o',
'lder' => 'OBJCXXLD',
'ld' => '$(OBJCXX)',
'pure' => 1,
'extensions' => ['.mm']);
# Unified Parallel C.
register_language ('name' => 'upc',
'Name' => 'Unified Parallel C',
'config_vars' => ['UPC'],
'linker' => 'UPCLINK',
'link' => '$(UPCLD) $(AM_UPCFLAGS) $(UPCFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@',
'autodep' => 'UPC',
'flags' => ['UPCFLAGS', 'CPPFLAGS'],
'compile' => "\$(UPC) @cpplike_flags \$(AM_UPCFLAGS) \$(UPCFLAGS)",
'ccer' => 'UPC',
'compiler' => 'UPCCOMPILE',
'compile_flag' => '-c',
'output_flag' => '-o',
'lder' => 'UPCLD',
'ld' => '$(UPC)',
'pure' => 1,
'extensions' => ['.upc']);
# Headers.
register_language ('name' => 'header',
'Name' => 'Header',
'extensions' => ['.h', '.H', '.hxx', '.h++', '.hh',
'.hpp', '.inc'],
# No output.
'output_extensions' => sub { return () },
# Nothing to do.
'_finish' => sub { });
# Vala
register_language ('name' => 'vala',
'Name' => 'Vala',
'config_vars' => ['VALAC'],
'flags' => [],
'compile' => '$(VALAC) $(AM_VALAFLAGS) $(VALAFLAGS)',
'ccer' => 'VALAC',
'compiler' => 'VALACOMPILE',
'extensions' => ['.vala'],
'output_extensions' => sub { (my $ext = $_[0]) =~ s/vala$/c/;
return ($ext,) },
'rule_file' => 'vala',
'_finish' => \&lang_vala_finish,
'_target_hook' => \&lang_vala_target_hook,
'nodist_specific' => 1);
# Yacc (C & C++).
register_language ('name' => 'yacc',
'Name' => 'Yacc',
'config_vars' => ['YACC'],
'flags' => ['YFLAGS'],
'compile' => '$(YACC) $(AM_YFLAGS) $(YFLAGS)',
'ccer' => 'YACC',
'compiler' => 'YACCCOMPILE',
'extensions' => ['.y'],
'output_extensions' => sub { (my $ext = $_[0]) =~ tr/y/c/;
return ($ext,) },
'rule_file' => 'yacc',
'_finish' => \&lang_yacc_finish,
'_target_hook' => \&lang_yacc_target_hook,
'nodist_specific' => 1);
register_language ('name' => 'yaccxx',
'Name' => 'Yacc (C++)',
'config_vars' => ['YACC'],
'rule_file' => 'yacc',
'flags' => ['YFLAGS'],
'ccer' => 'YACC',
'compiler' => 'YACCCOMPILE',
'compile' => '$(YACC) $(AM_YFLAGS) $(YFLAGS)',
'extensions' => ['.y++', '.yy', '.yxx', '.ypp'],
'output_extensions' => sub { (my $ext = $_[0]) =~ tr/y/c/;
return ($ext,) },
'_finish' => \&lang_yacc_finish,
'_target_hook' => \&lang_yacc_target_hook,
'nodist_specific' => 1);
# Lex (C & C++).
register_language ('name' => 'lex',
'Name' => 'Lex',
'config_vars' => ['LEX'],
'rule_file' => 'lex',
'flags' => ['LFLAGS'],
'compile' => '$(LEX) $(AM_LFLAGS) $(LFLAGS)',
'ccer' => 'LEX',
'compiler' => 'LEXCOMPILE',
'extensions' => ['.l'],
'output_extensions' => sub { (my $ext = $_[0]) =~ tr/l/c/;
return ($ext,) },
'_finish' => \&lang_lex_finish,
'_target_hook' => \&lang_lex_target_hook,
'nodist_specific' => 1);
register_language ('name' => 'lexxx',
'Name' => 'Lex (C++)',
'config_vars' => ['LEX'],
'rule_file' => 'lex',
'flags' => ['LFLAGS'],
'compile' => '$(LEX) $(AM_LFLAGS) $(LFLAGS)',
'ccer' => 'LEX',
'compiler' => 'LEXCOMPILE',
'extensions' => ['.l++', '.ll', '.lxx', '.lpp'],
'output_extensions' => sub { (my $ext = $_[0]) =~ tr/l/c/;
return ($ext,) },
'_finish' => \&lang_lex_finish,
'_target_hook' => \&lang_lex_target_hook,
'nodist_specific' => 1);
# Assembler.
register_language ('name' => 'asm',
'Name' => 'Assembler',
'config_vars' => ['CCAS', 'CCASFLAGS'],
'flags' => ['CCASFLAGS'],
# Users can set AM_CCASFLAGS to include DEFS, INCLUDES,
# or anything else required. They can also set CCAS.
# Or simply use Preprocessed Assembler.
'compile' => '$(CCAS) $(AM_CCASFLAGS) $(CCASFLAGS)',
'ccer' => 'CCAS',
'compiler' => 'CCASCOMPILE',
'compile_flag' => '-c',
'output_flag' => '-o',
'extensions' => ['.s']);
# Preprocessed Assembler.
register_language ('name' => 'cppasm',
'Name' => 'Preprocessed Assembler',
'config_vars' => ['CCAS', 'CCASFLAGS'],
'autodep' => 'CCAS',
'flags' => ['CCASFLAGS', 'CPPFLAGS'],
'compile' => "\$(CCAS) @cpplike_flags \$(AM_CCASFLAGS) \$(CCASFLAGS)",
'ccer' => 'CPPAS',
'compiler' => 'CPPASCOMPILE',
'libtool_tag' => 'CC',
'compile_flag' => '-c',
'output_flag' => '-o',
'extensions' => ['.S', '.sx']);
# Fortran 77
register_language ('name' => 'f77',
'Name' => 'Fortran 77',
'config_vars' => ['F77'],
'linker' => 'F77LINK',
'link' => '$(F77LD) $(AM_FFLAGS) $(FFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@',
'flags' => ['FFLAGS'],
'compile' => '$(F77) $(AM_FFLAGS) $(FFLAGS)',
'ccer' => 'F77',
'compiler' => 'F77COMPILE',
'compile_flag' => '-c',
'output_flag' => '-o',
'libtool_tag' => 'F77',
'lder' => 'F77LD',
'ld' => '$(F77)',
'pure' => 1,
'extensions' => ['.f', '.for']);
# Fortran
register_language ('name' => 'fc',
'Name' => 'Fortran',
'config_vars' => ['FC'],
'linker' => 'FCLINK',
'link' => '$(FCLD) $(AM_FCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@',
'flags' => ['FCFLAGS'],
'compile' => '$(FC) $(AM_FCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS)',
'ccer' => 'FC',
'compiler' => 'FCCOMPILE',
'compile_flag' => '-c',
'output_flag' => '-o',
'libtool_tag' => 'FC',
'lder' => 'FCLD',
'ld' => '$(FC)',
'pure' => 1,
'extensions' => ['.f90', '.f95', '.f03', '.f08']);
# Preprocessed Fortran
register_language ('name' => 'ppfc',
'Name' => 'Preprocessed Fortran',
'config_vars' => ['FC'],
'linker' => 'FCLINK',
'link' => '$(FCLD) $(AM_FCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@',
'lder' => 'FCLD',
'ld' => '$(FC)',
'flags' => ['FCFLAGS', 'CPPFLAGS'],
'ccer' => 'PPFC',
'compiler' => 'PPFCCOMPILE',
'compile' => "\$(FC) @cpplike_flags \$(AM_FCFLAGS) \$(FCFLAGS)",
'compile_flag' => '-c',
'output_flag' => '-o',
'libtool_tag' => 'FC',
'pure' => 1,
'extensions' => ['.F90','.F95', '.F03', '.F08']);
# Preprocessed Fortran 77
# The current support for preprocessing Fortran 77 just involves
# $(CPPFLAGS)" as additional flags to the Fortran 77 compiler, since
# this is how GNU Make does it; see the "GNU Make Manual, Edition 0.51
# for 'make' Version 3.76 Beta" (specifically, from info file
# '(make)Catalogue of Rules').
# A better approach would be to write an Autoconf test
# (i.e. AC_PROG_FPP) for a Fortran 77 preprocessor, because not all
# Fortran 77 compilers know how to do preprocessing. The Autoconf
# macro AC_PROG_FPP should test the Fortran 77 compiler first for
# preprocessing capabilities, and then fall back on cpp (if cpp were
# available).
register_language ('name' => 'ppf77',
'Name' => 'Preprocessed Fortran 77',
'config_vars' => ['F77'],
'linker' => 'F77LINK',
'link' => '$(F77LD) $(AM_FFLAGS) $(FFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@',
'lder' => 'F77LD',
'ld' => '$(F77)',
'flags' => ['FFLAGS', 'CPPFLAGS'],
'ccer' => 'PPF77',
'compiler' => 'PPF77COMPILE',
'compile' => "\$(F77) @cpplike_flags \$(AM_FFLAGS) \$(FFLAGS)",
'compile_flag' => '-c',
'output_flag' => '-o',
'libtool_tag' => 'F77',
'pure' => 1,
'extensions' => ['.F']);
# Ratfor.
register_language ('name' => 'ratfor',
'Name' => 'Ratfor',
'config_vars' => ['F77'],
'linker' => 'F77LINK',
'link' => '$(F77LD) $(AM_FFLAGS) $(FFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@',
'lder' => 'F77LD',
'ld' => '$(F77)',
'flags' => ['RFLAGS', 'FFLAGS'],
'compile' => '$(F77) $(AM_FFLAGS) $(FFLAGS) $(AM_RFLAGS) $(RFLAGS)',
'ccer' => 'F77',
'compiler' => 'RCOMPILE',
'compile_flag' => '-c',
'output_flag' => '-o',
'libtool_tag' => 'F77',
'pure' => 1,
'extensions' => ['.r']);
# Java via gcj.
register_language ('name' => 'java',
'Name' => 'Java',
'config_vars' => ['GCJ'],
'linker' => 'GCJLINK',
'link' => '$(GCJLD) $(AM_GCJFLAGS) $(GCJFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@',
'autodep' => 'GCJ',
'flags' => ['GCJFLAGS'],
'compile' => '$(GCJ) $(AM_GCJFLAGS) $(GCJFLAGS)',
'ccer' => 'GCJ',
'compiler' => 'GCJCOMPILE',
'compile_flag' => '-c',
'output_flag' => '-o',
'libtool_tag' => 'GCJ',
'lder' => 'GCJLD',
'ld' => '$(GCJ)',
'pure' => 1,
'extensions' => ['.java', '.class', '.zip', '.jar']);
# Error reporting functions.
# err_am ($MESSAGE, [%OPTIONS])
# -----------------------------
# Uncategorized errors about the current Makefile.am.
sub err_am
msg_am ('error', @_);
# err_ac ($MESSAGE, [%OPTIONS])
# -----------------------------
# Uncategorized errors about configure.ac.
sub err_ac
msg_ac ('error', @_);
# ---------------------------------------
# Messages about about the current Makefile.am.
sub msg_am
my ($channel, $msg, %opts) = @_;
msg $channel, "${am_file}.am", $msg, %opts;
# ---------------------------------------
# Messages about about configure.ac.
sub msg_ac
my ($channel, $msg, %opts) = @_;
msg $channel, $configure_ac, $msg, %opts;
# subst ($TEXT)
# -------------
# Return a configure-style substitution using the indicated text.
# We do this to avoid having the substitutions directly in automake.in;
# when we do that they are sometimes removed and this causes confusion
# and bugs.
sub subst
my ($text) = @_;
return '@' . $text . '@';
# backname ($RELDIR)
# -------------------
# If I "cd $RELDIR", then to come back, I should "cd $BACKPATH".
# For instance 'src/foo' => '../..'.
# Works with non strictly increasing paths, i.e., 'src/../lib' => '..'.
sub backname
my ($file) = @_;
my @res;
foreach (split (/\//, $file))
next if $_ eq '.' || $_ eq '';
if ($_ eq '..')
pop @res
or prog_error ("trying to reverse path '$file' pointing outside tree");
push (@res, '..');
return join ('/', @res) || '.';
# Silent rules handling functions.
# verbose_var (NAME)
# ------------------
# The public variable stem used to implement silent rules.
sub verbose_var
my ($name) = @_;
return 'AM_V_' . $name;
# verbose_private_var (NAME)
# --------------------------
# The naming policy for the private variables for silent rules.
sub verbose_private_var
my ($name) = @_;
return 'am__v_' . $name;
# define_verbose_var (NAME, VAL-IF-SILENT, [VAL-IF-VERBOSE])
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# For silent rules, setup VAR and dispatcher, to expand to
# VAL-IF-SILENT if silent, to VAL-IF-VERBOSE (defaulting to
# empty) if not.
sub define_verbose_var
my ($name, $silent_val, $verbose_val) = @_;
$verbose_val = '' unless defined $verbose_val;
my $var = verbose_var ($name);
my $pvar = verbose_private_var ($name);
my $silent_var = $pvar . '_0';
my $verbose_var = $pvar . '_1';
# For typical 'make's, 'configure' replaces AM_V (inside @@) with $(V)
# and AM_DEFAULT_V (inside @@) with $(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY).
# For strict POSIX 2008 'make's, it replaces them with 0 or 1 instead.
# See AM_SILENT_RULES in m4/silent.m4.
define_variable ($var, '$(' . $pvar . '_@'.'AM_V'.'@)', INTERNAL);
define_variable ($pvar . '_', '$(' . $pvar . '_@'.'AM_DEFAULT_V'.'@)',
Automake::Variable::define ($silent_var, VAR_AUTOMAKE, '', TRUE,
$silent_val, '', INTERNAL, VAR_ASIS)
if (! vardef ($silent_var, TRUE));
Automake::Variable::define ($verbose_var, VAR_AUTOMAKE, '', TRUE,
$verbose_val, '', INTERNAL, VAR_ASIS)
if (! vardef ($verbose_var, TRUE));
# verbose_flag (NAME)
# -------------------
# Contents of '%VERBOSE%' variable to expand before rule command.
sub verbose_flag
my ($name) = @_;
return '$(' . verbose_var ($name) . ')';
sub verbose_nodep_flag
my ($name) = @_;
return '$(' . verbose_var ($name) . subst ('am__nodep') . ')';
# silent_flag
# -----------
# Contents of %SILENT%: variable to expand to '@' when silent.
sub silent_flag ()
return verbose_flag ('at');
# define_verbose_tagvar (NAME)
# ----------------------------
# Engage the needed silent rules machinery for tag NAME.
sub define_verbose_tagvar
my ($name) = @_;
define_verbose_var ($name, '@echo " '. $name . ' ' x (8 - length ($name)) . '" $@;');
# Engage the needed silent rules machinery for assorted texinfo commands.
sub define_verbose_texinfo ()
my @tagvars = ('DVIPS', 'MAKEINFO', 'INFOHTML', 'TEXI2DVI', 'TEXI2PDF');
foreach my $tag (@tagvars)
define_verbose_var('texinfo', '-q');
define_verbose_var('texidevnull', '> /dev/null');
# Engage the needed silent rules machinery for 'libtool --silent'.
sub define_verbose_libtool ()
define_verbose_var ('lt', '--silent');
return verbose_flag ('lt');
sub handle_silent ()
# Define "$(AM_V_P)", expanding to a shell conditional that can be
# used in make recipes to determine whether we are being run in
# silent mode or not. The choice of the name derives from the LISP
# convention of appending the letter 'P' to denote a predicate (see
# also "the '-P' convention" in the Jargon File); we do so for lack
# of a better convention.
define_verbose_var ('P', 'false', ':');
# *Always* provide the user with '$(AM_V_GEN)', unconditionally.
define_verbose_tagvar ('GEN');
define_verbose_var ('at', '@');
# Handle AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS variable. Return 0 on error, 1 otherwise.
sub handle_options ()
my $var = var ('AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS');
if ($var)
if ($var->has_conditional_contents)
msg_var ('unsupported', $var,
"'AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS' cannot have conditional contents");
my @options = map { { option => $_->[1], where => $_->[0] } }
$var->value_as_list_recursive (cond_filter => TRUE,
location => 1);
return 0 unless process_option_list (@options);
if ($strictness == GNITS)
set_option ('readme-alpha', INTERNAL);
set_option ('std-options', INTERNAL);
set_option ('check-news', INTERNAL);
return 1;
# shadow_unconditionally ($varname, $where)
# -----------------------------------------
# Return a $(variable) that contains all possible values
# $varname can take.
# If the VAR wasn't defined conditionally, return $(VAR).
# Otherwise we create an am__VAR_DIST variable which contains
# all possible values, and return $(am__VAR_DIST).
sub shadow_unconditionally
my ($varname, $where) = @_;
my $var = var $varname;
if ($var->has_conditional_contents)
$varname = "am__${varname}_DIST";
my @files = uniq ($var->value_as_list_recursive);
define_pretty_variable ($varname, TRUE, $where, @files);
return "\$($varname)"
# check_user_variables (@LIST)
# ----------------------------
# Make sure each variable VAR in @LIST does not exist, suggest using AM_VAR
# otherwise.
sub check_user_variables
my @dont_override = @_;
foreach my $flag (@dont_override)
my $var = var $flag;
if ($var)
for my $cond ($var->conditions->conds)
if ($var->rdef ($cond)->owner == VAR_MAKEFILE)
msg_cond_var ('gnu', $cond, $flag,
"'$flag' is a user variable, "
. "you should not override it;\n"
. "use 'AM_$flag' instead");
# Call finish function for each language that was used.
sub handle_languages ()
if (! option 'no-dependencies')
# Include auto-dep code. Don't include it if DEP_FILES would
# be empty.
if (keys %extension_seen && keys %dep_files)
my @dep_files = sort keys %dep_files;
# Set location of depcomp.
define_variable ('depcomp',
"\$(SHELL) $am_config_aux_dir/depcomp",
define_variable ('am__maybe_remake_depfiles', 'depfiles', INTERNAL);
define_variable ('am__depfiles_remade', "@dep_files", INTERNAL);
$output_rules .= "\n";
my @dist_rms;
foreach my $depfile (@dep_files)
push @dist_rms, "\t-rm -f $depfile";
# Generate each 'include' directive individually. Several
# make implementations (IRIX 6, Solaris 10, FreeBSD 8) will
# fail to properly include several files resulting from a
# variable expansion. Just Generating many separate includes
# seems thus safest.
$output_rules .= subst ('AMDEP_TRUE') .
subst ('am__include') .
" " .
subst('am__quote') .
$depfile .
subst('am__quote') .
" " .
"# am--include-marker\n";
require_conf_file ("$am_file.am", FOREIGN, 'depcomp');
$output_rules .= file_contents (
'depend', new Automake::Location,
'DISTRMS' => join ("\n", @dist_rms));
define_variable ('depcomp', '', INTERNAL);
define_variable ('am__maybe_remake_depfiles', '', INTERNAL);
my %done;
# Is the C linker needed?
my $needs_c = 0;
foreach my $ext (sort keys %extension_seen)
next unless $extension_map{$ext};
my $lang = $languages{$extension_map{$ext}};
my $rule_file = $lang->rule_file || 'depend2';
# Get information on $LANG.
my $pfx = $lang->autodep;
my $fpfx = ($pfx eq '') ? 'CC' : $pfx;
(option 'no-dependencies' || $lang->autodep eq 'no')
? ('FALSE', 'FALSE') : ('AMDEP', "am__fastdep$fpfx");
my $verbose = verbose_flag ($lang->ccer || 'GEN');
my $verbose_nodep = ($AMDEP eq 'FALSE')
? $verbose : verbose_nodep_flag ($lang->ccer || 'GEN');
my $silent = silent_flag ();
my %transform = ('EXT' => $ext,
'PFX' => $pfx,
'FPFX' => $fpfx,
'-c' => $lang->compile_flag || '',
# These are not used, but they need to be defined
# so transform() do not complain.
VERBOSE => $verbose,
'VERBOSE-NODEP' => $verbose_nodep,
SILENT => $silent,
# Generate the appropriate rules for this extension.
if (((! option 'no-dependencies') && $lang->autodep ne 'no')
|| defined $lang->compile)
# Compute a possible derived extension.
# This is not used by depend2.am.
my $der_ext = ($lang->output_extensions->($ext))[0];
# When we output an inference rule like '.c.o:' we
# have two cases to consider: either subdir-objects
# is used, or it is not.
# In the latter case the rule is used to build objects
# in the current directory, and dependencies always
# go into './$(DEPDIR)/'. We can hard-code this value.
# In the former case the rule can be used to build
# objects in sub-directories too. Dependencies should
# go into the appropriate sub-directories, e.g.,
# 'sub/$(DEPDIR)/'. The value of this directory
# needs to be computed on-the-fly.
# DEPBASE holds the name of this directory, plus the
# basename part of the object file (extensions Po, TPo,
# Plo, TPlo will be added later as appropriate). It is
# either hardcoded, or a shell variable ('$depbase') that
# will be computed by the rule.
my $depbase =
option ('subdir-objects') ? '$$depbase' : '$(DEPDIR)/$*';
$output_rules .=
file_contents ($rule_file,
new Automake::Location,
'DERIVED-EXT' => $der_ext,
DEPBASE => $depbase,
BASE => '$*',
SOURCE => '$<',
SOURCEFLAG => $sourceflags{$ext} || '',
OBJ => '$@',
OBJOBJ => '$@',
LTOBJ => '$@',
COMPILE => '$(' . $lang->compiler . ')',
LTCOMPILE => '$(LT' . $lang->compiler . ')',
-o => $lang->output_flag,
SUBDIROBJ => !! option 'subdir-objects');
# Now include code for each specially handled object with this
# language.
my %seen_files = ();
foreach my $file (@{$lang_specific_files{$lang->name}})
my ($derived, $source, $obj, $myext, $srcext, %file_transform) = @$file;
# We might see a given object twice, for instance if it is
# used under different conditions.
next if defined $seen_files{$obj};
$seen_files{$obj} = 1;
prog_error ("found " . $lang->name .
" in handle_languages, but compiler not defined")
unless defined $lang->compile;
my $obj_compile = $lang->compile;
# Rewrite each occurrence of 'AM_$flag' in the compile
# rule into '${derived}_$flag' if it exists.
for my $flag (@{$lang->flags})
my $val = "${derived}_$flag";
$obj_compile =~ s/\(AM_$flag\)/\($val\)/
if set_seen ($val);
my $libtool_tag = '';
if ($lang->libtool_tag && exists $libtool_tags{$lang->libtool_tag})
$libtool_tag = '--tag=' . $lang->libtool_tag . ' '
my $ptltflags = "${derived}_LIBTOOLFLAGS";
$ptltflags = 'AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS' unless set_seen $ptltflags;
my $ltverbose = define_verbose_libtool ();
my $obj_ltcompile =
"\$(LIBTOOL) $ltverbose $libtool_tag\$($ptltflags) \$(LIBTOOLFLAGS) "
. "--mode=compile $obj_compile";
# We _need_ '-o' for per object rules.
my $output_flag = $lang->output_flag || '-o';
my $depbase = dirname ($obj);
$depbase = ''
if $depbase eq '.';
$depbase .= '/'
unless $depbase eq '';
$depbase .= '$(DEPDIR)/' . basename ($obj);
$output_rules .=
file_contents ($rule_file,
new Automake::Location,
DEPBASE => $depbase,
BASE => $obj,
SOURCE => $source,
SOURCEFLAG => $sourceflags{$srcext} || '',
# Use $myext and not '.o' here, in case
# we are actually building a new source
# file -- e.g. via yacc.
OBJ => "$obj$myext",
OBJOBJ => "$obj.obj",
LTOBJ => "$obj.lo",
VERBOSE => $verbose,
'VERBOSE-NODEP' => $verbose_nodep,
SILENT => $silent,
COMPILE => $obj_compile,
LTCOMPILE => $obj_ltcompile,
-o => $output_flag,
# The rest of the loop is done once per language.
next if defined $done{$lang};
$done{$lang} = 1;
# Load the language dependent Makefile chunks.
my %lang = map { uc ($_) => 0 } keys %languages;
$lang{uc ($lang->name)} = 1;
$output_rules .= file_contents ('lang-compile',
new Automake::Location,
%transform, %lang);
# If the source to a program consists entirely of code from a
# 'pure' language, for instance C++ or Fortran 77, then we
# don't need the C compiler code. However if we run into
# something unusual then we do generate the C code. There are
# probably corner cases here that do not work properly.
# People linking Java code to Fortran code deserve pain.
$needs_c ||= ! $lang->pure;
define_compiler_variable ($lang)
if ($lang->compile);
define_linker_variable ($lang)
if ($lang->link);
require_variables ("$am_file.am", $lang->Name . " source seen",
TRUE, @{$lang->config_vars});
# Call the finisher.
# Flags listed in '->flags' are user variables (per GNU Standards),
# they should not be overridden in the Makefile...
my @dont_override = @{$lang->flags};
# ... and so is LDFLAGS.
push @dont_override, 'LDFLAGS' if $lang->link;
check_user_variables @dont_override;
# If the project is entirely C++ or entirely Fortran 77 (i.e., 1
# suffix rule was learned), don't bother with the C stuff. But if
# anything else creeps in, then use it.
my @languages_seen = map { $languages{$extension_map{$_}}->name }
(keys %extension_seen);
@languages_seen = uniq (@languages_seen);
$needs_c = 1 if @languages_seen > 1;
if ($need_link || $needs_c)
define_compiler_variable ($languages{'c'})
unless defined $done{$languages{'c'}};
define_linker_variable ($languages{'c'});
# append_exeext { PREDICATE } $MACRO
# ----------------------------------
# Append $(EXEEXT) to each filename in $F appearing in the Makefile
# variable $MACRO if &PREDICATE($F) is true. @substitutions@ are
# ignored.
# This is typically used on all filenames of *_PROGRAMS, and filenames
# of TESTS that are programs.
sub append_exeext (&$)
my ($pred, $macro) = @_;
($macro, $macro, 'am__EXEEXT', 0, INTERNAL,
sub {
my ($subvar, $val, $cond, $full_cond) = @_;
# Append $(EXEEXT) unless the user did it already, or it's a
# @substitution@.
$val .= '$(EXEEXT)'
if $val !~ /(?:\$\(EXEEXT\)$|^[@]\w+[@]$)/ && &$pred ($val);
return $val;
# Check to make sure a source defined in LIBOBJS is not explicitly
# mentioned. This is a separate function (as opposed to being inlined
# in handle_source_transform) because it isn't always appropriate to
# do this check.
sub check_libobjs_sources
my ($one_file, $unxformed) = @_;
foreach my $prefix ('', 'EXTRA_', 'dist_', 'nodist_',
'dist_EXTRA_', 'nodist_EXTRA_')
my @files;
my $varname = $prefix . $one_file . '_SOURCES';
my $var = var ($varname);
if ($var)
@files = $var->value_as_list_recursive;
elsif ($prefix eq '')
@files = ($unxformed . '.c');
foreach my $file (@files)
err_var ($prefix . $one_file . '_SOURCES',
"automatically discovered file '$file' should not" .
" be explicitly mentioned")
if defined $libsources{$file};
# handle_single_transform ($VAR, $TOPPARENT, $DERIVED, $OBJ, $FILE, %TRANSFORM)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Does much of the actual work for handle_source_transform.
# Arguments are:
# $VAR is the name of the variable that the source filenames come from
# $TOPPARENT is the name of the _SOURCES variable which is being processed
# $DERIVED is the name of resulting executable or library
# $OBJ is the object extension (e.g., '.lo')
# $FILE the source file to transform
# %TRANSFORM contains extras arguments to pass to file_contents
# when producing explicit rules
# Result is a list of the names of objects
# %linkers_used will be updated with any linkers needed
sub handle_single_transform
my ($var, $topparent, $derived, $obj, $_file, %transform) = @_;
my @files = ($_file);
my @result = ();
# Turn sources into objects. We use a while loop like this
# because we might add to @files in the loop.
while (scalar @files > 0)
$_ = shift @files;
# Configure substitutions in _SOURCES variables are errors.
if (/^\@.*\@$/)
my $parent_msg = '';
$parent_msg = "\nand is referred to from '$topparent'"
if $topparent ne $var->name;
err_var ($var,
"'" . $var->name . "' includes configure substitution '$_'"
. $parent_msg . ";\nconfigure " .
"substitutions are not allowed in _SOURCES variables");
# If the source file is in a subdirectory then the '.o' is put
# into the current directory, unless the subdir-objects option
# is in effect.
# Split file name into base and extension.
next if ! /^(?:(.*)\/)?([^\/]*)($KNOWN_EXTENSIONS_PATTERN)$/;
my $full = $_;
my $directory = $1 || '';
my $base = $2;
my $extension = $3;
# We must generate a rule for the object if it requires its own flags.
my $renamed = 0;
my ($linker, $object);
# This records whether we've seen a derived source file (e.g., yacc
# or lex output).
my $derived_source;
# This holds the 'aggregate context' of the file we are
# currently examining. If the file is compiled with
# per-object flags, then it will be the name of the object.
# Otherwise it will be 'AM'. This is used by the target hook
# language function.
my $aggregate = 'AM';
$extension = derive_suffix ($extension, $obj);
my $lang;
if ($extension_map{$extension} &&
($lang = $languages{$extension_map{$extension}}))
# Found the language, so see what it says.
saw_extension ($extension);
# Do we have per-executable flags for this executable?
my $have_per_exec_flags = 0;
my @peflags = @{$lang->flags};
push @peflags, 'LIBTOOLFLAGS' if $obj eq '.lo';
foreach my $flag (@peflags)
if (set_seen ("${derived}_$flag"))
$have_per_exec_flags = 1;
# Note: computed subr call. The language rewrite function
# should return one of the LANG_* constants. It could
# also return a list whose first value is such a constant
# and whose second value is a new source extension which
# should be applied. This means this particular language
# generates another source file which we must then process
# further.
my $subr = \&{'lang_' . $lang->name . '_rewrite'};
defined &$subr or $subr = \&lang_sub_obj;
my ($r, $source_extension)
= &$subr ($directory, $base, $extension,
$obj, $have_per_exec_flags, $var);
# Skip this entry if we were asked not to process it.
next if $r == LANG_IGNORE;
# Now extract linker and other info.
$linker = $lang->linker;
my $this_obj_ext;
if (defined $source_extension)
$this_obj_ext = $source_extension;
$derived_source = 1;
$this_obj_ext = $obj;
$derived_source = 0;
# Don't ever place built object files in $(srcdir),
# even when sources are specified explicitly as (say)
# '$(srcdir)/foo.c' or '$(top_srcdir)/foo.c'.
# See automake bug#13928.
my @d = split '/', $directory;
if (@d > 0 && option 'subdir-objects')
my $d = $d[0];
if ($d eq '$(srcdir)' or $d eq '${srcdir}')
shift @d;
elsif ($d eq '$(top_srcdir)' or $d eq '${top_srcdir}')
$d[0] = '$(top_builddir)';
$directory = join '/', @d;
$object = $base . $this_obj_ext;
if ($have_per_exec_flags)
# We have a per-executable flag in effect for this
# object. In this case we rewrite the object's
# name to ensure it is unique.
# We choose the name 'DERIVED_OBJECT' to ensure (1) uniqueness,
# and (2) continuity between invocations. However, this will
# result in a name that is too long for losing systems, in some
# situations. So we attempt to shorten automatically under
# subdir-objects, and provide _SHORTNAME to override as a last
# resort. If subdir-object is in effect, it's usually
# unnecessary to use the complete 'DERIVED_OBJECT' (that is
# often the result from %canon_reldir%/%C% usage) since objects
# are placed next to their source file. Generally, this means
# it is already unique within that directory (see below for an
# exception). Thus, we try to avoid unnecessarily long file
# names by stripping the directory components of
# 'DERIVED_OBJECT'. This allows avoiding explicit _SHORTNAME
# usage in many cases. EXCEPTION: If two (or more) targets in
# different directories but with the same base name (after
# canonicalization), using target-specific FLAGS, link the same
# object, then this logic clashes. Thus, we don't strip if
# this is detected.
my $dname = $derived;
if ($directory ne ''
&& option 'subdir-objects'
&& none { $dname =~ /$_[0]$/ } @dup_shortnames)
# At this point, we don't clear information about what
# parts of $derived are truly file name components. We can
# determine that by comparing against the canonicalization
# of $directory.
my $dir = $directory . "/";
my $cdir = canonicalize ($dir);
my $dir_len = length ($dir);
# Make sure we only strip full file name components. This
# is done by repeatedly trying to find cdir at the
# beginning. Each iteration removes one file name
# component from the end of cdir.
while ($dir_len > 0 && index ($derived, $cdir) != 0)
# Eventually $dir_len becomes 0.
$dir_len = rindex ($dir, "/", $dir_len - 2) + 1;
$cdir = substr ($cdir, 0, $dir_len);
$dname = substr ($derived, $dir_len);
my $var = var ($derived . '_SHORTNAME');
if ($var)
# FIXME: should use the same Condition as
# the _SOURCES variable. But this is really
# silly overkill -- nobody should have
# conditional shortnames.
$dname = $var->variable_value;
$object = $dname . '-' . $object;
prog_error ($lang->name . " flags defined without compiler")
if ! defined $lang->compile;
$renamed = 1;
# If rewrite said it was ok, put the object into a subdir.
if ($directory ne '')
if ($r == LANG_SUBDIR)
$object = $directory . '/' . $object;
# Since the next major version of automake (2.0) will
# make the behaviour so far only activated with the
# 'subdir-object' option mandatory, it's better if we
# start warning users not using that option.
# As suggested by Peter Johansson, we strive to avoid
# the warning when it would be irrelevant, i.e., if
# all source files sit in "current" directory.
msg_var 'unsupported', $var,
"source file '$full' is in a subdirectory,"
. "\nbut option 'subdir-objects' is disabled";
msg 'unsupported', INTERNAL, <<'EOF', uniq_scope => US_GLOBAL;
possible forward-incompatibility.
At least a source file is in a subdirectory, but the 'subdir-objects'
automake option hasn't been enabled. For now, the corresponding output
object file(s) will be placed in the top-level directory. However,
this behaviour will change in future Automake versions: they will
unconditionally cause object files to be placed in the same subdirectory
of the corresponding sources.
You are advised to start using 'subdir-objects' option throughout your
project, to avoid future incompatibilities.
# If the object file has been renamed (because per-target
# flags are used) we cannot compile the file with an
# inference rule: we need an explicit rule.
# If the source is in a subdirectory and the object is in
# the current directory, we also need an explicit rule.
# If both source and object files are in a subdirectory
# (this happens when the subdir-objects option is used),
# then the inference will work.
# The latter case deserves a historical note. When the
# subdir-objects option was added on 1999-04-11 it was
# thought that inferences rules would work for
# subdirectory objects too. Later, on 1999-11-22,
# automake was changed to output explicit rules even for
# subdir-objects. Nobody remembers why, but this occurred
# soon after the merge of the user-dep-gen-branch so it
# might be related. In late 2003 people complained about
# the size of the generated Makefile.ins (libgcj, with
# 2200+ subdir objects was reported to have a 9MB
# Makefile), so we now rely on inference rules again.
# Maybe we'll run across the same issue as in the past,
# but at least this time we can document it. However since
# dependency tracking has evolved it is possible that
# our old problem no longer exists.
# Using inference rules for subdir-objects has been tested
# with GNU make, Solaris make, Ultrix make, BSD make,
# HP-UX make, and OSF1 make successfully.
if ($renamed
|| ($directory ne '' && ! option 'subdir-objects')
# We must also use specific rules for a nodist_ source
# if its language requests it.
|| ($lang->nodist_specific && ! $transform{'DIST_SOURCE'}))
my $obj_sans_ext = substr ($object, 0,
- length ($this_obj_ext));
my $full_ansi;
if ($directory ne '')
$full_ansi = $directory . '/' . $base . $extension;
$full_ansi = $base . $extension;
my @specifics = ($full_ansi, $obj_sans_ext,
# Only use $this_obj_ext in the derived
# source case because in the other case we
# *don't* want $(OBJEXT) to appear here.
($derived_source ? $this_obj_ext : '.o'),
# If we renamed the object then we want to use the
# per-executable flag name. But if this is simply a
# subdir build then we still want to use the AM_ flag
# name.
if ($renamed)
unshift @specifics, $derived;
$aggregate = $derived;
unshift @specifics, 'AM';
# Each item on this list is a reference to a list consisting
# of four values followed by additional transform flags for
# file_contents. The four values are the derived flag prefix
# (e.g. for 'foo_CFLAGS', it is 'foo'), the name of the
# source file, the base name of the output file, and
# the extension for the object file.
push (@{$lang_specific_files{$lang->name}},
[@specifics, %transform]);
elsif ($extension eq $obj)
# This is probably the result of a direct suffix rule.
# In this case we just accept the rewrite.
$object = "$base$extension";
$object = "$directory/$object" if $directory ne '';
$linker = '';
# No error message here. Used to have one, but it was
# very unpopular.
# FIXME: we could potentially do more processing here,
# perhaps treating the new extension as though it were a
# new source extension (as above). This would require
# more restructuring than is appropriate right now.
err_am "object '$object' created by '$full' and '$object_map{$object}'"
if (defined $object_map{$object}
&& $object_map{$object} ne $full);
my $comp_val = (($object =~ /\.lo$/)
(my $comp_obj = $object) =~ s/\.lo$/.\$(OBJEXT)/;
if (defined $object_compilation_map{$comp_obj}
&& $object_compilation_map{$comp_obj} != 0
# Only see the error once.
&& ($object_compilation_map{$comp_obj}
&& $object_compilation_map{$comp_obj} != $comp_val)
err_am "object '$comp_obj' created both with libtool and without";
$object_compilation_map{$comp_obj} |= $comp_val;
if (defined $lang)
# Let the language do some special magic if required.
$lang->target_hook ($aggregate, $object, $full, %transform);
if ($derived_source)
prog_error ($lang->name . " has automatic dependency tracking")
if $lang->autodep ne 'no';
# Make sure this new source file is handled next. That will
# make it appear to be at the right place in the list.
unshift (@files, $object);
# Distribute derived sources unless the source they are
# derived from is not.
push_dist_common ($object)
unless ($topparent =~ /^(?:nobase_)?nodist_/);
$linkers_used{$linker} = 1;
push (@result, $object);
if (! defined $object_map{$object})
my @dep_list = ();
$object_map{$object} = $full;
# If resulting object is in subdir, we need to make
# sure the subdir exists at build time.
if ($object =~ /\//)
# FIXME: check that $DIRECTORY is somewhere in the
# project
# For Java, the way we're handling it right now, a
# '..' component doesn't make sense.
if ($lang && $lang->name eq 'java' && $object =~ /(\/|^)\.\.\//)
err_am "'$full' should not contain a '..' component";
# Make sure *all* objects files in the subdirectory are
# removed by "make mostlyclean". Not only this is more
# efficient than listing the object files to be removed
# individually (which would cause an 'rm' invocation for
# each of them -- very inefficient, see bug#10697), it
# would also leave stale object files in the subdirectory
# whenever a source file there is removed or renamed.
$compile_clean_files{"$directory/*.\$(OBJEXT)"} = MOSTLY_CLEAN;
if ($object =~ /\.lo$/)
# If we have a libtool object, then we also must remove
# any '.lo' objects in its same subdirectory.
$compile_clean_files{"$directory/*.lo"} = MOSTLY_CLEAN;
# Remember to cleanup .libs/ in this directory.
$libtool_clean_directories{$directory} = 1;
push (@dep_list, require_build_directory ($directory));
# If we're generating dependencies, we also want
# to make sure that the appropriate subdir of the
# .deps directory is created.
push (@dep_list,
require_build_directory ($directory . '/$(DEPDIR)'))
unless option 'no-dependencies';
pretty_print_rule ($object . ':', "\t", @dep_list)
if scalar @dep_list > 0;
# Transform .o or $o file into .P file (for automatic
# dependency code).
# Properly flatten multiple adjacent slashes, as Solaris 10 make
# might fail over them in an include statement.
# Leading double slashes may be special, as per Posix, so deal
# with them carefully.
if ($lang && $lang->autodep ne 'no')
my $depfile = $object;
$depfile =~ s/\.([^.]*)$/.P$1/;
$depfile =~ s/\$\(OBJEXT\)$/o/;
my $maybe_extra_leading_slash = '';
$maybe_extra_leading_slash = '/' if $depfile =~ m,^//[^/],;
$depfile =~ s,/+,/,g;
my $basename = basename ($depfile);
# This might make $dirname empty, but we account for that below.
(my $dirname = dirname ($depfile)) =~ s/\/*$//;
$dirname = $maybe_extra_leading_slash . $dirname;
$dep_files{$dirname . '/$(DEPDIR)/' . $basename} = 1;
return @result;
# define_objects_from_sources ($VAR, $OBJVAR, $NODEFINE, $ONE_FILE,
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define an _OBJECTS variable for a _SOURCES variable (or subvariable)
# Arguments are:
# $VAR is the name of the _SOURCES variable
# $OBJVAR is the name of the _OBJECTS variable if known (otherwise
# it will be generated and returned).
# $NODEFINE is a boolean: if true, $OBJVAR will not be defined (but
# work done to determine the linker will be).
# $ONE_FILE is the canonical (transformed) name of object to build
# $OBJ is the object extension (i.e. either '.o' or '.lo').
# $TOPPARENT is the _SOURCES variable being processed.
# $WHERE context into which this definition is done
# %TRANSFORM extra arguments to pass to file_contents when producing
# rules
# Result is a pair ($LINKER, $OBJVAR):
# $LINKER is a boolean, true if a linker is needed to deal with the objects
sub define_objects_from_sources
my ($var, $objvar, $nodefine, $one_file,
$obj, $topparent, $where, %transform) = @_;
my $needlinker = "";
($var, $objvar, 'am__objects', $nodefine, $where,
# The transform code to run on each filename.
sub {
my ($subvar, $val, $cond, $full_cond) = @_;
my @trans = handle_single_transform ($subvar, $topparent,
$one_file, $obj, $val,
$needlinker = "true" if @trans;
return @trans;
return $needlinker;
# handle_source_transform ($CANON_TARGET, $TARGET, $OBJEXT, $WHERE, %TRANSFORM)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Handle SOURCE->OBJECT transform for one program or library.
# Arguments are:
# canonical (transformed) name of target to build
# actual target of object to build
# object extension (i.e., either '.o' or '$o')
# location of the source variable
# extra arguments to pass to file_contents when producing rules
# Return the name of the linker variable that must be used.
# Empty return means just use 'LINK'.
sub handle_source_transform
# one_file is canonical name. unxformed is given name. obj is
# object extension.
my ($one_file, $unxformed, $obj, $where, %transform) = @_;
my $linker = '';
# No point in continuing if _OBJECTS is defined.
return if reject_var ($one_file . '_OBJECTS',
$one_file . '_OBJECTS should not be defined');
my %used_pfx = ();
my $needlinker;
%linkers_used = ();
foreach my $prefix ('', 'EXTRA_', 'dist_', 'nodist_',
'dist_EXTRA_', 'nodist_EXTRA_')
my $varname = $prefix . $one_file . "_SOURCES";
my $var = var $varname;
next unless $var;
# We are going to define _OBJECTS variables using the prefix.
# Then we glom them all together. So we can't use the null
# prefix here as we need it later.
my $xpfx = ($prefix eq '') ? 'am_' : $prefix;
# Keep track of which prefixes we saw.
$used_pfx{$xpfx} = 1
unless $prefix =~ /EXTRA_/;
push @sources, "\$($varname)";
push @dist_sources, shadow_unconditionally ($varname, $where)
unless (option ('no-dist') || $prefix =~ /^nodist_/);
$needlinker |=
define_objects_from_sources ($varname,
$xpfx . $one_file . '_OBJECTS',
!!($prefix =~ /EXTRA_/),
$one_file, $obj, $varname, $where,
DIST_SOURCE => ($prefix !~ /^nodist_/),
if ($needlinker)
$linker ||= resolve_linker (%linkers_used);
my @keys = sort keys %used_pfx;
if (scalar @keys == 0)
# The default source for libfoo.la is libfoo.c, but for
# backward compatibility we first look at libfoo_la.c,
# if no default source suffix is given.
my $old_default_source = "$one_file.c";
my $ext_var = var ('AM_DEFAULT_SOURCE_EXT');
my $default_source_ext = $ext_var ? variable_value ($ext_var) : '.c';
msg_var ('unsupported', $ext_var, $ext_var->name . " can assume at most one value")
if $default_source_ext =~ /[\t ]/;
(my $default_source = $unxformed) =~ s,(\.[^./\\]*)?$,$default_source_ext,;
# TODO: Remove this backward-compatibility hack in Automake 2.0.
if ($old_default_source ne $default_source
&& !$ext_var
&& (rule $old_default_source
|| rule '$(srcdir)/' . $old_default_source
|| rule '${srcdir}/' . $old_default_source
|| -f $old_default_source))
my $loc = $where->clone;
msg ('obsolete', $loc,
"the default source for '$unxformed' has been changed "
. "to '$default_source'.\n(Using '$old_default_source' for "
. "backward compatibility.)");
$default_source = $old_default_source;
# If a rule exists to build this source with a $(srcdir)
# prefix, use that prefix in our variables too. This is for
# the sake of BSD Make.
if (rule '$(srcdir)/' . $default_source
|| rule '${srcdir}/' . $default_source)
$default_source = '$(srcdir)/' . $default_source;
define_variable ($one_file . "_SOURCES", $default_source, $where);
push (@sources, $default_source);
push (@dist_sources, $default_source);
%linkers_used = ();
my (@result) =
handle_single_transform ($one_file . '_SOURCES',
$one_file . '_SOURCES',
$one_file, $obj,
$default_source, %transform);
$linker ||= resolve_linker (%linkers_used);
define_pretty_variable ($one_file . '_OBJECTS', TRUE, $where, @result);
@keys = map { '$(' . $_ . $one_file . '_OBJECTS)' } @keys;
define_pretty_variable ($one_file . '_OBJECTS', TRUE, $where, @keys);
# If we want to use 'LINK' we must make sure it is defined.
if ($linker eq '')
$need_link = 1;
return $linker;
# handle_lib_objects ($XNAME, $VAR)
# ---------------------------------
# Special-case ALLOCA and LIBOBJS substitutions in _LDADD or _LIBADD variables.
# Also, generate _DEPENDENCIES variable if appropriate.
# Arguments are:
# transformed name of object being built, or empty string if no object
# name of _LDADD/_LIBADD-type variable to examine
# Returns 1 if LIBOBJS seen, 0 otherwise.
sub handle_lib_objects
my ($xname, $varname) = @_;
my $var = var ($varname);
prog_error "'$varname' undefined"
unless $var;
prog_error "unexpected variable name '$varname'"
unless $varname =~ /^(.*)(?:LIB|LD)ADD$/;
my $prefix = $1 || 'AM_';
my $seen_libobjs = 0;
my $flagvar = 0;
($varname, $xname . '_DEPENDENCIES', 'am__DEPENDENCIES',
! $xname, INTERNAL,
# Transformation function, run on each filename.
sub {
my ($subvar, $val, $cond, $full_cond) = @_;
if ($val =~ /^-/)
# Skip -lfoo and -Ldir silently; these are explicitly allowed.
if ($val !~ /^-[lL]/ &&
# Skip -dlopen and -dlpreopen; these are explicitly allowed
# for Libtool libraries or programs. (Actually we are a bit
# lax here since this code also applies to non-libtool
# libraries or programs, for which -dlopen and -dlopreopen
# are pure nonsense. Diagnosing this doesn't seem very
# important: the developer will quickly get complaints from
# the linker.)
$val !~ /^-dl(?:pre)?open$/ &&
# Only get this error once.
! $flagvar)
$flagvar = 1;
# FIXME: should display a stack of nested variables
# as context when $var != $subvar.
err_var ($var, "linker flags such as '$val' belong in "
. "'${prefix}LDFLAGS'");
return ();
elsif ($val !~ /^\@.*\@$/)
# Assume we have a file of some sort, and output it into the
# dependency variable. Autoconf substitutions are not output;
# rarely is a new dependency substituted into e.g. foo_LDADD
# -- but bad things (e.g. -lX11) are routinely substituted.
# Note that LIBOBJS and ALLOCA are exceptions to this rule,
# and handled specially below.
return $val;
elsif ($val =~ /^\@(LT)?LIBOBJS\@$/)
handle_LIBOBJS ($subvar, $cond, $1);
$seen_libobjs = 1;
return $val;
elsif ($val =~ /^\@(LT)?ALLOCA\@$/)
handle_ALLOCA ($subvar, $cond, $1);
return $val;
return ();
return $seen_libobjs;
# handle_LIBOBJS_or_ALLOCA ($VAR, $BASE)
# --------------------------------------
# Definitions common to LIBOBJS and ALLOCA.
# BASE should be one base file name from AC_LIBSOURCE, or alloca.
sub handle_LIBOBJS_or_ALLOCA
my ($var, $base) = @_;
my $dir = '';
# If LIBOBJS files must be built in another directory we have
# to define LIBOBJDIR and ensure the files get cleaned.
# Otherwise LIBOBJDIR can be left undefined, and the cleaning
# is achieved by 'rm -f *.$(OBJEXT)' in compile.am.
if ($config_libobj_dir
&& $relative_dir ne $config_libobj_dir)
if (option 'subdir-objects')
# In the top-level Makefile we do not use $(top_builddir), because
# we are already there, and since the targets are built without
# a $(top_builddir), it helps BSD Make to match them with
# dependencies.
$dir = "$config_libobj_dir/"
if $config_libobj_dir ne '.';
$dir = backname ($relative_dir) . "/$dir"
if $relative_dir ne '.';
define_variable ('LIBOBJDIR', "$dir", INTERNAL);
if ($dir && !defined $clean_files{"$dir$base.\$(OBJEXT)"})
my $dirstamp = require_build_directory ($dir);
$output_rules .= "$dir$base.\$(OBJEXT): $dirstamp\n";
$output_rules .= "$dir$base.lo: $dirstamp\n"
if ($var =~ /^LT/);
# libtool might create .$(OBJEXT) as a side-effect of using
$clean_files{"$dir$base.\$(OBJEXT)"} = MOSTLY_CLEAN;
$clean_files{"$dir$base.lo"} = MOSTLY_CLEAN
if ($var =~ /^LT/);
error ("'\$($var)' cannot be used outside '$config_libobj_dir' if"
. " 'subdir-objects' is not set");
return $dir;
sub handle_LIBOBJS
my ($var, $cond, $lt) = @_;
my $myobjext = $lt ? 'lo' : 'o';
$lt ||= '';
$var->requires_variables ("\@${lt}LIBOBJS\@ used", $lt . 'LIBOBJS')
if ! keys %libsources;
foreach my $iter (keys %libsources)
my $dir = '';
if ($iter =~ /^(.*)(\.[cly])$/)
saw_extension ($2);
saw_extension ('.c');
$dir = handle_LIBOBJS_or_ALLOCA ("${lt}LIBOBJS", $1);
if ($iter =~ /\.h$/)
require_libsource_with_macro ($cond, $var, FOREIGN, $iter);
elsif ($iter ne 'alloca.c')
my $rewrite = $iter;
$rewrite =~ s/\.c$/.P$myobjext/;
$dep_files{$dir . '$(DEPDIR)/' . $rewrite} = 1;
$rewrite = "^" . quotemeta ($iter) . "\$";
# Only require the file if it is not a built source.
my $bs = var ('BUILT_SOURCES');
if (! $bs || ! grep (/$rewrite/, $bs->value_as_list_recursive))
require_libsource_with_macro ($cond, $var, FOREIGN, $iter);
sub handle_ALLOCA
my ($var, $cond, $lt) = @_;
my $myobjext = $lt ? 'lo' : 'o';
$lt ||= '';
my $dir = handle_LIBOBJS_or_ALLOCA ("${lt}ALLOCA", "alloca");
$dir eq '' and $dir = './';
$var->requires_variables ("\@${lt}ALLOCA\@ used", $lt . 'ALLOCA');
$dep_files{$dir . '$(DEPDIR)/alloca.P' . $myobjext} = 1;
require_libsource_with_macro ($cond, $var, FOREIGN, 'alloca.c');
saw_extension ('.c');
# Canonicalize the input parameter.
sub canonicalize
my ($string) = @_;
$string =~ tr/A-Za-z0-9_\@/_/c;
return $string;
# Canonicalize a name, and check to make sure the non-canonical name
# is never used. Returns canonical name. Arguments are name and a
# list of suffixes to check for.
sub check_canonical_spelling
my ($name, @suffixes) = @_;
my $xname = canonicalize ($name);
if ($xname ne $name)
foreach my $xt (@suffixes)
reject_var ("$name$xt", "use '$xname$xt', not '$name$xt'");
return $xname;
# Set up the compile suite.
sub handle_compile ()
return if ! $must_handle_compiled_objects;
# Boilerplate.
my $default_includes = '';
if (! option 'nostdinc')
my @incs = ('-I.', subst ('am__isrc'));
my $var = var 'CONFIG_HEADER';
if ($var)
foreach my $hdr (split (' ', $var->variable_value))
push @incs, '-I' . dirname ($hdr);
# We want '-I. -I$(srcdir)', but the latter -I is redundant
# and unaesthetic in non-VPATH builds. We use `-I.@am__isrc@`
# instead. It will be replaced by '-I.' or '-I. -I$(srcdir)'.
# Items in CONFIG_HEADER are never in $(srcdir) so it is safe
# to just put @am__isrc@ right after '-I.', without a space.
($default_includes = ' ' . uniq (@incs)) =~ s/ @/@/;
my (@mostly_rms, @dist_rms);
foreach my $item (sort keys %compile_clean_files)
if ($compile_clean_files{$item} == MOSTLY_CLEAN)
push (@mostly_rms, "\t-rm -f $item");
elsif ($compile_clean_files{$item} == DIST_CLEAN)
push (@dist_rms, "\t-rm -f $item");
prog_error 'invalid entry in %compile_clean_files';
my ($coms, $vars, $rules) =
file_contents_internal (1, "$libdir/am/compile.am",
new Automake::Location,
'DEFAULT_INCLUDES' => $default_includes,
'MOSTLYRMS' => join ("\n", @mostly_rms),
'DISTRMS' => join ("\n", @dist_rms));
$output_vars .= $vars;
$output_rules .= "$coms$rules";
# Handle libtool rules.
sub handle_libtool ()
return unless var ('LIBTOOL');
# Libtool requires some files, but only at top level.
# (Starting with Libtool 2.0 we do not have to bother. These
# requirements are done with AC_REQUIRE_AUX_FILE.)
require_conf_file_with_macro (TRUE, 'LIBTOOL', FOREIGN, @libtool_files)
if $relative_dir eq '.' && ! $libtool_new_api;
my @libtool_rms;
foreach my $item (sort keys %libtool_clean_directories)
my $dir = ($item eq '.') ? '' : "$item/";
# .libs is for Unix, _libs for DOS.
push (@libtool_rms, "\t-rm -rf ${dir}.libs ${dir}_libs");
check_user_variables 'LIBTOOLFLAGS';
# Output the libtool compilation rules.
$output_rules .= file_contents ('libtool',
new Automake::Location,
LTRMS => join ("\n", @libtool_rms));
# Check for duplicate targets
sub handle_targets ()
my %seen = ();
my @dups = ();
@proglist = am_install_var ('progs', 'PROGRAMS',
'bin', 'sbin', 'libexec', 'pkglibexec',
'noinst', 'check');
@liblist = am_install_var ('libs', 'LIBRARIES',
'lib', 'pkglib', 'noinst', 'check');
@ltliblist = am_install_var ('ltlib', 'LTLIBRARIES',
'noinst', 'lib', 'pkglib', 'check');
# Record duplications that may arise after canonicalization of the
# base names, in order to prevent object file clashes in the presence
# of target-specific *FLAGS
my @targetlist = (@proglist, @liblist, @ltliblist);
foreach my $pair (@targetlist)
my $base = canonicalize (basename (@$pair[1]));
push (@dup_shortnames, $base) if ($seen{$base});
$seen{$base} = $base;
sub handle_programs ()
return if ! @proglist;
$must_handle_compiled_objects = 1;
my $seen_global_libobjs =
var ('LDADD') && handle_lib_objects ('', 'LDADD');
foreach my $pair (@proglist)
my ($where, $one_file) = @$pair;
my $seen_libobjs = 0;
my $obj = '.$(OBJEXT)';
$known_programs{$one_file} = $where;
# Canonicalize names and check for misspellings.
my $xname = check_canonical_spelling ($one_file, '_LDADD', '_LDFLAGS',
$where->push_context ("while processing program '$one_file'");
$where->set (INTERNAL->get);
my $linker = handle_source_transform ($xname, $one_file, $obj, $where,
if (var ($xname . "_LDADD"))
$seen_libobjs = handle_lib_objects ($xname, $xname . '_LDADD');
# User didn't define prog_LDADD override. So do it.
define_variable ($xname . '_LDADD', '$(LDADD)', $where);
# This does a bit too much work. But we need it to
# generate _DEPENDENCIES when appropriate.
if (var ('LDADD'))
$seen_libobjs = handle_lib_objects ($xname, 'LDADD');
reject_var ($xname . '_LIBADD',
"use '${xname}_LDADD', not '${xname}_LIBADD'");
set_seen ($xname . '_DEPENDENCIES');
set_seen ('EXTRA_' . $xname . '_DEPENDENCIES');
set_seen ($xname . '_LDFLAGS');
# Determine program to use for link.
my($xlink, $vlink) = define_per_target_linker_variable ($linker, $xname);
$vlink = verbose_flag ($vlink || 'GEN');
# If the resulting program lies in a subdirectory,
# ensure that the directory exists before we need it.
my $dirstamp = require_build_directory_maybe ($one_file);
$libtool_clean_directories{dirname ($one_file)} = 1;
$output_rules .= file_contents ('program',
PROGRAM => $one_file,
XPROGRAM => $xname,
XLINK => $xlink,
VERBOSE => $vlink,
DIRSTAMP => $dirstamp,
if ($seen_libobjs || $seen_global_libobjs)
if (var ($xname . '_LDADD'))
check_libobjs_sources ($xname, $xname . '_LDADD');
elsif (var ('LDADD'))
check_libobjs_sources ($xname, 'LDADD');
sub handle_libraries ()
return if ! @liblist;
$must_handle_compiled_objects = 1;
my @prefix = am_primary_prefixes ('LIBRARIES', 0, 'lib', 'pkglib',
'noinst', 'check');
if (@prefix)
my $var = rvar ($prefix[0] . '_LIBRARIES');
$var->requires_variables ('library used', 'RANLIB');
define_variable ('AR', 'ar', INTERNAL);
define_variable ('ARFLAGS', 'cru', INTERNAL);
define_verbose_tagvar ('AR');
foreach my $pair (@liblist)
my ($where, $onelib) = @$pair;
my $seen_libobjs = 0;
# Check that the library fits the standard naming convention.
my $bn = basename ($onelib);
if ($bn !~ /^lib.*\.a$/)
$bn =~ s/^(?:lib)?(.*?)(?:\.[^.]*)?$/lib$1.a/;
my $suggestion = dirname ($onelib) . "/$bn";
$suggestion =~ s|^\./||g;
msg ('error-gnu/warn', $where,
"'$onelib' is not a standard library name\n"
. "did you mean '$suggestion'?")
($known_libraries{$onelib} = $bn) =~ s/\.a$//;
$where->push_context ("while processing library '$onelib'");
$where->set (INTERNAL->get);
my $obj = '.$(OBJEXT)';
# Canonicalize names and check for misspellings.
my $xlib = check_canonical_spelling ($onelib, '_LIBADD', '_SOURCES',
if (! var ($xlib . '_AR'))
define_variable ($xlib . '_AR', '$(AR) $(ARFLAGS)', $where);
# Generate support for conditional object inclusion in
# libraries.
if (var ($xlib . '_LIBADD'))
if (handle_lib_objects ($xlib, $xlib . '_LIBADD'))
$seen_libobjs = 1;
define_variable ($xlib . "_LIBADD", '', $where);
reject_var ($xlib . '_LDADD',
"use '${xlib}_LIBADD', not '${xlib}_LDADD'");
# Make sure we at look at this.
set_seen ($xlib . '_DEPENDENCIES');
set_seen ('EXTRA_' . $xlib . '_DEPENDENCIES');
handle_source_transform ($xlib, $onelib, $obj, $where,
# If the resulting library lies in a subdirectory,
# make sure this directory will exist.
my $dirstamp = require_build_directory_maybe ($onelib);
my $verbose = verbose_flag ('AR');
my $silent = silent_flag ();
$output_rules .= file_contents ('library',
VERBOSE => $verbose,
SILENT => $silent,
LIBRARY => $onelib,
XLIBRARY => $xlib,
DIRSTAMP => $dirstamp);
if ($seen_libobjs)
if (var ($xlib . '_LIBADD'))
check_libobjs_sources ($xlib, $xlib . '_LIBADD');
if (! $seen_ar)
msg ('extra-portability', $where,
"'$onelib': linking libraries using a non-POSIX\n"
. "archiver requires 'AM_PROG_AR' in '$configure_ac'")
sub handle_ltlibraries ()
return if ! @ltliblist;
$must_handle_compiled_objects = 1;
my @prefix = am_primary_prefixes ('LTLIBRARIES', 0, 'lib', 'pkglib',
'noinst', 'check');
if (@prefix)
my $var = rvar ($prefix[0] . '_LTLIBRARIES');
$var->requires_variables ('Libtool library used', 'LIBTOOL');
my %instdirs = ();
my %instsubdirs = ();
my %instconds = ();
my %liblocations = (); # Location (in Makefile.am) of each library.
foreach my $key (@prefix)
# Get the installation directory of each library.
my $dir = $key;
my $strip_subdir = 1;
if ($dir =~ /^nobase_/)
$dir =~ s/^nobase_//;
$strip_subdir = 0;
my $var = rvar ($key . '_LTLIBRARIES');
# We reject libraries which are installed in several places
# in the same condition, because we can only specify one
# '-rpath' option.
my ($var, $val, $cond, $full_cond) = @_;
my $hcond = $full_cond->human;
my $where = $var->rdef ($cond)->location;
my $ldir = '';
$ldir = '/' . dirname ($val)
if (!$strip_subdir);
# A library cannot be installed in different directories
# in overlapping conditions.
if (exists $instconds{$val})
my ($msg, $acond) =
$instconds{$val}->ambiguous_p ($val, $full_cond);
if ($msg)
error ($where, $msg, partial => 1);
my $dirtxt = "installed " . ($strip_subdir ? "in" : "below") . " '$dir'";
$dirtxt = "built for '$dir'"
if $dir eq 'EXTRA' || $dir eq 'noinst' || $dir eq 'check';
my $dircond =
$full_cond->true ? "" : " in condition $hcond";
error ($where, "'$val' should be $dirtxt$dircond ...",
partial => 1);
my $hacond = $acond->human;
my $adir = $instdirs{$val}{$acond};
my $adirtxt = "installed in '$adir'";
$adirtxt = "built for '$adir'"
if ($adir eq 'EXTRA' || $adir eq 'noinst'
|| $adir eq 'check');
my $adircond = $acond->true ? "" : " in condition $hacond";
my $onlyone = ($dir ne $adir) ?
("\nLibtool libraries can be built for only one "
. "destination") : "";
error ($liblocations{$val}{$acond},
"... and should also be $adirtxt$adircond.$onlyone");
$instconds{$val} = new Automake::DisjConditions;
$instdirs{$val}{$full_cond} = $dir;
$instsubdirs{$val}{$full_cond} = $ldir;
$liblocations{$val}{$full_cond} = $where;
$instconds{$val} = $instconds{$val}->merge ($full_cond);
return ();
skip_ac_subst => 1);
foreach my $pair (@ltliblist)
my ($where, $onelib) = @$pair;
my $seen_libobjs = 0;
my $obj = '.lo';
# Canonicalize names and check for misspellings.
my $xlib = check_canonical_spelling ($onelib, '_LIBADD', '_LDFLAGS',
# Check that the library fits the standard naming convention.
my $libname_rx = '^lib.*\.la';
my $ldvar = var ("${xlib}_LDFLAGS") || var ('AM_LDFLAGS');
my $ldvar2 = var ('LDFLAGS');
if (($ldvar && grep (/-module/, $ldvar->value_as_list_recursive))
|| ($ldvar2 && grep (/-module/, $ldvar2->value_as_list_recursive)))
# Relax name checking for libtool modules.
$libname_rx = '\.la';
my $bn = basename ($onelib);
if ($bn !~ /$libname_rx$/)
my $type = 'library';
if ($libname_rx eq '\.la')
$bn =~ s/^(lib|)(.*?)(?:\.[^.]*)?$/$1$2.la/;
$type = 'module';
$bn =~ s/^(?:lib)?(.*?)(?:\.[^.]*)?$/lib$1.la/;
my $suggestion = dirname ($onelib) . "/$bn";
$suggestion =~ s|^\./||g;
msg ('error-gnu/warn', $where,
"'$onelib' is not a standard libtool $type name\n"
. "did you mean '$suggestion'?")
($known_libraries{$onelib} = $bn) =~ s/\.la$//;
$where->push_context ("while processing Libtool library '$onelib'");
$where->set (INTERNAL->get);
# Make sure we look at these.
set_seen ($xlib . '_LDFLAGS');
set_seen ($xlib . '_DEPENDENCIES');
set_seen ('EXTRA_' . $xlib . '_DEPENDENCIES');
# Generate support for conditional object inclusion in
# libraries.
if (var ($xlib . '_LIBADD'))
if (handle_lib_objects ($xlib, $xlib . '_LIBADD'))
$seen_libobjs = 1;
define_variable ($xlib . "_LIBADD", '', $where);
reject_var ("${xlib}_LDADD",
"use '${xlib}_LIBADD', not '${xlib}_LDADD'");
my $linker = handle_source_transform ($xlib, $onelib, $obj, $where,
# Determine program to use for link.
my($xlink, $vlink) = define_per_target_linker_variable ($linker, $xlib);
$vlink = verbose_flag ($vlink || 'GEN');
my $rpathvar = "am_${xlib}_rpath";
my $rpath = "\$($rpathvar)";
foreach my $rcond ($instconds{$onelib}->conds)
my $val;
if ($instdirs{$onelib}{$rcond} eq 'EXTRA'
|| $instdirs{$onelib}{$rcond} eq 'noinst'
|| $instdirs{$onelib}{$rcond} eq 'check')
# It's an EXTRA_ library, so we can't specify -rpath,
# because we don't know where the library will end up.
# The user probably knows, but generally speaking automake
# doesn't -- and in fact configure could decide
# dynamically between two different locations.
$val = '';
$val = ('-rpath $(' . $instdirs{$onelib}{$rcond} . 'dir)');
$val .= $instsubdirs{$onelib}{$rcond}
if defined $instsubdirs{$onelib}{$rcond};
if ($rcond->true)
# If $rcond is true there is only one condition and
# there is no point defining an helper variable.
$rpath = $val;
define_pretty_variable ($rpathvar, $rcond, INTERNAL, $val);
# If the resulting library lies in a subdirectory,
# make sure this directory will exist.
my $dirstamp = require_build_directory_maybe ($onelib);
# Remember to cleanup .libs/ in this directory.
my $dirname = dirname $onelib;
$libtool_clean_directories{$dirname} = 1;
$output_rules .= file_contents ('ltlibrary',
LTLIBRARY => $onelib,
XLTLIBRARY => $xlib,
RPATH => $rpath,
XLINK => $xlink,
VERBOSE => $vlink,
DIRSTAMP => $dirstamp);
if ($seen_libobjs)
if (var ($xlib . '_LIBADD'))
check_libobjs_sources ($xlib, $xlib . '_LIBADD');
if (! $seen_ar)
msg ('extra-portability', $where,
"'$onelib': linking libtool libraries using a non-POSIX\n"
. "archiver requires 'AM_PROG_AR' in '$configure_ac'")
# See if any _SOURCES variable were misspelled.
sub check_typos ()
# It is ok if the user sets this particular variable.
set_seen 'AM_LDFLAGS';
foreach my $primary ('SOURCES', 'LIBADD', 'LDADD', 'LDFLAGS', 'DEPENDENCIES')
foreach my $var (variables $primary)
my $varname = $var->name;
# A configure variable is always legitimate.
next if exists $configure_vars{$varname};
for my $cond ($var->conditions->conds)
$varname =~ /^(?:EXTRA_)?(?:nobase_)?(?:dist_|nodist_)?(.*)_[[:alnum:]]+$/;
msg_var ('syntax', $var, "variable '$varname' is defined but no"
. " program or\nlibrary has '$1' as canonical name"
. " (possible typo)")
unless $var->rdef ($cond)->seen;
sub handle_scripts ()
# NOTE we no longer automatically clean SCRIPTS, because it is
# useful to sometimes distribute scripts verbatim. This happens
# e.g. in Automake itself.
am_install_var ('-candist', 'scripts', 'SCRIPTS',
'bin', 'sbin', 'libexec', 'pkglibexec', 'pkgdata',
'noinst', 'check');
## ------------------------ ##
## Handling Texinfo files. ##
## ------------------------ ##
# scan_texinfo_file ($FILENAME)
# -----------------------------
# $OUTFILE - name of the info file produced by $FILENAME.
# $VFILE - name of the version.texi file used (undef if none).
sub scan_texinfo_file
my ($filename) = @_;
my $texi = new Automake::XFile "< $filename";
verb "reading $filename";
my ($outfile, $vfile);
while ($_ = $texi->getline)
if (/^\@setfilename +(\S+)/)
# Honor only the first @setfilename. (It's possible to have
# more occurrences later if the manual shows examples of how
# to use @setfilename...)
next if $outfile;
$outfile = $1;
if (index ($outfile, '.') < 0)
msg 'obsolete', "$filename:$.",
"use of suffix-less info files is discouraged"
elsif ($outfile !~ /\.info$/)
error ("$filename:$.",
"output '$outfile' has unrecognized extension");
# A "version.texi" file is actually any file whose name matches
# "vers*.texi".
elsif (/^\@include\s+(vers[^.]*\.texi)\s*$/)
$vfile = $1;
if (! $outfile)
# Replace a .texi extension with .info
$outfile = basename($filename);
$outfile =~ s/\.[^.]+$//;
$outfile .= '.info';
return ($outfile, $vfile);
# output_texinfo_build_rules ($SOURCE, $DEST, $INSRC, @DEPENDENCIES)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# SOURCE - the source Texinfo file
# DEST - the destination Info file
# INSRC - whether DEST should be built in the source tree
# DEPENDENCIES - known dependencies
sub output_texinfo_build_rules
my ($source, $dest, $insrc, @deps) = @_;
# Split 'a.texi' into 'a' and '.texi'.
my ($spfx, $ssfx) = ($source =~ /^(.*?)(\.[^.]*)?$/);
my ($dpfx, $dsfx) = ($dest =~ /^(.*?)(\.[^.]*)?$/);
$ssfx ||= "";
$dsfx ||= "";
# We can output two kinds of rules: the "generic" rules use Make
# suffix rules and are appropriate when $source and $dest do not lie
# in a sub-directory; the "specific" rules are needed in the other
# case.
# The former are output only once (this is not really apparent here,
# but just remember that some logic deeper in Automake will not
# output the same rule twice); while the later need to be output for
# each Texinfo source.
my $generic;
my $makeinfoflags;
my $sdir = dirname $source;
if ($sdir eq '.' && dirname ($dest) eq '.')
$generic = 1;
$makeinfoflags = '-I $(srcdir)';
$generic = 0;
$makeinfoflags = "-I $sdir -I \$(srcdir)/$sdir";
# A directory can contain two kinds of info files: some built in the
# source tree, and some built in the build tree. The rules are
# different in each case. However we cannot output two different
# set of generic rules. Because in-source builds are more usual, we
# use generic rules in this case and fall back to "specific" rules
# for build-dir builds. (It should not be a problem to invert this
# if needed.)
$generic = 0 unless $insrc;
# We cannot use a suffix rule to build info files with an empty
# extension. Otherwise we would output a single suffix inference
# rule, with separate dependencies, as in
# .texi:
# $(MAKEINFO) ...
# foo.info: foo.texi
# which confuse Solaris make. (See the Autoconf manual for
# details.) Therefore we use a specific rule in this case. This
# applies to info files only (dvi and pdf files always have an
# extension).
my $generic_info = ($generic && $dsfx) ? 1 : 0;
# If the resulting file lies in a subdirectory,
# make sure this directory will exist.
my $dirstamp = require_build_directory_maybe ($dest);
my $dipfx = ($insrc ? '$(srcdir)/' : '') . $dpfx;
$output_rules .= file_contents ('texibuild',
new Automake::Location,
AM_V_MAKEINFO => verbose_flag('MAKEINFO'),
AM_V_TEXI2DVI => verbose_flag('TEXI2DVI'),
AM_V_TEXI2PDF => verbose_flag('TEXI2PDF'),
DEPS => "@deps",
DEST_PREFIX => $dpfx,
DEST_SUFFIX => $dsfx,
DIRSTAMP => $dirstamp,
GENERIC => $generic,
GENERIC_INFO => $generic_info,
INSRC => $insrc,
MAKEINFOFLAGS => $makeinfoflags,
SILENT => silent_flag(),
SOURCE => ($generic
? '$<' : $source),
SOURCE_INFO => ($generic_info
? '$<' : $source),
SOURCE_REAL => $source,
TEXIQUIET => verbose_flag('texinfo'),
TEXIDEVNULL => verbose_flag('texidevnull'),
return ($dirstamp, "$dpfx.dvi", "$dpfx.pdf", "$dpfx.ps", "$dpfx.html");
# handle_texinfo_helper ($info_texinfos)
# --------------------------------------
# Handle all Texinfo source; helper for 'handle_texinfo'.
sub handle_texinfo_helper
my ($info_texinfos) = @_;
my (@infobase, @info_deps_list, @texi_deps);
my %versions;
my $done = 0;
my (@mostly_cleans, @texi_cleans, @maint_cleans) = ('', '', '');
# Build a regex matching user-cleaned files.
my $d = var 'DISTCLEANFILES';
my $c = var 'CLEANFILES';
my @f = ();
push @f, $d->value_as_list_recursive (inner_expand => 1) if $d;
push @f, $c->value_as_list_recursive (inner_expand => 1) if $c;
@f = map { s|[^A-Za-z_0-9*\[\]\-]|\\$&|g; s|\*|[^/]*|g; $_; } @f;
my $user_cleaned_files = '^(?:' . join ('|', @f) . ')$';
foreach my $texi
($info_texinfos->value_as_list_recursive (inner_expand => 1))
my $infobase = $texi;
if ($infobase =~ s/\.texi$//)
1; # Nothing more to do.
elsif ($infobase =~ s/\.(txi|texinfo)$//)
msg_var 'obsolete', $info_texinfos,
"suffix '.$1' for Texinfo files is discouraged;" .
" use '.texi' instead";
# FIXME: report line number.
err_am "texinfo file '$texi' has unrecognized extension";
push @infobase, $infobase;
# If 'version.texi' is referenced by input file, then include
# automatic versioning capability.
my ($out_file, $vtexi) =
scan_texinfo_file ("$relative_dir/$texi")
or next;
# Directory of auxiliary files and build by-products used by texi2dvi
# and texi2pdf.
push @mostly_cleans, "$infobase.t2d";
push @mostly_cleans, "$infobase.t2p";
# If the Texinfo source is in a subdirectory, create the
# resulting info in this subdirectory. If it is in the current
# directory, try hard to not prefix "./" because it breaks the
# generic rules.
my $outdir = dirname ($texi) . '/';
$outdir = "" if $outdir eq './';
$out_file = $outdir . $out_file;
# Until Automake 1.6.3, .info files were built in the
# source tree. This was an obstacle to the support of
# non-distributed .info files, and non-distributed .texi
# files.
# * Non-distributed .texi files is important in some packages
# where .texi files are built at make time, probably using
# other binaries built in the package itself, maybe using
# tools or information found on the build host. Because
# these files are not distributed they are always rebuilt
# at make time; they should therefore not lie in the source
# directory. One plan was to support this using
# nodist_info_TEXINFOS or something similar. (Doing this
# requires some sanity checks. For instance Automake should
# not allow:
# dist_info_TEXINFOS = foo.texi
# nodist_foo_TEXINFOS = included.texi
# because a distributed file should never depend on a
# non-distributed file.)
# * If .texi files are not distributed, then .info files should
# not be distributed either. There are also cases where one
# wants to distribute .texi files, but does not want to
# distribute the .info files. For instance the Texinfo package
# distributes the tool used to build these files; it would
# be a waste of space to distribute them. It's not clear
# which syntax we should use to indicate that .info files should
# not be distributed. Akim Demaille suggested that eventually
# we switch to a new syntax:
# | Maybe we should take some inspiration from what's already
# | done in the rest of Automake. Maybe there is too much
# | syntactic sugar here, and you want
# | nodist_INFO = bar.info
# | dist_bar_info_SOURCES = bar.texi
# | bar_texi_DEPENDENCIES = foo.texi
# | with a bit of magic to have bar.info represent the whole
# | bar*info set. That's a lot more verbose that the current
# | situation, but it is # not new, hence the user has less
# | to learn.
# |
# | But there is still too much room for meaningless specs:
# | nodist_INFO = bar.info
# | dist_bar_info_SOURCES = bar.texi
# | dist_PS = bar.ps something-written-by-hand.ps
# | nodist_bar_ps_SOURCES = bar.texi
# | bar_texi_DEPENDENCIES = foo.texi
# | here bar.texi is dist_ in line 2, and nodist_ in 4.
# Back to the point, it should be clear that in order to support
# non-distributed .info files, we need to build them in the
# build tree, not in the source tree (non-distributed .texi
# files are less of a problem, because we do not output build
# rules for them). In Automake 1.7 .info build rules have been
# largely cleaned up so that .info files get always build in the
# build tree, even when distributed. The idea was that
# (1) if during a VPATH build the .info file was found to be
# absent or out-of-date (in the source tree or in the
# build tree), Make would rebuild it in the build tree.
# If an up-to-date source-tree of the .info file existed,
# make would not rebuild it in the build tree.
# (2) having two copies of .info files, one in the source tree
# and one (newer) in the build tree is not a problem
# because 'make dist' always pick files in the build tree
# first.
# However it turned out the be a bad idea for several reasons:
# * Tru64, OpenBSD, and FreeBSD (not NetBSD) Make do not behave
# like GNU Make on point (1) above. These implementations
# of Make would always rebuild .info files in the build
# tree, even if such files were up to date in the source
# tree. Consequently, it was impossible to perform a VPATH
# build of a package containing Texinfo files using these
# Make implementations.
# (Refer to the Autoconf Manual, section "Limitation of
# Make", paragraph "VPATH", item "target lookup", for
# an account of the differences between these
# implementations.)
# * The GNU Coding Standards require these files to be built
# in the source-tree (when they are distributed, that is).
# * Keeping a fresher copy of distributed files in the
# build tree can be annoying during development because
# - if the files is kept under CVS, you really want it
# to be updated in the source tree
# - it is confusing that 'make distclean' does not erase
# all files in the build tree.
# Consequently, starting with Automake 1.8, .info files are
# built in the source tree again. Because we still plan to
# support non-distributed .info files at some point, we
# have a single variable ($INSRC) that controls whether
# the current .info file must be built in the source tree
# or in the build tree. Actually this variable is switched
# off in two cases:
# (1) For '.info' files that appear to be cleaned; this is for
# backward compatibility with package such as Texinfo,
# which do things like
# info_TEXINFOS = texinfo.txi info-stnd.texi info.texi
# DISTCLEANFILES = texinfo texinfo-* info*.info*
# # Do not create info files for distribution.
# dist-info:
# in order not to distribute .info files.
# (2) When the undocumented option 'info-in-builddir' is given.
# This is done to allow the developers of GCC, GDB, GNU
# binutils and the GNU bfd library to force the '.info' files
# to be generated in the builddir rather than the srcdir, as
# was once done when the (now removed) 'cygnus' option was
# given. See automake bug#11034 for more discussion.
my $insrc = 1;
my $soutdir = '$(srcdir)/' . $outdir;
if (option 'info-in-builddir')
$insrc = 0;
elsif ($out_file =~ $user_cleaned_files)
$insrc = 0;
msg 'obsolete', "$am_file.am", < $texi,
VTI => $vti,
STAMPVTI => "${soutdir}stamp-$vti",
VTEXI => "$soutdir$vtexi",
MDDIR => $conf_dir,
DIRSTAMP => $dirstamp);
# Handle location of texinfo.tex.
my $need_texi_file = 0;
my $texinfodir;
if (var ('TEXINFO_TEX'))
# The user defined TEXINFO_TEX so assume he knows what he is
# doing.
$texinfodir = ('$(srcdir)/'
. dirname (variable_value ('TEXINFO_TEX')));
elsif ($config_aux_dir_set_in_configure_ac)
$texinfodir = $am_config_aux_dir;
define_variable ('TEXINFO_TEX', "$texinfodir/texinfo.tex", INTERNAL);
$need_texi_file = 2; # so that we require_conf_file later
$texinfodir = '$(srcdir)';
$need_texi_file = 1;
define_variable ('am__TEXINFO_TEX_DIR', $texinfodir, INTERNAL);
push (@dist_targets, 'dist-info');
if (! option 'no-installinfo')
# Make sure documentation is made and installed first. Use
# $(INFO_DEPS), not 'info', because otherwise recursive makes
# get run twice during "make all".
unshift (@all, '$(INFO_DEPS)');
define_files_variable ("DVIS", @infobase, 'dvi', INTERNAL);
define_files_variable ("PDFS", @infobase, 'pdf', INTERNAL);
define_files_variable ("PSS", @infobase, 'ps', INTERNAL);
define_files_variable ("HTMLS", @infobase, 'html', INTERNAL);
# This next isn't strictly needed now -- the places that look here
# could easily be changed to look in info_TEXINFOS. But this is
# probably better, in case noinst_TEXINFOS is ever supported.
define_variable ("TEXINFOS", variable_value ('info_TEXINFOS'), INTERNAL);
# Do some error checking. Note that this file is not required
# when in Cygnus mode; instead we defined TEXINFO_TEX explicitly
# up above.
if ($need_texi_file && ! option 'no-texinfo.tex')
if ($need_texi_file > 1)
require_conf_file_with_macro (TRUE, 'info_TEXINFOS', FOREIGN,
require_file_with_macro (TRUE, 'info_TEXINFOS', FOREIGN,
return (makefile_wrap ("", "\t ", @mostly_cleans),
makefile_wrap ("", "\t ", @texi_cleans),
makefile_wrap ("", "\t ", @maint_cleans));
sub handle_texinfo ()
reject_var 'TEXINFOS', "'TEXINFOS' is an anachronism; use 'info_TEXINFOS'";
# FIXME: I think this is an obsolete future feature name.
reject_var 'html_TEXINFOS', "HTML generation not yet supported";
my $info_texinfos = var ('info_TEXINFOS');
my ($mostlyclean, $clean, $maintclean) = ('', '', '');
if ($info_texinfos)
($mostlyclean, $clean, $maintclean) = handle_texinfo_helper ($info_texinfos);
chomp $mostlyclean;
chomp $clean;
chomp $maintclean;
$output_rules .= file_contents ('texinfos',
new Automake::Location,
AM_V_DVIPS => verbose_flag('DVIPS'),
MOSTLYCLEAN => $mostlyclean,
TEXICLEAN => $clean,
MAINTCLEAN => $maintclean,
'LOCAL-TEXIS' => !!$info_texinfos,
TEXIQUIET => verbose_flag('texinfo'));
sub handle_man_pages ()
reject_var 'MANS', "'MANS' is an anachronism; use 'man_MANS'";
# Find all the sections in use. We do this by first looking for
# "standard" sections, and then looking for any additional
# sections used in man_MANS.
my (%sections, %notrans_sections, %trans_sections,
%notrans_vars, %trans_vars, %notrans_sect_vars, %trans_sect_vars);
# We handle nodist_ for uniformity. man pages aren't distributed
# by default so it isn't actually very important.
foreach my $npfx ('', 'notrans_')
foreach my $pfx ('', 'dist_', 'nodist_')
# Add more sections as needed.
foreach my $section ('0'..'9', 'n', 'l')
my $varname = $npfx . $pfx . 'man' . $section . '_MANS';
if (var ($varname))
$sections{$section} = 1;
$varname = '$(' . $varname . ')';
if ($npfx eq 'notrans_')
$notrans_sections{$section} = 1;
$notrans_sect_vars{$varname} = 1;
$trans_sections{$section} = 1;
$trans_sect_vars{$varname} = 1;
push_dist_common ($varname)
if $pfx eq 'dist_';
my $varname = $npfx . $pfx . 'man_MANS';
my $var = var ($varname);
if ($var)
foreach ($var->value_as_list_recursive)
# A page like 'foo.1c' goes into man1dir.
if (/\.([0-9a-z])([a-z]*)$/)
$sections{$1} = 1;
if ($npfx eq 'notrans_')
$notrans_sections{$1} = 1;
$trans_sections{$1} = 1;
$varname = '$(' . $varname . ')';
if ($npfx eq 'notrans_')
$notrans_vars{$varname} = 1;
$trans_vars{$varname} = 1;
push_dist_common ($varname)
if $pfx eq 'dist_';
return unless %sections;
my @unsorted_deps;
# Build section independent variables.
my $have_notrans = %notrans_vars;
my @notrans_list = sort keys %notrans_vars;
my $have_trans = %trans_vars;
my @trans_list = sort keys %trans_vars;
# Now for each section, generate an install and uninstall rule.
# Sort sections so output is deterministic.
foreach my $section (sort keys %sections)
# Build section dependent variables.
my $notrans_mans = $have_notrans || exists $notrans_sections{$section};
my $trans_mans = $have_trans || exists $trans_sections{$section};
my (%notrans_this_sect, %trans_this_sect);
my $expr = 'man' . $section . '_MANS';
foreach my $varname (keys %notrans_sect_vars)
if ($varname =~ /$expr/)
$notrans_this_sect{$varname} = 1;
foreach my $varname (keys %trans_sect_vars)
if ($varname =~ /$expr/)
$trans_this_sect{$varname} = 1;
my @notrans_sect_list = sort keys %notrans_this_sect;
my @trans_sect_list = sort keys %trans_this_sect;
@unsorted_deps = (keys %notrans_vars, keys %trans_vars,
keys %notrans_this_sect, keys %trans_this_sect);
my @deps = sort @unsorted_deps;
$output_rules .= file_contents ('mans',
new Automake::Location,
SECTION => $section,
DEPS => "@deps",
NOTRANS_MANS => $notrans_mans,
NOTRANS_SECT_LIST => "@notrans_sect_list",
HAVE_NOTRANS => $have_notrans,
NOTRANS_LIST => "@notrans_list",
TRANS_MANS => $trans_mans,
TRANS_SECT_LIST => "@trans_sect_list",
HAVE_TRANS => $have_trans,
TRANS_LIST => "@trans_list");
@unsorted_deps = (keys %notrans_vars, keys %trans_vars,
keys %notrans_sect_vars, keys %trans_sect_vars);
my @mans = sort @unsorted_deps;
$output_vars .= file_contents ('mans-vars',
new Automake::Location,
MANS => "@mans");
push (@all, '$(MANS)')
unless option 'no-installman';
sub handle_data ()
am_install_var ('-noextra', '-candist', 'data', 'DATA',
'data', 'dataroot', 'doc', 'dvi', 'html', 'pdf',
'ps', 'sysconf', 'sharedstate', 'localstate',
'pkgdata', 'lisp', 'noinst', 'check');
sub handle_tags ()
my @config;
foreach my $spec (@config_headers)
my ($out, @ins) = split_config_file_spec ($spec);
foreach my $in (@ins)
# If the config header source is in this directory,
# require it.
push @config, basename ($in)
if $relative_dir eq dirname ($in);
define_variable ('am__tagged_files',
. " @config", INTERNAL);
if (rvar('am__tagged_files')->value_as_list_recursive
|| var ('ETAGS_ARGS') || var ('SUBDIRS'))
$output_rules .= file_contents ('tags', new Automake::Location);
reject_var ('TAGS_DEPENDENCIES',
"it doesn't make sense to define 'TAGS_DEPENDENCIES'"
. " without\nsources or 'ETAGS_ARGS'");
# Every Makefile must define some sort of TAGS rule.
# Otherwise, it would be possible for a top-level "make TAGS"
# to fail because some subdirectory failed. Ditto ctags and
# cscope.
$output_rules .=
"tags TAGS:\n\n" .
"ctags CTAGS:\n\n" .
"cscope cscopelist:\n\n";
# user_phony_rule ($NAME)
# -----------------------
# Return false if rule $NAME does not exist. Otherwise,
# declare it as phony, complete its definition (in case it is
# conditional), and return its Automake::Rule instance.
sub user_phony_rule
my ($name) = @_;
my $rule = rule $name;
if ($rule)
depend ('.PHONY', $name);
# Define $NAME in all condition where it is not already defined,
# so that it is always OK to depend on $NAME.
for my $c ($rule->not_always_defined_in_cond (TRUE)->conds)
Automake::Rule::define ($name, 'internal', RULE_AUTOMAKE,
$output_rules .= $c->subst_string . "$name:\n";
return $rule;
# Handle 'dist' target.
sub handle_dist ()
# Substitutions for distdir.am
my %transform;
# Define DIST_SUBDIRS. This must always be done, regardless of the
# no-dist setting: target like 'distclean' or 'maintainer-clean' use it.
my $subdirs = var ('SUBDIRS');
if ($subdirs)
# If SUBDIRS is conditionally defined, then set DIST_SUBDIRS
# to all possible directories, and use it. If DIST_SUBDIRS is
# defined, just use it.
# Note that we check DIST_SUBDIRS first on purpose, so that
# we don't call has_conditional_contents for now reason.
# (In the past one project used so many conditional subdirectories
# that calling has_conditional_contents on SUBDIRS caused
# automake to grow to 150Mb -- this should not happen with
# the current implementation of has_conditional_contents,
# but it's more efficient to avoid the call anyway.)
if (var ('DIST_SUBDIRS'))
elsif ($subdirs->has_conditional_contents)
uniq ($subdirs->value_as_list_recursive));
# We always define this because that is what 'distclean'
# wants.
define_pretty_variable ('DIST_SUBDIRS', TRUE, INTERNAL,
# The remaining definitions are only required when a dist target is used.
return if option 'no-dist';
# At least one of the archive formats must be enabled.
if ($relative_dir eq '.')
my $archive_defined = option 'no-dist-gzip' ? 0 : 1;
$archive_defined ||=
grep { option "dist-$_" } qw(shar zip tarZ bzip2 lzip xz zstd);
error (option 'no-dist-gzip',
"no-dist-gzip specified but no dist-* specified,\n"
. "at least one archive format must be enabled")
unless $archive_defined;
# Look for common files that should be included in distribution.
# If the aux dir is set, and it does not have a Makefile.am, then
# we check for these files there as well.
my $check_aux = 0;
if ($relative_dir eq '.'
&& $config_aux_dir_set_in_configure_ac)
if (! is_make_dir ($config_aux_dir))
$check_aux = 1;
foreach my $cfile (@common_files)
if (dir_has_case_matching_file ($relative_dir, $cfile)
# The file might be absent, but if it can be built it's ok.
|| rule $cfile)
push_dist_common ($cfile);
# Don't use 'elsif' here because a file might meaningfully
# appear in both directories.
if ($check_aux && dir_has_case_matching_file ($config_aux_dir, $cfile))
push_dist_common ("$config_aux_dir/$cfile")
# We might copy elements from @configure_dist_common to
# @dist_common if we think we need to. If the file appears in our
# directory, we would have discovered it already, so we don't
# check that. But if the file is in a subdir without a Makefile,
# we want to distribute it here if we are doing '.'. Ugly!
# Also, in some corner cases, it's possible that the following code
# will cause the same file to appear in the $(DIST_COMMON) variables
# of two distinct Makefiles; but this is not a problem, since the
# 'distdir' target in 'lib/am/distdir.am' can deal with the same
# file being distributed multiple times.
# See also automake bug#9651.
if ($relative_dir eq '.')
foreach my $file (@configure_dist_common)
my $dir = dirname ($file);
push_dist_common ($file)
if ($dir eq '.' || ! is_make_dir ($dir));
@configure_dist_common = ();
# $(am__DIST_COMMON): files to be distributed automatically. Will be
# appended to $(DIST_COMMON) in the generated Makefile.
# Use 'sort' so that the expansion of $(DIST_COMMON) in the generated
# Makefile is deterministic, in face of m4 and/or perl randomizations
# (see automake bug#17908).
define_pretty_variable ('am__DIST_COMMON', TRUE, INTERNAL,
uniq (sort @dist_common));
# Now that we've processed @dist_common, disallow further attempts
# to modify it.
$handle_dist_run = 1;
$transform{'DISTCHECK-HOOK'} = !! rule 'distcheck-hook';
$transform{'GETTEXT'} = $seen_gettext && !$seen_gettext_external;
# If the target 'dist-hook' exists, make sure it is run. This
# allows users to do random weird things to the distribution
# before it is packaged up.
push (@dist_targets, 'dist-hook')
if user_phony_rule 'dist-hook';
$transform{'DIST-TARGETS'} = join (' ', @dist_targets);
my $flm = option ('filename-length-max');
my $filename_filter = $flm ? '.' x $flm->[1] : '';
$output_rules .= file_contents ('distdir',
new Automake::Location,
FILENAME_FILTER => $filename_filter);
# check_directory ($NAME, $WHERE [, $RELATIVE_DIR = "."])
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Ensure $NAME is a directory (in $RELATIVE_DIR), and that it uses a sane
# name. Use $WHERE as a location in the diagnostic, if any.
sub check_directory
my ($dir, $where, $reldir) = @_;
$reldir = '.' unless defined $reldir;
error $where, "required directory $reldir/$dir does not exist"
unless -d "$reldir/$dir";
# If an 'obj/' directory exists, BSD make will enter it before
# reading 'Makefile'. Hence the 'Makefile' in the current directory
# will not be read.
# % cat Makefile
# all:
# echo Hello
# % cat obj/Makefile
# all:
# echo World
# % make # GNU make
# echo Hello
# Hello
# % pmake # BSD make
# echo World
# World
msg ('portability', $where,
"naming a subdirectory 'obj' causes troubles with BSD make")
if $dir eq 'obj';
# 'aux' is probably the most important of the following forbidden name,
# since it's tempting to use it as an AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR.
msg ('portability', $where,
"name '$dir' is reserved on W32 and DOS platforms")
if grep (/^\Q$dir\E$/i, qw/aux lpt1 lpt2 lpt3 com1 com2 com3 com4 con prn/);
# check_directories_in_var ($VARIABLE)
# ------------------------------------
# Recursively check all items in variables $VARIABLE as directories
sub check_directories_in_var
my ($var) = @_;
my ($var, $val, $cond, $full_cond) = @_;
check_directory ($val, $var->rdef ($cond)->location, $relative_dir);
return ();
skip_ac_subst => 1);
sub handle_subdirs ()
my $subdirs = var ('SUBDIRS');
unless $subdirs;
check_directories_in_var $subdirs;
my $dsubdirs = var ('DIST_SUBDIRS');
check_directories_in_var $dsubdirs
if $dsubdirs;
$output_rules .= file_contents ('subdirs', new Automake::Location);
rvar ('RECURSIVE_TARGETS')->rdef (TRUE)->{'pretty'} = VAR_SORTED; # Gross!
# scan_aclocal_m4
# ---------------
# If aclocal.m4 creation is automated, return the list of its dependencies.
sub scan_aclocal_m4 ()
my $regen_aclocal = 0;
if (-f 'aclocal.m4')
define_variable ("ACLOCAL_M4", '$(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4', INTERNAL);
my $aclocal = new Automake::XFile "< aclocal.m4";
my $line = $aclocal->getline;
$regen_aclocal = $line =~ 'generated automatically by aclocal';
my @ac_deps = ();
if (set_seen ('ACLOCAL_M4_SOURCES'))
push (@ac_deps, '$(ACLOCAL_M4_SOURCES)');
msg_var ('obsolete', 'ACLOCAL_M4_SOURCES',
"'ACLOCAL_M4_SOURCES' is obsolete.\n"
. "It should be safe to simply remove it");
# Note that it might be possible that aclocal.m4 doesn't exist but
# should be auto-generated. This case probably isn't very
# important.
return ($regen_aclocal, @ac_deps);
# Helper function for 'substitute_ac_subst_variables'.
sub substitute_ac_subst_variables_worker
my ($token) = @_;
return "\@$token\@" if var $token;
return "\${$token\}";
# substitute_ac_subst_variables ($TEXT)
# -------------------------------------
# Replace any occurrence of ${FOO} in $TEXT by @FOO@ if FOO is an AC_SUBST
# variable.
sub substitute_ac_subst_variables
my ($text) = @_;
$text =~ s/\$[{]([^ \t=:+{}]+)}/substitute_ac_subst_variables_worker ($1)/ge;
return $text;
# prepend_srcdir (@INPUTS)
# ------------------------
# Prepend $(srcdir) or $(top_srcdir) to all @INPUTS. The idea is that
# if an input file has a directory part the same as the current
# directory, then the directory part is simply replaced by $(srcdir).
# But if the directory part is different, then $(top_srcdir) is
# prepended.
sub prepend_srcdir
my (@inputs) = @_;
my @newinputs;
foreach my $single (@inputs)
if (dirname ($single) eq $relative_dir)
push (@newinputs, '$(srcdir)/' . basename ($single));
push (@newinputs, '$(top_srcdir)/' . $single);
return @newinputs;
# rewrite_inputs_into_dependencies ($OUTPUT, @INPUTS)
# ---------------------------------------------------
# Compute a list of dependencies appropriate for the rebuild
# rule of
# Also distribute $INPUTs which are not built by another AC_CONFIG_FOOs.
sub rewrite_inputs_into_dependencies
my ($file, @inputs) = @_;
my @res = ();
for my $i (@inputs)
# We cannot create dependencies on shell variables.
next if (substitute_ac_subst_variables $i) =~ /\$/;
if (exists $ac_config_files_location{$i} && $i ne $file)
my $di = dirname $i;
if ($di eq $relative_dir)
$i = basename $i;
# In the top-level Makefile we do not use $(top_builddir), because
# we are already there, and since the targets are built without
# a $(top_builddir), it helps BSD Make to match them with
# dependencies.
elsif ($relative_dir ne '.')
$i = '$(top_builddir)/' . $i;
msg ('error', $ac_config_files_location{$file},
"required file '$i' not found")
unless $i =~ /\$/ || exists $output_files{$i} || -f $i;
($i) = prepend_srcdir ($i);
push_dist_common ($i);
push @res, $i;
return @res;
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Handle remaking and configure stuff.
# We need the name of the input file, to do proper remaking rules.
sub handle_configure
my ($makefile_am, $makefile_in, $makefile, @inputs) = @_;
prog_error 'empty @inputs'
unless @inputs;
my ($rel_makefile_am, $rel_makefile_in) = prepend_srcdir ($makefile_am,
my $rel_makefile = basename $makefile;
my $colon_infile = ':' . join (':', @inputs);
$colon_infile = '' if $colon_infile eq ":$makefile.in";
my @rewritten = rewrite_inputs_into_dependencies ($makefile, @inputs);
my ($regen_aclocal_m4, @aclocal_m4_deps) = scan_aclocal_m4;
define_pretty_variable ('am__aclocal_m4_deps', TRUE, INTERNAL,
@configure_deps, @aclocal_m4_deps,
'$(top_srcdir)/' . $configure_ac);
my @configuredeps = ('$(am__aclocal_m4_deps)', '$(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES)');
push @configuredeps, '$(ACLOCAL_M4)' if -f 'aclocal.m4';
define_pretty_variable ('am__configure_deps', TRUE, INTERNAL,
my $automake_options = '--' . $strictness_name .
(global_option 'no-dependencies' ? ' --ignore-deps' : '');
$output_rules .= file_contents
new Automake::Location,
MAKEFILE => $rel_makefile,
'MAKEFILE-DEPS' => "@rewritten",
'CONFIG-MAKEFILE' => ($relative_dir eq '.') ? '$@' : '$(subdir)/$@',
'MAKEFILE-IN' => $rel_makefile_in,
'HAVE-MAKEFILE-IN-DEPS' => (@include_stack > 0),
'MAKEFILE-IN-DEPS' => "@include_stack",
'MAKEFILE-AM' => $rel_makefile_am,
'AUTOMAKE-OPTIONS' => $automake_options,
'MAKEFILE-AM-SOURCES' => "$makefile$colon_infile",
'REGEN-ACLOCAL-M4' => $regen_aclocal_m4,
VERBOSE => verbose_flag ('GEN'));
if ($relative_dir eq '.')
push_dist_common ('acconfig.h')
if -f 'acconfig.h';
# If we have a configure header, require it.
my $hdr_index = 0;
my @distclean_config;
foreach my $spec (@config_headers)
$hdr_index += 1;
# $CONFIG_H_PATH: config.h from top level.
my ($config_h_path, @ins) = split_config_file_spec ($spec);
my $config_h_dir = dirname ($config_h_path);
# If the header is in the current directory we want to build
# the header here. Otherwise, if we're at the topmost
# directory and the header's directory doesn't have a
# Makefile, then we also want to build the header.
if ($relative_dir eq $config_h_dir
|| ($relative_dir eq '.' && ! is_make_dir ($config_h_dir)))
my ($cn_sans_dir, $stamp_dir);
if ($relative_dir eq $config_h_dir)
$cn_sans_dir = basename ($config_h_path);
$stamp_dir = '';
$cn_sans_dir = $config_h_path;
if ($config_h_dir eq '.')
$stamp_dir = '';
$stamp_dir = $config_h_dir . '/';
# This will also distribute all inputs.
@ins = rewrite_inputs_into_dependencies ($config_h_path, @ins);
# Cannot define rebuild rules for filenames with shell variables.
next if (substitute_ac_subst_variables $config_h_path) =~ /\$/;
# Header defined in this directory.
my @files;
if (-f $config_h_path . '.top')
push (@files, "$cn_sans_dir.top");
if (-f $config_h_path . '.bot')
push (@files, "$cn_sans_dir.bot");
push_dist_common (@files);
# For now, acconfig.h can only appear in the top srcdir.
if (-f 'acconfig.h')
push (@files, '$(top_srcdir)/acconfig.h');
my $stamp = "${stamp_dir}stamp-h${hdr_index}";
$output_rules .=
file_contents ('remake-hdr',
new Automake::Location,
FILES => "@files",
'FIRST-HDR' => ($hdr_index == 1),
CONFIG_H => $cn_sans_dir,
CONFIG_HIN => $ins[0],
CONFIG_H_DEPS => "@ins",
CONFIG_H_PATH => $config_h_path,
STAMP => "$stamp");
push @distclean_config, $cn_sans_dir, $stamp;
$output_rules .= file_contents ('clean-hdr',
new Automake::Location,
FILES => "@distclean_config")
if @distclean_config;
# Distribute and define mkinstalldirs only if it is already present
# in the package, for backward compatibility (some people may still
# use $(mkinstalldirs)).
# TODO: start warning about this in Automake 1.14, and have
# TODO: Automake 2.0 drop it (and the mkinstalldirs script
# TODO: as well).
my $mkidpath = "$config_aux_dir/mkinstalldirs";
if (-f $mkidpath)
# Use require_file so that any existing script gets updated
# by --force-missing.
require_conf_file ($mkidpath, FOREIGN, 'mkinstalldirs');
define_variable ('mkinstalldirs',
"\$(SHELL) $am_config_aux_dir/mkinstalldirs", INTERNAL);
# Use $(install_sh), not $(MKDIR_P) because the latter requires
# at least one argument, and $(mkinstalldirs) used to work
# even without arguments (e.g. $(mkinstalldirs) $(conditional_dir)).
define_variable ('mkinstalldirs', '$(install_sh) -d', INTERNAL);
reject_var ('CONFIG_HEADER',
"'CONFIG_HEADER' is an anachronism; now determined "
. "automatically\nfrom '$configure_ac'");
my @config_h;
foreach my $spec (@config_headers)
my ($out, @ins) = split_config_file_spec ($spec);
# Generate CONFIG_HEADER define.
if ($relative_dir eq dirname ($out))
push @config_h, basename ($out);
push @config_h, "\$(top_builddir)/$out";
define_variable ("CONFIG_HEADER", "@config_h", INTERNAL)
if @config_h;
# Now look for other files in this directory which must be remade
# by config.status, and generate rules for them.
my @actual_other_files = ();
# These get cleaned only in a VPATH build.
my @actual_other_vpath_files = ();
foreach my $lfile (@other_input_files)
my $file;
my @inputs;
if ($lfile =~ /^([^:]*):(.*)$/)
# This is the ":" syntax of AC_OUTPUT.
$file = $1;
@inputs = split (':', $2);
# Normal usage.
$file = $lfile;
@inputs = $file . '.in';
# Automake files should not be stored in here, but in %MAKE_LIST.
prog_error ("$lfile in \@other_input_files\n"
. "\@other_input_files = (@other_input_files)")
if -f $file . '.am';
my $local = basename ($file);
# We skip files that aren't in this directory. However, if
# the file's directory does not have a Makefile, and we are
# currently doing '.', then we create a rule to rebuild the
# file in the subdir.
my $fd = dirname ($file);
if ($fd ne $relative_dir)
if ($relative_dir eq '.' && ! is_make_dir ($fd))
$local = $file;
my @rewritten_inputs = rewrite_inputs_into_dependencies ($file, @inputs);
# Cannot output rules for shell variables.
next if (substitute_ac_subst_variables $local) =~ /\$/;
my $condstr = '';
my $cond = $ac_config_files_condition{$lfile};
if (defined $cond)
$condstr = $cond->subst_string;
Automake::Rule::define ($local, $configure_ac, RULE_AUTOMAKE, $cond,
$output_rules .= ($condstr . $local . ': '
. '$(top_builddir)/config.status '
. "@rewritten_inputs\n"
. $condstr . "\t"
. 'cd $(top_builddir) && '
. '$(SHELL) ./config.status '
. ($relative_dir eq '.' ? '' : '$(subdir)/')
. '$@'
. "\n");
push (@actual_other_files, $local);
# For links we should clean destinations and distribute sources.
foreach my $spec (@config_links)
my ($link, $file) = split /:/, $spec;
# Some people do AC_CONFIG_LINKS($computed). We only handle
# the DEST:SRC form.
next unless $file;
my $where = $ac_config_files_location{$link};
# Skip destinations that contain shell variables.
if ((substitute_ac_subst_variables $link) !~ /\$/)
# We skip links that aren't in this directory. However, if
# the link's directory does not have a Makefile, and we are
# currently doing '.', then we add the link to CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES
# in '.'s Makefile.in.
my $local = basename ($link);
my $fd = dirname ($link);
if ($fd ne $relative_dir)
if ($relative_dir eq '.' && ! is_make_dir ($fd))
$local = $link;
$local = undef;
if ($file ne $link)
push @actual_other_files, $local if $local;
push @actual_other_vpath_files, $local if $local;
# Do not process sources that contain shell variables.
if ((substitute_ac_subst_variables $file) !~ /\$/)
my $fd = dirname ($file);
# We distribute files that are in this directory.
# At the top-level ('.') we also distribute files whose
# directory does not have a Makefile.
if (($fd eq $relative_dir)
|| ($relative_dir eq '.' && ! is_make_dir ($fd)))
# The following will distribute $file as a side-effect when
# it is appropriate (i.e., when $file is not already an output).
# We do not need the result, just the side-effect.
rewrite_inputs_into_dependencies ($link, $file);
# These files get removed by "make distclean".
define_pretty_variable ('CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES', TRUE, INTERNAL,
define_pretty_variable ('CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES', TRUE, INTERNAL,
sub handle_headers ()
my @r = am_install_var ('-defaultdist', 'header', 'HEADERS', 'include',
'oldinclude', 'pkginclude',
'noinst', 'check');
foreach (@r)
next unless $_->[1] =~ /\..*$/;
saw_extension ($&);
sub handle_gettext ()
return if ! $seen_gettext || $relative_dir ne '.';
my $subdirs = var 'SUBDIRS';
if (! $subdirs)
err_ac "AM_GNU_GETTEXT used but SUBDIRS not defined";
# Perform some sanity checks to help users get the right setup.
# We disable these tests when po/ doesn't exist in order not to disallow
# unusual gettext setups.
# Bruno Haible:
# | The idea is:
# |
# | 1) If a package doesn't have a directory po/ at top level, it
# | will likely have multiple po/ directories in subpackages.
# |
# | 2) It is useful to warn for the absence of intl/ if AM_GNU_GETTEXT
# | is used without 'external'. It is also useful to warn for the
# | presence of intl/ if AM_GNU_GETTEXT([external]) is used. Both
# | warnings apply only to the usual layout of packages, therefore
# | they should both be disabled if no po/ directory is found at
# | top level.
if (-d 'po')
my @subdirs = $subdirs->value_as_list_recursive;
msg_var ('syntax', $subdirs,
"AM_GNU_GETTEXT used but 'po' not in SUBDIRS")
if ! grep ($_ eq 'po', @subdirs);
# intl/ is not required when AM_GNU_GETTEXT is called with the
# 'external' option and AM_GNU_GETTEXT_INTL_SUBDIR is not called.
msg_var ('syntax', $subdirs,
"AM_GNU_GETTEXT used but 'intl' not in SUBDIRS")
if (! ($seen_gettext_external && ! $seen_gettext_intl)
&& ! grep ($_ eq 'intl', @subdirs));
# intl/ should not be used with AM_GNU_GETTEXT([external]), except
msg_var ('syntax', $subdirs,
"'intl' should not be in SUBDIRS when "
. "AM_GNU_GETTEXT([external]) is used")
if ($seen_gettext_external && ! $seen_gettext_intl
&& grep ($_ eq 'intl', @subdirs));
require_file ($ac_gettext_location, GNU, 'ABOUT-NLS');
# Emit makefile footer.
sub handle_footer ()
reject_rule ('.SUFFIXES',
"use variable 'SUFFIXES', not target '.SUFFIXES'");
# Note: AIX 4.1 /bin/make will fail if any suffix rule appears
# before .SUFFIXES. So we make sure that .SUFFIXES appears before
# anything else, by sticking it right after the default: target.
$output_header .= ".SUFFIXES:\n";
my $suffixes = var 'SUFFIXES';
my @suffixes = Automake::Rule::suffixes;
if (@suffixes || $suffixes)
# Make sure SUFFIXES has unique elements. Sort them to ensure
# the output remains consistent. However, $(SUFFIXES) is
# always at the start of the list, unsorted. This is done
# because make will choose rules depending on the ordering of
# suffixes, and this lets the user have some control. Push
# actual suffixes, and not $(SUFFIXES). Some versions of make
# do not like variable substitutions on the .SUFFIXES line.
my @user_suffixes = ($suffixes
? $suffixes->value_as_list_recursive : ());
my %suffixes = map { $_ => 1 } @suffixes;
delete @suffixes{@user_suffixes};
$output_header .= (".SUFFIXES: "
. join (' ', @user_suffixes, sort keys %suffixes)
. "\n");
$output_trailer .= file_contents ('footer', new Automake::Location);
# Generate 'make install' rules.
sub handle_install ()
$output_rules .= file_contents
new Automake::Location,
maybe_BUILT_SOURCES => (set_seen ('BUILT_SOURCES')
? (" \$(BUILT_SOURCES)\n"
. "\t\$(MAKE) \$(AM_MAKEFLAGS)")
: ''),
'installdirs-local' => (user_phony_rule ('installdirs-local')
? ' installdirs-local' : ''),
am__installdirs => variable_value ('am__installdirs') || '');
# handle_all ($MAKEFILE)
# Deal with 'all' and 'all-am'.
sub handle_all
my ($makefile) = @_;
# Output 'all-am'.
# Put this at the beginning for the sake of non-GNU makes. This
# is still wrong if these makes can run parallel jobs. But it is
# right enough.
unshift (@all, basename ($makefile));
foreach my $spec (@config_headers)
my ($out, @ins) = split_config_file_spec ($spec);
push (@all, basename ($out))
if dirname ($out) eq $relative_dir;
# Install 'all' hooks.
push (@all, "all-local")
if user_phony_rule "all-local";
pretty_print_rule ("all-am:", "\t\t", @all);
depend ('.PHONY', 'all-am', 'all');
# Output 'all'.
my @local_headers = ();
push @local_headers, '$(BUILT_SOURCES)'
if var ('BUILT_SOURCES');
foreach my $spec (@config_headers)
my ($out, @ins) = split_config_file_spec ($spec);
push @local_headers, basename ($out)
if dirname ($out) eq $relative_dir;
if (@local_headers)
# We need to make sure config.h is built before we recurse.
# We also want to make sure that built sources are built
# before any ordinary 'all' targets are run. We can't do this
# by changing the order of dependencies to the "all" because
# that breaks when using parallel makes. Instead we handle
# things explicitly.
$output_all .= ("all: @local_headers"
. "\n\t"
. (var ('SUBDIRS') ? 'all-recursive' : 'all-am')
. "\n\n");
depend ('.MAKE', 'all');
$output_all .= "all: " . (var ('SUBDIRS')
? 'all-recursive' : 'all-am') . "\n\n";
# Generate helper targets for user-defined recursive targets, where needed.
sub handle_user_recursion ()
return unless @extra_recursive_targets;
define_pretty_variable ('am__extra_recursive_targets', TRUE, INTERNAL,
map { "$_-recursive" } @extra_recursive_targets);
my $aux = var ('SUBDIRS') ? 'recursive' : 'am';
foreach my $target (@extra_recursive_targets)
# This allows the default target's rules to be overridden in
# Makefile.am.
user_phony_rule ($target);
depend ("$target", "$target-$aux");
depend ("$target-am", "$target-local");
# Every user-defined recursive target 'foo' *must* have a valid
# associated 'foo-local' rule; we define it as an empty rule by
# default, so that the user can transparently extend it in his
# own Makefile.am.
pretty_print_rule ("$target-local:", '', '');
# $target-recursive might as well be undefined, so do not add
# it here; it's taken care of in subdirs.am anyway.
depend (".PHONY", "$target-am", "$target-local");
# Handle check merge target specially.
sub do_check_merge_target ()
# Include user-defined local form of target.
push @check_tests, 'check-local'
if user_phony_rule 'check-local';
# The check target must depend on the local equivalent of
# 'all', to ensure all the primary targets are built. Then it
# must build the local check rules.
$output_rules .= "check-am: all-am\n";
if (@check)
pretty_print_rule ("\t\$(MAKE) \$(AM_MAKEFLAGS)", "\t ", @check);
depend ('.MAKE', 'check-am');
if (@check_tests)
pretty_print_rule ("\t\$(MAKE) \$(AM_MAKEFLAGS)", "\t ",
depend ('.MAKE', 'check-am');
depend '.PHONY', 'check', 'check-am';
# Handle recursion. We have to honor BUILT_SOURCES like for 'all:'.
$output_rules .= ("check: "
. (var ('BUILT_SOURCES')
: '')
. (var ('SUBDIRS') ? 'check-recursive' : 'check-am')
. "\n");
depend ('.MAKE', 'check')
if var ('BUILT_SOURCES');
# Handle all 'clean' targets.
sub handle_clean
my ($makefile) = @_;
# Clean the files listed in user variables if they exist.
$clean_files{'$(CLEANFILES)'} = CLEAN
if var ('CLEANFILES');
$clean_files{'$(DISTCLEANFILES)'} = DIST_CLEAN
# Built sources are automatically removed by maintainer-clean.
if var ('BUILT_SOURCES');
# Compute a list of "rm"s to run for each target.
my %rms = (MOSTLY_CLEAN, [],
CLEAN, [],
foreach my $file (keys %clean_files)
my $when = $clean_files{$file};
prog_error 'invalid entry in %clean_files'
unless exists $rms{$when};
my $rm = "rm -f $file";
# If file is a variable, make sure when don't call 'rm -f' without args.
$rm ="test -z \"$file\" || $rm"
if ($file =~ /^\s*\$(\(.*\)|\{.*\})\s*$/);
push @{$rms{$when}}, "\t-$rm\n";
$output_rules .= file_contents
new Automake::Location,
MOSTLYCLEAN_RMS => join ('', sort @{$rms{&MOSTLY_CLEAN}}),
CLEAN_RMS => join ('', sort @{$rms{&CLEAN}}),
DISTCLEAN_RMS => join ('', sort @{$rms{&DIST_CLEAN}}),
MAINTAINER_CLEAN_RMS => join ('', sort @{$rms{&MAINTAINER_CLEAN}}),
MAKEFILE => basename $makefile,
# Subroutine for handle_factored_dependencies() to let '.PHONY' and
# other '.TARGETS' be last. This is meant to be used as a comparison
# subroutine passed to the sort built-int.
sub target_cmp
return 0 if $a eq $b;
my $a1 = substr ($a, 0, 1);
my $b1 = substr ($b, 0, 1);
if ($a1 ne $b1)
return -1 if $b1 eq '.';
return 1 if $a1 eq '.';
return $a cmp $b;
# Handle everything related to gathered targets.
sub handle_factored_dependencies ()
# Reject bad hooks.
foreach my $utarg ('uninstall-data-local', 'uninstall-data-hook',
'uninstall-exec-local', 'uninstall-exec-hook',
my $x = $utarg;
$x =~ s/-.*-/-/;
reject_rule ($utarg, "use '$x', not '$utarg'");
reject_rule ('install-local',
"use 'install-data-local' or 'install-exec-local', "
. "not 'install-local'");
reject_rule ('install-hook',
"use 'install-data-hook' or 'install-exec-hook', "
. "not 'install-hook'");
# Install the -local hooks.
foreach (keys %dependencies)
# Hooks are installed on the -am targets.
s/-am$// or next;
depend ("$_-am", "$_-local")
if user_phony_rule "$_-local";
# Install the -hook hooks.
# FIXME: Why not be as liberal as we are with -local hooks?
foreach ('install-exec', 'install-data', 'uninstall')
if (user_phony_rule "$_-hook")
depend ('.MAKE', "$_-am");
. "\t\$(MAKE) \$(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $_-hook"));
# All the required targets are phony.
depend ('.PHONY', keys %required_targets);
# Actually output gathered targets.
foreach (sort target_cmp keys %dependencies)
# If there is nothing about this guy, skip it.
unless (@{$dependencies{$_}}
|| $actions{$_}
|| $required_targets{$_});
# Define gathered targets in undefined conditions.
# FIXME: Right now we must handle .PHONY as an exception,
# because people write things like
# .PHONY: myphonytarget
# to append dependencies. This would not work if Automake
# refrained from defining its own .PHONY target as it does
# with other overridden targets.
# Likewise for '.MAKE' and '.PRECIOUS'.
my @undefined_conds = (TRUE,);
if ($_ ne '.PHONY' && $_ ne '.MAKE' && $_ ne '.PRECIOUS')
@undefined_conds =
Automake::Rule::define ($_, 'internal',
my @uniq_deps = uniq (sort @{$dependencies{$_}});
foreach my $cond (@undefined_conds)
my $condstr = $cond->subst_string;
pretty_print_rule ("$condstr$_:", "$condstr\t", @uniq_deps);
$output_rules .= $actions{$_} if defined $actions{$_};
$output_rules .= "\n";
sub handle_tests_dejagnu ()
push (@check_tests, 'check-DEJAGNU');
$output_rules .= file_contents ('dejagnu', new Automake::Location);
# handle_per_suffix_test ($TEST_SUFFIX, [%TRANSFORM])
sub handle_per_suffix_test
my ($test_suffix, %transform) = @_;
my ($pfx, $generic, $am_exeext);
if ($test_suffix eq '')
$pfx = '';
$generic = 0;
$am_exeext = 'FALSE';
prog_error ("test suffix '$test_suffix' lacks leading dot")
unless $test_suffix =~ m/^\.(.*)/;
$pfx = uc ($1) . '_';
$generic = 1;
$am_exeext = exists $configure_vars{'EXEEXT'} ? 'am__EXEEXT'
: 'FALSE';
# The "test driver" program, deputed to handle tests protocol used by
# test scripts. By default, it's assumed that no protocol is used, so
# we fall back to the old behaviour, implemented by the 'test-driver'
# auxiliary script.
if (! var "${pfx}LOG_DRIVER")
require_conf_file ("parallel-tests", FOREIGN, 'test-driver');
define_variable ("${pfx}LOG_DRIVER",
"\$(SHELL) $am_config_aux_dir/test-driver",
my $driver = '$(' . $pfx . 'LOG_DRIVER)';
my $driver_flags = '$(AM_' . $pfx . 'LOG_DRIVER_FLAGS)'
. ' $(' . $pfx . 'LOG_DRIVER_FLAGS)';
my $compile = "${pfx}LOG_COMPILE";
define_variable ($compile,
'$(' . $pfx . 'LOG_COMPILER)'
. ' $(AM_' . $pfx . 'LOG_FLAGS)'
. ' $(' . $pfx . 'LOG_FLAGS)',
$output_rules .= file_contents ('check2', new Automake::Location,
GENERIC => $generic,
DRIVER => $driver,
DRIVER_FLAGS => $driver_flags,
COMPILE => '$(' . $compile . ')',
EXT => $test_suffix,
am__EXEEXT => $am_exeext,
# is_valid_test_extension ($EXT)
# ------------------------------
# Return true if $EXT can appear in $(TEST_EXTENSIONS), return false
# otherwise.
sub is_valid_test_extension
my $ext = shift;
return 1
if ($ext =~ /^\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/);
return 1
if (exists $configure_vars{'EXEEXT'} && $ext eq subst ('EXEEXT'));
return 0;
sub handle_tests ()
if (option 'dejagnu')
reject_var ($c, "'$c' defined but 'dejagnu' not in "
if (var ('TESTS'))
push (@check_tests, 'check-TESTS');
my $check_deps = "@check";
$output_rules .= file_contents ('check', new Automake::Location,
SERIAL_TESTS => !! option 'serial-tests',
CHECK_DEPS => $check_deps);
# Tests that are known programs should have $(EXEEXT) appended.
# For matching purposes, we need to adjust XFAIL_TESTS as well.
append_exeext { exists $known_programs{$_[0]} } 'TESTS';
append_exeext { exists $known_programs{$_[0]} } 'XFAIL_TESTS'
if (var ('XFAIL_TESTS'));
if (! option 'serial-tests')
define_variable ('TEST_SUITE_LOG', 'test-suite.log', INTERNAL);
my $suff = '.test';
my $at_exeext = '';
my $handle_exeext = exists $configure_vars{'EXEEXT'};
if ($handle_exeext)
$at_exeext = subst ('EXEEXT');
$suff = $at_exeext . ' ' . $suff;
if (! var 'TEST_EXTENSIONS')
define_variable ('TEST_EXTENSIONS', $suff, INTERNAL);
my $var = var 'TEST_EXTENSIONS';
# Currently, we are not able to deal with conditional contents
if ($var->has_conditional_contents)
msg_var 'unsupported', $var,
"'TEST_EXTENSIONS' cannot have conditional contents";
my @test_suffixes = $var->value_as_list_recursive;
if ((my @invalid_test_suffixes =
grep { !is_valid_test_extension $_ } @test_suffixes) > 0)
error $var->rdef (TRUE)->location,
"invalid test extensions: @invalid_test_suffixes";
@test_suffixes = grep { is_valid_test_extension $_ } @test_suffixes;
if ($handle_exeext)
unshift (@test_suffixes, $at_exeext)
unless $test_suffixes[0] eq $at_exeext;
unshift (@test_suffixes, '');
('TESTS', 'TEST_LOGS', 'am__testlogs', 1, INTERNAL,
sub {
my ($subvar, $val, $cond, $full_cond) = @_;
my $obj = $val;
return $obj
if $val =~ /^\@.*\@$/;
$obj =~ s/\$\(EXEEXT\)$//o;
if ($val =~ /(\$\((top_)?srcdir\))\//o)
msg ('error', $subvar->rdef ($cond)->location,
"using '$1' in TESTS is currently broken: '$val'");
foreach my $test_suffix (@test_suffixes)
if $test_suffix eq $at_exeext || $test_suffix eq '';
return substr ($obj, 0, length ($obj) - length ($test_suffix)) . '.log'
if substr ($obj, - length ($test_suffix)) eq $test_suffix;
my $base = $obj;
$obj .= '.log';
handle_per_suffix_test ('',
OBJ => $obj,
BASE => $base,
SOURCE => $val);
return $obj;
my $nhelper=1;
my $prev = 'TESTS';
my $post = '';
my $last_suffix = $test_suffixes[$#test_suffixes];
my $cur = '';
foreach my $test_suffix (@test_suffixes)
if ($test_suffix eq $last_suffix)
$cur = 'TEST_LOGS';
$cur = 'am__test_logs' . $nhelper;
define_variable ($cur,
'$(' . $prev . ':' . $test_suffix . $post . '=.log)', INTERNAL);
$post = '.log';
$prev = $cur;
if ($test_suffix ne $at_exeext && $test_suffix ne '')
handle_per_suffix_test ($test_suffix,
OBJ => '',
BASE => '$*',
SOURCE => '$<');
$clean_files{'$(TEST_LOGS)'} = MOSTLY_CLEAN;
$clean_files{'$(TEST_LOGS:.log=.trs)'} = MOSTLY_CLEAN;
$clean_files{'$(TEST_SUITE_LOG)'} = MOSTLY_CLEAN;
sub handle_emacs_lisp ()
my @elfiles = am_install_var ('-candist', 'lisp', 'LISP',
'lisp', 'noinst');
return if ! @elfiles;
define_pretty_variable ('am__ELFILES', TRUE, INTERNAL,
map { $_->[1] } @elfiles);
define_pretty_variable ('am__ELCFILES', TRUE, INTERNAL,
# This one can be overridden by users.
define_pretty_variable ('ELCFILES', TRUE, INTERNAL, '$(LISP:.el=.elc)');
push @all, '$(ELCFILES)';
require_variables ($elfiles[0][0], "Emacs Lisp sources seen", TRUE,
'EMACS', 'lispdir');
sub handle_python ()
my @pyfiles = am_install_var ('-defaultdist', 'python', 'PYTHON',
return if ! @pyfiles;
require_variables ($pyfiles[0][0], "Python sources seen", TRUE, 'PYTHON');
require_conf_file ($pyfiles[0][0], FOREIGN, 'py-compile');
define_variable ('py_compile', "$am_config_aux_dir/py-compile", INTERNAL);
sub handle_java ()
my @sourcelist = am_install_var ('-candist',
'java', 'JAVA',
'noinst', 'check');
return if ! @sourcelist;
my @prefixes = am_primary_prefixes ('JAVA', 1,
'noinst', 'check');
my $dir;
my @java_sources = ();
foreach my $prefix (@prefixes)
(my $curs = $prefix) =~ s/^(?:nobase_)?(?:dist_|nodist_)?//;
if $curs eq 'EXTRA';
push @java_sources, '$(' . $prefix . '_JAVA' . ')';
if (defined $dir)
err_var "${curs}_JAVA", "multiple _JAVA primaries in use"
unless $curs eq $dir;
$dir = $curs;
define_pretty_variable ('am__java_sources', TRUE, INTERNAL,
if ($dir eq 'check')
push (@check, "class$dir.stamp");
push (@all, "class$dir.stamp");
sub handle_minor_options ()
if (option 'readme-alpha')
if ($relative_dir eq '.')
if ($package_version !~ /^$GNITS_VERSION_PATTERN$/)
msg ('error-gnits', $package_version_location,
"version '$package_version' doesn't follow " .
"Gnits standards");
if (defined $1 && -f 'README-alpha')
# This means we have an alpha release. See
push_dist_common ('README-alpha');
# split_config_file_spec ($SPEC)
# ------------------------------
# Decode the Autoconf syntax for config files (files, headers, links
# etc.).
sub split_config_file_spec
my ($spec) = @_;
my ($output, @inputs) = split (/:/, $spec);
push @inputs, "$output.in"
unless @inputs;
return ($output, @inputs);
# $input
# locate_am (@POSSIBLE_SOURCES)
# -----------------------------
# AC_CONFIG_FILES allow specifications such as Makefile:top.in:mid.in:bot.in
# This functions returns the first *.in file for which a *.am exists.
# It returns undef otherwise.
sub locate_am
my (@rest) = @_;
my $input;
foreach my $file (@rest)
if (($file =~ /^(.*)\.in$/) && -f "$1.am")
$input = $file;
return $input;
my %make_list;
# scan_autoconf_config_files ($WHERE, $CONFIG-FILES)
# --------------------------------------------------
# Study $CONFIG-FILES which is the first argument to AC_CONFIG_FILES
# (or AC_OUTPUT).
sub scan_autoconf_config_files
my ($where, $config_files) = @_;
# Look at potential Makefile.am's.
foreach (split ' ', $config_files)
# Must skip empty string for Perl 4.
next if $_ eq "\\" || $_ eq '';
# Handle $local:$input syntax.
my ($local, @rest) = split (/:/);
@rest = ("$local.in",) unless @rest;
# Keep in sync with test 'conffile-leading-dot.sh'.
msg ('unsupported', $where,
"omit leading './' from config file names such as '$local';"
. "\nremake rules might be subtly broken otherwise")
if ($local =~ /^\.\//);
my $input = locate_am @rest;
if ($input)
# We have a file that automake should generate.
$make_list{$input} = join (':', ($local, @rest));
# We have a file that automake should cause to be
# rebuilt, but shouldn't generate itself.
push (@other_input_files, $_);
$ac_config_files_location{$local} = $where;
$ac_config_files_condition{$local} =
new Automake::Condition (@cond_stack)
if (@cond_stack);
sub scan_autoconf_traces
my ($filename) = @_;
# Macros to trace, with their minimal number of arguments.
# IMPORTANT: If you add a macro here, you should also add this macro
# ========= to Automake-preselection in autoconf/lib/autom4te.in.
my %traced = (
AC_INIT => 0,
AM_PROG_AR => 0,
_AM_COND_IF => 1,
m4_include => 1,
m4_sinclude => 1,
sinclude => 1,
my $traces = ($ENV{AUTOCONF} || 'autoconf') . " ";
# Use a separator unlikely to be used, not ':', the default, which
# has a precise meaning for AC_CONFIG_FILES and so on.
$traces .= join (' ',
map { "--trace=$_" . ':\$f:\$l::\$d::\$n::\${::}%' }
(keys %traced));
my $tracefh = new Automake::XFile ("$traces $filename |");
verb "reading $traces";
@cond_stack = ();
my $where;
while ($_ = $tracefh->getline)
my ($here, $depth, @args) = split (/::/);
$where = new Automake::Location $here;
my $macro = $args[0];
prog_error ("unrequested trace '$macro'")
unless exists $traced{$macro};
# Skip and diagnose malformed calls.
if ($#args < $traced{$macro})
msg ('syntax', $where, "not enough arguments for $macro");
# Alphabetical ordering please.
if ($macro eq 'AC_CANONICAL_BUILD')
if ($seen_canonical <= AC_CANONICAL_BUILD)
$seen_canonical = AC_CANONICAL_BUILD;
elsif ($macro eq 'AC_CANONICAL_HOST')
if ($seen_canonical <= AC_CANONICAL_HOST)
$seen_canonical = AC_CANONICAL_HOST;
elsif ($macro eq 'AC_CANONICAL_TARGET')
$seen_canonical = AC_CANONICAL_TARGET;
elsif ($macro eq 'AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR')
if ($seen_init_automake)
error ($where, "AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR must be called before "
. "AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE ...", partial => 1);
error ($seen_init_automake, "... AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE called here");
$config_aux_dir = $args[1];
$config_aux_dir_set_in_configure_ac = 1;
check_directory ($config_aux_dir, $where);
elsif ($macro eq 'AC_CONFIG_FILES')
# Look at potential Makefile.am's.
scan_autoconf_config_files ($where, $args[1]);
elsif ($macro eq 'AC_CONFIG_HEADERS')
foreach my $spec (split (' ', $args[1]))
my ($dest, @src) = split (':', $spec);
$ac_config_files_location{$dest} = $where;
push @config_headers, $spec;
elsif ($macro eq 'AC_CONFIG_LIBOBJ_DIR')
$config_libobj_dir = $args[1];
check_directory ($config_libobj_dir, $where);
elsif ($macro eq 'AC_CONFIG_LINKS')
foreach my $spec (split (' ', $args[1]))
my ($dest, $src) = split (':', $spec);
$ac_config_files_location{$dest} = $where;
push @config_links, $spec;
elsif ($macro eq 'AC_FC_SRCEXT')
my $suffix = $args[1];
# These flags are used as %SOURCEFLAG% in depend2.am,
# where the trailing space is important.
$sourceflags{'.' . $suffix} = '$(FCFLAGS_' . $suffix . ') '
if ($suffix eq 'f90' || $suffix eq 'f95' || $suffix eq 'f03' || $suffix eq 'f08');
elsif ($macro eq 'AC_INIT')
if (defined $args[2])
$package_version = $args[2];
$package_version_location = $where;
elsif ($macro eq 'AC_LIBSOURCE')
$libsources{$args[1]} = $here;
elsif ($macro eq 'AC_REQUIRE_AUX_FILE')
# Only remember the first time a file is required.
$required_aux_file{$args[1]} = $where
unless exists $required_aux_file{$args[1]};
elsif ($macro eq 'AC_SUBST_TRACE')
# Just check for alphanumeric in AC_SUBST_TRACE. If you do
# AC_SUBST(5), then too bad.
$configure_vars{$args[1]} = $where
if $args[1] =~ /^\w+$/;
elsif ($macro eq 'AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION')
error ($where,
"version mismatch. This is Automake $VERSION,\n" .
"but the definition used by this AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE\n" .
"comes from Automake $args[1]. You should recreate\n" .
"aclocal.m4 with aclocal and run automake again.\n",
# $? = 63 is used to indicate version mismatch to missing.
exit_code => 63)
if $VERSION ne $args[1];
$seen_automake_version = 1;
elsif ($macro eq 'AM_PROG_MKDIR_P')
msg 'obsolete', $where, <<'EOF';
The 'AM_PROG_MKDIR_P' macro is deprecated, and its use is discouraged.
You should use the Autoconf-provided 'AC_PROG_MKDIR_P' macro instead,
and use '$(MKDIR_P)' instead of '$(mkdir_p)'in your Makefile.am files.
elsif ($macro eq 'AM_CONDITIONAL')
$configure_cond{$args[1]} = $where;
elsif ($macro eq 'AM_EXTRA_RECURSIVE_TARGETS')
# Empty leading/trailing fields might be produced by split,
# hence the grep is really needed.
push @extra_recursive_targets,
grep (/./, (split /\s+/, $args[1]));
elsif ($macro eq 'AM_GNU_GETTEXT')
$seen_gettext = $where;
$ac_gettext_location = $where;
$seen_gettext_external = grep ($_ eq 'external', @args);
elsif ($macro eq 'AM_GNU_GETTEXT_INTL_SUBDIR')
$seen_gettext_intl = $where;
elsif ($macro eq 'AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE')
$seen_init_automake = $where;
if (defined $args[2])
msg 'obsolete', $where, <<'EOF';
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE: two- and three-arguments forms are deprecated. For more info, see:
$package_version = $args[2];
$package_version_location = $where;
elsif (defined $args[1])
my @opts = split (' ', $args[1]);
@opts = map { { option => $_, where => $where } } @opts;
exit $exit_code unless process_global_option_list (@opts);
elsif ($macro eq 'AM_MAINTAINER_MODE')
$seen_maint_mode = $where;
elsif ($macro eq 'AM_PROG_AR')
$seen_ar = $where;
elsif ($macro eq '_AM_COND_IF')
cond_stack_if ('', $args[1], $where);
error ($where, "missing m4 quoting, macro depth $depth")
if ($depth != 1);
elsif ($macro eq '_AM_COND_ELSE')
cond_stack_else ('!', $args[1], $where);
error ($where, "missing m4 quoting, macro depth $depth")
if ($depth != 1);
elsif ($macro eq '_AM_COND_ENDIF')
cond_stack_endif (undef, undef, $where);
error ($where, "missing m4 quoting, macro depth $depth")
if ($depth != 1);
elsif ($macro eq '_AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE')
$ignored_configure_vars{$args[1]} = $where;
elsif ($macro eq 'm4_include'
|| $macro eq 'm4_sinclude'
|| $macro eq 'sinclude')
# Skip missing 'sinclude'd files.
next if $macro ne 'm4_include' && ! -f $args[1];
# Some modified versions of Autoconf don't use
# frozen files. Consequently it's possible that we see all
# m4_include's performed during Autoconf's startup.
# Obviously we don't want to distribute Autoconf's files
# so we skip absolute filenames here.
push @configure_deps, '$(top_srcdir)/' . $args[1]
unless $here =~ m,^(?:\w:)?[\\/],;
# Keep track of the greatest timestamp.
if (-e $args[1])
my $mtime = mtime $args[1];
$configure_deps_greatest_timestamp = $mtime
if $mtime > $configure_deps_greatest_timestamp;
elsif ($macro eq 'LT_SUPPORTED_TAG')
$libtool_tags{$args[1]} = 1;
$libtool_new_api = 1;
elsif ($macro eq '_LT_AC_TAGCONFIG')
# _LT_AC_TAGCONFIG is an old macro present in Libtool 1.5.
# We use it to detect whether tags are supported. Our
# preferred interface is LT_SUPPORTED_TAG, but it was
# introduced in Libtool 1.6.
if (0 == keys %libtool_tags)
# Hardcode the tags supported by Libtool 1.5.
%libtool_tags = (CC => 1, CXX => 1, GCJ => 1, F77 => 1);
error ($where, "condition stack not properly closed")
if (@cond_stack);
# Check whether we use 'configure.ac' or 'configure.in'.
# Scan it (and possibly 'aclocal.m4') for interesting things.
# We must scan aclocal.m4 because there might be AC_SUBSTs and such there.
sub scan_autoconf_files ()
# Reinitialize libsources here. This isn't really necessary,
# since we currently assume there is only one configure.ac. But
# that won't always be the case.
%libsources = ();
# Keep track of the youngest configure dependency.
$configure_deps_greatest_timestamp = mtime $configure_ac;
if (-e 'aclocal.m4')
my $mtime = mtime 'aclocal.m4';
$configure_deps_greatest_timestamp = $mtime
if $mtime > $configure_deps_greatest_timestamp;
scan_autoconf_traces ($configure_ac);
@configure_input_files = sort keys %make_list;
# Set input and output files if not specified by user.
if (! @input_files)
@input_files = @configure_input_files;
%output_files = %make_list;
if (! $seen_init_automake)
err_ac ("no proper invocation of AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE was found.\nYou "
. "should verify that $configure_ac invokes AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE,"
. "\nthat aclocal.m4 is present in the top-level directory,\n"
. "and that aclocal.m4 was recently regenerated "
. "(using aclocal)");
if (! $seen_automake_version)
if (-f 'aclocal.m4')
error ($seen_init_automake,
"your implementation of AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE comes from " .
"an\nold Automake version. You should recreate " .
"aclocal.m4\nwith aclocal and run automake again",
# $? = 63 is used to indicate version mismatch to missing.
exit_code => 63);
error ($seen_init_automake,
"no proper implementation of AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE was " .
"found,\nprobably because aclocal.m4 is missing.\n" .
"You should run aclocal to create this file, then\n" .
"run automake again");
locate_aux_dir ();
# Look for some files we need. Always check for these. This
# check must be done for every run, even those where we are only
# looking at a subdir Makefile. We must set relative_dir for
# push_required_file to work.
# Sort the files for stable verbose output.
$relative_dir = '.';
foreach my $file (sort keys %required_aux_file)
require_conf_file ($required_aux_file{$file}->get, FOREIGN, $file)
err_am "'install.sh' is an anachronism; use 'install-sh' instead"
if -f $config_aux_dir . '/install.sh';
# Preserve dist_common for later.
@configure_dist_common = @dist_common;
# Do any extra checking for GNU standards.
sub check_gnu_standards ()
if ($relative_dir eq '.')
# In top level (or only) directory.
require_file ("$am_file.am", GNU,
# Accept one of these three licenses; default to COPYING.
# Make sure we do not overwrite an existing license.
my $license;
if (-f $_)
$license = $_;
require_file ("$am_file.am", GNU, 'COPYING')
unless $license;
for my $opt ('no-installman', 'no-installinfo')
msg ('error-gnu', option $opt,
"option '$opt' disallowed by GNU standards")
if option $opt;
# Do any extra checking for GNITS standards.
sub check_gnits_standards ()
if ($relative_dir eq '.')
# In top level (or only) directory.
require_file ("$am_file.am", GNITS, 'THANKS');
# Functions to handle files of each language.
# Each 'lang_X_rewrite($DIRECTORY, $BASE, $EXT)' function follows a
# simple formula: Return value is LANG_SUBDIR if the resulting object
# file should be in a subdir if the source file is, LANG_PROCESS if
# file is to be dealt with, LANG_IGNORE otherwise.
# Much of the actual processing is handled in
# handle_single_transform. These functions exist so that
# auxiliary information can be recorded for a later cleanup pass.
# Note that the calls to these functions are computed, so don't bother
# searching for their precise names in the source.
# This is just a convenience function that can be used to determine
# when a subdir object should be used.
sub lang_sub_obj ()
return option 'subdir-objects' ? LANG_SUBDIR : LANG_PROCESS;
# Rewrite a single header file.
sub lang_header_rewrite
# Header files are simply ignored.
# Rewrite a single Vala source file.
sub lang_vala_rewrite
my ($directory, $base, $ext) = @_;
(my $newext = $ext) =~ s/vala$/c/;
return (LANG_SUBDIR, $newext);
# Rewrite a single yacc/yacc++ file.
sub lang_yacc_rewrite
my ($directory, $base, $ext) = @_;
my $r = lang_sub_obj;
(my $newext = $ext) =~ tr/y/c/;
return ($r, $newext);
sub lang_yaccxx_rewrite { lang_yacc_rewrite (@_); };
# Rewrite a single lex/lex++ file.
sub lang_lex_rewrite
my ($directory, $base, $ext) = @_;
my $r = lang_sub_obj;
(my $newext = $ext) =~ tr/l/c/;
return ($r, $newext);
sub lang_lexxx_rewrite { lang_lex_rewrite (@_); };
# Rewrite a single Java file.
sub lang_java_rewrite
# The lang_X_finish functions are called after all source file
# processing is done. Each should handle defining rules for the
# language, etc. A finish function is only called if a source file of
# the appropriate type has been seen.
sub lang_vala_finish_target
my ($self, $name) = @_;
my $derived = canonicalize ($name);
my $var = var "${derived}_SOURCES";
return unless $var;
my @vala_sources = grep { /\.(vala|vapi)$/ } ($var->value_as_list_recursive);
# For automake bug#11229.
return unless @vala_sources;
foreach my $vala_file (@vala_sources)
my $c_file = $vala_file;
if ($c_file =~ s/(.*)\.vala$/$1.c/)
$c_file = "\$(srcdir)/$c_file";
$output_rules .= "$c_file: \$(srcdir)/${derived}_vala.stamp\n"
. "\t\@if test -f \$@; then :; else rm -f \$(srcdir)/${derived}_vala.stamp; fi\n"
. "\t\@if test -f \$@; then :; else \\\n"
. "\t \$(MAKE) \$(AM_MAKEFLAGS) \$(srcdir)/${derived}_vala.stamp; \\\n"
. "\tfi\n";
$clean_files{$c_file} = MAINTAINER_CLEAN;
# Add rebuild rules for generated header and vapi files
my $flags = var ($derived . '_VALAFLAGS');
if ($flags)
my $lastflag = '';
foreach my $flag ($flags->value_as_list_recursive)
if (grep (/$lastflag/, ('-H', '-h', '--header', '--internal-header',
'--vapi', '--internal-vapi', '--gir')))
my $headerfile = "\$(srcdir)/$flag";
$output_rules .= "$headerfile: \$(srcdir)/${derived}_vala.stamp\n"
. "\t\@if test -f \$@; then :; else rm -f \$(srcdir)/${derived}_vala.stamp; fi\n"
. "\t\@if test -f \$@; then :; else \\\n"
. "\t \$(MAKE) \$(AM_MAKEFLAGS) \$(srcdir)/${derived}_vala.stamp; \\\n"
. "\tfi\n";
# valac is not used when building from dist tarballs
# distribute the generated files
push_dist_common ($headerfile);
$clean_files{$headerfile} = MAINTAINER_CLEAN;
$lastflag = $flag;
my $compile = $self->compile;
# Rewrite each occurrence of 'AM_VALAFLAGS' in the compile
# rule into '${derived}_VALAFLAGS' if it exists.
my $val = "${derived}_VALAFLAGS";
$compile =~ s/\(AM_VALAFLAGS\)/\($val\)/
if set_seen ($val);
# VALAFLAGS is a user variable (per GNU Standards),
# it should not be overridden in the Makefile...
check_user_variables 'VALAFLAGS';
my $dirname = dirname ($name);
# Only generate C code, do not run C compiler
$compile .= " -C";
my $verbose = verbose_flag ('VALAC');
my $silent = silent_flag ();
my $stampfile = "\$(srcdir)/${derived}_vala.stamp";
$output_rules .=
"\$(srcdir)/${derived}_vala.stamp: @vala_sources\n".
# Since the C files generated from the vala sources depend on the
# ${derived}_vala.stamp file, we must ensure its timestamp is older than
# those of the C files generated by the valac invocation below (this is
# especially important on systems with sub-second timestamp resolution).
# Thus we need to create the stamp file *before* invoking valac, and to
# move it to its final location only after valac has been invoked.
"\t${silent}rm -f \$\@ && echo stamp > \$\@-t\n".
"\t${verbose}\$(am__cd) \$(srcdir) && $compile @vala_sources\n".
"\t${silent}mv -f \$\@-t \$\@\n";
push_dist_common ($stampfile);
$clean_files{$stampfile} = MAINTAINER_CLEAN;
# Add output rules to invoke valac and create stamp file as a witness
# to handle multiple outputs. This function is called after all source
# file processing is done.
sub lang_vala_finish ()
my ($self) = @_;
foreach my $prog (keys %known_programs)
lang_vala_finish_target ($self, $prog);
while (my ($name) = each %known_libraries)
lang_vala_finish_target ($self, $name);
# The built .c files should be cleaned only on maintainer-clean
# as the .c files are distributed. This function is called for each
# .vala source file.
sub lang_vala_target_hook
my ($self, $aggregate, $output, $input, %transform) = @_;
$clean_files{$output} = MAINTAINER_CLEAN;
# This is a yacc helper which is called whenever we have decided to
# compile a yacc file.
sub lang_yacc_target_hook
my ($self, $aggregate, $output, $input, %transform) = @_;
# If some relevant *YFLAGS variable contains the '-d' flag, we'll
# have to to generate special code.
my $yflags_contains_minus_d = 0;
foreach my $pfx ("", "${aggregate}_")
my $yflagsvar = var ("${pfx}YFLAGS");
next unless $yflagsvar;
# We cannot work reliably with conditionally-defined YFLAGS.
if ($yflagsvar->has_conditional_contents)
msg_var ('unsupported', $yflagsvar,
"'${pfx}YFLAGS' cannot have conditional contents");
$yflags_contains_minus_d = 1
if grep (/^-d$/, $yflagsvar->value_as_list_recursive);
if ($yflags_contains_minus_d)
# Found a '-d' that applies to the compilation of this file.
# Add a dependency for the generated header file, and arrange
# for that file to be included in the distribution.
# The extension of the output file (e.g., '.c' or '.cxx').
# We'll need it to compute the name of the generated header file.
(my $output_ext = basename ($output)) =~ s/.*(\.[^.]+)$/$1/;
# We know that a yacc input should be turned into either a C or
# C++ output file. We depend on this fact (here and in yacc.am),
# so check that it really holds.
my $lang = $languages{$extension_map{$output_ext}};
prog_error "invalid output name '$output' for yacc file '$input'"
if (!$lang || ($lang->name ne 'c' && $lang->name ne 'cxx'));
(my $header_ext = $output_ext) =~ s/c/h/g;
# Quote $output_ext in the regexp, so that dots in it are taken
# as literal dots, not as metacharacters.
(my $header = $output) =~ s/\Q$output_ext\E$/$header_ext/;
foreach my $cond (Automake::Rule::define (${header}, 'internal',
my $condstr = $cond->subst_string;
$output_rules .=
"$condstr${header}: $output\n"
# Recover from removal of $header
. "$condstr\t\@if test ! -f \$@; then rm -f $output; else :; fi\n"
. "$condstr\t\@if test ! -f \$@; then \$(MAKE) \$(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $output; else :; fi\n";
# Distribute the generated file, unless its .y source was
# listed in a nodist_ variable. (handle_source_transform()
# will set DIST_SOURCE.)
push_dist_common ($header)
if $transform{'DIST_SOURCE'};
# The GNU rules say that yacc/lex output files should be removed
# by maintainer-clean. However, if the files are not distributed,
# then we want to remove them with "make clean"; otherwise,
# "make distcheck" will fail.
$clean_files{$header} = $transform{'DIST_SOURCE'} ? MAINTAINER_CLEAN : CLEAN;
# See the comment above for $HEADER.
$clean_files{$output} = $transform{'DIST_SOURCE'} ? MAINTAINER_CLEAN : CLEAN;
# This is a lex helper which is called whenever we have decided to
# compile a lex file.
sub lang_lex_target_hook
my ($self, $aggregate, $output, $input, %transform) = @_;
# The GNU rules say that yacc/lex output files should be removed
# by maintainer-clean. However, if the files are not distributed,
# then we want to remove them with "make clean"; otherwise,
# "make distcheck" will fail.
$clean_files{$output} = $transform{'DIST_SOURCE'} ? MAINTAINER_CLEAN : CLEAN;
# This is a helper for both lex and yacc.
sub yacc_lex_finish_helper ()
return if defined $language_scratch{'lex-yacc-done'};
$language_scratch{'lex-yacc-done'} = 1;
# FIXME: for now, no line number.
require_conf_file ($configure_ac, FOREIGN, 'ylwrap');
define_variable ('YLWRAP', "$am_config_aux_dir/ylwrap", INTERNAL);
sub lang_yacc_finish ()
return if defined $language_scratch{'yacc-done'};
$language_scratch{'yacc-done'} = 1;
reject_var 'YACCFLAGS', "'YACCFLAGS' obsolete; use 'YFLAGS' instead";
sub lang_lex_finish ()
return if defined $language_scratch{'lex-done'};
$language_scratch{'lex-done'} = 1;
# Given a hash table of linker names, pick the name that has the most
# precedence. This is lame, but something has to have global
# knowledge in order to eliminate the conflict. Add more linkers as
# required.
sub resolve_linker
my (%linkers) = @_;
return $l if defined $linkers{$l};
return 'LINK';
# Called to indicate that an extension was used.
sub saw_extension
my ($ext) = @_;
$extension_seen{$ext} = 1;
# register_language (%ATTRIBUTE)
# ------------------------------
# Register a single language.
# Each %ATTRIBUTE is of the form ATTRIBUTE => VALUE.
sub register_language
my (%option) = @_;
# Set the defaults.
$option{'autodep'} = 'no'
unless defined $option{'autodep'};
$option{'linker'} = ''
unless defined $option{'linker'};
$option{'flags'} = []
unless defined $option{'flags'};
$option{'output_extensions'} = sub { return ( '.$(OBJEXT)', '.lo' ) }
unless defined $option{'output_extensions'};
$option{'nodist_specific'} = 0
unless defined $option{'nodist_specific'};
my $lang = new Automake::Language (%option);
# Fill indexes.
$extension_map{$_} = $lang->name foreach @{$lang->extensions};
$languages{$lang->name} = $lang;
my $link = $lang->linker;
if ($link)
if (exists $link_languages{$link})
prog_error ("'$link' has different definitions in "
. $lang->name . " and " . $link_languages{$link}->name)
if $lang->link ne $link_languages{$link}->link;
$link_languages{$link} = $lang;
# Update the pattern of known extensions.
accept_extensions (@{$lang->extensions});
# Update the suffix rules map.
foreach my $suffix (@{$lang->extensions})
foreach my $dest ($lang->output_extensions->($suffix))
register_suffix_rule (INTERNAL, $suffix, $dest);
# derive_suffix ($EXT, $OBJ)
# --------------------------
# This function is used to find a path from a user-specified suffix $EXT
# to $OBJ or to some other suffix we recognize internally, e.g. 'cc'.
sub derive_suffix
my ($source_ext, $obj) = @_;
while (!$extension_map{$source_ext} && $source_ext ne $obj)
my $new_source_ext = next_in_suffix_chain ($source_ext, $obj);
last if not defined $new_source_ext;
$source_ext = $new_source_ext;
return $source_ext;
# Pretty-print something and append to '$output_rules'.
sub pretty_print_rule
$output_rules .= makefile_wrap (shift, shift, @_);
## -------------------------------- ##
## Handling the conditional stack. ##
## -------------------------------- ##
# make_conditional_string ($NEGATE, $COND)
# ----------------------------------------
sub make_conditional_string
my ($negate, $cond) = @_;
$cond = "${cond}_TRUE"
unless $cond =~ /^TRUE|FALSE$/;
$cond = Automake::Condition::conditional_negate ($cond)
if $negate;
return $cond;
my %_am_macro_for_cond =
AMDEP => "one of the compiler tests\n"
am__fastdepCC => 'AC_PROG_CC',
am__fastdepCCAS => 'AM_PROG_AS',
am__fastdepCXX => 'AC_PROG_CXX',
am__fastdepGCJ => 'AM_PROG_GCJ',
am__fastdepOBJC => 'AC_PROG_OBJC',
am__fastdepOBJCXX => 'AC_PROG_OBJCXX',
am__fastdepUPC => 'AM_PROG_UPC'
# cond_stack_if ($NEGATE, $COND, $WHERE)
# --------------------------------------
sub cond_stack_if
my ($negate, $cond, $where) = @_;
if (! $configure_cond{$cond} && $cond !~ /^TRUE|FALSE$/)
my $text = "$cond does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL";
my $scope = US_LOCAL;
if (exists $_am_macro_for_cond{$cond})
my $mac = $_am_macro_for_cond{$cond};
$text .= "\n The usual way to define '$cond' is to add ";
$text .= ($mac =~ / /) ? $mac : "'$mac'";
$text .= "\n to '$configure_ac' and run 'aclocal' and 'autoconf' again";
# These warnings appear in Automake files (depend2.am),
# so there is no need to display them more than once:
$scope = US_GLOBAL;
error $where, $text, uniq_scope => $scope;
push (@cond_stack, make_conditional_string ($negate, $cond));
return new Automake::Condition (@cond_stack);
# cond_stack_else ($NEGATE, $COND, $WHERE)
# ----------------------------------------
sub cond_stack_else
my ($negate, $cond, $where) = @_;
if (! @cond_stack)
error $where, "else without if";
return FALSE;
$cond_stack[$#cond_stack] =
Automake::Condition::conditional_negate ($cond_stack[$#cond_stack]);
# If $COND is given, check against it.
if (defined $cond)
$cond = make_conditional_string ($negate, $cond);
error ($where, "else reminder ($negate$cond) incompatible with "
. "current conditional: $cond_stack[$#cond_stack]")
if $cond_stack[$#cond_stack] ne $cond;
return new Automake::Condition (@cond_stack);
# cond_stack_endif ($NEGATE, $COND, $WHERE)
# -----------------------------------------
sub cond_stack_endif
my ($negate, $cond, $where) = @_;
my $old_cond;
if (! @cond_stack)
error $where, "endif without if";
return TRUE;
# If $COND is given, check against it.
if (defined $cond)
$cond = make_conditional_string ($negate, $cond);
error ($where, "endif reminder ($negate$cond) incompatible with "
. "current conditional: $cond_stack[$#cond_stack]")
if $cond_stack[$#cond_stack] ne $cond;
pop @cond_stack;
return new Automake::Condition (@cond_stack);
## ------------------------ ##
## Handling the variables. ##
## ------------------------ ##
# define_pretty_variable ($VAR, $COND, $WHERE, @VALUE)
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Like define_variable, but the value is a list, and the variable may
# be defined conditionally. The second argument is the condition
# under which the value should be defined; this should be the empty
# string to define the variable unconditionally. The third argument
# is a list holding the values to use for the variable. The value is
# pretty printed in the output file.
sub define_pretty_variable
my ($var, $cond, $where, @value) = @_;
if (! vardef ($var, $cond))
Automake::Variable::define ($var, VAR_AUTOMAKE, '', $cond, "@value",
'', $where, VAR_PRETTY);
rvar ($var)->rdef ($cond)->set_seen;
# define_variable ($VAR, $VALUE, $WHERE)
# --------------------------------------
# Define a new Automake Makefile variable VAR to VALUE, but only if
# not already defined.
sub define_variable
my ($var, $value, $where) = @_;
define_pretty_variable ($var, TRUE, $where, $value);
# define_files_variable ($VAR, \@BASENAME, $EXTENSION, $WHERE)
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Define the $VAR which content is the list of file names composed of
sub define_files_variable ($\@$$)
my ($var, $basename, $extension, $where) = @_;
define_variable ($var,
join (' ', map { "$_.$extension" } @$basename),
# Like define_variable, but define a variable to be the configure
# substitution by the same name.
sub define_configure_variable
my ($var) = @_;
# Some variables we do not want to output. For instance it
# would be a bad idea to output `U = @U@` when `@U@` can be
# substituted as `\`.
my $pretty = exists $ignored_configure_vars{$var} ? VAR_SILENT : VAR_ASIS;
Automake::Variable::define ($var, VAR_CONFIGURE, '', TRUE, subst ($var),
'', $configure_vars{$var}, $pretty);
# define_compiler_variable ($LANG)
# --------------------------------
# Define a compiler variable. We also handle defining the 'LT'
# version of the command when using libtool.
sub define_compiler_variable
my ($lang) = @_;
my ($var, $value) = ($lang->compiler, $lang->compile);
my $libtool_tag = '';
$libtool_tag = '--tag=' . $lang->libtool_tag . ' '
if $lang->libtool_tag && exists $libtool_tags{$lang->libtool_tag};
define_variable ($var, $value, INTERNAL);
if (var ('LIBTOOL'))
my $verbose = define_verbose_libtool ();
define_variable ("LT$var",
"\$(LIBTOOL) $verbose $libtool_tag\$(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS)"
. " \$(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=compile $value",
define_verbose_tagvar ($lang->ccer || 'GEN');
sub define_linker_variable
my ($lang) = @_;
my $libtool_tag = '';
$libtool_tag = '--tag=' . $lang->libtool_tag . ' '
if $lang->libtool_tag && exists $libtool_tags{$lang->libtool_tag};
# CCLD = $(CC).
define_variable ($lang->lder, $lang->ld, INTERNAL);
# CCLINK = $(CCLD) blah blah...
my $link = '';
if (var ('LIBTOOL'))
my $verbose = define_verbose_libtool ();
$link = "\$(LIBTOOL) $verbose $libtool_tag\$(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) "
. "\$(LIBTOOLFLAGS) --mode=link ";
define_variable ($lang->linker, $link . $lang->link, INTERNAL);
define_variable ($lang->compiler, $lang, INTERNAL);
define_verbose_tagvar ($lang->lder || 'GEN');
sub define_per_target_linker_variable
my ($linker, $target) = @_;
# If the user wrote a custom link command, we don't define ours.
return "${target}_LINK"
if set_seen "${target}_LINK";
my $xlink = $linker ? $linker : 'LINK';
my $lang = $link_languages{$xlink};
prog_error "Unknown language for linker variable '$xlink'"
unless $lang;
my $link_command = $lang->link;
if (var 'LIBTOOL')
my $libtool_tag = '';
$libtool_tag = '--tag=' . $lang->libtool_tag . ' '
if $lang->libtool_tag && exists $libtool_tags{$lang->libtool_tag};
my $verbose = define_verbose_libtool ();
$link_command =
"\$(LIBTOOL) $verbose $libtool_tag\$(AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) \$(LIBTOOLFLAGS) "
. "--mode=link " . $link_command;
# Rewrite each occurrence of 'AM_$flag' in the link
# command into '${derived}_$flag' if it exists.
my $orig_command = $link_command;
my @flags = (@{$lang->flags}, 'LDFLAGS');
push @flags, 'LIBTOOLFLAGS' if var 'LIBTOOL';
for my $flag (@flags)
my $val = "${target}_$flag";
$link_command =~ s/\(AM_$flag\)/\($val\)/
if set_seen ($val);
# If the computed command is the same as the generic command, use
# the command linker variable.
return ($lang->linker, $lang->lder)
if $link_command eq $orig_command;
define_variable ("${target}_LINK", $link_command, INTERNAL);
return ("${target}_LINK", $lang->lder);
# check_trailing_slash ($WHERE, $LINE)
# ------------------------------------
# Return 1 iff $LINE ends with a slash.
# Might modify $LINE.
sub check_trailing_slash ($\$)
my ($where, $line) = @_;
# Ignore '##' lines.
return 0 if $$line =~ /$IGNORE_PATTERN/o;
# Catch and fix a common error.
msg "syntax", $where, "whitespace following trailing backslash"
if $$line =~ s/\\\s+\n$/\\\n/;
return $$line =~ /\\$/;
# read_am_file ($AMFILE, $WHERE, $RELDIR)
# ---------------------------------------
# Read $AMFILE file name which is located in $RELDIR, and set up
# global variables resetted by '&generate_makefile'. Simultaneously
# copy lines from $AMFILE into '$output_trailer', or define variables
# as appropriate.
# NOTE: We put rules in the trailer section. We want user rules to
# come after our generated stuff.
sub read_am_file
my ($amfile, $where, $reldir) = @_;
my $canon_reldir = &canonicalize ($reldir);
my $am_file = new Automake::XFile ("< $amfile");
verb "reading $amfile";
# Keep track of the youngest output dependency.
my $mtime = mtime $amfile;
$output_deps_greatest_timestamp = $mtime
if $mtime > $output_deps_greatest_timestamp;
my $spacing = '';
my $comment = '';
my $blank = 0;
my $saw_bk = 0;
my $var_look = VAR_ASIS;
use constant IN_VAR_DEF => 0;
use constant IN_RULE_DEF => 1;
use constant IN_COMMENT => 2;
my $prev_state = IN_RULE_DEF;
while ($_ = $am_file->getline)
$where->set ("$amfile:$.");
# Merely delete comments beginning with two hashes.
elsif (/$WHITE_PATTERN/o)
error $where, "blank line following trailing backslash"
if $saw_bk;
# Stick a single white line before the incoming macro or rule.
$spacing = "\n";
$blank = 1;
# Flush all comments seen so far.
if ($comment ne '')
$output_vars .= $comment;
$comment = '';
# Stick comments before the incoming macro or rule. Make
# sure a blank line precedes the first block of comments.
$spacing = "\n" unless $blank;
$blank = 1;
$comment .= $spacing . $_;
$spacing = '';
$prev_state = IN_COMMENT;
$saw_bk = check_trailing_slash ($where, $_);
# We save the conditional stack on entry, and then check to make
# sure it is the same on exit. This lets us conditionally include
# other files.
my @saved_cond_stack = @cond_stack;
my $cond = new Automake::Condition (@cond_stack);
my $last_var_name = '';
my $last_var_type = '';
my $last_var_value = '';
my $last_where;
# FIXME: shouldn't use $_ in this loop; it is too big.
while ($_)
$where->set ("$amfile:$.");
# Make sure the line is \n-terminated.
$_ .= "\n";
# Don't look at MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE here. That shouldn't be
# used by users. @MAINT@ is an anachronism now.
$_ =~ s/\@MAINT\@//g
unless $seen_maint_mode;
my $new_saw_bk = check_trailing_slash ($where, $_);
if ($reldir eq '.')
# If present, eat the following '_' or '/', converting
# "%reldir%/foo" and "%canon_reldir%_foo" into plain "foo"
# when $reldir is '.'.
$_ =~ s,%(D|reldir)%/,,g;
$_ =~ s,%(C|canon_reldir)%_,,g;
$_ =~ s/%(D|reldir)%/${reldir}/g;
$_ =~ s/%(C|canon_reldir)%/${canon_reldir}/g;
# Merely delete comments beginning with two hashes.
# Keep any backslash from the previous line.
$new_saw_bk = $saw_bk;
elsif (/$WHITE_PATTERN/o)
# Stick a single white line before the incoming macro or rule.
$spacing = "\n";
error $where, "blank line following trailing backslash"
if $saw_bk;
error $where, "comment following trailing backslash"
if $saw_bk && $prev_state != IN_COMMENT;
# Stick comments before the incoming macro or rule.
$comment .= $spacing . $_;
$spacing = '';
$prev_state = IN_COMMENT;
elsif ($saw_bk)
if ($prev_state == IN_RULE_DEF)
my $cond = new Automake::Condition @cond_stack;
$output_trailer .= $cond->subst_string;
$output_trailer .= $_;
elsif ($prev_state == IN_COMMENT)
# If the line doesn't start with a '#', add it.
# We do this because a continued comment like
# # A = foo \
# bar \
# baz
# is not portable. BSD make doesn't honor
# escaped newlines in comments.
$comment .= $spacing . $_;
else # $prev_state == IN_VAR_DEF
$last_var_value .= ' '
unless $last_var_value =~ /\s$/;
$last_var_value .= $_;
if (!/\\$/)
Automake::Variable::define ($last_var_name, VAR_MAKEFILE,
$last_var_type, $cond,
$last_var_value, $comment,
$last_where, VAR_ASIS)
if $cond != FALSE;
$comment = $spacing = '';
elsif (/$IF_PATTERN/o)
$cond = cond_stack_if ($1, $2, $where);
elsif (/$ELSE_PATTERN/o)
$cond = cond_stack_else ($1, $2, $where);
elsif (/$ENDIF_PATTERN/o)
$cond = cond_stack_endif ($1, $2, $where);
elsif (/$RULE_PATTERN/o)
# Found a rule.
$prev_state = IN_RULE_DEF;
# For now we have to output all definitions of user rules
# and can't diagnose duplicates (see the comment in
# Automake::Rule::define). So we go on and ignore the return value.
Automake::Rule::define ($1, $amfile, RULE_USER, $cond, $where);
check_variable_expansions ($_, $where);
$output_trailer .= $comment . $spacing;
my $cond = new Automake::Condition @cond_stack;
$output_trailer .= $cond->subst_string;
$output_trailer .= $_;
$comment = $spacing = '';
# Found a macro definition.
$prev_state = IN_VAR_DEF;
$last_var_name = $1;
$last_var_type = $2;
$last_var_value = $3;
$last_where = $where->clone;
if ($3 ne '' && substr ($3, -1) eq "\\")
# We preserve the '\' because otherwise the long lines
# that are generated will be truncated by broken
# 'sed's.
$last_var_value = $3 . "\n";
# Normally we try to output variable definitions in the
# same format they were input. However, POSIX compliant
# systems are not required to support lines longer than
# 2048 bytes (most notably, some sed implementation are
# limited to 4000 bytes, and sed is used by config.status
# to rewrite Makefile.in into Makefile). Moreover nobody
# would really write such long lines by hand since it is
# hardly maintainable. So if a line is longer that 1000
# bytes (an arbitrary limit), assume it has been
# automatically generated by some tools, and flatten the
# variable definition. Otherwise, keep the variable as it
# as been input.
$var_look = VAR_PRETTY if length ($last_var_value) >= 1000;
if (!/\\$/)
Automake::Variable::define ($last_var_name, VAR_MAKEFILE,
$last_var_type, $cond,
$last_var_value, $comment,
$last_where, $var_look)
if $cond != FALSE;
$comment = $spacing = '';
$var_look = VAR_ASIS;
my $path = $1;
if ($path =~ s/^\$\(top_srcdir\)\///)
push (@include_stack, "\$\(top_srcdir\)/$path");
# Distribute any included file.
# Always use the $(top_srcdir) prefix in DIST_COMMON,
# otherwise OSF make will implicitly copy the included
# file in the build tree during "make distdir" to satisfy
# the dependency.
# (subdir-am-cond.sh and subdir-ac-cond.sh will fail)
push_dist_common ("\$\(top_srcdir\)/$path");
$path =~ s/\$\(srcdir\)\///;
push (@include_stack, "\$\(srcdir\)/$path");
# Always use the $(srcdir) prefix in DIST_COMMON,
# otherwise OSF make will implicitly copy the included
# file in the build tree during "make distdir" to satisfy
# the dependency.
# (subdir-am-cond.sh and subdir-ac-cond.sh will fail)
push_dist_common ("\$\(srcdir\)/$path");
$path = $relative_dir . "/" . $path if $relative_dir ne '.';
my $new_reldir = File::Spec->abs2rel ($path, $relative_dir);
$new_reldir = '.' if $new_reldir !~ s,/[^/]*$,,;
$where->push_context ("'$path' included from here");
read_am_file ($path, $where, $new_reldir);
# This isn't an error; it is probably a continued rule.
# In fact, this is what we assume.
$prev_state = IN_RULE_DEF;
check_variable_expansions ($_, $where);
$output_trailer .= $comment . $spacing;
my $cond = new Automake::Condition @cond_stack;
$output_trailer .= $cond->subst_string;
$output_trailer .= $_;
$comment = $spacing = '';
error $where, "'#' comment at start of rule is unportable"
if $_ =~ /^\t\s*\#/;
$saw_bk = $new_saw_bk;
$_ = $am_file->getline;
$output_trailer .= $comment;
error ($where, "trailing backslash on last line")
if $saw_bk;
error ($where, (@cond_stack ? "unterminated conditionals: @cond_stack"
: "too many conditionals closed in include file"))
if "@saved_cond_stack" ne "@cond_stack";
# A helper for read_main_am_file which initializes configure variables
# and variables from header-vars.am.
sub define_standard_variables ()
my $saved_output_vars = $output_vars;
my ($comments, undef, $rules) =
file_contents_internal (1, "$libdir/am/header-vars.am",
new Automake::Location);
foreach my $var (sort keys %configure_vars)
define_configure_variable ($var);
$output_vars .= $comments . $rules;
# read_main_am_file ($MAKEFILE_AM, $MAKEFILE_IN)
# ----------------------------------------------
sub read_main_am_file
my ($amfile, $infile) = @_;
# This supports the strange variable tricks we are about to play.
prog_error ("variable defined before read_main_am_file\n" . variables_dump ())
if (scalar (variables) > 0);
# Generate copyright header for generated Makefile.in.
# We do discard the output of predefined variables, handled below.
$output_vars = ("# " . basename ($infile) . " generated by automake "
. $VERSION . " from " . basename ($amfile) . ".\n");
$output_vars .= '# ' . subst ('configure_input') . "\n";
$output_vars .= $gen_copyright;
# We want to predefine as many variables as possible. This lets
# the user set them with '+=' in Makefile.am.
# Read user file, which might override some of our values.
read_am_file ($amfile, new Automake::Location, '.');
# flatten ($ORIGINAL_STRING)
# --------------------------
sub flatten
$_ = shift;
s/\s+/ /g;
s/^ //;
s/ $//;
return $_;
# transform_token ($TOKEN, \%PAIRS, $KEY)
# ---------------------------------------
# Return the value associated to $KEY in %PAIRS, as used on $TOKEN
# (which should be ?KEY? or any of the special %% requests)..
sub transform_token ($\%$)
my ($token, $transform, $key) = @_;
my $res = $transform->{$key};
prog_error "Unknown key '$key' in '$token'" unless defined $res;
return $res;
# transform ($TOKEN, \%PAIRS)
# ---------------------------
# If ($TOKEN, $VAL) is in %PAIRS:
# - replaces %KEY% with $VAL,
# - enables/disables ?KEY? and ?!KEY?,
# - replaces %?KEY% with TRUE or FALSE.
sub transform ($\%)
my ($token, $transform) = @_;
# %KEY%.
# Must be before the following pattern to exclude the case
# when there is neither IFTRUE nor IFFALSE.
if ($token =~ /^%([\w\-]+)%$/)
return transform_token ($token, %$transform, $1);
# %?KEY%.
elsif ($token =~ /^%\?([\w\-]+)%$/)
return transform_token ($token, %$transform, $1) ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
# ?KEY? and ?!KEY?.
elsif ($token =~ /^ \? (!?) ([\w\-]+) \? $/x)
my $neg = ($1 eq '!') ? 1 : 0;
my $val = transform_token ($token, %$transform, $2);
return (!!$val == $neg) ? '##%' : '';
prog_error "Unknown request format: $token";
# preprocess_file ($MAKEFILE, [%TRANSFORM])
# -----------------------------------------
# Load a $MAKEFILE, apply the %TRANSFORM, and return the result.
# No extra parsing or post-processing is done (i.e., recognition of
# rules declaration or of make variables definitions).
sub preprocess_file
my ($file, %transform) = @_;
# Complete %transform with global options.
# Note that %transform goes last, so it overrides global options.
%transform = ( 'MAINTAINER-MODE'
=> $seen_maint_mode ? subst ('MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE') : '',
'XZ' => !! option 'dist-xz',
'LZIP' => !! option 'dist-lzip',
'BZIP2' => !! option 'dist-bzip2',
'COMPRESS' => !! option 'dist-tarZ',
'GZIP' => ! option 'no-dist-gzip',
'SHAR' => !! option 'dist-shar',
'ZIP' => !! option 'dist-zip',
'ZSTD' => !! option 'dist-zstd',
'INSTALL-INFO' => ! option 'no-installinfo',
'INSTALL-MAN' => ! option 'no-installman',
'CK-NEWS' => !! option 'check-news',
'SUBDIRS' => !! var ('SUBDIRS'),
'TOPDIR_P' => $relative_dir eq '.',
'BUILD' => ($seen_canonical >= AC_CANONICAL_BUILD),
'HOST' => ($seen_canonical >= AC_CANONICAL_HOST),
'TARGET' => ($seen_canonical >= AC_CANONICAL_TARGET),
'LIBTOOL' => !! var ('LIBTOOL'),
if (! defined ($_ = $am_file_cache{$file}))
verb "reading $file";
# Swallow the whole file.
my $fc_file = new Automake::XFile "< $file";
my $saved_dollar_slash = $/;
undef $/;
$_ = $fc_file->getline;
$/ = $saved_dollar_slash;
# Remove ##-comments.
# Besides we don't need more than two consecutive new-lines.
# Remember the contents of the just-read file.
$am_file_cache{$file} = $_;
# Substitute Automake template tokens.
s/(?: % \?? [\w\-]+ %
| \? !? [\w\-]+ \?
)/transform($&, %transform)/gex;
# transform() may have added some ##%-comments to strip.
# (we use '##%' instead of '##' so we can distinguish ##%##%##% from
# ####### and do not remove the latter.)
s/^[ \t]*(?:##%)+.*\n//gm;
return $_;
# make_paragraphs ($MAKEFILE, [%TRANSFORM])
# -----------------------------------------
# Load a $MAKEFILE, apply the %TRANSFORM, and return it as a list of
# paragraphs.
sub make_paragraphs
my ($file, %transform) = @_;
$transform{FIRST} = !$transformed_files{$file};
$transformed_files{$file} = 1;
my @lines = split /(?set ($file);
my $result_vars = '';
my $result_rules = '';
my $comment = '';
my $spacing = '';
# The following flags are used to track rules spanning across
# multiple paragraphs.
my $is_rule = 0; # 1 if we are processing a rule.
my $discard_rule = 0; # 1 if the current rule should not be output.
# We save the conditional stack on entry, and then check to make
# sure it is the same on exit. This lets us conditionally include
# other files.
my @saved_cond_stack = @cond_stack;
my $cond = new Automake::Condition (@cond_stack);
foreach (make_paragraphs ($file, %transform))
# FIXME: no line number available.
$where->set ($file);
# Sanity checks.
error $where, "blank line following trailing backslash:\n$_"
if /\\$/;
error $where, "comment following trailing backslash:\n$_"
if /\\#/;
if (/^$/)
$is_rule = 0;
# Stick empty line before the incoming macro or rule.
$spacing = "\n";
elsif (/$COMMENT_PATTERN/mso)
$is_rule = 0;
# Stick comments before the incoming macro or rule.
$comment = "$_\n";
# Handle inclusion of other files.
if ($cond != FALSE)
my $file = ($is_am ? "$libdir/am/" : '') . $1;
$where->push_context ("'$file' included from here");
# N-ary '.=' fails.
my ($com, $vars, $rules)
= file_contents_internal ($is_am, $file, $where, %transform);
$comment .= $com;
$result_vars .= $vars;
$result_rules .= $rules;
# Handling the conditionals.
elsif (/$IF_PATTERN/o)
$cond = cond_stack_if ($1, $2, $file);
elsif (/$ELSE_PATTERN/o)
$cond = cond_stack_else ($1, $2, $file);
elsif (/$ENDIF_PATTERN/o)
$cond = cond_stack_endif ($1, $2, $file);
# Handling rules.
elsif (/$RULE_PATTERN/mso)
$is_rule = 1;
$discard_rule = 0;
# Separate relationship from optional actions: the first
# `new-line tab" not preceded by backslash (continuation
# line).
my $paragraph = $_;
$result_rules .= "$spacing$comment$condparagraph\n";
if (scalar @undefined_conds == 0)
# Remember to discard next paragraphs
# if they belong to this rule.
# (but see also FIXME: #2 above.)
$discard_rule = 1;
$comment = $spacing = '';
my ($var, $type, $val) = ($1, $2, $3);
error $where, "variable '$var' with trailing backslash"
if /\\$/;
$is_rule = 0;
Automake::Variable::define ($var,
$type, $cond, $val, $comment, $where,
if $cond != FALSE;
$comment = $spacing = '';
# This isn't an error; it is probably some tokens which
# configure is supposed to replace, such as '@SET-MAKE@',
# or some part of a rule cut by an if/endif.
if (! $cond->false && ! ($is_rule && $discard_rule))
$result_rules .= "$spacing$comment$_\n";
$comment = $spacing = '';
error ($where, @cond_stack ?
"unterminated conditionals: @cond_stack" :
"too many conditionals closed in include file")
if "@saved_cond_stack" ne "@cond_stack";
return ($comment, $result_vars, $result_rules);
# file_contents ($BASENAME, $WHERE, [%TRANSFORM])
# -----------------------------------------------
# Return contents of a file from $libdir/am, automatically skipping
# macros or rules which are already known.
sub file_contents
my ($basename, $where, %transform) = @_;
my ($comments, $variables, $rules) =
file_contents_internal (1, "$libdir/am/$basename.am", $where,
return "$comments$variables$rules";
# am_primary_prefixes ($PRIMARY, $CAN_DIST, @PREFIXES)
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Find all variable prefixes that are used for install directories. A
# prefix 'zar' qualifies iff:
# * 'zardir' is a variable.
# * 'zar_PRIMARY' is a variable.
# As a side effect, it looks for misspellings. It is an error to have
# a variable ending in a "reserved" suffix whose prefix is unknown, e.g.
# "bni_PROGRAMS". However, unusual prefixes are allowed if a variable
# of the same name (with "dir" appended) exists. For instance, if the
# variable "zardir" is defined, then "zar_PROGRAMS" becomes valid.
# This is to provide a little extra flexibility in those cases which
# need it.
sub am_primary_prefixes
my ($primary, $can_dist, @prefixes) = @_;
local $_;
my %valid = map { $_ => 0 } @prefixes;
$valid{'EXTRA'} = 0;
foreach my $var (variables $primary)
# Automake is allowed to define variables that look like primaries
# but which aren't. E.g. INSTALL_sh_DATA.
# Autoconf can also define variables like INSTALL_DATA, so
# ignore all configure variables (at least those which are not
# redefined in Makefile.am).
# FIXME: We should make sure that these variables are not
# conditionally defined (or else adjust the condition below).
my $def = $var->def (TRUE);
next if $def && $def->owner != VAR_MAKEFILE;
my $varname = $var->name;
if ($varname =~ /^(nobase_)?(dist_|nodist_)?(.*)_[[:alnum:]]+$/)
my ($base, $dist, $X) = ($1 || '', $2 || '', $3 || '');
if ($dist ne '' && ! $can_dist)
err_var ($var,
"invalid variable '$varname': 'dist' is forbidden");
# Standard directories must be explicitly allowed.
elsif (! defined $valid{$X} && exists $standard_prefix{$X})
err_var ($var,
"'${X}dir' is not a legitimate directory " .
"for '$primary'");
# A not explicitly valid directory is allowed if Xdir is defined.
elsif (! defined $valid{$X} &&
$var->requires_variables ("'$varname' is used", "${X}dir"))
# Nothing to do. Any error message has been output
# by $var->requires_variables.
# Ensure all extended prefixes are actually used.
$valid{"$base$dist$X"} = 1;
prog_error "unexpected variable name: $varname";
# Return only those which are actually defined.
return sort grep { var ($_ . '_' . $primary) } keys %valid;
# am_install_var (-OPTION..., file, HOW, where...)
# ------------------------------------------------
# Handle 'where_HOW' variable magic. Does all lookups, generates
# install code, and possibly generates code to define the primary
# variable. The first argument is the name of the .am file to munge,
# the second argument is the primary variable (e.g. HEADERS), and all
# subsequent arguments are possible installation locations.
# Returns list of [$location, $value] pairs, where
# $value's are the values in all where_HOW variable, and $location
# there associated location (the place here their parent variables were
# defined).
# FIXME: this should be rewritten to be cleaner. It should be broken
# up into multiple functions.
sub am_install_var
my (@args) = @_;
my $do_require = 1;
my $can_dist = 0;
my $default_dist = 0;
while (@args)
if ($args[0] eq '-noextra')
$do_require = 0;
elsif ($args[0] eq '-candist')
$can_dist = 1;
elsif ($args[0] eq '-defaultdist')
$default_dist = 1;
$can_dist = 1;
elsif ($args[0] !~ /^-/)
shift (@args);
my ($file, $primary, @prefix) = @args;
# Now that configure substitutions are allowed in where_HOW
# variables, it is an error to actually define the primary. We
# allow 'JAVA', as it is customarily used to mean the Java
# interpreter. This is but one of several Java hacks. Similarly,
# 'PYTHON' is customarily used to mean the Python interpreter.
reject_var $primary, "'$primary' is an anachronism"
unless $primary eq 'JAVA' || $primary eq 'PYTHON';
# Get the prefixes which are valid and actually used.
@prefix = am_primary_prefixes ($primary, $can_dist, @prefix);
# If a primary includes a configure substitution, then the EXTRA_
# form is required. Otherwise we can't properly do our job.
my $require_extra;
my @used = ();
my @result = ();
foreach my $X (@prefix)
my $nodir_name = $X;
my $one_name = $X . '_' . $primary;
my $one_var = var $one_name;
my $strip_subdir = 1;
# If subdir prefix should be preserved, do so.
if ($nodir_name =~ /^nobase_/)
$strip_subdir = 0;
$nodir_name =~ s/^nobase_//;
# If files should be distributed, do so.
my $dist_p = 0;
if ($can_dist)
$dist_p = (($default_dist && $nodir_name !~ /^nodist_/)
|| (! $default_dist && $nodir_name =~ /^dist_/));
$nodir_name =~ s/^(dist|nodist)_//;
# Use the location of the currently processed variable.
# We are not processing a particular condition, so pick the first
# available.
my $tmpcond = $one_var->conditions->one_cond;
my $where = $one_var->rdef ($tmpcond)->location->clone;
# Append actual contents of where_PRIMARY variable to
# @result, skipping @substitutions@.
foreach my $locvals ($one_var->value_as_list_recursive (location => 1))
my ($loc, $value) = @$locvals;
# Skip configure substitutions.
if ($value =~ /^\@.*\@$/)
if ($nodir_name eq 'EXTRA')
error ($where,
"'$one_name' contains configure substitution, "
. "but shouldn't");
# Check here to make sure variables defined in
# configure.ac do not imply that EXTRA_PRIMARY
# must be defined.
elsif (! defined $configure_vars{$one_name})
$require_extra = $one_name
if $do_require;
# Strip any $(EXEEXT) suffix the user might have added,
# or this will confuse handle_source_transform() and
# check_canonical_spelling().
# We'll add $(EXEEXT) back later anyway.
# Do it here rather than in handle_programs so the
# uniquifying at the end of this function works.
${$locvals}[1] =~ s/\$\(EXEEXT\)$//
if $primary eq 'PROGRAMS';
push (@result, $locvals);
# A blatant hack: we rewrite each _PROGRAMS primary to include
append_exeext { 1 } $one_name
if $primary eq 'PROGRAMS';
# "EXTRA" shouldn't be used when generating clean targets,
# all, or install targets. We used to warn if EXTRA_FOO was
# defined uselessly, but this was annoying.
if $nodir_name eq 'EXTRA';
if ($nodir_name eq 'check')
push (@check, '$(' . $one_name . ')');
push (@used, '$(' . $one_name . ')');
# Is this to be installed?
my $install_p = $nodir_name ne 'noinst' && $nodir_name ne 'check';
# If so, with install-exec? (or install-data?).
my $exec_p = ($nodir_name =~ /$EXEC_DIR_PATTERN/o);
my $check_options_p = $install_p && !! option 'std-options';
# Use the location of the currently processed variable as context.
$where->push_context ("while processing '$one_name'");
# The variable containing all files to distribute.
my $distvar = "\$($one_name)";
$distvar = shadow_unconditionally ($one_name, $where)
if ($dist_p && $one_var->has_conditional_contents);
# Singular form of $PRIMARY.
(my $one_primary = $primary) =~ s/S$//;
$output_rules .= file_contents ($file, $where,
PRIMARY => $primary,
ONE_PRIMARY => $one_primary,
DIR => $X,
NDIR => $nodir_name,
BASE => $strip_subdir,
EXEC => $exec_p,
INSTALL => $install_p,
DIST => $dist_p,
DISTVAR => $distvar,
'CK-OPTS' => $check_options_p);
# The JAVA variable is used as the name of the Java interpreter.
# The PYTHON variable is used as the name of the Python interpreter.
if (@used && $primary ne 'JAVA' && $primary ne 'PYTHON')
# Define it.
define_pretty_variable ($primary, TRUE, INTERNAL, @used);
$output_vars .= "\n";
err_var ($require_extra,
"'$require_extra' contains configure substitution,\n"
. "but 'EXTRA_$primary' not defined")
if ($require_extra && ! var ('EXTRA_' . $primary));
# Push here because PRIMARY might be configure time determined.
push (@all, '$(' . $primary . ')')
if @used && $primary ne 'JAVA' && $primary ne 'PYTHON';
# Make the result unique. This lets the user use conditionals in
# a natural way, but still lets us program lazily -- we don't have
# to worry about handling a particular object more than once.
# We will keep only one location per object.
my %result = ();
for my $pair (@result)
my ($loc, $val) = @$pair;
$result{$val} = $loc;
my @l = sort keys %result;
return map { [$result{$_}->clone, $_] } @l;
# Each key in this hash is the name of a directory holding a
# Makefile.in. These variables are local to 'is_make_dir'.
my %make_dirs = ();
my $make_dirs_set = 0;
# is_make_dir ($DIRECTORY)
# ------------------------
sub is_make_dir
my ($dir) = @_;
if (! $make_dirs_set)
foreach my $iter (@configure_input_files)
$make_dirs{dirname ($iter)} = 1;
# We also want to notice Makefile.in's.
foreach my $iter (@other_input_files)
if ($iter =~ /Makefile\.in$/)
$make_dirs{dirname ($iter)} = 1;
$make_dirs_set = 1;
return defined $make_dirs{$dir};
# Find the aux dir. This should match the algorithm used by
# ./configure. (See the Autoconf documentation for for
sub locate_aux_dir ()
if (! $config_aux_dir_set_in_configure_ac)
# The default auxiliary directory is the first
# of ., .., or ../.. that contains install-sh.
# Assume . if install-sh doesn't exist yet.
for my $dir (qw (. .. ../..))
if (-f "$dir/install-sh")
$config_aux_dir = $dir;
$config_aux_dir = '.' unless $config_aux_dir;
# Avoid unsightly '/.'s.
$am_config_aux_dir =
'$(top_srcdir)' . ($config_aux_dir eq '.' ? "" : "/$config_aux_dir");
$am_config_aux_dir =~ s,/*$,,;
# push_required_file ($DIR, $FILE, $FULLFILE)
# -------------------------------------------
# Push the given file onto DIST_COMMON.
sub push_required_file
my ($dir, $file, $fullfile) = @_;
# If the file to be distributed is in the same directory of the
# currently processed Makefile.am, then we want to distribute it
# from this same Makefile.am.
if ($dir eq $relative_dir)
push_dist_common ($file);
# This is needed to allow a construct in a non-top-level Makefile.am
# to require a file in the build-aux directory (see at least the test
# script 'test-driver-is-distributed.sh'). This is related to the
# automake bug#9546. Note that the use of $config_aux_dir instead
# of $am_config_aux_dir here is deliberate and necessary.
elsif ($dir eq $config_aux_dir)
push_dist_common ("$am_config_aux_dir/$file");
# FIXME: another spacial case, for AC_LIBOBJ/AC_LIBSOURCE support.
# We probably need some refactoring of this function and its callers,
# to have a more explicit and systematic handling of all the special
# cases; but, since there are only two of them, this is low-priority
# ATM.
elsif ($config_libobj_dir && $dir eq $config_libobj_dir)
# Avoid unsightly '/.'s.
my $am_config_libobj_dir =
'$(top_srcdir)' .
($config_libobj_dir eq '.' ? "" : "/$config_libobj_dir");
$am_config_libobj_dir =~ s|/*$||;
push_dist_common ("$am_config_libobj_dir/$file");
elsif ($relative_dir eq '.' && ! is_make_dir ($dir))
# If we are doing the topmost directory, and the file is in a
# subdir which does not have a Makefile, then we distribute it
# here.
# If a required file is above the source tree, it is important
# to prefix it with '$(srcdir)' so that no VPATH search is
# performed. Otherwise problems occur with Make implementations
# that rewrite and simplify rules whose dependencies are found in a
# VPATH location. Here is an example with OSF1/Tru64 Make.
# % cat Makefile
# VPATH = sub
# distdir: ../a
# echo ../a
# % ls
# Makefile a
# % make
# echo a
# a
# Dependency '../a' was found in 'sub/../a', but this make
# implementation simplified it as 'a'. (Note that the sub/
# directory does not even exist.)
# This kind of VPATH rewriting seems hard to cancel. The
# distdir.am hack against VPATH rewriting works only when no
# simplification is done, i.e., for dependencies which are in
# subdirectories, not in enclosing directories. Hence, in
# the latter case we use a full path to make sure no VPATH
# search occurs.
$fullfile = '$(srcdir)/' . $fullfile
if $dir =~ m,^\.\.(?:$|/),;
push_dist_common ($fullfile);
prog_error "a Makefile in relative directory $relative_dir " .
"can't add files in directory $dir to DIST_COMMON";
# If a file name appears as a key in this hash, then it has already
# been checked for. This allows us not to report the same error more
# than once.
my %required_file_not_found = ();
# required_file_check_or_copy ($WHERE, $DIRECTORY, $FILE)
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Verify that the file must exist in $DIRECTORY, or install it.
sub required_file_check_or_copy
my ($where, $dir, $file) = @_;
my $fullfile = "$dir/$file";
my $found_it = 0;
my $dangling_sym = 0;
if (-l $fullfile && ! -f $fullfile)
$dangling_sym = 1;
elsif (dir_has_case_matching_file ($dir, $file))
$found_it = 1;
# '--force-missing' only has an effect if '--add-missing' is
# specified.
if $found_it && (! $add_missing || ! $force_missing);
# If we've already looked for it, we're done. You might wonder why we
# don't do this before searching for the file. If we do that, then
# something like AC_OUTPUT([subdir/foo foo]) will fail to put 'foo.in'
# into $(DIST_COMMON).
if (! $found_it)
return if defined $required_file_not_found{$fullfile};
$required_file_not_found{$fullfile} = 1;
if ($dangling_sym && $add_missing)
unlink ($fullfile);
my $trailer = '';
my $trailer2 = '';
my $suppress = 0;
# Only install missing files according to our desired
# strictness level.
my $message = "required file '$fullfile' not found";
if ($add_missing)
if (-f "$libdir/$file")
$suppress = 1;
# Install the missing file. Symlink if we
# can, copy if we must. Note: delete the file
# first, in case it is a dangling symlink.
$message = "installing '$fullfile'";
# The license file should not be volatile.
if ($file eq "COPYING")
$message .= " using GNU General Public License v3 file";
$trailer2 = "\n Consider adding the COPYING file"
. " to the version control system"
. "\n for your code, to avoid questions"
. " about which license your project uses";
# Windows Perl will hang if we try to delete a
# file that doesn't exist.
unlink ($fullfile) if -f $fullfile;
if ($symlink_exists && ! $copy_missing)
if (! symlink ("$libdir/$file", $fullfile)
|| ! -e $fullfile)
$suppress = 0;
$trailer = "; error while making link: $!";
elsif (system ('cp', "$libdir/$file", $fullfile))
$suppress = 0;
$trailer = "\n error while copying";
set_dir_cache_file ($dir, $file);
$trailer = "\n 'automake --add-missing' can install '$file'"
if -f "$libdir/$file";
# If --force-missing was specified, and we have
# actually found the file, then do nothing.
if $found_it && $force_missing;
# If we couldn't install the file, but it is a target in
# the Makefile, don't print anything. This allows files
# like README, AUTHORS, or THANKS to be generated.
if !$suppress && rule $file;
msg ($suppress ? 'note' : 'error', $where, "$message$trailer$trailer2");
# require_file_internal ($WHERE, $MYSTRICT, $DIRECTORY, $QUEUE, @FILES)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Verify that the file must exist in $DIRECTORY, or install it.
# $MYSTRICT is the strictness level at which this file becomes required.
# Worker threads may queue up the action to be serialized by the master,
# if $QUEUE is true
sub require_file_internal
my ($where, $mystrict, $dir, $queue, @files) = @_;
unless $strictness >= $mystrict;
foreach my $file (@files)
push_required_file ($dir, $file, "$dir/$file");
if ($queue)
queue_required_file_check_or_copy ($required_conf_file_queue,
QUEUE_CONF_FILE, $relative_dir,
$where, $mystrict, @files);
required_file_check_or_copy ($where, $dir, $file);
# require_file ($WHERE, $MYSTRICT, @FILES)
# ----------------------------------------
sub require_file
my ($where, $mystrict, @files) = @_;
require_file_internal ($where, $mystrict, $relative_dir, 0, @files);
# require_file_with_macro ($COND, $MACRO, $MYSTRICT, @FILES)
# ----------------------------------------------------------
sub require_file_with_macro
my ($cond, $macro, $mystrict, @files) = @_;
$macro = rvar ($macro) unless ref $macro;
require_file ($macro->rdef ($cond)->location, $mystrict, @files);
# require_libsource_with_macro ($COND, $MACRO, $MYSTRICT, @FILES)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Require an AC_LIBSOURCEd file. If AC_CONFIG_LIBOBJ_DIR was called, it
# must be in that directory. Otherwise expect it in the current directory.
sub require_libsource_with_macro
my ($cond, $macro, $mystrict, @files) = @_;
$macro = rvar ($macro) unless ref $macro;
if ($config_libobj_dir)
require_file_internal ($macro->rdef ($cond)->location, $mystrict,
$config_libobj_dir, 0, @files);
require_file ($macro->rdef ($cond)->location, $mystrict, @files);
# queue_required_file_check_or_copy ($QUEUE, $KEY, $DIR, $WHERE,
# --------------------------------------------------------------
sub queue_required_file_check_or_copy
my ($queue, $key, $dir, $where, $mystrict, @files) = @_;
my @serial_loc;
if (ref $where)
@serial_loc = (QUEUE_LOCATION, $where->serialize ());
@serial_loc = (QUEUE_STRING, $where);
$queue->enqueue ($key, $dir, @serial_loc, $mystrict, 0 + @files, @files);
# require_queued_file_check_or_copy ($QUEUE)
# ------------------------------------------
sub require_queued_file_check_or_copy
my ($queue) = @_;
my $where;
my $dir = $queue->dequeue ();
my $loc_key = $queue->dequeue ();
if ($loc_key eq QUEUE_LOCATION)
$where = Automake::Location::deserialize ($queue);
elsif ($loc_key eq QUEUE_STRING)
$where = $queue->dequeue ();
prog_error "unexpected key $loc_key";
my $mystrict = $queue->dequeue ();
my $nfiles = $queue->dequeue ();
my @files;
push @files, $queue->dequeue ()
foreach (1 .. $nfiles);
unless $strictness >= $mystrict;
foreach my $file (@files)
required_file_check_or_copy ($where, $config_aux_dir, $file);
# require_conf_file ($WHERE, $MYSTRICT, @FILES)
# ---------------------------------------------
# Looks in configuration path, as specified by AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR.
sub require_conf_file
my ($where, $mystrict, @files) = @_;
my $queue = defined $required_conf_file_queue ? 1 : 0;
require_file_internal ($where, $mystrict, $config_aux_dir,
$queue, @files);
# require_conf_file_with_macro ($COND, $MACRO, $MYSTRICT, @FILES)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
sub require_conf_file_with_macro
my ($cond, $macro, $mystrict, @files) = @_;
require_conf_file (rvar ($macro)->rdef ($cond)->location,
$mystrict, @files);
# require_build_directory ($DIRECTORY)
# ------------------------------------
# Emit rules to create $DIRECTORY if needed, and return
# the file that any target requiring this directory should be made
# dependent upon.
# We don't want to emit the rule twice, and want to reuse it
# for directories with equivalent names (e.g., 'foo/bar' and './foo//bar').
sub require_build_directory
my $directory = shift;
return $directory_map{$directory} if exists $directory_map{$directory};
my $cdir = File::Spec->canonpath ($directory);
if (exists $directory_map{$cdir})
my $stamp = $directory_map{$cdir};
$directory_map{$directory} = $stamp;
return $stamp;
my $dirstamp = "$cdir/\$(am__dirstamp)";
$directory_map{$directory} = $dirstamp;
$directory_map{$cdir} = $dirstamp;
# Set a variable for the dirstamp basename.
define_pretty_variable ('am__dirstamp', TRUE, INTERNAL,
# Directory must be removed by 'make distclean'.
$clean_files{$dirstamp} = DIST_CLEAN;
$output_rules .= ("$dirstamp:\n"
. "\t\@\$(MKDIR_P) $directory\n"
. "\t\@: > $dirstamp\n");
return $dirstamp;
# require_build_directory_maybe ($FILE)
# -------------------------------------
# If $FILE lies in a subdirectory, emit a rule to create this
# directory and return the file that $FILE should be made
# dependent upon. Otherwise, just return the empty string.
sub require_build_directory_maybe
my $file = shift;
my $directory = dirname ($file);
if ($directory ne '.')
return require_build_directory ($directory);
return '';
# Push a list of files onto '@dist_common'.
sub push_dist_common
prog_error "push_dist_common run after handle_dist"
if $handle_dist_run;
push @dist_common, @_;
# generate_makefile ($MAKEFILE_AM, $MAKEFILE_IN)
# ----------------------------------------------
# Generate a Makefile.in given the name of the corresponding Makefile and
# the name of the file output by config.status.
sub generate_makefile
my ($makefile_am, $makefile_in) = @_;
# Reset all the Makefile.am related variables.
# AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS can contains -W flags to disable or enable
# warnings for this file. So hold any warning issued before
# we have processed AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS.
buffer_messages ('warning');
# $OUTPUT is encoded. If it contains a ":" then the first element
# is the real output file, and all remaining elements are input
# files. We don't scan or otherwise deal with these input files,
# other than to mark them as dependencies. See the subroutine
# 'scan_autoconf_files' for details.
my ($makefile, @inputs) = split (/:/, $output_files{$makefile_in});
$relative_dir = dirname ($makefile);
read_main_am_file ($makefile_am, $makefile_in);
if (not handle_options)
# Process buffered warnings.
# Fatal error. Just return, so we can continue with next file.
# Process buffered warnings.
# There are a few install-related variables that you should not define.
my $v = var $var;
if ($v)
my $def = $v->def (TRUE);
prog_error "$var not defined in condition TRUE"
unless $def;
reject_var $var, "'$var' should not be defined"
if $def->owner != VAR_AUTOMAKE;
# Catch some obsolete variables.
msg_var ('obsolete', 'INCLUDES',
"'INCLUDES' is the old name for 'AM_CPPFLAGS' (or '*_CPPFLAGS')")
if var ('INCLUDES');
# Must do this after reading .am file.
define_variable ('subdir', $relative_dir, INTERNAL);
# If DIST_SUBDIRS is defined, make sure SUBDIRS is, so that
# recursive rules are enabled.
define_pretty_variable ('SUBDIRS', TRUE, INTERNAL, '')
if var 'DIST_SUBDIRS' && ! var 'SUBDIRS';
# Check first, because we might modify some state.
handle_configure ($makefile_am, $makefile_in, $makefile, @inputs);
# These must be run after all the sources are scanned. They use
# variables defined by handle_libraries(), handle_ltlibraries(),
# or handle_programs().
# Variables used by distdir.am and tags.am.
define_pretty_variable ('SOURCES', TRUE, INTERNAL, @sources);
if (! option 'no-dist')
define_pretty_variable ('DIST_SOURCES', TRUE, INTERNAL, @dist_sources);
# Must come after handle_programs so that %known_programs is up-to-date.
# This must come after most other rules.
handle_all ($makefile);
# FIXME: Gross!
if (var ('lib_LTLIBRARIES') && var ('bin_PROGRAMS'))
$output_rules .= "install-binPROGRAMS: install-libLTLIBRARIES\n\n";
if (var ('nobase_lib_LTLIBRARIES') && var ('bin_PROGRAMS'))
$output_rules .= "install-binPROGRAMS: install-nobase_libLTLIBRARIES\n\n";
handle_clean ($makefile);
# Comes last, because all the above procedures may have
# defined or overridden variables.
$output_vars .= output_variables;
if ($exit_code != 0)
verb "not writing $makefile_in because of earlier errors";
my $am_relative_dir = dirname ($makefile_am);
mkdir ($am_relative_dir, 0755) if ! -d $am_relative_dir;
# We make sure that 'all:' is the first target.
my $output =
# Decide whether we must update the output file or not.
# We have to update in the following situations.
# * $force_generation is set.
# * any of the output dependencies is younger than the output
# * the contents of the output is different (this can happen
# if the project has been populated with a file listed in
# @common_files since the last run).
# Output's dependencies are split in two sets:
# * dependencies which are also configure dependencies
# These do not change between each Makefile.am
# * other dependencies, specific to the Makefile.am being processed
# (such as the Makefile.am itself, or any Makefile fragment
# it includes).
my $timestamp = mtime $makefile_in;
if (! $force_generation
&& $configure_deps_greatest_timestamp < $timestamp
&& $output_deps_greatest_timestamp < $timestamp
&& $output eq contents ($makefile_in))
verb "$makefile_in unchanged";
# No need to update.
if (-e $makefile_in)
unlink ($makefile_in)
or fatal "cannot remove $makefile_in: $!";
my $gm_file = new Automake::XFile "> $makefile_in";
verb "creating $makefile_in";
print $gm_file $output;
# Helper function for usage().
sub print_autodist_files
my @lcomm = uniq (sort @_);
my @four;
@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
$four[0], $four[1], $four[2], $four[3]
local $~ = "USAGE_FORMAT";
my $cols = 4;
my $rows = int(@lcomm / $cols);
my $rest = @lcomm % $cols;
if ($rest)
$rest = $cols;
for (my $y = 0; $y < $rows; $y++)
@four = ("", "", "", "");
for (my $x = 0; $x < $cols; $x++)
last if $y + 1 == $rows && $x == $rest;
my $idx = (($x > $rest)
? ($rows * $rest + ($rows - 1) * ($x - $rest))
: ($rows * $x));
$idx += $y;
$four[$x] = $lcomm[$idx];
sub usage ()
print "Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [Makefile]...
Generate Makefile.in for configure from Makefile.am.
Operation modes:
--help print this help, then exit
--version print version number, then exit
-v, --verbose verbosely list files processed
--no-force only update Makefile.in's that are out of date
-W, --warnings=CATEGORY report the warnings falling in CATEGORY
Dependency tracking:
-i, --ignore-deps disable dependency tracking code
--include-deps enable dependency tracking code
--foreign set strictness to foreign
--gnits set strictness to gnits
--gnu set strictness to gnu
Library files:
-a, --add-missing add missing standard files to package
--libdir=DIR set directory storing library files
--print-libdir print directory storing library files
-c, --copy with -a, copy missing files (default is symlink)
-f, --force-missing force update of standard files
print "\nFiles automatically distributed if found " .
print_autodist_files @common_files;
print "\nFiles automatically distributed if found " .
"(under certain conditions):\n";
print_autodist_files @common_sometimes;
print '
Report bugs to .
GNU Automake home page: .
General help using GNU software: .
# --help always returns 0 per GNU standards.
exit 0;
sub version ()
print <
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Written by Tom Tromey
and Alexandre Duret-Lutz .
# --version always returns 0 per GNU standards.
exit 0;
# Parse command line.
sub parse_arguments ()
my $strict = 'gnu';
my $ignore_deps = 0;
my @warnings = ();
my %cli_options =
'version' => \&version,
'help' => \&usage,
'libdir=s' => \$libdir,
'print-libdir' => sub { print "$libdir\n"; exit 0; },
'gnu' => sub { $strict = 'gnu'; },
'gnits' => sub { $strict = 'gnits'; },
'foreign' => sub { $strict = 'foreign'; },
'include-deps' => sub { $ignore_deps = 0; },
'i|ignore-deps' => sub { $ignore_deps = 1; },
'no-force' => sub { $force_generation = 0; },
'f|force-missing' => \$force_missing,
'a|add-missing' => \$add_missing,
'c|copy' => \$copy_missing,
'v|verbose' => sub { setup_channel 'verb', silent => 0; },
'W|warnings=s' => \@warnings,
use Automake::Getopt ();
Automake::Getopt::parse_options %cli_options;
set_strictness ($strict);
my $cli_where = new Automake::Location;
set_global_option ('no-dependencies', $cli_where) if $ignore_deps;
for my $warning (@warnings)
parse_warnings ('-W', $warning);
return unless @ARGV;
my $errspec = 0;
foreach my $arg (@ARGV)
fatal ("empty argument\nTry '$0 --help' for more information")
if ($arg eq '');
# Handle $local:$input syntax.
my ($local, @rest) = split (/:/, $arg);
@rest = ("$local.in",) unless @rest;
my $input = locate_am @rest;
if ($input)
push @input_files, $input;
$output_files{$input} = join (':', ($local, @rest));
error "no Automake input file found for '$arg'";
$errspec = 1;
fatal "no input file found among supplied arguments"
if $errspec && ! @input_files;
# handle_makefile ($MAKEFILE)
# ---------------------------
sub handle_makefile
my ($file) = @_;
($am_file = $file) =~ s/\.in$//;
if (! -f ($am_file . '.am'))
error "'$am_file.am' does not exist";
# Any warning setting now local to this Makefile.am.
generate_makefile ($am_file . '.am', $file);
# Back out any warning setting.
# Deal with all makefiles, without threads.
sub handle_makefiles_serial ()
foreach my $file (@input_files)
handle_makefile ($file);
# Logic for deciding how many worker threads to use.
sub get_number_of_threads ()
my $nthreads = $ENV{'AUTOMAKE_JOBS'} || 0;
$nthreads = 0
unless $nthreads =~ /^[0-9]+$/;
# It doesn't make sense to use more threads than makefiles,
my $max_threads = @input_files;
if ($nthreads > $max_threads)
$nthreads = $max_threads;
return $nthreads;
# handle_makefiles_threaded ($NTHREADS)
# -------------------------------------
# Deal with all makefiles, using threads. The general strategy is to
# spawn NTHREADS worker threads, dispatch makefiles to them, and let the
# worker threads push back everything that needs serialization:
# * warning and (normal) error messages, for stable stderr output
# order and content (avoiding duplicates, for example),
# * races when installing aux files (and respective messages),
# * races when collecting aux files for distribution.
# The latter requires that the makefile that deals with the aux dir
# files be handled last, done by the master thread.
sub handle_makefiles_threaded
my ($nthreads) = @_;
# The file queue distributes all makefiles, the message queues
# collect all serializations needed for respective files.
my $file_queue = Thread::Queue->new;
my %msg_queues;
foreach my $file (@input_files)
$msg_queues{$file} = Thread::Queue->new;
verb "spawning $nthreads worker threads";
my @threads = (1 .. $nthreads);
foreach my $t (@threads)
$t = threads->new (sub
while (my $file = $file_queue->dequeue)
verb "handling $file";
my $queue = $msg_queues{$file};
setup_channel_queue ($queue, QUEUE_MESSAGE);
$required_conf_file_queue = $queue;
handle_makefile ($file);
$queue->enqueue (undef);
setup_channel_queue (undef, undef);
$required_conf_file_queue = undef;
return $exit_code;
# Queue all makefiles.
verb "queuing " . @input_files . " input files";
$file_queue->enqueue (@input_files, (undef) x @threads);
# Collect and process serializations.
foreach my $file (@input_files)
verb "dequeuing messages for " . $file;
reset_local_duplicates ();
my $queue = $msg_queues{$file};
while (my $key = $queue->dequeue)
if ($key eq QUEUE_MESSAGE)
pop_channel_queue ($queue);
elsif ($key eq QUEUE_CONF_FILE)
require_queued_file_check_or_copy ($queue);
prog_error "unexpected key $key";
foreach my $t (@threads)
my @exit_thread = $t->join;
$exit_code = $exit_thread[0]
if ($exit_thread[0] > $exit_code);
# Parse the WARNINGS environment variable.
# Parse command line.
$configure_ac = require_configure_ac;
# Do configure.ac scan only once.
if (! @input_files)
my $msg = '';
$msg = "\nDid you forget AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile]) in $configure_ac?"
if -f 'Makefile.am';
fatal ("no 'Makefile.am' found for any configure output$msg");
my $nthreads = get_number_of_threads ();
if ($perl_threads && $nthreads >= 1)
handle_makefiles_threaded ($nthreads);
handle_makefiles_serial ();
exit $exit_code;
+ test 0 -eq 0
+ _am_exit 77
+ set +e
+ test 77 = 77
+ am__test_skipped=yes
+ exit 77
+ exit 77
+ am_exit_trap 77
+ exit_status=77
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test none = tap
+ test 77 -eq 0
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
SKIP t/get-sysconf.sh (exit status: 77)
XFAIL: t/pm/Cond2
'Automake::Condition=HASH(0x56392bfef0a8)' is a reference, expected a string at /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/lib/Automake/Condition.pm line 188.
Automake::Condition::new("Automake::Condition", Automake::Condition=HASH(0x56392bfef0a8)) called at ./t/pm/Cond2.pl line 22
XFAIL t/pm/Cond2.pl (exit status: 255)
XFAIL: t/pm/Cond3
'Automake::Condition=HASH(0x5647869ac890)' does not look like a condition at /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/lib/Automake/Condition.pm line 190.
Automake::Condition::new("Automake::Condition", "Automake::Condition=HASH(0x5647869ac890)") called at ./t/pm/Cond3.pl line 22
XFAIL t/pm/Cond3.pl (exit status: 255)
XFAIL: t/pm/DisjCon2
'Automake::DisjConditions=HASH(0x558010f198a8)' isn't an Automake::Condition at /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/lib/Automake/DisjConditions.pm line 151.
Automake::DisjConditions::new("Automake::DisjConditions", Automake::DisjConditions=HASH(0x558010f198a8)) called at ./t/pm/DisjCon2.pl line 24
XFAIL t/pm/DisjCon2.pl (exit status: 255)
XFAIL: t/pm/DisjCon3
'Automake::Condition=HASH(0x55ada0119890)' isn't a reference at /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/lib/Automake/DisjConditions.pm line 150.
Automake::DisjConditions::new("Automake::DisjConditions", "Automake::Condition=HASH(0x55ada0119890)") called at ./t/pm/DisjCon3.pl line 23
XFAIL t/pm/DisjCon3.pl (exit status: 255)
XFAIL: t/pm/Version2
Version2.pl: error: version is incorrect:
Version2.pl: Please contact .
at /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/lib/Automake/Channels.pm line 662.
Automake::Channels::msg("automake", "", "version is incorrect: ") called at /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/lib/Automake/ChannelDefs.pm line 212
Automake::ChannelDefs::prog_error("version is incorrect: ") called at /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/lib/Automake/Version.pm line 126
Automake::Version::check("", "1.2.3") called at ./t/pm/Version2.pl line 20
XFAIL t/pm/Version2.pl (exit status: 255)
XFAIL: t/pm/Version3
Version3.pl: error: required version is incorrect:
Version3.pl: Please contact .
at /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/lib/Automake/Channels.pm line 662.
Automake::Channels::msg("automake", "", "required version is incorrect: ") called at /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/lib/Automake/ChannelDefs.pm line 212
Automake::ChannelDefs::prog_error("required version is incorrect: ") called at /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/lib/Automake/Version.pm line 131
Automake::Version::check("1.2.3", "") called at ./t/pm/Version3.pl line 20
XFAIL t/pm/Version3.pl (exit status: 255)
PASS: t/instspc
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: tap
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ all_test_names_list=
+ builddir_xfails=
+ destdir_xfails=
+ bs=
+ cr=
+ ff=
+ ht=
+ lf=
+ def=define_problematic_string
+ define_problematic_string squote ' fail-builddir fail-destdir
+ tst=squote
+ shift
+ eval instspc__squote=$1
+ instspc__squote='
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote
+ is_in_list fail-builddir fail-builddir fail-destdir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 0
+ builddir_xfails= squote
+ is_in_list fail-destdir fail-builddir fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 0
+ destdir_xfails= squote
+ define_problematic_string dquote " fail-builddir fail-destdir
+ tst=dquote
+ shift
+ eval instspc__dquote=$1
+ instspc__dquote="
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote
+ is_in_list fail-builddir fail-builddir fail-destdir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 0
+ builddir_xfails= squote dquote
+ is_in_list fail-destdir fail-builddir fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 0
+ destdir_xfails= squote dquote
+ define_problematic_string bquote ` fail-builddir fail-destdir
+ tst=bquote
+ shift
+ eval instspc__bquote=$1
+ instspc__bquote=`
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote
+ is_in_list fail-builddir fail-builddir fail-destdir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 0
+ builddir_xfails= squote dquote bquote
+ is_in_list fail-destdir fail-builddir fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 0
+ destdir_xfails= squote dquote bquote
+ define_problematic_string sharp # fail-builddir fail-destdir
+ tst=sharp
+ shift
+ eval instspc__sharp=$1
+ instspc__sharp=#
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp
+ is_in_list fail-builddir fail-builddir fail-destdir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 0
+ builddir_xfails= squote dquote bquote sharp
+ is_in_list fail-destdir fail-builddir fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 0
+ destdir_xfails= squote dquote bquote sharp
+ define_problematic_string dollar $ fail-builddir fail-destdir
+ tst=dollar
+ shift
+ eval instspc__dollar=$1
+ instspc__dollar=$
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar
+ is_in_list fail-builddir fail-builddir fail-destdir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 0
+ builddir_xfails= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar
+ is_in_list fail-destdir fail-builddir fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 0
+ destdir_xfails= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar
+ define_problematic_string bang !
+ tst=bang
+ shift
+ eval instspc__bang=$1
+ instspc__bang=!
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string bslash \ fail-builddir
+ tst=bslash
+ shift
+ eval instspc__bslash=$1
+ instspc__bslash=\
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash
+ is_in_list fail-builddir fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 0
+ builddir_xfails= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash
+ is_in_list fail-destdir fail-builddir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string ampersand & fail-builddir
+ tst=ampersand
+ shift
+ eval instspc__ampersand=$1
+ instspc__ampersand=&
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand
+ is_in_list fail-builddir fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 0
+ builddir_xfails= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand
+ is_in_list fail-destdir fail-builddir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string percent %
+ tst=percent
+ shift
+ eval instspc__percent=$1
+ instspc__percent=%
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string leftpar (
+ tst=leftpar
+ shift
+ eval instspc__leftpar=$1
+ instspc__leftpar=(
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string rightpar )
+ tst=rightpar
+ shift
+ eval instspc__rightpar=$1
+ instspc__rightpar=)
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string pipe |
+ tst=pipe
+ shift
+ eval instspc__pipe=$1
+ instspc__pipe=|
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string caret ^
+ tst=caret
+ shift
+ eval instspc__caret=$1
+ instspc__caret=^
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string tilde ~
+ tst=tilde
+ shift
+ eval instspc__tilde=$1
+ instspc__tilde=~
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string qmark ?
+ tst=qmark
+ shift
+ eval instspc__qmark=$1
+ instspc__qmark=?
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string star *
+ tst=star
+ shift
+ eval instspc__star=$1
+ instspc__star=*
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string plus +
+ tst=plus
+ shift
+ eval instspc__plus=$1
+ instspc__plus=+
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string minus -
+ tst=minus
+ shift
+ eval instspc__minus=$1
+ instspc__minus=-
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string comma ,
+ tst=comma
+ shift
+ eval instspc__comma=$1
+ instspc__comma=,
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string colon :
+ tst=colon
+ shift
+ eval instspc__colon=$1
+ instspc__colon=:
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string semicol ;
+ tst=semicol
+ shift
+ eval instspc__semicol=$1
+ instspc__semicol=;
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string equal =
+ tst=equal
+ shift
+ eval instspc__equal=$1
+ instspc__equal==
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string less <
+ tst=less
+ shift
+ eval instspc__less=$1
+ instspc__less=<
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string more >
+ tst=more
+ shift
+ eval instspc__more=$1
+ instspc__more=>
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string at @
+ tst=at
+ shift
+ eval instspc__at=$1
+ instspc__at=@
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string lqbrack [
+ tst=lqbrack
+ shift
+ eval instspc__lqbrack=$1
+ instspc__lqbrack=[
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string rqbrack ]
+ tst=rqbrack
+ shift
+ eval instspc__rqbrack=$1
+ instspc__rqbrack=]
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string lcbrack {
+ tst=lcbrack
+ shift
+ eval instspc__lcbrack=$1
+ instspc__lcbrack={
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string rcbrack }
+ tst=rcbrack
+ shift
+ eval instspc__rcbrack=$1
+ instspc__rcbrack=}
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string space
+ tst=space
+ shift
+ eval instspc__space=$1
+ instspc__space=
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string tab
+ tst=tab
+ shift
+ eval instspc__tab=$1
+ instspc__tab=
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string linefeed
fail-builddir fail-destdir
+ tst=linefeed
+ shift
+ eval instspc__linefeed=$1
+ instspc__linefeed=
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed
+ is_in_list fail-builddir fail-builddir fail-destdir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 0
+ builddir_xfails= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed
+ is_in_list fail-destdir fail-builddir fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 0
+ destdir_xfails= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed
+ define_problematic_string backspace
+ tst=backspace
+ shift
+ eval instspc__backspace=$1
+ instspc__backspace=
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string formfeed
+ tst=formfeed
+ shift
+ eval instspc__formfeed=$1
+ instspc__formfeed=
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string carriageret
+ tst=carriageret
+ shift
+ eval instspc__carriageret=$1
+ instspc__carriageret=
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed carriageret
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string quadrigraph0 @&t@ fail-builddir
+ tst=quadrigraph0
+ shift
+ eval instspc__quadrigraph0=$1
+ instspc__quadrigraph0=@&t@
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed carriageret quadrigraph0
+ is_in_list fail-builddir fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 0
+ builddir_xfails= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0
+ is_in_list fail-destdir fail-builddir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string quadrigraph1 @<:@
+ tst=quadrigraph1
+ shift
+ eval instspc__quadrigraph1=$1
+ instspc__quadrigraph1=@<:@
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed carriageret quadrigraph0 quadrigraph1
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string quadrigraph2 @:>@
+ tst=quadrigraph2
+ shift
+ eval instspc__quadrigraph2=$1
+ instspc__quadrigraph2=@:>@
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed carriageret quadrigraph0 quadrigraph1 quadrigraph2
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string quadrigraph3 @S|@
+ tst=quadrigraph3
+ shift
+ eval instspc__quadrigraph3=$1
+ instspc__quadrigraph3=@S|@
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed carriageret quadrigraph0 quadrigraph1 quadrigraph2 quadrigraph3
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string quadrigraph4 @%:@
+ tst=quadrigraph4
+ shift
+ eval instspc__quadrigraph4=$1
+ instspc__quadrigraph4=@%:@
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed carriageret quadrigraph0 quadrigraph1 quadrigraph2 quadrigraph3 quadrigraph4
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string a_b a b
+ tst=a_b
+ shift
+ eval instspc__a_b=$1
+ instspc__a_b=a b
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed carriageret quadrigraph0 quadrigraph1 quadrigraph2 quadrigraph3 quadrigraph4 a_b
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string a__b a b
+ tst=a__b
+ shift
+ eval instspc__a__b=$1
+ instspc__a__b=a b
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed carriageret quadrigraph0 quadrigraph1 quadrigraph2 quadrigraph3 quadrigraph4 a_b a__b
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string a_lf_b a
b fail-builddir fail-destdir
+ tst=a_lf_b
+ shift
+ eval instspc__a_lf_b=$1
+ instspc__a_lf_b=a
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed carriageret quadrigraph0 quadrigraph1 quadrigraph2 quadrigraph3 quadrigraph4 a_b a__b a_lf_b
+ is_in_list fail-builddir fail-builddir fail-destdir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 0
+ builddir_xfails= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ is_in_list fail-destdir fail-builddir fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 0
+ destdir_xfails= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ define_problematic_string dotdotdot ...
+ tst=dotdotdot
+ shift
+ eval instspc__dotdotdot=$1
+ instspc__dotdotdot=...
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed carriageret quadrigraph0 quadrigraph1 quadrigraph2 quadrigraph3 quadrigraph4 a_b a__b a_lf_b dotdotdot
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string dosdrive a:
+ tst=dosdrive
+ shift
+ eval instspc__dosdrive=$1
+ instspc__dosdrive=a:
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed carriageret quadrigraph0 quadrigraph1 quadrigraph2 quadrigraph3 quadrigraph4 a_b a__b a_lf_b dotdotdot dosdrive
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string miscglob1 ?[a-z]*
+ tst=miscglob1
+ shift
+ eval instspc__miscglob1=$1
+ instspc__miscglob1=?[a-z]*
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed carriageret quadrigraph0 quadrigraph1 quadrigraph2 quadrigraph3 quadrigraph4 a_b a__b a_lf_b dotdotdot dosdrive miscglob1
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ define_problematic_string miscglob2 .*?[0-9]
+ tst=miscglob2
+ shift
+ eval instspc__miscglob2=$1
+ instspc__miscglob2=.*?[0-9]
+ shift
+ all_test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed carriageret quadrigraph0 quadrigraph1 quadrigraph2 quadrigraph3 quadrigraph4 a_b a__b a_lf_b dotdotdot dosdrive miscglob1 miscglob2
+ is_in_list fail-builddir
+ item=fail-builddir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ is_in_list fail-destdir
+ item=fail-destdir
+ shift
+ return 1
+ unset def
+ test 0 -gt 0
+ test_names_list= squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bang bslash ampersand percent leftpar rightpar pipe caret tilde qmark star plus minus comma colon semicol equal less more at lqbrack rqbrack lcbrack rcbrack space tab linefeed backspace formfeed carriageret quadrigraph0 quadrigraph1 quadrigraph2 quadrigraph3 quadrigraph4 a_b a__b a_lf_b dotdotdot dosdrive miscglob1 miscglob2
+ plan_ 94
+ test 1 -eq 0
+ test 1 -ge 2
+ test xnone != xnone
+ test x94 = xunknown
+ test x94 = xlater
+ test x94 = xlazy
+ test x94 = xnow
+ test 94 -ge 0
+ planned_=94
+ echo 1..94
+ pwd
+ ocwd=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ create_input_data
+ mkdir sub
+ unindent
+ test x = x
+ printf %s\n
/^$/b # Nothing to do for empty lines.
x # Get x into pattern space.
/^$/{ # No prior x, go prepare it.
g # Copy this 1st non-blank line into pattern space.
s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ # Prepare x in pattern space.
} # Now: x in pattern and in hold.
G # Build x\n in pattern space, and
h # duplicate it into hold space.
s/\n.*$// # Restore x in pattern space, and
x # exchange with the above duplicate in hold space.
s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// # Remove leading from .
s/^x.*\n// # Restore when there is no leading .
+ sed -e s/ *# .*//
+ sed_unindent_prog=
s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/
+ sed
s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/
+ :
+ :
+ :
+ :
+ :
+ :
+ unindent
+ test x
s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/
s/^x.*\n// = x
+ sed
s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/
+ unindent
+ test x
s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/
s/^x.*\n// = x
+ sed
s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ autoconf
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall -a
configure.ac:5: installing './ar-lib'
+ eval test_string=${instspc__squote}
+ test_string='
+ test x' = x
+ mkdir ./'
+ build=./'
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote
+ cd ./'
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /'-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... configure: error: unsafe absolute working directory name
+ r=not ok
+ description=squote in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build squote
+ is_in_list squote squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=squote
+ shift
+ return 0
+ directive=TODO
+ reason=long-standing limitation
+ result_ not ok -D TODO -r long-standing limitation -- squote in builddir
+ set +x
not ok 1 - squote in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation
XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 1 - squote in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test not ok = ok
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-squote
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'
+ mkdir build-squote
+ cd build-squote
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /'-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/' file=./' make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-squote »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/'-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-squote »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-squote/'/./'-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
make: *** [Makefile:1145: test-inst] Error 1
+ r=not ok
+ description=squote in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest squote
+ is_in_list squote squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=squote
+ shift
+ return 0
+ directive=TODO
+ reason=long-standing limitation
+ result_ not ok -D TODO -r long-standing limitation -- squote in destdir
+ set +x
not ok 2 - squote in destdir # TODO long-standing limitation
XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 2 - squote in destdir # TODO long-standing limitation
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test not ok = ok
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__dquote}
+ test_string="
+ test x" = x
+ mkdir ./"
+ build=./"
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dquote
+ cd ./"
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /"-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... configure: error: unsafe absolute working directory name
+ r=not ok
+ description=dquote in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build dquote
+ is_in_list dquote squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=dquote
+ shift
+ return 0
+ directive=TODO
+ reason=long-standing limitation
+ result_ not ok -D TODO -r long-standing limitation -- dquote in builddir
+ set +x
not ok 3 - dquote in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation
XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 3 - dquote in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test not ok = ok
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-dquote
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dquote/"
+ mkdir build-dquote
+ cd build-dquote
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /"-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dquote/" file=./" make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-dquote »
/bin/bash: -c: ligne 23: fin de fichier (EOF) prématurée lors de la recherche du « " » correspondant
/bin/bash: -c: ligne 26: erreur de syntaxe : fin de fichier prématurée
make[1]: *** [Makefile:563: install-dist_fooexecSCRIPTS] Error 1
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-dquote »
make: *** [Makefile:1002: install-am] Error 2
+ r=not ok
+ description=dquote in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest dquote
+ is_in_list dquote squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=dquote
+ shift
+ return 0
+ directive=TODO
+ reason=long-standing limitation
+ result_ not ok -D TODO -r long-standing limitation -- dquote in destdir
+ set +x
not ok 4 - dquote in destdir # TODO long-standing limitation
XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 4 - dquote in destdir # TODO long-standing limitation
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test not ok = ok
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__bquote}
+ test_string=`
+ test x` = x
+ mkdir ./`
+ build=./`
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bquote
+ cd ./`
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /`-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... configure: error: unsafe absolute working directory name
+ r=not ok
+ description=bquote in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build bquote
+ is_in_list bquote squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=bquote
+ shift
+ return 0
+ directive=TODO
+ reason=long-standing limitation
+ result_ not ok -D TODO -r long-standing limitation -- bquote in builddir
+ set +x
not ok 5 - bquote in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation
XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 5 - bquote in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test not ok = ok
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-bquote
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bquote/`
+ mkdir build-bquote
+ cd build-bquote
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /`-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bquote/` file=./` make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-bquote »
/bin/bash: -c: ligne 23: fin de fichier (EOF) prématurée lors de la recherche du « ` » correspondant
/bin/bash: -c: ligne 26: erreur de syntaxe : fin de fichier prématurée
make[1]: *** [Makefile:563: install-dist_fooexecSCRIPTS] Error 1
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-bquote »
make: *** [Makefile:1002: install-am] Error 2
+ r=not ok
+ description=bquote in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest bquote
+ is_in_list bquote squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=bquote
+ shift
+ return 0
+ directive=TODO
+ reason=long-standing limitation
+ result_ not ok -D TODO -r long-standing limitation -- bquote in destdir
+ set +x
not ok 6 - bquote in destdir # TODO long-standing limitation
XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 6 - bquote in destdir # TODO long-standing limitation
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test not ok = ok
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__sharp}
+ test_string=#
+ test x# = x
+ mkdir ./#
+ build=./#
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp
+ cd ./#
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /#-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... configure: error: unsafe absolute working directory name
+ r=not ok
+ description=sharp in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build sharp
+ is_in_list sharp squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=sharp
+ shift
+ return 0
+ directive=TODO
+ reason=long-standing limitation
+ result_ not ok -D TODO -r long-standing limitation -- sharp in builddir
+ set +x
not ok 7 - sharp in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation
XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 7 - sharp in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test not ok = ok
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-sharp
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#
+ mkdir build-sharp
+ cd build-sharp
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /#-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/# file=./# make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-sharp »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#//foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-sharp »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-sharp/#/./#-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
make: *** [Makefile:1145: test-inst] Error 1
+ r=not ok
+ description=sharp in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest sharp
+ is_in_list sharp squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=sharp
+ shift
+ return 0
+ directive=TODO
+ reason=long-standing limitation
+ result_ not ok -D TODO -r long-standing limitation -- sharp in destdir
+ set +x
not ok 8 - sharp in destdir # TODO long-standing limitation
XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 8 - sharp in destdir # TODO long-standing limitation
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test not ok = ok
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__dollar}
+ test_string=$
+ test x$ = x
+ mkdir ./$
+ build=./$
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar
+ cd ./$
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /$-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... configure: error: unsafe absolute working directory name
+ r=not ok
+ description=dollar in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build dollar
+ is_in_list dollar squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=dollar
+ shift
+ return 0
+ directive=TODO
+ reason=long-standing limitation
+ result_ not ok -D TODO -r long-standing limitation -- dollar in builddir
+ set +x
not ok 9 - dollar in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation
XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 9 - dollar in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test not ok = ok
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-dollar
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$
+ mkdir build-dollar
+ cd build-dollar
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /$-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$ file=./$ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-dollar »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$/prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$/prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$/prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$/prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$/prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$/prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$/prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$/prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$/prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$/prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$/prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$/prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$/prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$/prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$/prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$/prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$/prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$/prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$/prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$/prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$/prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$/prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$/prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$/prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$/prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$/prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$/prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-dollar »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dollar/$/./$-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
make: *** [Makefile:1145: test-inst] Error 1
+ r=not ok
+ description=dollar in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest dollar
+ is_in_list dollar squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=dollar
+ shift
+ return 0
+ directive=TODO
+ reason=long-standing limitation
+ result_ not ok -D TODO -r long-standing limitation -- dollar in destdir
+ set +x
not ok 10 - dollar in destdir # TODO long-standing limitation
XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 10 - dollar in destdir # TODO long-standing limitation
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test not ok = ok
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__bang}
+ test_string=!
+ test x! = x
+ mkdir ./!
+ build=./!
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang
+ cd ./!
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /!-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang file=./! make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/! »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/! »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/./!-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=bang in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build bang
+ is_in_list bang squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=bang
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- bang in builddir
+ set +x
ok 11 - bang in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 11 - bang in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./! /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./! /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang
+ rm -rf ./! /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./!
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-bang
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!
+ mkdir build-bang
+ cd build-bang
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /!-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/! file=./! make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-bang »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/!-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-bang »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!/./!-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=bang in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest bang
+ is_in_list bang squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=bang
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- bang in destdir
+ set +x
ok 12 - bang in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 12 - bang in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-bang /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-bang /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!
+ rm -rf build-bang /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-bang
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bang/!
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__bslash}
+ test_string=\
+ test x\ = x
+ mkdir ./\
+ build=./\
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash
+ cd ./\
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /\-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... configure: error: unsafe absolute working directory name
+ r=not ok
+ description=bslash in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build bslash
+ is_in_list bslash squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=bslash
+ shift
+ return 0
+ directive=TODO
+ reason=long-standing limitation
+ result_ not ok -D TODO -r long-standing limitation -- bslash in builddir
+ set +x
not ok 13 - bslash in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation
XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 13 - bslash in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test not ok = ok
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-bslash
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\
+ mkdir build-bslash
+ cd build-bslash
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /\-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\ file=./\ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-bslash »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/\-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-bslash »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\/./\-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=bslash in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest bslash
+ is_in_list bslash squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=bslash
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- bslash in destdir
+ set +x
ok 14 - bslash in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 14 - bslash in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-bslash /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-bslash /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\
+ rm -rf build-bslash /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-bslash
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-bslash/\
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__ampersand}
+ test_string=&
+ test x& = x
+ mkdir ./&
+ build=./&
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand
+ cd ./&
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /&-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... configure: error: unsafe absolute working directory name
+ r=not ok
+ description=ampersand in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build ampersand
+ is_in_list ampersand squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=ampersand
+ shift
+ return 0
+ directive=TODO
+ reason=long-standing limitation
+ result_ not ok -D TODO -r long-standing limitation -- ampersand in builddir
+ set +x
not ok 15 - ampersand in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation
XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 15 - ampersand in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test not ok = ok
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-ampersand
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&
+ mkdir build-ampersand
+ cd build-ampersand
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /&-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/& file=./& make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-ampersand »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/&-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-ampersand »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&/./&-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=ampersand in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest ampersand
+ is_in_list ampersand squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=ampersand
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- ampersand in destdir
+ set +x
ok 16 - ampersand in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 16 - ampersand in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-ampersand /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-ampersand /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&
+ rm -rf build-ampersand /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-ampersand
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-ampersand/&
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__percent}
+ test_string=%
+ test x% = x
+ mkdir ./%
+ build=./%
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent
+ cd ./%
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /%-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent file=./% make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/% »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/% »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/./%-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=percent in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build percent
+ is_in_list percent squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=percent
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- percent in builddir
+ set +x
ok 17 - percent in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 17 - percent in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./% /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./% /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent
+ rm -rf ./% /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./%
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-percent
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%
+ mkdir build-percent
+ cd build-percent
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /%-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/% file=./% make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-percent »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/%-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-percent »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%/./%-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=percent in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest percent
+ is_in_list percent squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=percent
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- percent in destdir
+ set +x
ok 18 - percent in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 18 - percent in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-percent /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-percent /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%
+ rm -rf build-percent /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-percent
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-percent/%
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__leftpar}
+ test_string=(
+ test x( = x
+ mkdir ./(
+ build=./(
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar
+ cd ./(
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /(-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar file=./( make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/( »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/( »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/./(-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=leftpar in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build leftpar
+ is_in_list leftpar squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=leftpar
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- leftpar in builddir
+ set +x
ok 19 - leftpar in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 19 - leftpar in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./( /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./( /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar
+ rm -rf ./( /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./(
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-leftpar
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(
+ mkdir build-leftpar
+ cd build-leftpar
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /(-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/( file=./( make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-leftpar »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/(-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-leftpar »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(/./(-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=leftpar in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest leftpar
+ is_in_list leftpar squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=leftpar
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- leftpar in destdir
+ set +x
ok 20 - leftpar in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 20 - leftpar in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-leftpar /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-leftpar /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(
+ rm -rf build-leftpar /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-leftpar
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-leftpar/(
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__rightpar}
+ test_string=)
+ test x) = x
+ mkdir ./)
+ build=./)
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar
+ cd ./)
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /)-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar file=./) make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/) »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/) »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/./)-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=rightpar in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build rightpar
+ is_in_list rightpar squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=rightpar
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- rightpar in builddir
+ set +x
ok 21 - rightpar in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 21 - rightpar in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./) /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./) /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar
+ rm -rf ./) /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./)
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-rightpar
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)
+ mkdir build-rightpar
+ cd build-rightpar
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /)-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/) file=./) make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-rightpar »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/)-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-rightpar »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)/./)-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=rightpar in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest rightpar
+ is_in_list rightpar squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=rightpar
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- rightpar in destdir
+ set +x
ok 22 - rightpar in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 22 - rightpar in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-rightpar /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-rightpar /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)
+ rm -rf build-rightpar /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-rightpar
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rightpar/)
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__pipe}
+ test_string=|
+ test x| = x
+ mkdir ./|
+ build=./|
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe
+ cd ./|
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /|-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe file=./| make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/| »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/| »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/./|-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=pipe in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build pipe
+ is_in_list pipe squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=pipe
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- pipe in builddir
+ set +x
ok 23 - pipe in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 23 - pipe in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./| /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./| /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe
+ rm -rf ./| /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./|
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-pipe
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|
+ mkdir build-pipe
+ cd build-pipe
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /|-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/| file=./| make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-pipe »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/|-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-pipe »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|/./|-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=pipe in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest pipe
+ is_in_list pipe squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=pipe
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- pipe in destdir
+ set +x
ok 24 - pipe in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 24 - pipe in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-pipe /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-pipe /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|
+ rm -rf build-pipe /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-pipe
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-pipe/|
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__caret}
+ test_string=^
+ test x^ = x
+ mkdir ./^
+ build=./^
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret
+ cd ./^
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /^-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret file=./^ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/^ »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/^ »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/./^-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=caret in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build caret
+ is_in_list caret squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=caret
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- caret in builddir
+ set +x
ok 25 - caret in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 25 - caret in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./^ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./^ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret
+ rm -rf ./^ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./^
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-caret
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^
+ mkdir build-caret
+ cd build-caret
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /^-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^ file=./^ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-caret »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/^-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-caret »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^/./^-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=caret in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest caret
+ is_in_list caret squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=caret
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- caret in destdir
+ set +x
ok 26 - caret in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 26 - caret in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-caret /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-caret /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^
+ rm -rf build-caret /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-caret
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-caret/^
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__tilde}
+ test_string=~
+ test x~ = x
+ mkdir ./~
+ build=./~
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde
+ cd ./~
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /~-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde file=./~ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/~ »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/~ »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/./~-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=tilde in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build tilde
+ is_in_list tilde squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=tilde
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- tilde in builddir
+ set +x
ok 27 - tilde in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 27 - tilde in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./~ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./~ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde
+ rm -rf ./~ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./~
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-tilde
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~
+ mkdir build-tilde
+ cd build-tilde
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /~-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~ file=./~ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-tilde »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/~-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-tilde »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~/./~-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=tilde in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest tilde
+ is_in_list tilde squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=tilde
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- tilde in destdir
+ set +x
ok 28 - tilde in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 28 - tilde in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-tilde /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-tilde /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~
+ rm -rf build-tilde /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-tilde
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tilde/~
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__qmark}
+ test_string=?
+ test x? = x
+ mkdir ./?
+ build=./?
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark
+ cd ./?
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /?-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark file=./? make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/? »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/? »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/./?-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=qmark in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build qmark
+ is_in_list qmark squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=qmark
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- qmark in builddir
+ set +x
ok 29 - qmark in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 29 - qmark in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./? /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./? /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark
+ rm -rf ./? /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./?
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-qmark
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?
+ mkdir build-qmark
+ cd build-qmark
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /?-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/? file=./? make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-qmark »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/?-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-qmark »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?/./?-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=qmark in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest qmark
+ is_in_list qmark squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=qmark
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- qmark in destdir
+ set +x
ok 30 - qmark in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 30 - qmark in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-qmark /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-qmark /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?
+ rm -rf build-qmark /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-qmark
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-qmark/?
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__star}
+ test_string=*
+ test x* = x
+ mkdir ./*
+ build=./*
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star
+ cd ./*
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /*-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star file=./* make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/* »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/* »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/./*-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=star in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build star
+ is_in_list star squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=star
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- star in builddir
+ set +x
ok 31 - star in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 31 - star in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./* /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./* /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star
+ rm -rf ./* /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./*
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-star
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*
+ mkdir build-star
+ cd build-star
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /*-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/* file=./* make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-star »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/*-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-star »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*/./*-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=star in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest star
+ is_in_list star squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=star
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- star in destdir
+ set +x
ok 32 - star in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 32 - star in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-star /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-star /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*
+ rm -rf build-star /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-star
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-star/*
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__plus}
+ test_string=+
+ test x+ = x
+ mkdir ./+
+ build=./+
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus
+ cd ./+
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /+-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus file=./+ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/+ »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/+ »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/./+-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=plus in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build plus
+ is_in_list plus squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=plus
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- plus in builddir
+ set +x
ok 33 - plus in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 33 - plus in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./+ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./+ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus
+ rm -rf ./+ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./+
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-plus
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+
+ mkdir build-plus
+ cd build-plus
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /+-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+ file=./+ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-plus »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/+-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-plus »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+/./+-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=plus in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest plus
+ is_in_list plus squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=plus
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- plus in destdir
+ set +x
ok 34 - plus in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 34 - plus in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-plus /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-plus /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+
+ rm -rf build-plus /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-plus
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-plus/+
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__minus}
+ test_string=-
+ test x- = x
+ mkdir ./-
+ build=./-
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus
+ cd ./-
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /--prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus file=./- make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/- »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/--prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/- »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/./--prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=minus in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build minus
+ is_in_list minus squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=minus
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- minus in builddir
+ set +x
ok 35 - minus in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 35 - minus in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./- /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./- /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus
+ rm -rf ./- /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./-
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-minus
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-
+ mkdir build-minus
+ cd build-minus
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /--prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/- file=./- make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-minus »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/--prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-minus »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-/./--prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=minus in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest minus
+ is_in_list minus squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=minus
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- minus in destdir
+ set +x
ok 36 - minus in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 36 - minus in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-minus /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-minus /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-
+ rm -rf build-minus /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-minus
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-minus/-
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__comma}
+ test_string=,
+ test x, = x
+ mkdir ./,
+ build=./,
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma
+ cd ./,
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /,-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma file=./, make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/, »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/, »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/./,-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=comma in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build comma
+ is_in_list comma squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=comma
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- comma in builddir
+ set +x
ok 37 - comma in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 37 - comma in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./, /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./, /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma
+ rm -rf ./, /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./,
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-comma
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,
+ mkdir build-comma
+ cd build-comma
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /,-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/, file=./, make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-comma »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/,-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-comma »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,/./,-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=comma in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest comma
+ is_in_list comma squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=comma
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- comma in destdir
+ set +x
ok 38 - comma in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 38 - comma in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-comma /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-comma /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,
+ rm -rf build-comma /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-comma
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-comma/,
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__colon}
+ test_string=:
+ test x: = x
+ mkdir ./:
+ cd ./:
+ build=./:
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon
+ cd ./:
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /:-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon file=./: make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/: »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/: »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/./:-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=colon in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build colon
+ is_in_list colon squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=colon
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- colon in builddir
+ set +x
ok 39 - colon in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 39 - colon in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon
+ rm -rf ./: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./:
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-colon
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:
+ mkdir build-colon
+ cd build-colon
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /:-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/: file=./: make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-colon »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/:-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-colon »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:/./:-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=colon in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest colon
+ is_in_list colon squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=colon
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- colon in destdir
+ set +x
ok 40 - colon in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 40 - colon in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-colon /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-colon /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:
+ rm -rf build-colon /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-colon
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-colon/:
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__semicol}
+ test_string=;
+ test x; = x
+ mkdir ./;
+ build=./;
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol
+ cd ./;
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /;-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol file=./; make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/; »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/; »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/./;-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=semicol in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build semicol
+ is_in_list semicol squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=semicol
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- semicol in builddir
+ set +x
ok 41 - semicol in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 41 - semicol in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./; /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./; /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol
+ rm -rf ./; /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./;
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-semicol
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;
+ mkdir build-semicol
+ cd build-semicol
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /;-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/; file=./; make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-semicol »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/;-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-semicol »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;/./;-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=semicol in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest semicol
+ is_in_list semicol squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=semicol
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- semicol in destdir
+ set +x
ok 42 - semicol in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 42 - semicol in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-semicol /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-semicol /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;
+ rm -rf build-semicol /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-semicol
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-semicol/;
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__equal}
+ test_string==
+ test x= = x
+ mkdir ./=
+ build=./=
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal
+ cd ./=
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /=-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal file=./= make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/= »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/= »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/./=-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=equal in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build equal
+ is_in_list equal squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=equal
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- equal in builddir
+ set +x
ok 43 - equal in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 43 - equal in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./= /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./= /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal
+ rm -rf ./= /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./=
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-equal
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=
+ mkdir build-equal
+ cd build-equal
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /=-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/= file=./= make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-equal »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/=-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-equal »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=/./=-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=equal in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest equal
+ is_in_list equal squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=equal
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- equal in destdir
+ set +x
ok 44 - equal in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 44 - equal in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-equal /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-equal /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=
+ rm -rf build-equal /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-equal
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-equal/=
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__less}
+ test_string=<
+ test x< = x
+ mkdir ./<
+ build=./<
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less
+ cd ./<
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /<-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less file=./< make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/< »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/< »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/./<-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=less in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build less
+ is_in_list less squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=less
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- less in builddir
+ set +x
ok 45 - less in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 45 - less in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./< /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./< /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less
+ rm -rf ./< /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./<
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-less
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<
+ mkdir build-less
+ cd build-less
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /<-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/< file=./< make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-less »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/<-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-less »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-less/
+ test x> = x
+ mkdir ./>
+ build=./>
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more
+ cd ./>
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix />-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more file=./> make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/> »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/> »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/./>-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=more in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build more
+ is_in_list more squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=more
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- more in builddir
+ set +x
ok 47 - more in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 47 - more in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./> /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./> /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more
+ rm -rf ./> /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./>
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-more
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>
+ mkdir build-more
+ cd build-more
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix />-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/> file=./> make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-more »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/>-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-more »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>/./>-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=more in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest more
+ is_in_list more squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=more
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- more in destdir
+ set +x
ok 48 - more in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 48 - more in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-more /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-more /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>
+ rm -rf build-more /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-more
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-more/>
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__at}
+ test_string=@
+ test x@ = x
+ mkdir ./@
+ build=./@
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at
+ cd ./@
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /@-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at file=./@ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/@ »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/@ »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/./@-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=at in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build at
+ is_in_list at squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=at
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- at in builddir
+ set +x
ok 49 - at in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 49 - at in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./@ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./@ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at
+ rm -rf ./@ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./@
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-at
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@
+ mkdir build-at
+ cd build-at
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /@-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@ file=./@ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-at »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/@-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-at »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@/./@-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=at in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest at
+ is_in_list at squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=at
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- at in destdir
+ set +x
ok 50 - at in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 50 - at in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-at /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-at /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@
+ rm -rf build-at /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-at
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-at/@
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__lqbrack}
+ test_string=[
+ test x[ = x
+ mkdir ./[
+ build=./[
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack
+ cd ./[
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /[-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack file=./[ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/[ »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/[ »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/./[-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=lqbrack in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build lqbrack
+ is_in_list lqbrack squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=lqbrack
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- lqbrack in builddir
+ set +x
ok 51 - lqbrack in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 51 - lqbrack in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./[ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./[ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack
+ rm -rf ./[ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./[
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-lqbrack
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[
+ mkdir build-lqbrack
+ cd build-lqbrack
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /[-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[ file=./[ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-lqbrack »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/[-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-lqbrack »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[/./[-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=lqbrack in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest lqbrack
+ is_in_list lqbrack squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=lqbrack
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- lqbrack in destdir
+ set +x
ok 52 - lqbrack in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 52 - lqbrack in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-lqbrack /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-lqbrack /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[
+ rm -rf build-lqbrack /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-lqbrack
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lqbrack/[
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__rqbrack}
+ test_string=]
+ test x] = x
+ mkdir ./]
+ build=./]
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack
+ cd ./]
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /]-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack file=./] make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/] »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/] »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/./]-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=rqbrack in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build rqbrack
+ is_in_list rqbrack squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=rqbrack
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- rqbrack in builddir
+ set +x
ok 53 - rqbrack in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 53 - rqbrack in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./] /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./] /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack
+ rm -rf ./] /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./]
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-rqbrack
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]
+ mkdir build-rqbrack
+ cd build-rqbrack
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /]-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/] file=./] make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-rqbrack »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/]-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-rqbrack »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]/./]-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=rqbrack in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest rqbrack
+ is_in_list rqbrack squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=rqbrack
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- rqbrack in destdir
+ set +x
ok 54 - rqbrack in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 54 - rqbrack in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-rqbrack /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-rqbrack /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]
+ rm -rf build-rqbrack /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-rqbrack
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rqbrack/]
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__lcbrack}
+ test_string={
+ test x{ = x
+ mkdir ./{
+ build=./{
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack
+ cd ./{
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /{-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack file=./{ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/{ »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/{ »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/./{-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=lcbrack in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build lcbrack
+ is_in_list lcbrack squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=lcbrack
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- lcbrack in builddir
+ set +x
ok 55 - lcbrack in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 55 - lcbrack in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./{ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./{ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack
+ rm -rf ./{ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./{
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-lcbrack
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{
+ mkdir build-lcbrack
+ cd build-lcbrack
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /{-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{ file=./{ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-lcbrack »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/{-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-lcbrack »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{/./{-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=lcbrack in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest lcbrack
+ is_in_list lcbrack squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=lcbrack
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- lcbrack in destdir
+ set +x
ok 56 - lcbrack in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 56 - lcbrack in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-lcbrack /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-lcbrack /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{
+ rm -rf build-lcbrack /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-lcbrack
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-lcbrack/{
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__rcbrack}
+ test_string=}
+ test x} = x
+ mkdir ./}
+ build=./}
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack
+ cd ./}
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /}-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack file=./} make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/} »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/} »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/./}-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=rcbrack in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build rcbrack
+ is_in_list rcbrack squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=rcbrack
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- rcbrack in builddir
+ set +x
ok 57 - rcbrack in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 57 - rcbrack in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./} /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./} /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack
+ rm -rf ./} /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./}
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-rcbrack
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}
+ mkdir build-rcbrack
+ cd build-rcbrack
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /}-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/} file=./} make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-rcbrack »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/}-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-rcbrack »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}/./}-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=rcbrack in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest rcbrack
+ is_in_list rcbrack squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=rcbrack
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- rcbrack in destdir
+ set +x
ok 58 - rcbrack in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 58 - rcbrack in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-rcbrack /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-rcbrack /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}
+ rm -rf build-rcbrack /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-rcbrack
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-rcbrack/}
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__space}
+ test_string=
+ test x = x
+ mkdir ./
+ build=./
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space
+ cd ./
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix / -prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space file=./ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/  »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ -prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/  »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/./ -prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=space in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build space
+ is_in_list space squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=space
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- space in builddir
+ set +x
ok 59 - space in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 59 - space in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space
+ rm -rf ./ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-space
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/
+ mkdir build-space
+ cd build-space
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix / -prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ file=./ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-space »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ / -prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-space »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/ /./ -prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=space in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest space
+ is_in_list space squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=space
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- space in destdir
+ set +x
ok 60 - space in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 60 - space in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-space /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-space /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/
+ rm -rf build-space /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-space
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-space/
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__tab}
+ test_string=
+ test x = x
+ mkdir ./
+ build=./
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab
+ cd ./
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix / -prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab file=./ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/  »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ -prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/  »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/./ -prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=tab in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build tab
+ is_in_list tab squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=tab
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- tab in builddir
+ set +x
ok 61 - tab in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 61 - tab in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab
+ rm -rf ./ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-tab
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/
+ mkdir build-tab
+ cd build-tab
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix / -prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ file=./ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-tab »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ / -prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-tab »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/ /./ -prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=tab in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest tab
+ is_in_list tab squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=tab
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- tab in destdir
+ set +x
ok 62 - tab in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 62 - tab in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-tab /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-tab /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/
+ rm -rf build-tab /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-tab
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-tab/
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__linefeed}
+ test_string=
+ test x
= x
+ mkdir ./
+ build=./
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-linefeed
+ cd ./
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /
configure: error: pwd does not report name of working directory
+ r=not ok
+ description=linefeed in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build linefeed
+ is_in_list linefeed squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=linefeed
+ shift
+ return 0
+ directive=TODO
+ reason=long-standing limitation
+ result_ not ok -D TODO -r long-standing limitation -- linefeed in builddir
+ set +x
not ok 63 - linefeed in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation
XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 63 - linefeed in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test not ok = ok
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-linefeed
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-linefeed/
+ mkdir build-linefeed
+ cd build-linefeed
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
config.status: error: in `/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-linefeed':
config.status: error: Something went wrong bootstrapping makefile fragments
for automatic dependency tracking. If GNU make was not used, consider
re-running the configure script with MAKE="gmake" (or whatever is
necessary). You can also try re-running configure with the
'--disable-dependency-tracking' option to at least be able to build
the package (albeit without support for automatic dependency tracking).
See `config.log' for more details
+ r=not ok
+ description=linefeed in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest linefeed
+ is_in_list linefeed squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=linefeed
+ shift
+ return 0
+ directive=TODO
+ reason=long-standing limitation
+ result_ not ok -D TODO -r long-standing limitation -- linefeed in destdir
+ set +x
not ok 64 - linefeed in destdir # TODO long-standing limitation
XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 64 - linefeed in destdir # TODO long-standing limitation
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test not ok = ok
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__backspace}
+ test_string=
+ test x = x
+ mkdir ./
+ build=./
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace
+ cd ./
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace file=./ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/ »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/ »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/./-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=backspace in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build backspace
+ is_in_list backspace squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=backspace
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- backspace in builddir
+ set +x
ok 65 - backspace in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 65 - backspace in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace
+ rm -rf ./ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-backspace
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/
+ mkdir build-backspace
+ cd build-backspace
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/ file=./ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-backspace »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-backspace »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace//./-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=backspace in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest backspace
+ is_in_list backspace squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=backspace
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- backspace in destdir
+ set +x
ok 66 - backspace in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 66 - backspace in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-backspace /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-backspace /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/
+ rm -rf build-backspace /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-backspace
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-backspace/
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__formfeed}
+ test_string=
+ test x = x
+ mkdir ./
+ build=./
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed
+ cd ./
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed file=./ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/ »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/ »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/./-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=formfeed in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build formfeed
+ is_in_list formfeed squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=formfeed
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- formfeed in builddir
+ set +x
ok 67 - formfeed in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 67 - formfeed in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed
+ rm -rf ./ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-formfeed
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/
+ mkdir build-formfeed
+ cd build-formfeed
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/ file=./ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-formfeed »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-formfeed »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//./-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//./-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//./-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//./-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//./-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//./-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//./-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//./-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//./-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//./-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//./-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//./-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//./-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//./-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed//./-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=formfeed in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest formfeed
+ is_in_list formfeed squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=formfeed
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- formfeed in destdir
+ set +x
ok 68 - formfeed in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 68 - formfeed in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-formfeed /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-formfeed /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/
+ rm -rf build-formfeed /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-formfeed
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-formfeed/
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__carriageret}
+ test_string=
+ test x
= x
+ mkdir ./
+ build=./
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret
+ cd ./
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret file=./
make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/./
+ description=carriageret in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build carriageret
+ is_in_list carriageret squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=carriageret
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- carriageret in builddir
+ set +x
ok 69 - carriageret in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 69 - carriageret in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./
+ rm -rf ./
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-carriageret
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
+ mkdir build-carriageret
+ cd build-carriageret
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-carriageret »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-carriageret »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
+ description=carriageret in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest carriageret
+ is_in_list carriageret squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=carriageret
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- carriageret in destdir
+ set +x
ok 70 - carriageret in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 70 - carriageret in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-carriageret /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-carriageret /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
+ rm -rf build-carriageret /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-carriageret
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-carriageret/
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__quadrigraph0}
+ test_string=@&t@
+ test x@&t@ = x
+ mkdir ./@&t@
+ build=./@&t@
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0
+ cd ./@&t@
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /@&t@-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... configure: error: unsafe absolute working directory name
+ r=not ok
+ description=quadrigraph0 in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build quadrigraph0
+ is_in_list quadrigraph0 squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=quadrigraph0
+ shift
+ return 0
+ directive=TODO
+ reason=long-standing limitation
+ result_ not ok -D TODO -r long-standing limitation -- quadrigraph0 in builddir
+ set +x
not ok 71 - quadrigraph0 in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation
XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 71 - quadrigraph0 in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test not ok = ok
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-quadrigraph0
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@
+ mkdir build-quadrigraph0
+ cd build-quadrigraph0
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /@&t@-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@ file=./@&t@ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-quadrigraph0 »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&t@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&t@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&t@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&t@-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&t@-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&t@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&t@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&t@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&t@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&t@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&t@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&t@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&t@-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&t@-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&t@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&t@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&t@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&t@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&t@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&t@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&t@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&t@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&t@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&t@-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&t@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&t@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/@&t@-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-quadrigraph0 »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&t@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&t@-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&t@-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&t@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&t@-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&t@-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&t@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&t@-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&t@-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&t@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&t@-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&t@-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&t@-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&t@-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@/./@&t@-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=quadrigraph0 in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest quadrigraph0
+ is_in_list quadrigraph0 squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=quadrigraph0
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- quadrigraph0 in destdir
+ set +x
ok 72 - quadrigraph0 in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 72 - quadrigraph0 in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-quadrigraph0 /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-quadrigraph0 /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@
+ rm -rf build-quadrigraph0 /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-quadrigraph0
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph0/@&t@
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__quadrigraph1}
+ test_string=@<:@
+ test x@<:@ = x
+ mkdir ./@<:@
+ cd ./@<:@
+ build=./@<:@
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1
+ cd ./@<:@
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /@<:@-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1 file=./@<:@ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/@<:@ »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/@<:@ »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/./@<:@-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=quadrigraph1 in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build quadrigraph1
+ is_in_list quadrigraph1 squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=quadrigraph1
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- quadrigraph1 in builddir
+ set +x
ok 73 - quadrigraph1 in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 73 - quadrigraph1 in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./@<:@ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./@<:@ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1
+ rm -rf ./@<:@ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./@<:@
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-quadrigraph1
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@
+ mkdir build-quadrigraph1
+ cd build-quadrigraph1
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /@<:@-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@ file=./@<:@ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-quadrigraph1 »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/@<:@-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-quadrigraph1 »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@/./@<:@-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=quadrigraph1 in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest quadrigraph1
+ is_in_list quadrigraph1 squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=quadrigraph1
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- quadrigraph1 in destdir
+ set +x
ok 74 - quadrigraph1 in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 74 - quadrigraph1 in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-quadrigraph1 /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-quadrigraph1 /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@
+ rm -rf build-quadrigraph1 /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-quadrigraph1
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph1/@<:@
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__quadrigraph2}
+ test_string=@:>@
+ test x@:>@ = x
+ mkdir ./@:>@
+ cd ./@:>@
+ build=./@:>@
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2
+ cd ./@:>@
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /@:>@-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2 file=./@:>@ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/@:>@ »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/@:>@ »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/./@:>@-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=quadrigraph2 in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build quadrigraph2
+ is_in_list quadrigraph2 squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=quadrigraph2
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- quadrigraph2 in builddir
+ set +x
ok 75 - quadrigraph2 in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 75 - quadrigraph2 in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./@:>@ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./@:>@ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2
+ rm -rf ./@:>@ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./@:>@
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-quadrigraph2
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@
+ mkdir build-quadrigraph2
+ cd build-quadrigraph2
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /@:>@-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@ file=./@:>@ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-quadrigraph2 »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/@:>@-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-quadrigraph2 »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@/./@:>@-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=quadrigraph2 in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest quadrigraph2
+ is_in_list quadrigraph2 squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=quadrigraph2
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- quadrigraph2 in destdir
+ set +x
ok 76 - quadrigraph2 in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 76 - quadrigraph2 in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-quadrigraph2 /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-quadrigraph2 /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@
+ rm -rf build-quadrigraph2 /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-quadrigraph2
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph2/@:>@
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__quadrigraph3}
+ test_string=@S|@
+ test x@S|@ = x
+ mkdir ./@S|@
+ build=./@S|@
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3
+ cd ./@S|@
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /@S|@-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3 file=./@S|@ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/@S|@ »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/@S|@ »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/./@S|@-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=quadrigraph3 in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build quadrigraph3
+ is_in_list quadrigraph3 squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=quadrigraph3
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- quadrigraph3 in builddir
+ set +x
ok 77 - quadrigraph3 in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 77 - quadrigraph3 in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./@S|@ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./@S|@ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3
+ rm -rf ./@S|@ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./@S|@
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-quadrigraph3
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@
+ mkdir build-quadrigraph3
+ cd build-quadrigraph3
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /@S|@-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@ file=./@S|@ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-quadrigraph3 »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/@S|@-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-quadrigraph3 »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@/./@S|@-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=quadrigraph3 in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest quadrigraph3
+ is_in_list quadrigraph3 squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=quadrigraph3
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- quadrigraph3 in destdir
+ set +x
ok 78 - quadrigraph3 in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 78 - quadrigraph3 in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-quadrigraph3 /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-quadrigraph3 /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@
+ rm -rf build-quadrigraph3 /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-quadrigraph3
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph3/@S|@
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__quadrigraph4}
+ test_string=@%:@
+ test x@%:@ = x
+ mkdir ./@%:@
+ cd ./@%:@
+ build=./@%:@
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4
+ cd ./@%:@
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /@%:@-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4 file=./@%:@ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/@%:@ »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/@%:@ »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/./@%:@-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=quadrigraph4 in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build quadrigraph4
+ is_in_list quadrigraph4 squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=quadrigraph4
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- quadrigraph4 in builddir
+ set +x
ok 79 - quadrigraph4 in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 79 - quadrigraph4 in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./@%:@ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./@%:@ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4
+ rm -rf ./@%:@ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./@%:@
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-quadrigraph4
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@
+ mkdir build-quadrigraph4
+ cd build-quadrigraph4
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /@%:@-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@ file=./@%:@ make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-quadrigraph4 »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/@%:@-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-quadrigraph4 »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@/./@%:@-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=quadrigraph4 in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest quadrigraph4
+ is_in_list quadrigraph4 squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=quadrigraph4
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- quadrigraph4 in destdir
+ set +x
ok 80 - quadrigraph4 in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 80 - quadrigraph4 in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-quadrigraph4 /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-quadrigraph4 /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@
+ rm -rf build-quadrigraph4 /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-quadrigraph4
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-quadrigraph4/@%:@
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__a_b}
+ test_string=a b
+ test xa b = x
+ mkdir ./a b
+ build=./a b
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b
+ cd ./a b
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /a b-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b file=./a b make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/a b »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/a b »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/./a b-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=a_b in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build a_b
+ is_in_list a_b squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=a_b
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- a_b in builddir
+ set +x
ok 81 - a_b in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 81 - a_b in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./a b /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./a b /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b
+ rm -rf ./a b /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./a b
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-a_b
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b
+ mkdir build-a_b
+ cd build-a_b
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /a b-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b file=./a b make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-a_b »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-a_b »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=a_b in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest a_b
+ is_in_list a_b squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=a_b
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- a_b in destdir
+ set +x
ok 82 - a_b in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 82 - a_b in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-a_b /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-a_b /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b
+ rm -rf build-a_b /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-a_b
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_b/a b
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__a__b}
+ test_string=a b
+ test xa b = x
+ mkdir ./a b
+ build=./a b
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b
+ cd ./a b
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /a b-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b file=./a b make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/a b »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/a b »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/./a b-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=a__b in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build a__b
+ is_in_list a__b squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=a__b
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- a__b in builddir
+ set +x
ok 83 - a__b in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 83 - a__b in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./a b /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./a b /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b
+ rm -rf ./a b /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./a b
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-a__b
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b
+ mkdir build-a__b
+ cd build-a__b
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /a b-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b file=./a b make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-a__b »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/a b-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-a__b »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b/./a b-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=a__b in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest a__b
+ is_in_list a__b squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=a__b
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- a__b in destdir
+ set +x
ok 84 - a__b in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 84 - a__b in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-a__b /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-a__b /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b
+ rm -rf build-a__b /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-a__b
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a__b/a b
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__a_lf_b}
+ test_string=a
+ test xa
b = x
+ mkdir ./a
+ build=./a
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_lf_b
+ cd ./a
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /a
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... configure: error: unsafe absolute working directory name
+ r=not ok
+ description=a_lf_b in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build a_lf_b
+ is_in_list a_lf_b squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=a_lf_b
+ shift
+ return 0
+ directive=TODO
+ reason=long-standing limitation
+ result_ not ok -D TODO -r long-standing limitation -- a_lf_b in builddir
+ set +x
not ok 85 - a_lf_b in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation
XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 85 - a_lf_b in builddir # TODO long-standing limitation
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test not ok = ok
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-a_lf_b
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-a_lf_b/a
+ mkdir build-a_lf_b
+ cd build-a_lf_b
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /a
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
config.status: error: in `/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-a_lf_b':
config.status: error: Something went wrong bootstrapping makefile fragments
for automatic dependency tracking. If GNU make was not used, consider
re-running the configure script with MAKE="gmake" (or whatever is
necessary). You can also try re-running configure with the
'--disable-dependency-tracking' option to at least be able to build
the package (albeit without support for automatic dependency tracking).
See `config.log' for more details
+ r=not ok
+ description=a_lf_b in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest a_lf_b
+ is_in_list a_lf_b squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=a_lf_b
+ shift
+ return 0
+ directive=TODO
+ reason=long-standing limitation
+ result_ not ok -D TODO -r long-standing limitation -- a_lf_b in destdir
+ set +x
not ok 86 - a_lf_b in destdir # TODO long-standing limitation
XFAIL: t/instspc.tap 86 - a_lf_b in destdir # TODO long-standing limitation
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test not ok = ok
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__dotdotdot}
+ test_string=...
+ test x... = x
+ mkdir ./...
+ build=./...
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot
+ cd ./...
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /...-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot file=./... make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/... »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/... »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/./...-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=dotdotdot in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build dotdotdot
+ is_in_list dotdotdot squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=dotdotdot
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- dotdotdot in builddir
+ set +x
ok 87 - dotdotdot in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 87 - dotdotdot in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./... /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./... /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot
+ rm -rf ./... /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./...
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-dotdotdot
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...
+ mkdir build-dotdotdot
+ cd build-dotdotdot
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /...-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/... file=./... make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-dotdotdot »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/.../...-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-dotdotdot »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/..././...-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=dotdotdot in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest dotdotdot
+ is_in_list dotdotdot squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=dotdotdot
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- dotdotdot in destdir
+ set +x
ok 88 - dotdotdot in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 88 - dotdotdot in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-dotdotdot /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-dotdotdot /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...
+ rm -rf build-dotdotdot /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-dotdotdot
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dotdotdot/...
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__dosdrive}
+ test_string=a:
+ test xa: = x
+ mkdir ./a:
+ cd ./a:
+ build=./a:
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive
+ cd ./a:
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /a:-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive file=./a: make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/a: »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/a: »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/./a:-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=dosdrive in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build dosdrive
+ is_in_list dosdrive squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=dosdrive
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- dosdrive in builddir
+ set +x
ok 89 - dosdrive in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 89 - dosdrive in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./a: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./a: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive
+ rm -rf ./a: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./a:
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-dosdrive
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:
+ mkdir build-dosdrive
+ cd build-dosdrive
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /a:-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a: file=./a: make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-dosdrive »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/a:-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-dosdrive »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:/./a:-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=dosdrive in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest dosdrive
+ is_in_list dosdrive squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=dosdrive
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- dosdrive in destdir
+ set +x
ok 90 - dosdrive in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 90 - dosdrive in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-dosdrive /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-dosdrive /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:
+ rm -rf build-dosdrive /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-dosdrive
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-dosdrive/a:
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__miscglob1}
+ test_string=?[a-z]*
+ test x?[a-z]* = x
+ mkdir ./?[a-z]*
+ build=./?[a-z]*
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1
+ cd ./?[a-z]*
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /?[a-z]*-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1 file=./?[a-z]* make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/?[a-z]* »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/?[a-z]* »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=miscglob1 in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build miscglob1
+ is_in_list miscglob1 squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=miscglob1
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- miscglob1 in builddir
+ set +x
ok 91 - miscglob1 in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 91 - miscglob1 in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./?[a-z]* /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./?[a-z]* /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1
+ rm -rf ./?[a-z]* /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./?[a-z]*
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-miscglob1
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*
+ mkdir build-miscglob1
+ cd build-miscglob1
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /?[a-z]*-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]* file=./?[a-z]* make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-miscglob1 »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-miscglob1 »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*/./?[a-z]*-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=miscglob1 in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest miscglob1
+ is_in_list miscglob1 squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=miscglob1
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- miscglob1 in destdir
+ set +x
ok 92 - miscglob1 in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 92 - miscglob1 in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-miscglob1 /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-miscglob1 /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*
+ rm -rf build-miscglob1 /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-miscglob1
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob1/?[a-z]*
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ eval test_string=${instspc__miscglob2}
+ test_string=.*?[0-9]
+ test x.*?[0-9] = x
+ mkdir ./.*?[0-9]
+ build=./.*?[0-9]
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2
+ cd ./.*?[0-9]
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /.*?[0-9]-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2 file=./.*?[0-9] make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/.*?[0-9] »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/.*?[0-9] »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=miscglob2 in builddir
+ expected_to_fail build miscglob2
+ is_in_list miscglob2 squote dquote bquote sharp dollar bslash ampersand linefeed quadrigraph0 a_lf_b
+ item=miscglob2
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- miscglob2 in builddir
+ set +x
ok 93 - miscglob2 in builddir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 93 - miscglob2 in builddir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ ./.*?[0-9] /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx ./.*?[0-9] /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2
+ rm -rf ./.*?[0-9] /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e ./.*?[0-9]
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ build=build-miscglob2
+ dest=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]
+ mkdir build-miscglob2
+ cd build-miscglob2
+ r=ok
+ ../configure --prefix /.*?[0-9]-prefix
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make all
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"instspc\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.0\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"instspc\ 1.0\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"instspc\" -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -I. -I.. -g -O2 -MT source.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/source.Tpo -c -o source.o ../source.c
mv -f .deps/source.Tpo .deps/source.Po
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/base source.o
gcc -g -O2 -o sub/nobase source.o
rm -f sub/libbase.a
ar cru sub/libbase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libbase.a
rm -f sub/libnobase.a
ar cru sub/libnobase.a source.o
ranlib sub/libnobase.a
+ DESTDIR=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9] file=./.*?[0-9] make test-inst
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-miscglob2 »
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/base.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libbase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' && ranlib libbase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/base '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c ../sub/nobase.sh '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 sub/libnobase.a '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub'
( cd '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo' && ranlib sub/libnobase.a )
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/'
/usr/bin/install -c sub/nobase '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/base.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.dat '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo'
/bin/mkdir -p '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub'
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ../sub/nobase.h '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub'
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/build-miscglob2 »
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.h'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/nobase.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/base.h'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.dat'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/nobase.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/base.dat'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase.sh'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/nobase.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/base.sh'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/nobase'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/nobase'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/base'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/sub/libnobase.a'
test ! -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/libnobase.a'
test -f '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]/./.*?[0-9]-prefix/foo/libbase.a'
+ description=miscglob2 in destdir
+ expected_to_fail dest miscglob2
+ is_in_list miscglob2 squote dquote bquote sharp dollar linefeed a_lf_b
+ item=miscglob2
+ shift
+ return 1
+ directive=
+ reason=
+ result_ ok -D -r -- miscglob2 in destdir
+ set +x
ok 94 - miscglob2 in destdir
PASS: t/instspc.tap 94 - miscglob2 in destdir
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir
+ not am_keeping_testdirs
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 1
+ test ok = ok
+ rm_rf_ build-miscglob2 /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ chmod -R u+rwx build-miscglob2 /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]
+ rm -rf build-miscglob2 /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]
+ _am_rmrf_status=0
+ test -e build-miscglob2
+ test -e /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instspc.dir/dest-miscglob2/.*?[0-9]
+ return 0
+ : For shells with busted set -e.
+ :
+ am_exit_trap 0
+ exit_status=0
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test tap = tap
+ test 94 = later
+ test 0 -eq 0
+ test 77 -eq 94
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
PASS: t/aclocal-macrodir
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: tap
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ plan_ 7
+ test 1 -eq 0
+ test 1 -ge 2
+ test xnone != xnone
+ test x7 = xunknown
+ test x7 = xlater
+ test x7 = xlazy
+ test x7 = xnow
+ test 7 -ge 0
+ planned_=7
+ echo 1..7
+ pwd
+ ocwd=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/aclocal-macrodir.dir
+ tcount=0
+ r=invalid
+ description=
+ directive=
+ test_begin AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR is honored
+ test -n
+ r=ok
+ description=AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR is honored
+ directive=
+ echo AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR is honored
+ shift
+ tcount=1
+ test 1 -gt 0
+ mkdir 1.d
+ cd 1.d
+ cat
+ mkdir macro-dir
+ echo AC_DEFUN([MY_FOO], [::my::foo::])
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ /bin/grep -F m4_include([macro-dir/foo.m4]) aclocal.m4
+ autoconf
+ not /bin/grep -F MY_FOO configure
+ /bin/grep -F MY_FOO configure
+ /bin/grep -F ::my::foo:: configure
+ test_end
+ test -z AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR is honored
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/aclocal-macrodir.dir
+ result_ ok -D -- AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR is honored
+ set +x
ok 1 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR is honored
PASS: t/aclocal-macrodir.tap 1 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR is honored
+ test -z
+ test ok = ok
+ rm -rf 1.d
+ r=invalid directive= description=
+ test_begin AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([foo]) interaction with --install
+ test -n
+ r=ok
+ description=AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([foo]) interaction with --install
+ directive=
+ echo AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([foo]) interaction with --install
+ shift
+ tcount=2
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ mkdir 2.d
+ cd 2.d
+ cat
+ mkdir sys-dir the-dir
+ echo AC_DEFUN([THE_MACRO], [:])
+ test ! -r the-dir/my.m4
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror --install --system-acdir ./sys-dir
aclocal-1.16: installing 'the-dir/my.m4' from 'sys-dir/my.m4'
+ diff sys-dir/my.m4 the-dir/my.m4
+ test_end
+ test -z AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([foo]) interaction with --install
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/aclocal-macrodir.dir
+ result_ ok -D -- AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([foo]) interaction with --install
+ set +x
ok 2 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([foo]) interaction with --install
PASS: t/aclocal-macrodir.tap 2 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([foo]) interaction with --install
+ test -z
+ test ok = ok
+ rm -rf 2.d
+ r=invalid directive= description=
+ test_begin '-I' option wins over AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR
+ test -n
+ r=ok
+ description='-I' option wins over AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR
+ directive=
+ echo '-I' option wins over AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR
+ shift
+ tcount=3
+ test 3 -gt 0
+ mkdir 3.d
+ cd 3.d
+ cat
+ mkdir dir1 dir2
+ echo AC_DEFUN([MY_FOO], [::ko::ko::])
+ echo AC_DEFUN([MY_FOO], [::ok::ok::])
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror -I dir2
+ /bin/grep -F m4_include([dir2/2.m4]) aclocal.m4
+ not /bin/grep -F m4_include([dir1/1.m4]) aclocal.m4
+ /bin/grep -F m4_include([dir1/1.m4]) aclocal.m4
+ autoconf
+ not /bin/grep -F ::ko::ko:: configure
+ /bin/grep -F ::ko::ko:: configure
+ /bin/grep -F ::ok::ok:: configure
+ test_end
+ test -z '-I' option wins over AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/aclocal-macrodir.dir
+ result_ ok -D -- '-I' option wins over AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR
+ set +x
ok 3 - '-I' option wins over AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR
PASS: t/aclocal-macrodir.tap 3 - '-I' option wins over AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR
+ test -z
+ test ok = ok
+ rm -rf 3.d
+ r=invalid directive= description=
+ test_begin AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([foo]) can create directory 'foo'
+ test -n
+ r=ok
+ description=AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([foo]) can create directory 'foo'
+ directive=
+ echo AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([foo]) can create directory 'foo'
+ shift
+ tcount=4
+ test 4 -gt 0
+ mkdir 4.d
+ cd 4.d
+ cat
+ mkdir acdir
+ echo AC_DEFUN([MY_MACRO], [:])
+ test ! -d foo
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror --install --system-acdir ./acdir
aclocal-1.16: installing 'foo/bar.m4' from 'acdir/bar.m4'
+ diff acdir/bar.m4 foo/bar.m4
+ test_end
+ test -z AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([foo]) can create directory 'foo'
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/aclocal-macrodir.dir
+ result_ ok -D -- AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([foo]) can create directory 'foo'
+ set +x
ok 4 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([foo]) can create directory 'foo'
PASS: t/aclocal-macrodir.tap 4 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([foo]) can create directory 'foo'
+ test -z
+ test ok = ok
+ rm -rf 4.d
+ r=invalid directive= description=
+ test_begin AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([non-existent]) warns with -Wunsupported
+ test -n
+ r=ok
+ description=AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([non-existent]) warns with -Wunsupported
+ directive=
+ echo AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([non-existent]) warns with -Wunsupported
+ shift
+ tcount=5
+ test 5 -gt 0
+ mkdir 5.d
+ cd 5.d
+ cat
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror -Wno-error
+ cat stderr
aclocal-1.16: warning: couldn't open directory 'non-existent': No such file or directory
+ grep couldn't open directory 'non-existent' stderr
aclocal-1.16: warning: couldn't open directory 'non-existent': No such file or directory
+ test -f aclocal.m4
+ rm -rf aclocal.m4 autom4te.cache
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror -Werror -Wno-unsupported
+ test -f aclocal.m4
+ test_end
+ test -z AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([non-existent]) warns with -Wunsupported
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/aclocal-macrodir.dir
+ result_ ok -D -- AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([non-existent]) warns with -Wunsupported
+ set +x
ok 5 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([non-existent]) warns with -Wunsupported
PASS: t/aclocal-macrodir.tap 5 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([non-existent]) warns with -Wunsupported
+ test -z
+ test ok = ok
+ rm -rf 5.d
+ r=invalid directive= description=
+ test_begin AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([not-exist]) and ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I not-exist
+ test -n
+ r=ok
+ description=AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([not-exist]) and ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I not-exist
+ directive=
+ echo AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([not-exist]) and ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I not-exist
+ shift
+ tcount=6
+ test 6 -gt 0
+ mkdir 6.d
+ cd 6.d
+ cat
+ cat
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror -Wno-error
+ cat stderr
aclocal-1.16: warning: couldn't open directory 'not-exist': No such file or directory
+ grep -c couldn't open directory 'not-exist' stderr
+ test 1 -eq 1
+ test_end
+ test -z AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([not-exist]) and ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I not-exist
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/aclocal-macrodir.dir
+ result_ ok -D -- AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([not-exist]) and ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I not-exist
+ set +x
ok 6 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([not-exist]) and ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I not-exist
PASS: t/aclocal-macrodir.tap 6 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([not-exist]) and ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I not-exist
+ test -z
+ test ok = ok
+ rm -rf 6.d
+ r=invalid directive= description=
+ autoconf -o/dev/null -
/dev/null:1671: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS
If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow.
See the Autoconf documentation.
+ skip_ -r autoconf is too old (AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS not defined)
+ result_ ok -D SKIP -r autoconf is too old (AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS not defined)
+ set +x
ok 7 # SKIP autoconf is too old (AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS not defined)
SKIP: t/aclocal-macrodir.tap 7 # SKIP autoconf is too old (AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS not defined)
+ :
+ am_exit_trap 0
+ exit_status=0
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test tap = tap
+ test 7 = later
+ test 0 -eq 0
+ test 6 -eq 7
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: tap
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ plan_ 15
+ test 1 -eq 0
+ test 1 -ge 2
+ test xnone != xnone
+ test x15 = xunknown
+ test x15 = xlater
+ test x15 = xlazy
+ test x15 = xnow
+ test 15 -ge 0
+ planned_=15
+ echo 1..15
+ pwd
+ ocwd=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir
+ tcount=0
+ r=invalid
+ description=
+ directive=
+ test_begin AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS is honored
+ test -n
+ r=ok
+ description=AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS is honored
+ directive=
+ echo AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS is honored
+ shift
+ tcount=1
+ test 1 -gt 0
+ mkdir 1.d
+ cd 1.d
+ cat
+ mkdir macro-dir
+ echo AC_DEFUN([MY_FOO], [::my::foo::])
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ /bin/grep -F m4_include([macro-dir/foo.m4]) aclocal.m4
+ autoconf
+ not /bin/grep -F MY_FOO configure
+ /bin/grep -F MY_FOO configure
+ /bin/grep -F ::my::foo:: configure
+ test_end
+ test -z AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS is honored
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir
+ result_ ok -D -- AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS is honored
+ set +x
ok 1 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS is honored
PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 1 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS is honored
+ test -z
+ test ok = ok
+ rm -rf 1.d
+ r=invalid directive= description=
+ test_begin AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS several arguments
+ test -n
+ r=ok
+ description=AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS several arguments
+ directive=
+ echo AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS several arguments
+ shift
+ tcount=2
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ mkdir 2.d
+ cd 2.d
+ cat
+ three_dirs_check
+ mkdir dir1 dir2 dir3
+ echo AC_DEFUN([MY_FOO], [::my::foo::])
+ echo AC_DEFUN([MY_BAR], [!!my!!bar!!])
+ echo AC_DEFUN([MY_BAZ], [==my==baz==])
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ /bin/grep -F m4_include([dir1/foo.m4]) aclocal.m4
+ /bin/grep -F m4_include([dir2/zap.m4]) aclocal.m4
+ /bin/grep -F m4_include([dir3/0.m4]) aclocal.m4
+ autoconf
+ not /bin/grep -E MY_(FOO|BAR|BAZ) configure
+ /bin/grep -E MY_(FOO|BAR|BAZ) configure
+ /bin/grep -F ::my::foo:: configure
+ /bin/grep -F !!my!!bar!! configure
+ /bin/grep -F ==my==baz== configure
+ test_end
+ test -z AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS several arguments
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir
+ result_ ok -D -- AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS several arguments
+ set +x
ok 2 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS several arguments
PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 2 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS several arguments
+ test -z
+ test ok = ok
+ rm -rf 2.d
+ r=invalid directive= description=
+ test_begin AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS several calls
+ test -n
+ r=ok
+ description=AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS several calls
+ directive=
+ echo AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS several calls
+ shift
+ tcount=3
+ test 3 -gt 0
+ mkdir 3.d
+ cd 3.d
+ cat
+ three_dirs_check
+ mkdir dir1 dir2 dir3
+ echo AC_DEFUN([MY_FOO], [::my::foo::])
+ echo AC_DEFUN([MY_BAR], [!!my!!bar!!])
+ echo AC_DEFUN([MY_BAZ], [==my==baz==])
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ /bin/grep -F m4_include([dir1/foo.m4]) aclocal.m4
+ /bin/grep -F m4_include([dir2/zap.m4]) aclocal.m4
+ /bin/grep -F m4_include([dir3/0.m4]) aclocal.m4
+ autoconf
+ not /bin/grep -E MY_(FOO|BAR|BAZ) configure
+ /bin/grep -E MY_(FOO|BAR|BAZ) configure
+ /bin/grep -F ::my::foo:: configure
+ /bin/grep -F !!my!!bar!! configure
+ /bin/grep -F ==my==baz== configure
+ test_end
+ test -z AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS several calls
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir
+ result_ ok -D -- AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS several calls
+ set +x
ok 3 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS several calls
PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 3 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS several calls
+ test -z
+ test ok = ok
+ rm -rf 3.d
+ r=invalid directive= description=
+ test_begin AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS extra whitespace
+ test -n
+ r=ok
+ description=AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS extra whitespace
+ directive=
+ echo AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS extra whitespace
+ shift
+ tcount=4
+ test 4 -gt 0
+ mkdir 4.d
+ cd 4.d
+ bslash=\
+ cat
+ three_dirs_check
+ mkdir dir1 dir2 dir3
+ echo AC_DEFUN([MY_FOO], [::my::foo::])
+ echo AC_DEFUN([MY_BAR], [!!my!!bar!!])
+ echo AC_DEFUN([MY_BAZ], [==my==baz==])
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ /bin/grep -F m4_include([dir1/foo.m4]) aclocal.m4
+ /bin/grep -F m4_include([dir2/zap.m4]) aclocal.m4
+ /bin/grep -F m4_include([dir3/0.m4]) aclocal.m4
+ autoconf
+ not /bin/grep -E MY_(FOO|BAR|BAZ) configure
+ /bin/grep -E MY_(FOO|BAR|BAZ) configure
+ /bin/grep -F ::my::foo:: configure
+ /bin/grep -F !!my!!bar!! configure
+ /bin/grep -F ==my==baz== configure
+ test_end
+ test -z AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS extra whitespace
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir
+ result_ ok -D -- AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS extra whitespace
+ set +x
ok 4 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS extra whitespace
PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 4 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS extra whitespace
+ test -z
+ test ok = ok
+ rm -rf 4.d
+ r=invalid directive= description=
+ test_begin AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS precedence
+ test -n
+ r=ok
+ description=AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS precedence
+ directive=
+ echo AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS precedence
+ shift
+ tcount=5
+ test 5 -gt 0
+ mkdir 5.d
+ cd 5.d
+ cat
+ mkdir dir1 dir2 dir3
+ echo AC_DEFUN([MY_FOO], [OK-Foo])
+ echo AC_DEFUN([MY_FOO], [KO-Foo])
+ echo AC_DEFUN([MY_BAR], [OK-Bar])
+ echo AC_DEFUN([MY_BAR], [KO-Bar])
+ echo AC_DEFUN([MY_BAZ], [OK-Baz])
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ /bin/grep -F m4_include([dir1/b.m4]) aclocal.m4
+ /bin/grep -F m4_include([dir2/1.m4]) aclocal.m4
+ /bin/grep -F m4_include([dir3/x.m4]) aclocal.m4
+ /bin/grep -F -c m4_include([dir1 aclocal.m4
+ test 1 -eq 1
+ /bin/grep -F -c m4_include([dir2 aclocal.m4
+ test 1 -eq 1
+ /bin/grep -F -c m4_include([dir3 aclocal.m4
+ test 1 -eq 1
+ autoconf
+ not /bin/grep -E MY_(FOO|BAR|BAZ) configure
+ /bin/grep -E MY_(FOO|BAR|BAZ) configure
+ /bin/grep -F OK-Foo configure
+ /bin/grep -F OK-Bar configure
+ /bin/grep -F OK-Baz configure
+ not /bin/grep -F KO- configure
+ /bin/grep -F KO- configure
+ test_end
+ test -z AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS precedence
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir
+ result_ ok -D -- AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS precedence
+ set +x
ok 5 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS precedence
PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 5 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS precedence
+ test -z
+ test ok = ok
+ rm -rf 5.d
+ r=invalid directive= description=
+ test_begin AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS interaction with --install
+ test -n
+ r=ok
+ description=AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS interaction with --install
+ directive=
+ echo AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS interaction with --install
+ shift
+ tcount=6
+ test 6 -gt 0
+ mkdir 6.d
+ cd 6.d
+ cat
+ mkdir sys-dir the-dir
+ echo AC_DEFUN([THE_MACRO], [:])
+ test ! -r the-dir/my.m4
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror --install --system-acdir ./sys-dir
aclocal-1.16: installing 'the-dir/my.m4' from 'sys-dir/my.m4'
+ diff sys-dir/my.m4 the-dir/my.m4
+ test_end
+ test -z AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS interaction with --install
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir
+ result_ ok -D -- AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS interaction with --install
+ set +x
ok 6 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS interaction with --install
PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 6 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS interaction with --install
+ test -z
+ test ok = ok
+ rm -rf 6.d
+ r=invalid directive= description=
+ test_begin several AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS arguments and --install
+ test -n
+ r=ok
+ description=several AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS arguments and --install
+ directive=
+ echo several AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS arguments and --install
+ shift
+ tcount=7
+ test 7 -gt 0
+ mkdir 7.d
+ cd 7.d
+ cat
+ two_dirs_install_check
+ mkdir sys-dir dir1 dir2
+ echo AC_DEFUN([THE_MACRO], [:])
+ echo AC_DEFUN([AX_FOO], [:])
+ test ! -r dir1/my.m4
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror --install --system-acdir ./sys-dir
aclocal-1.16: installing 'dir1/my.m4' from 'sys-dir/my.m4'
+ diff sys-dir/my.m4 dir1/my.m4
+ test ! -e dir2/my.m4
+ /bin/grep -F m4_include([dir1/my.m4]) aclocal.m4
+ /bin/grep -F m4_include([dir2/zap.m4]) aclocal.m4
+ test_end
+ test -z several AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS arguments and --install
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir
+ result_ ok -D -- several AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS arguments and --install
+ set +x
ok 7 - several AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS arguments and --install
PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 7 - several AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS arguments and --install
+ test -z
+ test ok = ok
+ rm -rf 7.d
+ r=invalid directive= description=
+ test_begin several AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS calls and --install
+ test -n
+ r=ok
+ description=several AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS calls and --install
+ directive=
+ echo several AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS calls and --install
+ shift
+ tcount=8
+ test 8 -gt 0
+ mkdir 8.d
+ cd 8.d
+ cat
+ two_dirs_install_check
+ mkdir sys-dir dir1 dir2
+ echo AC_DEFUN([THE_MACRO], [:])
+ echo AC_DEFUN([AX_FOO], [:])
+ test ! -r dir1/my.m4
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror --install --system-acdir ./sys-dir
aclocal-1.16: installing 'dir1/my.m4' from 'sys-dir/my.m4'
+ diff sys-dir/my.m4 dir1/my.m4
+ test ! -e dir2/my.m4
+ /bin/grep -F m4_include([dir1/my.m4]) aclocal.m4
+ /bin/grep -F m4_include([dir2/zap.m4]) aclocal.m4
+ test_end
+ test -z several AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS calls and --install
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir
+ result_ ok -D -- several AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS calls and --install
+ set +x
ok 8 - several AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS calls and --install
PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 8 - several AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS calls and --install
+ test -z
+ test ok = ok
+ rm -rf 8.d
+ r=invalid directive= description=
+ test_begin '-I' option wins over AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS
+ test -n
+ r=ok
+ description='-I' option wins over AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS
+ directive=
+ echo '-I' option wins over AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS
+ shift
+ tcount=9
+ test 9 -gt 0
+ mkdir 9.d
+ cd 9.d
+ cat
+ mkdir dir1 dir2
+ echo AC_DEFUN([MY_FOO], [::ko::ko::])
+ echo AC_DEFUN([MY_FOO], [::ok::ok::])
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror -I dir2
+ /bin/grep -F m4_include([dir2/2.m4]) aclocal.m4
+ not /bin/grep -F m4_include([dir1/1.m4]) aclocal.m4
+ /bin/grep -F m4_include([dir1/1.m4]) aclocal.m4
+ autoconf
+ not /bin/grep -F ::ko::ko:: configure
+ /bin/grep -F ::ko::ko:: configure
+ /bin/grep -F ::ok::ok:: configure
+ test_end
+ test -z '-I' option wins over AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir
+ result_ ok -D -- '-I' option wins over AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS
+ set +x
ok 9 - '-I' option wins over AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS
PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 9 - '-I' option wins over AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS
+ test -z
+ test ok = ok
+ rm -rf 9.d
+ r=invalid directive= description=
+ test_begin AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([foo]) can create directory 'foo'
+ test -n
+ r=ok
+ description=AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([foo]) can create directory 'foo'
+ directive=
+ echo AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([foo]) can create directory 'foo'
+ shift
+ tcount=10
+ test 10 -gt 0
+ mkdir 10.d
+ cd 10.d
+ cat
+ mkdir acdir
+ echo AC_DEFUN([MY_MACRO], [:])
+ test ! -d foo
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror --install --system-acdir ./acdir
aclocal-1.16: installing 'foo/bar.m4' from 'acdir/bar.m4'
+ diff acdir/bar.m4 foo/bar.m4
+ test_end
+ test -z AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([foo]) can create directory 'foo'
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir
+ result_ ok -D -- AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([foo]) can create directory 'foo'
+ set +x
ok 10 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([foo]) can create directory 'foo'
PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 10 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([foo]) can create directory 'foo'
+ test -z
+ test ok = ok
+ rm -rf 10.d
+ r=invalid directive= description=
+ test_begin AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([non-existent]) warns (1)
+ test -n
+ r=ok
+ description=AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([non-existent]) warns (1)
+ directive=
+ echo AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([non-existent]) warns (1)
+ shift
+ tcount=11
+ test 11 -gt 0
+ mkdir 11.d
+ cd 11.d
+ cat
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror -Wno-error
+ cat stderr
aclocal-1.16: warning: couldn't open directory 'non-existent': No such file or directory
+ grep couldn't open directory 'non-existent' stderr
aclocal-1.16: warning: couldn't open directory 'non-existent': No such file or directory
+ test -f aclocal.m4
+ rm -rf aclocal.m4 autom4te.cache
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror -Werror -Wno-unsupported
+ test -f aclocal.m4
+ test_end
+ test -z AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([non-existent]) warns (1)
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir
+ result_ ok -D -- AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([non-existent]) warns (1)
+ set +x
ok 11 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([non-existent]) warns (1)
PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 11 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([non-existent]) warns (1)
+ test -z
+ test ok = ok
+ rm -rf 11.d
+ r=invalid directive= description=
+ test_begin AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([non-existent]) warns (2)
+ test -n
+ r=ok
+ description=AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([non-existent]) warns (2)
+ directive=
+ echo AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([non-existent]) warns (2)
+ shift
+ tcount=12
+ test 12 -gt 0
+ mkdir 12.d
+ cd 12.d
+ cat
+ mkdir dir-ok
+ not aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ cat stderr
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
aclocal-1.16: error: couldn't open directory 'dir-ko': No such file or directory
+ grep couldn't open directory 'dir-ko' stderr
aclocal-1.16: error: couldn't open directory 'dir-ko': No such file or directory
+ not grep dir-ok stderr
+ grep dir-ok stderr
+ test ! -e aclocal.m4
+ test_end
+ test -z AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([non-existent]) warns (2)
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir
+ result_ ok -D -- AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([non-existent]) warns (2)
+ set +x
ok 12 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([non-existent]) warns (2)
PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 12 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([non-existent]) warns (2)
+ test -z
+ test ok = ok
+ rm -rf 12.d
+ r=invalid directive= description=
+ test_begin AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([existent non-existent]) errors out
+ test -n
+ r=ok
+ description=AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([existent non-existent]) errors out
+ directive=
+ echo AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([existent non-existent]) errors out
+ shift
+ tcount=13
+ test 13 -gt 0
+ mkdir 13.d
+ cd 13.d
+ cat
+ mkdir dir-ok
+ not aclocal-1.16 -Werror -Wnone --install
+ cat stderr
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror -Wnone --install
aclocal-1.16: error: couldn't open directory 'dir-ko': No such file or directory
+ grep couldn't open directory 'dir-ko' stderr
aclocal-1.16: error: couldn't open directory 'dir-ko': No such file or directory
+ test ! -e dir-ko
+ test_end
+ test -z AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([existent non-existent]) errors out
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir
+ result_ ok -D -- AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([existent non-existent]) errors out
+ set +x
ok 13 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([existent non-existent]) errors out
PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 13 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([existent non-existent]) errors out
+ test -z
+ test ok = ok
+ rm -rf 13.d
+ r=invalid directive= description=
+ test_begin AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([not-exist]) and ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I not-exist
+ test -n
+ r=ok
+ description=AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([not-exist]) and ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I not-exist
+ directive=
+ echo AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([not-exist]) and ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I not-exist
+ shift
+ tcount=14
+ test 14 -gt 0
+ mkdir 14.d
+ cd 14.d
+ cat
+ cat
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror -Wno-error
+ cat stderr
aclocal-1.16: warning: couldn't open directory 'not-exist': No such file or directory
+ grep -c couldn't open directory 'not-exist' stderr
+ test 1 -eq 1
+ test_end
+ test -z AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([not-exist]) and ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I not-exist
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/aclocal-macrodirs.dir
+ result_ ok -D -- AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([not-exist]) and ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I not-exist
+ set +x
ok 14 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([not-exist]) and ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I not-exist
PASS: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 14 - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS([not-exist]) and ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I not-exist
+ test -z
+ test ok = ok
+ rm -rf 14.d
+ r=invalid directive= description=
+ autoconf -o/dev/null -
/dev/null:1671: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS
If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow.
See the Autoconf documentation.
+ skip_ -r autoconf is too old (AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS not defined)
+ result_ ok -D SKIP -r autoconf is too old (AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS not defined)
+ set +x
ok 15 # SKIP autoconf is too old (AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS not defined)
SKIP: t/aclocal-macrodirs.tap 15 # SKIP autoconf is too old (AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS not defined)
+ :
+ am_exit_trap 0
+ exit_status=0
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test tap = tap
+ test 15 = later
+ test 0 -eq 0
+ test 14 -eq 15
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
XFAIL: t/all
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: none
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ targets=all install-exec install-data uninstall
+ echo all install-exec install-data uninstall:
+ sed -e s/[ :]/-local&/g
+ cat Makefile.am
all-local install-exec-local install-data-local uninstall-local:
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall
+ grep all-local Makefile.in
all-local install-exec-local install-data-local uninstall-local:
+ grep all-am:.*all-local Makefile.in
+ am_exit_trap 1
+ exit_status=1
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test none = tap
+ test 1 -eq 0
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
XFAIL t/all.sh (exit status: 1)
SKIP: t/amhello-cross-compile
amhello-cross-compile: running i586-mingw32msvc-gcc --version
./t/amhello-cross-compile.sh: 993: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc: not found
SKIP t/amhello-cross-compile.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/ar-lib5a
ar-lib5a: running lib -out:defstest.lib
./t/ar-lib5a.sh: 873: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: lib: not found
SKIP t/ar-lib5a.sh (exit status: 77)
PASS: t/auxdir-computed
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: tap
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ plan_ 3
+ test 1 -eq 0
+ test 1 -ge 2
+ test xnone != xnone
+ test x3 = xunknown
+ test x3 = xlater
+ test x3 = xlazy
+ test x3 = xnow
+ test 3 -ge 0
+ planned_=3
+ echo 1..3
+ cat
+ :
+ command_ok_ aclocal aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ tap_directive_= tap_reason_=
+ test 3 -gt 0
+ tap_description_=aclocal
+ shift
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ break
+ tap_result_=ok
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ result_ ok -D -r -- aclocal
+ set +x
ok 1 - aclocal
PASS: t/auxdir-computed.tap 1 - aclocal
+ command_ok_ automake -a -D TODO -r long-standing limitation automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall -a
+ tap_directive_= tap_reason_=
+ test 10 -gt 0
+ tap_description_=automake -a
+ shift
+ test 9 -gt 0
+ tap_directive_=TODO
+ shift
+ shift
+ test 7 -gt 0
+ tap_reason_=long-standing limitation
+ shift
+ shift
+ test 5 -gt 0
+ break
+ tap_result_=ok
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall -a
configure.ac:2: error: required directory ./$foo does not exist
configure.ac:3: error: installing '$foo/install-sh'; error while making link: No such file or directory
configure.ac:3: error: installing '$foo/missing'; error while making link: No such file or directory
+ tap_result_=not ok
+ result_ not ok -D TODO -r long-standing limitation -- automake -a
+ set +x
not ok 2 - automake -a # TODO long-standing limitation
XFAIL: t/auxdir-computed.tap 2 - automake -a # TODO long-standing limitation
+ command_ok_ automake -D TODO -r long-standing limitation automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall
+ tap_directive_= tap_reason_=
+ test 9 -gt 0
+ tap_description_=automake
+ shift
+ test 8 -gt 0
+ tap_directive_=TODO
+ shift
+ shift
+ test 6 -gt 0
+ tap_reason_=long-standing limitation
+ shift
+ shift
+ test 4 -gt 0
+ break
+ tap_result_=ok
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall
configure.ac:2: error: required directory ./$foo does not exist
configure.ac:3: error: required file '$foo/install-sh' not found
configure.ac:3: 'automake --add-missing' can install 'install-sh'
configure.ac:3: error: required file '$foo/missing' not found
configure.ac:3: 'automake --add-missing' can install 'missing'
+ tap_result_=not ok
+ result_ not ok -D TODO -r long-standing limitation -- automake
+ set +x
not ok 3 - automake # TODO long-standing limitation
XFAIL: t/auxdir-computed.tap 3 - automake # TODO long-standing limitation
+ :
+ am_exit_trap 0
+ exit_status=0
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test tap = tap
+ test 3 = later
+ test 0 -eq 0
+ test 1 -eq 3
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
XFAIL: t/auxdir-pr19311
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: none
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ cat
+ :
+ mkdir build-aux
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall -a
configure.ac:2: installing 'build-aux/compile'
configure.ac:4: installing 'build-aux/install-sh'
configure.ac:4: installing 'build-aux/missing'
+ autoconf
+ test -f build-aux/compile
+ test -f build-aux/install-sh
+ ./configure
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
configure: error: cannot find install-sh, install.sh, or shtool in "." "./.." "./../.."
+ am_exit_trap 1
+ exit_status=1
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test none = tap
+ test 1 -eq 0
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
XFAIL t/auxdir-pr19311.sh (exit status: 1)
SKIP: t/compile4
compile4: running cl -?
./t/compile4.sh: 779: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: cl: not found
SKIP t/compile4.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/compile5
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: none
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ get_shell_script compile
+ am_source=compile am_target=compile
+ test ! -f compile
+ rm -f compile
+ test x = xyes
+ cp -f /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/lib/compile compile
+ sed 10q compile
#! /bin/sh
# Wrapper for compilers which do not understand '-c -o'.
scriptversion=2018-03-07.03; # UTC
# Copyright (C) 1999-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Written by Tom Tromey .
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ unset am_target am_source
+ cat
+ chmod +x ./cl
+ cat
+ :
+ cat
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ autoconf
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall -a
configure.ac:4: installing './config.guess'
configure.ac:4: installing './config.sub'
+ ./configure
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking build system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
checking host system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating check_host
+ . ./check_host
+ skip_ target OS is not MinGW
+ warn_ compile5: skipped test: target OS is not MinGW
+ echo compile5: skipped test: target OS is not MinGW
+ _am_exit 77
+ set +e
+ test 77 = 77
+ am__test_skipped=yes
+ exit 77
+ exit 77
+ am_exit_trap 77
+ exit_status=77
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test none = tap
+ test 77 -eq 0
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
SKIP t/compile5.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/compile7
compile7: running icl -?
./t/compile7.sh: 790: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: icl: not found
SKIP t/compile7.sh (exit status: 77)
XFAIL: t/cond17
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: none
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ cat
+ cat
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall -a
Makefile.am: error: object 'foo.$(OBJEXT)' created by 'foo.cc' and 'foo.c'
+ am_exit_trap 1
+ exit_status=1
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test none = tap
+ test 1 -eq 0
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
XFAIL t/cond17.sh (exit status: 1)
PASS: t/cscope
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: tap
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ plan_ 18
+ test 1 -eq 0
+ test 1 -ge 2
+ test xnone != xnone
+ test x18 = xunknown
+ test x18 = xlater
+ test x18 = xlazy
+ test x18 = xnow
+ test 18 -ge 0
+ planned_=18
+ echo 1..18
+ pwd
+ ocwd=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir
+ cat
+ mkdir sub sub/subsub
+ cat
+ cat
+ echo int foo_func () { return 0; }
+ echo int main () { return 0; }
+ cat
+ :
+ echo int main () { return 0; }
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ autoconf
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall -i -a
+ cscope -q --version
./t/cscope.tap: 72: ./t/cscope.tap: cscope: not found
+ have_cscope=no
+ using_gmake
+ make --version -v
+ grep GNU
GNU Make 4.2.1
Licence GPLv3+ : GNU GPL version 3 ou ultérieure
+ am__using_gmake=yes
+ return 0
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir
+ pfx=relative VPATH
+ mkdir build
+ cd build
+ my_configure ..
+ command_ok_ [relative VPATH] configure ../configure EMACS=no --with-lispdir=/who/cares
+ tap_directive_= tap_reason_=
+ test 4 -gt 0
+ tap_description_=[relative VPATH] configure
+ shift
+ test 3 -gt 0
+ break
+ tap_result_=ok
+ ../configure EMACS=no --with-lispdir=/who/cares
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for emacs... no
checking where .elc files should go... /who/cares
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating sub/Makefile
+ result_ ok -D -r -- [relative VPATH] configure
+ set +x
ok 1 - [relative VPATH] configure
PASS: t/cscope.tap 1 - [relative VPATH] configure
+ test_cscope
+ r=ok
+ make -n cscope
rm -f cscope.files
fail=; \
if (target_option=k; case ${target_option-} in ?) ;; *) echo "am__make_running_with_option: internal error: invalid" "target option '${target_option-}' specified" >&2; exit 1;; esac; has_opt=no; sane_makeflags=$MAKEFLAGS; if { if test -z '0'; then false; elif test -n 'x86_64-pc-linux-gnu'; then true; elif test -n '4.2.1' && test -n '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir/build'; then true; else false; fi; }; then sane_makeflags=$MFLAGS; else case $MAKEFLAGS in *\\[\ \ ]*) bs=\\; sane_makeflags=`printf '%s\n' "$MAKEFLAGS" | sed "s/$bs$bs[$bs $bs ]*//g"`;; esac; fi; skip_next=no; strip_trailopt () { flg=`printf '%s\n' "$flg" | sed "s/$1.*$//"`; }; for flg in $sane_makeflags; do test $skip_next = yes && { skip_next=no; continue; }; case $flg in *=*|--*) continue;; -*I) strip_trailopt 'I'; skip_next=yes;; -*I?*) strip_trailopt 'I';; -*O) strip_trailopt 'O'; skip_next=yes;; -*O?*) strip_trailopt 'O';; -*l) strip_trailopt 'l'; skip_next=yes;; -*l?*) strip_trailopt 'l';; -[dEDm]) skip_next=yes;; -[JT]) skip_next=yes;; esac; case $flg in *$target_option*) has_opt=yes; break;; esac; done; test $has_opt = yes); then \
failcom='fail=yes'; \
else \
failcom='exit 1'; \
fi; \
dot_seen=no; \
target=`echo cscopelist-recursive | sed s/-recursive//`; \
case "cscopelist-recursive" in \
distclean-* | maintainer-clean-*) list='sub' ;; \
*) list='sub' ;; \
esac; \
for subdir in $list; do \
echo "Making $target in $subdir"; \
if test "$subdir" = "."; then \
dot_seen=yes; \
local_target="$target-am"; \
else \
local_target="$target"; \
fi; \
(CDPATH="${ZSH_VERSION+.}:" && cd $subdir && make $local_target) \
|| eval $failcom; \
done; \
if test "$dot_seen" = "no"; then \
make "$target-am" || exit 1; \
fi; test -z "$fail"
Making cscopelist in sub
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir/build/sub »
/bin/mkdir -p subsub
echo 'int generated_subsub () { return 0; }' > subsub/gen.c
list=' subsub/dist.c subsub/gen.c '; \
case "../../sub" in \
[\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) sdir="../../sub" ;; \
*) sdir=sub/../../sub ;; \
esac; \
for i in $list; do \
if test -f "$i"; then \
echo "sub/$i"; \
else \
echo "$sdir/$i"; \
fi; \
done >> ../cscope.files
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir/build/sub »
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir/build »
list=' foo.c bar.cpp baz.f90 foo.el'; \
case ".." in \
[\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) sdir=".." ;; \
*) sdir=./.. ;; \
esac; \
for i in $list; do \
if test -f "$i"; then \
echo "./$i"; \
else \
echo "$sdir/$i"; \
fi; \
done >> ./cscope.files
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir/build »
test ! -s cscope.files \
|| cscope -b -q -i cscope.files
+ result_ ok [relative VPATH] make -n cscope
+ set +x
ok 2 - [relative VPATH] make -n cscope
PASS: t/cscope.tap 2 - [relative VPATH] make -n cscope
+ test no = no
+ touch cscope.files cscope.out cscope.in.out cscope.po.out
+ skip_row_ 3 -r no proper cscope program available
+ skip_count_=3
+ shift
+ seq_ 3
+ seq_first=1 seq_incr=1 seq_last=3
+ i=1
+ test 1 -le 3
+ echo 1
+ i=2
+ test 2 -le 3
+ echo 2
+ i=3
+ test 3 -le 3
+ echo 3
+ i=4
+ test 4 -le 3
+ skip_ -r no proper cscope program available
+ result_ ok -D SKIP -r no proper cscope program available
+ set +x
ok 3 # SKIP no proper cscope program available
SKIP: t/cscope.tap 3 # SKIP no proper cscope program available
+ skip_ -r no proper cscope program available
+ result_ ok -D SKIP -r no proper cscope program available
+ set +x
ok 4 # SKIP no proper cscope program available
SKIP: t/cscope.tap 4 # SKIP no proper cscope program available
+ skip_ -r no proper cscope program available
+ result_ ok -D SKIP -r no proper cscope program available
+ set +x
ok 5 # SKIP no proper cscope program available
SKIP: t/cscope.tap 5 # SKIP no proper cscope program available
+ return 0
+ test_cleanup
+ r=ok
+ test -f configure
+ make distcleancheck
Making distclean in sub
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir/build/sub »
test -z "bar" || rm -f bar
test -z "subsub/gen.c" || rm -f subsub/gen.c
rm -f *.
rm -f subsub/*.
rm -f *.tab.c
test -z "" || rm -f
test . = "../../sub" || test -z "" || rm -f
rm -f subsub/.dirstamp
rm -f Makefile
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir/build/sub »
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir/build »
test -z "foo" || rm -f foo
rm -f foo.elc
rm -f *.
rm -f *.tab.c
test -z "" || rm -f
test . = ".." || test -z "" || rm -f
rm -f cscope.out cscope.in.out cscope.po.out cscope.files
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir/build »
rm -f config.status config.cache config.log configure.lineno config.status.lineno
rm -f Makefile
+ test ! -e cscope.files
+ test ! -e cscope.out
+ test ! -e cscope.in.out
+ test ! -e cscope.po.out
+ result_ ok [relative VPATH] make distcheck
+ set +x
ok 6 - [relative VPATH] make distcheck
PASS: t/cscope.tap 6 - [relative VPATH] make distcheck
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir
+ pfx=absolute VPATH
+ mkdir build2
+ cd build2
+ my_configure /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir
+ command_ok_ [absolute VPATH] configure /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir/configure EMACS=no --with-lispdir=/who/cares
+ tap_directive_= tap_reason_=
+ test 4 -gt 0
+ tap_description_=[absolute VPATH] configure
+ shift
+ test 3 -gt 0
+ break
+ tap_result_=ok
+ /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir/configure EMACS=no --with-lispdir=/who/cares
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for emacs... no
checking where .elc files should go... /who/cares
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating sub/Makefile
+ result_ ok -D -r -- [absolute VPATH] configure
+ set +x
ok 7 - [absolute VPATH] configure
PASS: t/cscope.tap 7 - [absolute VPATH] configure
+ test_cscope
+ r=ok
+ make -n cscope
rm -f cscope.files
fail=; \
if (target_option=k; case ${target_option-} in ?) ;; *) echo "am__make_running_with_option: internal error: invalid" "target option '${target_option-}' specified" >&2; exit 1;; esac; has_opt=no; sane_makeflags=$MAKEFLAGS; if { if test -z '0'; then false; elif test -n 'x86_64-pc-linux-gnu'; then true; elif test -n '4.2.1' && test -n '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir/build2'; then true; else false; fi; }; then sane_makeflags=$MFLAGS; else case $MAKEFLAGS in *\\[\ \ ]*) bs=\\; sane_makeflags=`printf '%s\n' "$MAKEFLAGS" | sed "s/$bs$bs[$bs $bs ]*//g"`;; esac; fi; skip_next=no; strip_trailopt () { flg=`printf '%s\n' "$flg" | sed "s/$1.*$//"`; }; for flg in $sane_makeflags; do test $skip_next = yes && { skip_next=no; continue; }; case $flg in *=*|--*) continue;; -*I) strip_trailopt 'I'; skip_next=yes;; -*I?*) strip_trailopt 'I';; -*O) strip_trailopt 'O'; skip_next=yes;; -*O?*) strip_trailopt 'O';; -*l) strip_trailopt 'l'; skip_next=yes;; -*l?*) strip_trailopt 'l';; -[dEDm]) skip_next=yes;; -[JT]) skip_next=yes;; esac; case $flg in *$target_option*) has_opt=yes; break;; esac; done; test $has_opt = yes); then \
failcom='fail=yes'; \
else \
failcom='exit 1'; \
fi; \
dot_seen=no; \
target=`echo cscopelist-recursive | sed s/-recursive//`; \
case "cscopelist-recursive" in \
distclean-* | maintainer-clean-*) list='sub' ;; \
*) list='sub' ;; \
esac; \
for subdir in $list; do \
echo "Making $target in $subdir"; \
if test "$subdir" = "."; then \
dot_seen=yes; \
local_target="$target-am"; \
else \
local_target="$target"; \
fi; \
(CDPATH="${ZSH_VERSION+.}:" && cd $subdir && make $local_target) \
|| eval $failcom; \
done; \
if test "$dot_seen" = "no"; then \
make "$target-am" || exit 1; \
fi; test -z "$fail"
Making cscopelist in sub
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir/build2/sub »
/bin/mkdir -p subsub
echo 'int generated_subsub () { return 0; }' > subsub/gen.c
list=' subsub/dist.c subsub/gen.c '; \
case "/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir/sub" in \
[\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) sdir="/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir/sub" ;; \
*) sdir=sub//home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir/sub ;; \
esac; \
for i in $list; do \
if test -f "$i"; then \
echo "sub/$i"; \
else \
echo "$sdir/$i"; \
fi; \
done >> ../cscope.files
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir/build2/sub »
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir/build2 »
list=' foo.c bar.cpp baz.f90 foo.el'; \
case "/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir" in \
[\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) sdir="/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir" ;; \
*) sdir=.//home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir ;; \
esac; \
for i in $list; do \
if test -f "$i"; then \
echo "./$i"; \
else \
echo "$sdir/$i"; \
fi; \
done >> ./cscope.files
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir/build2 »
test ! -s cscope.files \
|| cscope -b -q -i cscope.files
+ result_ ok [absolute VPATH] make -n cscope
+ set +x
ok 8 - [absolute VPATH] make -n cscope
PASS: t/cscope.tap 8 - [absolute VPATH] make -n cscope
+ test no = no
+ touch cscope.files cscope.out cscope.in.out cscope.po.out
+ skip_row_ 3 -r no proper cscope program available
+ skip_count_=3
+ shift
+ seq_ 3
+ seq_first=1 seq_incr=1 seq_last=3
+ i=1
+ test 1 -le 3
+ echo 1
+ i=2
+ test 2 -le 3
+ echo 2
+ i=3
+ test 3 -le 3
+ echo 3
+ i=4
+ test 4 -le 3
+ skip_ -r no proper cscope program available
+ result_ ok -D SKIP -r no proper cscope program available
+ set +x
ok 9 # SKIP no proper cscope program available
SKIP: t/cscope.tap 9 # SKIP no proper cscope program available
+ skip_ -r no proper cscope program available
+ result_ ok -D SKIP -r no proper cscope program available
+ set +x
ok 10 # SKIP no proper cscope program available
SKIP: t/cscope.tap 10 # SKIP no proper cscope program available
+ skip_ -r no proper cscope program available
+ result_ ok -D SKIP -r no proper cscope program available
+ set +x
ok 11 # SKIP no proper cscope program available
SKIP: t/cscope.tap 11 # SKIP no proper cscope program available
+ return 0
+ test_cleanup
+ r=ok
+ test -f configure
+ make distcleancheck
Making distclean in sub
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir/build2/sub »
test -z "bar" || rm -f bar
test -z "subsub/gen.c" || rm -f subsub/gen.c
rm -f *.
rm -f subsub/*.
rm -f *.tab.c
test -z "" || rm -f
test . = "/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir/sub" || test -z "" || rm -f
rm -f subsub/.dirstamp
rm -f Makefile
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir/build2/sub »
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir/build2 »
test -z "foo" || rm -f foo
rm -f foo.elc
rm -f *.
rm -f *.tab.c
test -z "" || rm -f
test . = "/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir" || test -z "" || rm -f
rm -f cscope.out cscope.in.out cscope.po.out cscope.files
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir/build2 »
rm -f config.status config.cache config.log configure.lineno config.status.lineno
rm -f Makefile
+ test ! -e cscope.files
+ test ! -e cscope.out
+ test ! -e cscope.in.out
+ test ! -e cscope.po.out
+ result_ ok [absolute VPATH] make distcheck
+ set +x
ok 12 - [absolute VPATH] make distcheck
PASS: t/cscope.tap 12 - [absolute VPATH] make distcheck
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir
+ pfx=in-tree build
+ my_configure .
+ command_ok_ [in-tree build] configure ./configure EMACS=no --with-lispdir=/who/cares
+ tap_directive_= tap_reason_=
+ test 4 -gt 0
+ tap_description_=[in-tree build] configure
+ shift
+ test 3 -gt 0
+ break
+ tap_result_=ok
+ ./configure EMACS=no --with-lispdir=/who/cares
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for emacs... no
checking where .elc files should go... /who/cares
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating sub/Makefile
+ result_ ok -D -r -- [in-tree build] configure
+ set +x
ok 13 - [in-tree build] configure
PASS: t/cscope.tap 13 - [in-tree build] configure
+ test_cscope
+ r=ok
+ make -n cscope
rm -f cscope.files
fail=; \
if (target_option=k; case ${target_option-} in ?) ;; *) echo "am__make_running_with_option: internal error: invalid" "target option '${target_option-}' specified" >&2; exit 1;; esac; has_opt=no; sane_makeflags=$MAKEFLAGS; if { if test -z '0'; then false; elif test -n 'x86_64-pc-linux-gnu'; then true; elif test -n '4.2.1' && test -n '/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir'; then true; else false; fi; }; then sane_makeflags=$MFLAGS; else case $MAKEFLAGS in *\\[\ \ ]*) bs=\\; sane_makeflags=`printf '%s\n' "$MAKEFLAGS" | sed "s/$bs$bs[$bs $bs ]*//g"`;; esac; fi; skip_next=no; strip_trailopt () { flg=`printf '%s\n' "$flg" | sed "s/$1.*$//"`; }; for flg in $sane_makeflags; do test $skip_next = yes && { skip_next=no; continue; }; case $flg in *=*|--*) continue;; -*I) strip_trailopt 'I'; skip_next=yes;; -*I?*) strip_trailopt 'I';; -*O) strip_trailopt 'O'; skip_next=yes;; -*O?*) strip_trailopt 'O';; -*l) strip_trailopt 'l'; skip_next=yes;; -*l?*) strip_trailopt 'l';; -[dEDm]) skip_next=yes;; -[JT]) skip_next=yes;; esac; case $flg in *$target_option*) has_opt=yes; break;; esac; done; test $has_opt = yes); then \
failcom='fail=yes'; \
else \
failcom='exit 1'; \
fi; \
dot_seen=no; \
target=`echo cscopelist-recursive | sed s/-recursive//`; \
case "cscopelist-recursive" in \
distclean-* | maintainer-clean-*) list='sub' ;; \
*) list='sub' ;; \
esac; \
for subdir in $list; do \
echo "Making $target in $subdir"; \
if test "$subdir" = "."; then \
dot_seen=yes; \
local_target="$target-am"; \
else \
local_target="$target"; \
fi; \
(CDPATH="${ZSH_VERSION+.}:" && cd $subdir && make $local_target) \
|| eval $failcom; \
done; \
if test "$dot_seen" = "no"; then \
make "$target-am" || exit 1; \
fi; test -z "$fail"
Making cscopelist in sub
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir/sub »
/bin/mkdir -p subsub
echo 'int generated_subsub () { return 0; }' > subsub/gen.c
list=' subsub/dist.c subsub/gen.c '; \
case "." in \
[\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) sdir="." ;; \
*) sdir=sub/. ;; \
esac; \
for i in $list; do \
if test -f "$i"; then \
echo "sub/$i"; \
else \
echo "$sdir/$i"; \
fi; \
done >> ../cscope.files
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir/sub »
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir »
list=' foo.c bar.cpp baz.f90 foo.el'; \
case "." in \
[\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) sdir="." ;; \
*) sdir=./. ;; \
esac; \
for i in $list; do \
if test -f "$i"; then \
echo "./$i"; \
else \
echo "$sdir/$i"; \
fi; \
done >> ./cscope.files
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir »
test ! -s cscope.files \
|| cscope -b -q -i cscope.files
+ result_ ok [in-tree build] make -n cscope
+ set +x
ok 14 - [in-tree build] make -n cscope
PASS: t/cscope.tap 14 - [in-tree build] make -n cscope
+ test no = no
+ touch cscope.files cscope.out cscope.in.out cscope.po.out
+ skip_row_ 3 -r no proper cscope program available
+ skip_count_=3
+ shift
+ seq_ 3
+ seq_first=1 seq_incr=1 seq_last=3
+ i=1
+ test 1 -le 3
+ echo 1
+ i=2
+ test 2 -le 3
+ echo 2
+ i=3
+ test 3 -le 3
+ echo 3
+ i=4
+ test 4 -le 3
+ skip_ -r no proper cscope program available
+ result_ ok -D SKIP -r no proper cscope program available
+ set +x
ok 15 # SKIP no proper cscope program available
SKIP: t/cscope.tap 15 # SKIP no proper cscope program available
+ skip_ -r no proper cscope program available
+ result_ ok -D SKIP -r no proper cscope program available
+ set +x
ok 16 # SKIP no proper cscope program available
SKIP: t/cscope.tap 16 # SKIP no proper cscope program available
+ skip_ -r no proper cscope program available
+ result_ ok -D SKIP -r no proper cscope program available
+ set +x
ok 17 # SKIP no proper cscope program available
SKIP: t/cscope.tap 17 # SKIP no proper cscope program available
+ return 0
+ test_cleanup
+ r=ok
+ test -f configure
+ make distclean
Making distclean in sub
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir/sub »
test -z "bar" || rm -f bar
test -z "subsub/gen.c" || rm -f subsub/gen.c
rm -f *.
rm -f subsub/*.
rm -f *.tab.c
test -z "" || rm -f
test . = "." || test -z "" || rm -f
rm -f subsub/.dirstamp
rm -f Makefile
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir/sub »
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir »
test -z "foo" || rm -f foo
rm -f foo.elc
rm -f *.
rm -f *.tab.c
test -z "" || rm -f
test . = "." || test -z "" || rm -f
rm -f cscope.out cscope.in.out cscope.po.out cscope.files
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/cscope.dir »
rm -f config.status config.cache config.log configure.lineno config.status.lineno
rm -f Makefile
+ test ! -e cscope.files
+ test ! -e cscope.out
+ test ! -e cscope.in.out
+ test ! -e cscope.po.out
+ result_ ok [in-tree build] make distcheck
+ set +x
ok 18 - [in-tree build] make distcheck
PASS: t/cscope.tap 18 - [in-tree build] make distcheck
+ :
+ am_exit_trap 0
+ exit_status=0
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test tap = tap
+ test 18 = later
+ test 0 -eq 0
+ test 9 -eq 18
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
SKIP: t/cscope3
cscope3: running cscope --version
./t/cscope3.sh: 993: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: cscope: not found
SKIP t/cscope3.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/dist-tarZ
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: none
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ echo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ echo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ echo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ echo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ echo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ echo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ echo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ echo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ compress -c
./t/dist-tarZ.sh: 31: ./t/dist-tarZ.sh: compress: not found
+ skip_ cannot find a working 'compress' program
+ warn_ dist-tarZ: skipped test: cannot find a working 'compress' program
+ echo dist-tarZ: skipped test: cannot find a working 'compress' program
+ _am_exit 77
+ set +e
+ test 77 = 77
+ am__test_skipped=yes
+ exit 77
+ exit 77
+ am_exit_trap 77
+ exit_status=77
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test none = tap
+ test 77 -eq 0
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
SKIP t/dist-tarZ.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/dist-shar
dist-shar: running shar --version
./t/dist-shar.sh: 993: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: shar: not found
SKIP t/dist-shar.sh (exit status: 77)
XFAIL: t/dist-pr109765
dist-pr109765: running bzip2 --help
bzip2, a block-sorting file compressor. Version 1.0.8, 13-Jul-2019.
usage: bzip2 [flags and input files in any order]
-h --help print this message
-d --decompress force decompression
-z --compress force compression
-k --keep keep (don't delete) input files
-f --force overwrite existing output files
-t --test test compressed file integrity
-c --stdout output to standard out
-q --quiet suppress noncritical error messages
-v --verbose be verbose (a 2nd -v gives more)
-L --license display software version & license
-V --version display software version & license
-s --small use less memory (at most 2500k)
-1 .. -9 set block size to 100k .. 900k
--fast alias for -1
--best alias for -9
If invoked as `bzip2', default action is to compress.
as `bunzip2', default action is to decompress.
as `bzcat', default action is to decompress to stdout.
If no file names are given, bzip2 compresses or decompresses
from standard input to standard output. You can combine
short flags, so `-v -4' means the same as -v4 or -4v, &c.
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: none
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ echo AC_OUTPUT
+ :
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ autoconf
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall
+ ./configure
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
+ make dist-gzip dist-bzip2
make distdir-am
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/dist-pr109765.dir »
if test -d "dist-pr109765-1.0"; then find "dist-pr109765-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "dist-pr109765-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "dist-pr109765-1.0"; }; else :; fi
test -d "dist-pr109765-1.0" || mkdir "dist-pr109765-1.0"
test -n "" \
|| find "dist-pr109765-1.0" -type d ! -perm -755 \
-exec chmod u+rwx,go+rx {} \; -o \
! -type d ! -perm -444 -links 1 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \
! -type d ! -perm -400 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \
! -type d ! -perm -444 -exec /bin/bash /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/dist-pr109765.dir/install-sh -c -m a+r {} {} \; \
|| chmod -R a+r "dist-pr109765-1.0"
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/dist-pr109765.dir »
tardir=dist-pr109765-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | eval GZIP= gzip --best -c >dist-pr109765-1.0.tar.gz
if test -d "dist-pr109765-1.0"; then find "dist-pr109765-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "dist-pr109765-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "dist-pr109765-1.0"; }; else :; fi
tardir=dist-pr109765-1.0 && ${TAR-tar} chof - "$tardir" | BZIP2=${BZIP2--9} bzip2 -c >dist-pr109765-1.0.tar.bz2
tar: dist-pr109765-1.0 : stat impossible: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
tar: Arrêt avec code d'échec à cause des erreurs précédentes
if test -d "dist-pr109765-1.0"; then find "dist-pr109765-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "dist-pr109765-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "dist-pr109765-1.0"; }; else :; fi
+ gzip -dc dist-pr109765-1.0.tar.gz
+ tar tf -
+ cat one
+ bzip2 -dc dist-pr109765-1.0.tar.gz
+ tar tf -
bzip2: dist-pr109765-1.0.tar.gz is not a bzip2 file.
tar: Ceci ne ressemble pas à une archive de type « tar »
tar: Arrêt avec code d'échec à cause des erreurs précédentes
+ cat two
+ _am_exit 1
+ set +e
+ test 77 = 1
+ exit 1
+ exit 1
+ am_exit_trap 1
+ exit_status=1
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test none = tap
+ test 1 -eq 0
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
XFAIL t/dist-pr109765.sh (exit status: 1)
SKIP: t/distcheck-pr10470
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: none
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ mkdir foo.d
+ sleep 1
+ sh -c cd foo.d && sleep '4'
+ rm -rf foo.d
+ skip_ system is able to remove "in use" directories
+ warn_ distcheck-pr10470: skipped test: system is able to remove "in use" directories
+ echo distcheck-pr10470: skipped test: system is able to remove "in use" directories
+ _am_exit 77
+ set +e
+ test 77 = 77
+ am__test_skipped=yes
+ exit 77
+ exit 77
+ am_exit_trap 77
+ exit_status=77
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test none = tap
+ test 77 -eq 0
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
SKIP t/distcheck-pr10470.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/fort2
SKIP t/fort2.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/fort4
SKIP t/fort4.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/fort5
fort5: running libtoolize --version
libtoolize (GNU libtool) 2.4.6
Written by Gary V. Vaughan , 2003
Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
SKIP t/fort5.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/gcj4
SKIP t/gcj4.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/gcj6
SKIP t/gcj6.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/gettext-basics
gettext-basics: running gettext --version
gettext (GNU gettext-runtime) 0.20.2
Copyright (C) 1995-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Ãcrit par Ulrich Drepper.
SKIP t/gettext-basics.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/gettext-config-rpath
gettext-config-rpath: running gettext --version
gettext (GNU gettext-runtime) 0.20.2
Copyright (C) 1995-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Ãcrit par Ulrich Drepper.
SKIP t/gettext-config-rpath.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/gettext-external-pr338
gettext-external-pr338: running gettext --version
gettext (GNU gettext-runtime) 0.20.2
Copyright (C) 1995-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Ãcrit par Ulrich Drepper.
SKIP t/gettext-external-pr338.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/gettext-intl-subdir
gettext-intl-subdir: running gettext --version
gettext (GNU gettext-runtime) 0.20.2
Copyright (C) 1995-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Ãcrit par Ulrich Drepper.
SKIP t/gettext-intl-subdir.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/gettext-pr381
gettext-pr381: running gettext --version
gettext (GNU gettext-runtime) 0.20.2
Copyright (C) 1995-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Ãcrit par Ulrich Drepper.
SKIP t/gettext-pr381.sh (exit status: 77)
XFAIL: t/instdir-cond2
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: none
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ cat
+ :
+ :
+ cat
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall
+ autoconf
+ pwd
+ ./configure --prefix=/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instdir-cond2.dir/inst
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
+ make installdirs
for dir in "/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instdir-cond2.dir/inst/libexec/instdir-cond2" "/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/instdir-cond2.dir/inst/share/instdir-cond2"; do \
test -z "$dir" || /bin/mkdir -p "$dir"; \
+ test ! -e inst
+ find inst
+ _am_exit 1
+ set +e
+ test 77 = 1
+ exit 1
+ exit 1
+ am_exit_trap 1
+ exit_status=1
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test none = tap
+ test 1 -eq 0
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
XFAIL t/instdir-cond2.sh (exit status: 1)
SKIP: t/instdir-java
instdir-java: running javac -version -help
./t/instdir-java.sh: 861: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: javac: not found
SKIP t/instdir-java.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/instdir-lisp
instdir-lisp: running emacs --version
./t/instdir-lisp.sh: 993: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: emacs: not found
SKIP t/instdir-lisp.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/instfail-java
instfail-java: running javac -version -help
./t/instfail-java.sh: 861: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: javac: not found
SKIP t/instfail-java.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/java
java: running javac -version -help
./t/java.sh: 861: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: javac: not found
SKIP t/java.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/java-check
java-check: running javac -version -help
./t/java-check.sh: 861: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: javac: not found
SKIP t/java-check.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/java-clean
java-clean: running javac -version -help
./t/java-clean.sh: 861: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: javac: not found
SKIP t/java-clean.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/java-compile-install
java-compile-install: running javac -version -help
./t/java-compile-install.sh: 861: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: javac: not found
SKIP t/java-compile-install.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/java-compile-run-flat
java-compile-run-flat: running java -version -help
openjdk version "1.8.0_252"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_252-8u252-b09-1~deb9u1-b09)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.252-b09, mixed mode)
java-compile-run-flat: running javac -version -help
./t/java-compile-run-flat.sh: 861: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: javac: not found
SKIP t/java-compile-run-flat.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/java-compile-run-nested
java-compile-run-nested: running java -version -help
openjdk version "1.8.0_252"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_252-8u252-b09-1~deb9u1-b09)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.252-b09, mixed mode)
java-compile-run-nested: running javac -version -help
./t/java-compile-run-nested.sh: 861: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: javac: not found
SKIP t/java-compile-run-nested.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/java-empty-classpath
java-empty-classpath: running javac -version -help
./t/java-empty-classpath.sh: 861: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: javac: not found
SKIP t/java-empty-classpath.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/java-extra
java-extra: running javac -version -help
./t/java-extra.sh: 861: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: javac: not found
SKIP t/java-extra.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/java-nobase
java-nobase: running javac -version -help
./t/java-nobase.sh: 861: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: javac: not found
SKIP t/java-nobase.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/java-noinst
java-noinst: running javac -version -help
./t/java-noinst.sh: 861: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: javac: not found
SKIP t/java-noinst.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/java-rebuild
java-rebuild: running javac -version -help
./t/java-rebuild.sh: 861: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: javac: not found
SKIP t/java-rebuild.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/java-uninstall
java-uninstall: running javac -version -help
./t/java-uninstall.sh: 861: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: javac: not found
SKIP t/java-uninstall.sh (exit status: 77)
XFAIL: t/lex-subobj-nodep
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: none
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ cat
+ cat
+ mkdir sub1 sub2
+ cat
+ cp sub1/s1.l sub2/s2.l
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ autoconf
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall -a
configure.ac: installing './ylwrap'
+ mkdir build
+ cd build
+ ../configure --disable-dependency-tracking
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... none
checking for flex... lex
checking lex output file root... lex.yy
checking lex library... -lfl
checking whether yytext is a pointer... yes
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
+ make sub1/s1.c
/bin/bash ../ylwrap ../sub1/s1.l lex.yy.c sub1/s1.c -- lex
../ylwrap: ligne 206: ../sub1/s1.c: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
make: *** [Makefile:440: sub1/s1.c] Error 1
+ am_exit_trap 2
+ exit_status=2
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test none = tap
+ test 2 -eq 0
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
XFAIL t/lex-subobj-nodep.sh (exit status: 2)
SKIP: t/lisp3
lisp3: running emacs --version
./t/lisp3.sh: 993: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: emacs: not found
SKIP t/lisp3.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/lisp4
lisp4: running emacs --version
./t/lisp4.sh: 993: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: emacs: not found
SKIP t/lisp4.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/lisp5
lisp5: running emacs --version
./t/lisp5.sh: 993: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: emacs: not found
SKIP t/lisp5.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/lisp6
lisp6: running emacs --version
./t/lisp6.sh: 993: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: emacs: not found
SKIP t/lisp6.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/lisp8
lisp8: determine whether make is GNU make
GNU Make 4.2.1
Licence GPLv3+ : GNU GPL version 3 ou ultérieure
lisp8: running emacs --version
./t/lisp8.sh: 993: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: emacs: not found
SKIP t/lisp8.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/lisp-readonly-srcdir
lisp-readonly-srcdir: running emacs --version
./t/lisp-readonly-srcdir.sh: 993: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: emacs: not found
SKIP t/lisp-readonly-srcdir.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/lisp-loadpath
lisp-loadpath: running emacs --version
./t/lisp-loadpath.sh: 993: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: emacs: not found
SKIP t/lisp-loadpath.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/lisp-subdir
lisp-subdir: running emacs --version
./t/lisp-subdir.sh: 993: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: emacs: not found
SKIP t/lisp-subdir.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/lisp-subdir2
lisp-subdir2: running emacs --version
./t/lisp-subdir2.sh: 993: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: emacs: not found
SKIP t/lisp-subdir2.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/lisp-subdir-mix
lisp-subdir-mix: running emacs --version
./t/lisp-subdir-mix.sh: 993: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: emacs: not found
SKIP t/lisp-subdir-mix.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/lispdry
lispdry: running emacs --version
./t/lispdry.sh: 993: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: emacs: not found
SKIP t/lispdry.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/lisp-pr11806
lisp-pr11806: running emacs --version
./t/lisp-pr11806.sh: 993: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: emacs: not found
SKIP t/lisp-pr11806.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/man6
man6: running help2man --version
./t/man6.sh: 993: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: help2man: not found
SKIP t/man6.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/objc-minidemo
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: none
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ cat
+ cat
+ cat
+ cat
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ : We have a modern enough autoconf, go ahead.
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ autoconf
+ autoheader
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall --add-missing
parallel-tests: installing './test-driver'
+ ./configure
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the Objective C compiler works... no
configure: error: in `/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/objc-minidemo.dir':
configure: error: Objective C compiler cannot create executables
See `config.log' for more details
+ am_exit_trap 77
+ exit_status=77
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test none = tap
+ test 77 -eq 0
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
SKIP t/objc-minidemo.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/objc-flags
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: none
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ cat
+ cat
+ unindent
+ test x = x
+ printf %s\n
/^$/b # Nothing to do for empty lines.
x # Get x into pattern space.
/^$/{ # No prior x, go prepare it.
g # Copy this 1st non-blank line into pattern space.
s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ # Prepare x in pattern space.
} # Now: x in pattern and in hold.
G # Build x\n in pattern space, and
h # duplicate it into hold space.
s/\n.*$// # Restore x in pattern space, and
x # exchange with the above duplicate in hold space.
s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// # Remove leading from .
s/^x.*\n// # Restore when there is no leading .
+ sed -e s/ *# .*//
+ sed_unindent_prog=
s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/
+ sed
s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/
+ unindent
+ test x
s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/
s/^x.*\n// = x
+ sed
s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ autoconf
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall -a
+ /bin/grep -F OBJCFLAGS Makefile.in
@am__fastdepOBJC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_OBJC)$(OBJC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(foo4_OBJCFLAGS) $(OBJCFLAGS) -MT foo4-foo4.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/foo4-foo4.Tpo -c -o foo4-foo4.o `test -f 'foo4.m' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`foo4.m
@am__fastdepOBJC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_OBJC@am__nodep@)$(OBJC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(foo4_OBJCFLAGS) $(OBJCFLAGS) -c -o foo4-foo4.o `test -f 'foo4.m' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`foo4.m
@am__fastdepOBJC_TRUE@ $(AM_V_OBJC)$(OBJC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(foo4_OBJCFLAGS) $(OBJCFLAGS) -MT foo4-foo4.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/foo4-foo4.Tpo -c -o foo4-foo4.obj `if test -f 'foo4.m'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'foo4.m'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/foo4.m'; fi`
@am__fastdepOBJC_FALSE@ $(AM_V_OBJC@am__nodep@)$(OBJC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(foo4_OBJCFLAGS) $(OBJCFLAGS) -c -o foo4-foo4.obj `if test -f 'foo4.m'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'foo4.m'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/foo4.m'; fi`
+ grep \$(OBJCFLAGS).*\$(AM_OBJCFLAGS) Makefile.in
+ grep \$(OBJCFLAGS).*\$(foo.*_OBJCFLAGS) Makefile.in
+ grep \$(foo.*_OBJCFLAGS).*\$(AM_OBJCFLAGS) Makefile.in
+ ./configure OBJCFLAGS=-UERROR
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the Objective C compiler works... no
configure: error: in `/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/objc-flags.dir':
configure: error: Objective C compiler cannot create executables
See `config.log' for more details
+ am_exit_trap 77
+ exit_status=77
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test none = tap
+ test 77 -eq 0
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
SKIP t/objc-flags.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/objc-deps
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: none
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ cat
+ cat
+ cat
+ cat
+ cat
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ autoconf
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall --add-missing
+ ./configure --enable-dependency-tracking
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the Objective C compiler works... no
configure: error: in `/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/objc-deps.dir':
configure: error: Objective C compiler cannot create executables
See `config.log' for more details
+ am_exit_trap 77
+ exit_status=77
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test none = tap
+ test 77 -eq 0
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
SKIP t/objc-deps.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/objcxx-minidemo
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: none
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ cat
+ cat
+ cat
+ cat
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ autoconf
+ autoheader
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall --add-missing
parallel-tests: installing './test-driver'
+ ./configure
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for g++... g++
checking whether the Objective C++ compiler works... no
configure: error: in `/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/objcxx-minidemo.dir':
configure: error: Objective C++ compiler cannot create executables
See `config.log' for more details
+ am_exit_trap 77
+ exit_status=77
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test none = tap
+ test 77 -eq 0
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
SKIP t/objcxx-minidemo.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/objcxx-flags
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: none
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ cat
+ cat
+ unindent
+ test x = x
+ printf %s\n
/^$/b # Nothing to do for empty lines.
x # Get x into pattern space.
/^$/{ # No prior x, go prepare it.
g # Copy this 1st non-blank line into pattern space.
s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/ # Prepare x in pattern space.
} # Now: x in pattern and in hold.
G # Build x\n in pattern space, and
h # duplicate it into hold space.
s/\n.*$// # Restore x in pattern space, and
x # exchange with the above duplicate in hold space.
s/^x\(.*\)\n\1// # Remove leading from .
s/^x.*\n// # Restore when there is no leading .
+ sed -e s/ *# .*//
+ sed_unindent_prog=
s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/
+ sed
s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/
+ unindent
+ test x
s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/
s/^x.*\n// = x
+ sed
s/^\([ ]*\).*/x\1/
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ autoconf
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall -a
+ /bin/grep -F OBJCXXFLAGS Makefile.in
@am__fastdepOBJCXX_TRUE@ $(AM_V_OBJCXX)$(OBJCXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(foo4_OBJCXXFLAGS) $(OBJCXXFLAGS) -MT foo4-foo4.o -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/foo4-foo4.Tpo -c -o foo4-foo4.o `test -f 'foo4.mm' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`foo4.mm
@am__fastdepOBJCXX_FALSE@ $(AM_V_OBJCXX@am__nodep@)$(OBJCXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(foo4_OBJCXXFLAGS) $(OBJCXXFLAGS) -c -o foo4-foo4.o `test -f 'foo4.mm' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`foo4.mm
@am__fastdepOBJCXX_TRUE@ $(AM_V_OBJCXX)$(OBJCXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(foo4_OBJCXXFLAGS) $(OBJCXXFLAGS) -MT foo4-foo4.obj -MD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/foo4-foo4.Tpo -c -o foo4-foo4.obj `if test -f 'foo4.mm'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'foo4.mm'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/foo4.mm'; fi`
@am__fastdepOBJCXX_FALSE@ $(AM_V_OBJCXX@am__nodep@)$(OBJCXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(foo4_OBJCXXFLAGS) $(OBJCXXFLAGS) -c -o foo4-foo4.obj `if test -f 'foo4.mm'; then $(CYGPATH_W) 'foo4.mm'; else $(CYGPATH_W) '$(srcdir)/foo4.mm'; fi`
+ grep \$(OBJCXXFLAGS).*\$(AM_OBJCXXFLAGS) Makefile.in
+ grep \$(OBJCXXFLAGS).*\$(foo.*_OBJCXXFLAGS) Makefile.in
+ grep \$(foo.*_OBJCXXFLAGS).*\$(AM_OBJCXXFLAGS) Makefile.in
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for g++... g++
checking whether the Objective C++ compiler works... no
configure: error: in `/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/objcxx-flags.dir':
configure: error: Objective C++ compiler cannot create executables
See `config.log' for more details
+ am_exit_trap 77
+ exit_status=77
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test none = tap
+ test 77 -eq 0
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
SKIP t/objcxx-flags.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/objcxx-deps
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: none
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ cat
+ cat
+ cat
+ cat
+ cat
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ autoconf
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall --add-missing
+ ./configure --enable-dependency-tracking
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for g++... g++
checking whether the Objective C++ compiler works... no
configure: error: in `/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/objcxx-deps.dir':
configure: error: Objective C++ compiler cannot create executables
See `config.log' for more details
+ am_exit_trap 77
+ exit_status=77
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test none = tap
+ test 77 -eq 0
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
SKIP t/objcxx-deps.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/objc-megademo
objc-megademo: running libtoolize --version
libtoolize (GNU libtool) 2.4.6
Written by Gary V. Vaughan , 2003
Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: none
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ cat
+ cat
+ libtoolize
libtoolize: putting auxiliary files in AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR, 'build-aux'.
libtoolize: linking file 'build-aux/ltmain.sh'
libtoolize: putting macros in AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS, 'm4'.
libtoolize: linking file 'm4/libtool.m4'
libtoolize: linking file 'm4/ltoptions.m4'
libtoolize: linking file 'm4/ltsugar.m4'
libtoolize: linking file 'm4/ltversion.m4'
libtoolize: linking file 'm4/lt~obsolete.m4'
libtoolize: Consider adding '-I m4' to ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS in Makefile.am.
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ autoheader
+ autoconf
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall --add-missing
configure.ac:9: installing 'build-aux/ar-lib'
configure.ac:9: installing 'build-aux/compile'
configure.ac:10: installing 'build-aux/config.guess'
configure.ac:10: installing 'build-aux/config.sub'
configure.ac:7: installing 'build-aux/install-sh'
configure.ac:7: installing 'build-aux/missing'
Makefile.am: installing 'build-aux/depcomp'
+ cat
+ cat
+ cat
+ cat
+ cat
+ cat
+ cat
+ cat
+ cat
+ cat
+ ./configure
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for ar... ar
checking the archiver (ar) interface... ar
checking build system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
checking host system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
checking how to print strings... printf
checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /bin/sed
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /bin/grep
checking for egrep... /bin/grep -E
checking for fgrep... /bin/grep -F
checking for ld used by gcc... /usr/local/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld
checking if the linker (/usr/local/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes
checking for BSD- or MS-compatible name lister (nm)... /usr/local/bin/nm -B
checking the name lister (/usr/local/bin/nm -B) interface... BSD nm
checking whether ln -s works... yes
checking the maximum length of command line arguments... 1572864
checking how to convert x86_64-pc-linux-gnu file names to x86_64-pc-linux-gnu format... func_convert_file_noop
checking how to convert x86_64-pc-linux-gnu file names to toolchain format... func_convert_file_noop
checking for /usr/local/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld option to reload object files... -r
checking for objdump... objdump
checking how to recognize dependent libraries... pass_all
checking for dlltool... no
checking how to associate runtime and link libraries... printf %s\n
checking for archiver @FILE support... @
checking for strip... strip
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking command to parse /usr/local/bin/nm -B output from gcc object... ok
checking for sysroot... no
checking for a working dd... /bin/dd
checking how to truncate binary pipes... /bin/dd bs=4096 count=1
checking for mt... mt
checking if mt is a manifest tool... no
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for memory.h... yes
checking for strings.h... yes
checking for inttypes.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking for dlfcn.h... yes
checking for objdir... .libs
checking if gcc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... no
checking for gcc option to produce PIC... -fPIC -DPIC
checking if gcc PIC flag -fPIC -DPIC works... yes
checking if gcc static flag -static works... yes
checking if gcc supports -c -o file.o... yes
checking if gcc supports -c -o file.o... (cached) yes
checking whether the gcc linker (/usr/local/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld -m elf_x86_64) supports shared libraries... yes
checking whether -lc should be explicitly linked in... no
checking dynamic linker characteristics... GNU/Linux ld.so
checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate
checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes
checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes
checking whether to build shared libraries... yes
checking whether to build static libraries... yes
checking for gcc... (cached) gcc
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... (cached) yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... (cached) yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... (cached) none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... (cached) yes
checking dependency style of gcc... (cached) gcc3
checking for g++... g++
checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes
checking whether g++ accepts -g... yes
checking dependency style of g++... gcc3
checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... g++ -E
checking for ld used by g++... /usr/local/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld -m elf_x86_64
checking if the linker (/usr/local/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld -m elf_x86_64) is GNU ld... yes
checking whether the g++ linker (/usr/local/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld -m elf_x86_64) supports shared libraries... yes
checking for g++ option to produce PIC... -fPIC -DPIC
checking if g++ PIC flag -fPIC -DPIC works... yes
checking if g++ static flag -static works... yes
checking if g++ supports -c -o file.o... yes
checking if g++ supports -c -o file.o... (cached) yes
checking whether the g++ linker (/usr/local/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld -m elf_x86_64) supports shared libraries... yes
checking dynamic linker characteristics... (cached) GNU/Linux ld.so
checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether we are using the GNU Objective C compiler... no
checking whether gcc accepts -g... no
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for g++... g++
checking whether we are using the GNU Objective C++ compiler... no
checking whether g++ accepts -g... no
checking dependency style of g++... gcc3
checking whether the Objective C compiler really works... no
checking whether the Objective C++ compiler really works... no
configure: error: couldn't find a working Objective C compiler
+ am_exit_trap 77
+ exit_status=77
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test none = tap
+ test 77 -eq 0
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
SKIP t/objc-megademo.sh (exit status: 77)
XFAIL: t/objext-pr10128
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: none
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ echo AC_OUTPUT
+ cat
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall
+ autoconf
+ ./configure
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
+ make test
is == foo.fasl
make: *** [Makefile:675: test] Error 1
+ am_exit_trap 2
+ exit_status=2
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test none = tap
+ test 2 -eq 0
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
XFAIL t/objext-pr10128.sh (exit status: 2)
XFAIL: t/override-conditional-2
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: none
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ cat
+ cat
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ AUTOMAKE_fails
+ AUTOMAKE_run -e 1
+ am__desc=
+ am__exp_rc=0
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ am__exp_rc=1
+ shift
+ shift
+ test 0 -gt 0
+ am__got_rc=0
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall
+ cat stderr
+ cat stdout
+ test none = none
+ test 0 -eq 1
+ _am_exit 1
+ set +e
+ test 77 = 1
+ exit 1
+ exit 1
+ am_exit_trap 1
+ exit_status=1
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test none = tap
+ test 1 -eq 0
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
XFAIL t/override-conditional-2.sh (exit status: 1)
XFAIL: t/override-conditional-pr13940
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: none
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ cat
+ cat
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall -a
automake-1.16: warnings are treated as errors
Makefile.am:8: warning: all-local was already defined in condition FOO, which is included in condition TRUE ...
Makefile.am:5: ... 'all-local' previously defined here
+ am_exit_trap 1
+ exit_status=1
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test none = tap
+ test 1 -eq 0
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
XFAIL t/override-conditional-pr13940.sh (exit status: 1)
SKIP: t/python-virtualenv
python-virtualenv: running python -V
Python 2.7.13
python-virtualenv: running virtualenv --version
./t/python-virtualenv.sh: 993: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: virtualenv: not found
SKIP t/python-virtualenv.sh (exit status: 77)
XFAIL: t/remake-am-pr10111
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: none
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ cat
+ :
+ cat
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ autoconf
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall
+ ./configure
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
+ make distdir
make distdir-am
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/remake-am-pr10111.dir »
if test -d "remake-am-pr10111-1.0"; then find "remake-am-pr10111-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "remake-am-pr10111-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "remake-am-pr10111-1.0"; }; else :; fi
test -d "remake-am-pr10111-1.0" || mkdir "remake-am-pr10111-1.0"
test -n "" \
|| find "remake-am-pr10111-1.0" -type d ! -perm -755 \
-exec chmod u+rwx,go+rx {} \; -o \
! -type d ! -perm -444 -links 1 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \
! -type d ! -perm -400 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \
! -type d ! -perm -444 -exec /bin/bash /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/remake-am-pr10111.dir/install-sh -c -m a+r {} {} \; \
|| chmod -R a+r "remake-am-pr10111-1.0"
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/remake-am-pr10111.dir »
+ cd remake-am-pr10111-1.0
+ mkdir build
+ cd build
+ ../configure
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
+ rm -f ../foobar.am
+ make
make: rien à faire pour « all ».
+ grep = foobar was here = ../Makefile.in
+ am_exit_trap 1
+ exit_status=1
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test none = tap
+ test 1 -eq 0
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
XFAIL t/remake-am-pr10111.sh (exit status: 1)
XFAIL: t/remake-m4-pr10111
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: none
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ cat
+ :
+ cat
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ autoconf
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall
+ ./configure
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
+ make distdir
make distdir-am
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/remake-m4-pr10111.dir »
if test -d "remake-m4-pr10111-1.0"; then find "remake-m4-pr10111-1.0" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -rf "remake-m4-pr10111-1.0" || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "remake-m4-pr10111-1.0"; }; else :; fi
test -d "remake-m4-pr10111-1.0" || mkdir "remake-m4-pr10111-1.0"
test -n "" \
|| find "remake-m4-pr10111-1.0" -type d ! -perm -755 \
-exec chmod u+rwx,go+rx {} \; -o \
! -type d ! -perm -444 -links 1 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \
! -type d ! -perm -400 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \
! -type d ! -perm -444 -exec /bin/bash /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/remake-m4-pr10111.dir/install-sh -c -m a+r {} {} \; \
|| chmod -R a+r "remake-m4-pr10111-1.0"
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/remake-m4-pr10111.dir »
+ cd remake-m4-pr10111-1.0
+ mkdir build
+ cd build
+ ../configure
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
+ rm -f ../foobar.m4
+ make
make: rien à faire pour « all ».
+ grep : foobar was here : ../configure
+ am_exit_trap 1
+ exit_status=1
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test none = tap
+ test 1 -eq 0
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
XFAIL t/remake-m4-pr10111.sh (exit status: 1)
XFAIL: t/remake-timing-bug-pr8365
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: none
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ stat /dev/null
Fichier : /dev/null
Taille : 0 Blocs : 0 Blocs d'E/S : 4096 fichier spécial de caractères
Périphérique : 6h/6d InÅud : 2051 Liens : 1 Type de périph. : 1,3
Accès : (0666/crw-rw-rw-) UID : ( 0/ root) GID : ( 0/ root)
Accès : 2020-05-05 11:33:45.829999981 +0200
Modif. : 2020-05-05 11:33:45.829999981 +0200
Changt : 2020-05-05 11:33:45.829999981 +0200
Créé : -
+ stat=stat
+ cat
+ :
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall
+ autoconf
+ ./configure
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
+ make Makefile
make: « Makefile » est à jour.
+ /bin/grep -E FOOBAR|zardoz Makefile
+ stat config.status Makefile configure.ac
Fichier : config.status
Taille : 25754 Blocs : 56 Blocs d'E/S : 4096 fichier
Périphérique : 831h/2097d InÅud : 3054450 Liens : 1
Accès : (0755/-rwxr-xr-x) UID : ( 1000/ hv) GID : ( 1000/ hv)
Accès : 2020-05-05 21:30:33.837900935 +0200
Modif. : 2020-05-05 21:30:33.867900760 +0200
Changt : 2020-05-05 21:30:33.867900760 +0200
Créé : -
Fichier : Makefile
Taille : 17979 Blocs : 40 Blocs d'E/S : 4096 fichier
Périphérique : 831h/2097d InÅud : 3278754 Liens : 1
Accès : (0644/-rw-r--r--) UID : ( 1000/ hv) GID : ( 1000/ hv)
Accès : 2020-05-05 21:30:33.887900643 +0200
Modif. : 2020-05-05 21:30:33.887900643 +0200
Changt : 2020-05-05 21:30:33.887900643 +0200
Créé : -
Fichier : configure.ac
Taille : 131 Blocs : 8 Blocs d'E/S : 4096 fichier
Périphérique : 831h/2097d InÅud : 3054443 Liens : 1
Accès : (0644/-rw-r--r--) UID : ( 1000/ hv) GID : ( 1000/ hv)
Accès : 2020-05-05 21:30:32.207910532 +0200
Modif. : 2020-05-05 21:30:33.897900582 +0200
Changt : 2020-05-05 21:30:33.897900582 +0200
Créé : -
+ sleep 2
+ touch config.status
+ touch -r config.status config.status Makefile configure.ac
+ stat config.status Makefile configure.ac
Fichier : config.status
Taille : 25754 Blocs : 56 Blocs d'E/S : 4096 fichier
Périphérique : 831h/2097d InÅud : 3054450 Liens : 1
Accès : (0755/-rwxr-xr-x) UID : ( 1000/ hv) GID : ( 1000/ hv)
Accès : 2020-05-05 21:30:35.907888751 +0200
Modif. : 2020-05-05 21:30:35.907888751 +0200
Changt : 2020-05-05 21:30:35.907888751 +0200
Créé : -
Fichier : Makefile
Taille : 17979 Blocs : 40 Blocs d'E/S : 4096 fichier
Périphérique : 831h/2097d InÅud : 3278754 Liens : 1
Accès : (0644/-rw-r--r--) UID : ( 1000/ hv) GID : ( 1000/ hv)
Accès : 2020-05-05 21:30:35.907888751 +0200
Modif. : 2020-05-05 21:30:35.907888751 +0200
Changt : 2020-05-05 21:30:35.907888751 +0200
Créé : -
Fichier : configure.ac
Taille : 131 Blocs : 8 Blocs d'E/S : 4096 fichier
Périphérique : 831h/2097d InÅud : 3054443 Liens : 1
Accès : (0644/-rw-r--r--) UID : ( 1000/ hv) GID : ( 1000/ hv)
Accès : 2020-05-05 21:30:35.907888751 +0200
Modif. : 2020-05-05 21:30:35.907888751 +0200
Changt : 2020-05-05 21:30:35.907888751 +0200
Créé : -
+ cat
+ cat
+ cat
+ chmod a+x aclocal-wrap automake-wrap autoconf-wrap
+ run_make Makefile ACLOCAL=./aclocal-wrap AUTOMAKE=./automake-wrap AUTOCONF=./autoconf-wrap
+ am__make_redirect_stdout=no
+ am__make_redirect_stderr=no
+ am__make_redirect_stdall=no
+ am__make_flags=
+ am__make_rc_exp=0
+ am_make_rc=0
+ test 4 -gt 0
+ break
+ using_gmake
+ make --version -v
+ grep GNU
GNU Make 4.2.1
Licence GPLv3+ : GNU GPL version 3 ou ultérieure
+ am__using_gmake=yes
+ return 0
+ :
+ test x != x
+ : exec make Makefile ACLOCAL=./aclocal-wrap AUTOMAKE=./automake-wrap AUTOCONF=./autoconf-wrap
+ set +x
CDPATH="${ZSH_VERSION+.}:" && cd . && ./aclocal-wrap
+ AUTOCONF=autoconf
+ export AUTOCONF
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ touch -r config.status aclocal.m4
+ stat aclocal.m4
Fichier : aclocal.m4
Taille : 27316 Blocs : 56 Blocs d'E/S : 4096 fichier
Périphérique : 831h/2097d InÅud : 3054445 Liens : 1
Accès : (0644/-rw-r--r--) UID : ( 1000/ hv) GID : ( 1000/ hv)
Accès : 2020-05-05 21:30:35.907888751 +0200
Modif. : 2020-05-05 21:30:35.907888751 +0200
Changt : 2020-05-05 21:30:36.077887752 +0200
Créé : -
cd . && ./automake-wrap --foreign
+ AUTOCONF=autoconf
+ export AUTOCONF
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall --foreign
+ touch -r config.status Makefile.in
+ stat Makefile.in
Fichier : Makefile.in
Taille : 17031 Blocs : 40 Blocs d'E/S : 4096 fichier
Périphérique : 831h/2097d InÅud : 3054446 Liens : 1
Accès : (0644/-rw-r--r--) UID : ( 1000/ hv) GID : ( 1000/ hv)
Accès : 2020-05-05 21:30:35.907888751 +0200
Modif. : 2020-05-05 21:30:35.907888751 +0200
Changt : 2020-05-05 21:30:36.347886160 +0200
Créé : -
CDPATH="${ZSH_VERSION+.}:" && cd . && ./autoconf-wrap
+ autoconf
+ touch -r config.status configure
+ stat configure
Fichier : configure
Taille : 104819 Blocs : 208 Blocs d'E/S : 4096 fichier
Périphérique : 831h/2097d InÅud : 3054454 Liens : 1
Accès : (0755/-rwxr-xr-x) UID : ( 1000/ hv) GID : ( 1000/ hv)
Accès : 2020-05-05 21:30:35.907888751 +0200
Modif. : 2020-05-05 21:30:35.907888751 +0200
Changt : 2020-05-05 21:30:36.467885455 +0200
Créé : -
make: « Makefile » est à jour.
+ test 0 -eq 253
+ test no = yes
+ test no = yes
+ test no = yes
+ test 0 -ge 0
+ test 0 -le 255
+ test 0 -eq 0
+ grep ^FOOBAR = Makefile.in
+ grep ^FOOBAR *= *zardoz *$ Makefile
+ am_exit_trap 1
+ exit_status=1
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test none = tap
+ test 1 -eq 0
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
XFAIL t/remake-timing-bug-pr8365.sh (exit status: 1)
SKIP: t/silent-f77
SKIP t/silent-f77.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/silent-f90
SKIP t/silent-f90.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/silent-many-languages
SKIP t/silent-many-languages.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/subdir-cond-gettext
subdir-cond-gettext: running gettext --version
gettext (GNU gettext-runtime) 0.20.2
Copyright (C) 1995-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Ãcrit par Ulrich Drepper.
SKIP t/subdir-cond-gettext.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/subobj-pr13928-more-langs
SKIP t/subobj-pr13928-more-langs.sh (exit status: 77)
PASS: t/tap-bad-prog
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: tap
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ fetch_tap_driver
+ AM_TAP_AWK=gawk
+ export AM_TAP_AWK
+ get_shell_script tap-driver.sh tap-driver
+ am_source=tap-driver.sh am_target=tap-driver
+ test ! -f tap-driver
+ test x = xyes
+ cp -f /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/lib/tap-driver.sh tap-driver
+ sed 10q tap-driver
#! /bin/sh
# Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ unset am_target am_source
+ plan_ 6
+ test 1 -eq 0
+ test 1 -ge 2
+ test xnone != xnone
+ test x6 = xunknown
+ test x6 = xlater
+ test x6 = xlazy
+ test x6 = xnow
+ test 6 -ge 0
+ planned_=6
+ echo 1..6
+ cat
+ cat
+ cat
+ cp noexec.test noread.test
+ chmod a-r noread.test
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ autoconf
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall
+ ./configure
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
+ command_ok_ "make check" returns non-zero exit status run_make -O -e FAIL check
+ tap_directive_= tap_reason_=
+ test 6 -gt 0
+ tap_description_="make check" returns non-zero exit status
+ shift
+ test 5 -gt 0
+ break
+ tap_result_=ok
+ run_make -O -e FAIL check
+ am__make_redirect_stdout=no
+ am__make_redirect_stderr=no
+ am__make_redirect_stdall=no
+ am__make_flags=
+ am__make_rc_exp=0
+ am_make_rc=0
+ test 4 -gt 0
+ am__make_redirect_stdout=yes
+ shift
+ test 3 -gt 0
+ am__make_rc_exp=FAIL
+ shift
+ shift
+ test 1 -gt 0
+ break
+ using_gmake
+ grep GNU
+ make --version -v
GNU Make 4.2.1
Licence GPLv3+ : GNU GPL version 3 ou ultérieure
+ am__using_gmake=yes
+ return 0
+ :
+ test x != x
+ : exec make check
+ set +x
make[2]: *** [Makefile:475: test-suite.log] Error 1
make[1]: *** [Makefile:583: check-TESTS] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:781: check-am] Error 2
+ am_make_rc=2
+ test 2 -eq 253
+ test no = yes
+ test yes = yes
+ cat stdout
make check-TESTS
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/tap-bad-prog.dir »
make[2] : on entre dans le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/tap-bad-prog.dir »
ERROR: none.test - missing test plan
ERROR: none.test - exited with status 127 (command not found?)
ERROR: noread.test - missing test plan
ERROR: noread.test - exited with status 126
ERROR: noexec.test - missing test plan
ERROR: noexec.test - exited with status 126
Testsuite summary for tap-bad-prog 1.0
# TOTAL: 6
# PASS: 0
# SKIP: 0
# XFAIL: 0
# FAIL: 0
# XPASS: 0
# ERROR: 6
See ./test-suite.log
make[2] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/tap-bad-prog.dir »
make[1] : on quitte le répertoire « /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/tap-bad-prog.dir »
+ test no = yes
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ result_ ok -D -r -- "make check" returns non-zero exit status
+ set +x
ok 1 - "make check" returns non-zero exit status
PASS: t/tap-bad-prog.tap 1 - "make check" returns non-zero exit status
+ command_ok_ non-existent test is reported grep ^ERROR: none\.test stdout
+ tap_directive_= tap_reason_=
+ test 4 -gt 0
+ tap_description_=non-existent test is reported
+ shift
+ test 3 -gt 0
+ break
+ tap_result_=ok
+ grep ^ERROR: none\.test stdout
ERROR: none.test - missing test plan
ERROR: none.test - exited with status 127 (command not found?)
+ result_ ok -D -r -- non-existent test is reported
+ set +x
ok 2 - non-existent test is reported
PASS: t/tap-bad-prog.tap 2 - non-existent test is reported
+ desc=non-executable test is reported
+ ./noexec.test
./t/tap-bad-prog.tap: 62: ./t/tap-bad-prog.tap: ./noexec.test: Permission denied
+ command_ok_ non-executable test is reported -- grep ^ERROR: noexec\.test stdout
+ tap_directive_= tap_reason_=
+ test 5 -gt 0
+ tap_description_=non-executable test is reported
+ shift
+ test 4 -gt 0
+ shift
+ break
+ tap_result_=ok
+ grep ^ERROR: noexec\.test stdout
ERROR: noexec.test - missing test plan
ERROR: noexec.test - exited with status 126
+ result_ ok -D -r -- non-executable test is reported
+ set +x
ok 3 - non-executable test is reported
PASS: t/tap-bad-prog.tap 3 - non-executable test is reported
+ desc=non-readable test is reported
+ test -r noread.test
+ command_ok_ non-readable test is reported -- grep ^ERROR: noread\.test stdout
+ tap_directive_= tap_reason_=
+ test 5 -gt 0
+ tap_description_=non-readable test is reported
+ shift
+ test 4 -gt 0
+ shift
+ break
+ tap_result_=ok
+ grep ^ERROR: noread\.test stdout
ERROR: noread.test - missing test plan
ERROR: noread.test - exited with status 126
+ result_ ok -D -r -- non-readable test is reported
+ set +x
ok 4 - non-readable test is reported
PASS: t/tap-bad-prog.tap 4 - non-readable test is reported
+ command_ok_ no spurious "missing plan" message -D TODO -- not grep missing.* plan stdout
+ tap_directive_= tap_reason_=
+ test 8 -gt 0
+ tap_description_=no spurious "missing plan" message
+ shift
+ test 7 -gt 0
+ tap_directive_=TODO
+ shift
+ shift
+ test 5 -gt 0
+ shift
+ break
+ tap_result_=ok
+ not grep missing.* plan stdout
+ grep missing.* plan stdout
ERROR: none.test - missing test plan
ERROR: noread.test - missing test plan
ERROR: noexec.test - missing test plan
+ tap_result_=not ok
+ result_ not ok -D TODO -r -- no spurious "missing plan" message
+ set +x
not ok 5 - no spurious "missing plan" message # TODO
XFAIL: t/tap-bad-prog.tap 5 - no spurious "missing plan" message # TODO
+ command_ok_ no spurious results -D TODO -r still get "missing plan" count_test_results total=3 pass=0 fail=0 xpass=0 xfail=0 skip=0 error=3
+ tap_directive_= tap_reason_=
+ test 13 -gt 0
+ tap_description_=no spurious results
+ shift
+ test 12 -gt 0
+ tap_directive_=TODO
+ shift
+ shift
+ test 10 -gt 0
+ tap_reason_=still get "missing plan"
+ shift
+ shift
+ test 8 -gt 0
+ break
+ tap_result_=ok
+ count_test_results total=3 pass=0 fail=0 xpass=0 xfail=0 skip=0 error=3
+ total=ERR pass=ERR fail=ERR xpass=ERR xfail=ERR skip=ERR error=ERR
+ eval total=3 pass=0 fail=0 xpass=0 xfail=0 skip=0 error=3
+ total=3 pass=0 fail=0 xpass=0 xfail=0 skip=0 error=3
+ /bin/grep -E -i (total|x?pass|x?fail|skip|error) stdout
ERROR: none.test - missing test plan
ERROR: none.test - exited with status 127 (command not found?)
ERROR: noread.test - missing test plan
ERROR: noread.test - exited with status 126
ERROR: noexec.test - missing test plan
ERROR: noexec.test - exited with status 126
# TOTAL: 6
# PASS: 0
# SKIP: 0
# XFAIL: 0
# FAIL: 0
# XPASS: 0
# ERROR: 6
+ rc=0
+ set +e
+ grep -c ^PASS: stdout
+ test 0 -eq 0
+ grep -c ^XFAIL: stdout
+ test 0 -eq 0
+ grep -c ^SKIP: stdout
+ test 0 -eq 0
+ grep -c ^FAIL: stdout
+ test 0 -eq 0
+ grep -c ^XPASS: stdout
+ test 0 -eq 0
+ grep -c ^ERROR: stdout
+ test 6 -eq 3
+ rc=1
+ grep ^# TOTAL: *3$ stdout
+ rc=1
+ grep ^# PASS: *0$ stdout
# PASS: 0
+ grep ^# XFAIL: *0$ stdout
# XFAIL: 0
+ grep ^# SKIP: *0$ stdout
# SKIP: 0
+ grep ^# FAIL: *0$ stdout
# FAIL: 0
+ grep ^# XPASS: *0$ stdout
# XPASS: 0
+ grep ^# ERROR: *3$ stdout
+ rc=1
+ test 1 -eq 0
+ tap_result_=not ok
+ result_ not ok -D TODO -r still get "missing plan" -- no spurious results
+ set +x
not ok 6 - no spurious results # TODO still get "missing plan"
XFAIL: t/tap-bad-prog.tap 6 - no spurious results # TODO still get "missing plan"
+ :
+ am_exit_trap 0
+ exit_status=0
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test tap = tap
+ test 6 = later
+ test 0 -eq 0
+ test 4 -eq 6
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
SKIP: t/tagsub
tagsub: running etags --version -o /dev/null
./t/tagsub.sh: 799: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: etags: not found
SKIP t/tagsub.sh (exit status: 77)
FAIL: t/tags-lisp-space
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: none
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ cat
+ cat
+ touch config.h.in
+ touch the-amtest-mode.el
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ autoconf
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall
+ ./configure
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for emacs... no
checking for xemacs... no
checking where .elc files should go... ${datadir}/emacs/site-lisp
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating config.h
+ run_make -O -E tags
+ am__make_redirect_stdout=no
+ am__make_redirect_stderr=no
+ am__make_redirect_stdall=no
+ am__make_flags=
+ am__make_rc_exp=0
+ am_make_rc=0
+ test 3 -gt 0
+ am__make_redirect_stdout=yes
+ shift
+ test 2 -gt 0
+ am__make_redirect_stderr=yes
+ shift
+ test 1 -gt 0
+ break
+ using_gmake
+ make --version -v
+ grep GNU
GNU Make 4.2.1
Licence GPLv3+ : GNU GPL version 3 ou ultérieure
+ am__using_gmake=yes
+ return 0
+ :
+ test x != x
+ : exec make tags
+ set +x
+ am_make_rc=2
+ test 2 -eq 253
+ test no = yes
+ test yes = yes
+ cat stdout
(CDPATH="${ZSH_VERSION+.}:" && cd . && /bin/bash /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/tags-lisp-space.dir/missing autoheader)
rm -f stamp-h1
touch config.h.in
set x; \
here=`pwd`; \
list=' the-amtest-mode.el config.h.in'; unique=`for i in $list; do if test -f "$i"; then echo $i; else echo ./$i; fi; done | gawk ' BEGIN { nonempty = 0; } { items[$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } END { if (nonempty) { for (i in items) print i; }; } '`; \
shift; \
if test -z "$*$unique"; then :; else \
test -n "$unique" || unique=$empty_fix; \
if test $# -gt 0; then \
etags \
"$@" $unique; \
else \
etags \
$unique; \
fi; \
+ test yes = yes
+ cat stderr
/bin/bash: ligne 11: etags : commande introuvable
make: *** [Makefile:384: tags-am] Error 127
+ test 0 -ge 0
+ test 0 -le 255
+ test 2 -eq 0
+ return 1
+ am_exit_trap 1
+ exit_status=1
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test none = tap
+ test 1 -eq 0
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
FAIL t/tags-lisp-space.sh (exit status: 1)
SKIP: t/tags-pr12372
tags-pr12372: running etags --version -o /dev/null
./t/tags-pr12372.sh: 799: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: etags: not found
SKIP t/tags-pr12372.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/upc
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: none
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ cat
+ cat
+ cat
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall
+ autoconf
+ ./configure
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for upcc... no
checking for upc... no
configure: error: no Unified Parallel C compiler was found
+ _am_exit 77
+ set +e
+ test 77 = 77
+ am__test_skipped=yes
+ exit 77
+ exit 77
+ am_exit_trap 77
+ exit_status=77
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test none = tap
+ test 77 -eq 0
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
SKIP t/upc.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/upc3
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: none
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ cat
+ cat
+ cat
+ cat
+ cat
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall
+ autoconf
+ ./configure
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style)
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for upcc... no
checking for upc... no
configure: error: no Unified Parallel C compiler was found
+ _am_exit 77
+ set +e
+ test 77 = 77
+ am__test_skipped=yes
+ exit 77
+ exit 77
+ am_exit_trap 77
+ exit_status=77
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test none = tap
+ test 77 -eq 0
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
SKIP t/upc3.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/vala-headers
vala-headers: running pkg-config --version
vala-headers: running valac --version
./t/vala-headers.sh: 975: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: valac: not found
SKIP t/vala-headers.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/vala-libs
vala-libs: running valac --version
./t/vala-libs.sh: 975: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: valac: not found
SKIP t/vala-libs.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/vala-mix
vala-mix: running valac --version
./t/vala-mix.sh: 975: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: valac: not found
SKIP t/vala-mix.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/vala-mix2
vala-mix2: running valac --version
./t/vala-mix2.sh: 975: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: valac: not found
SKIP t/vala-mix2.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/vala-non-recursive-setup
vala-non-recursive-setup: running pkg-config --version
vala-non-recursive-setup: running valac --version
./t/vala-non-recursive-setup.sh: 975: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: valac: not found
SKIP t/vala-non-recursive-setup.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/vala-parallel
vala-parallel: running valac --version
./t/vala-parallel.sh: 975: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: valac: not found
SKIP t/vala-parallel.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/vala-per-target-flags
vala-per-target-flags: running pkg-config --version
vala-per-target-flags: running valac --version
./t/vala-per-target-flags.sh: 975: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: valac: not found
SKIP t/vala-per-target-flags.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/vala-recursive-setup
vala-recursive-setup: running pkg-config --version
vala-recursive-setup: running valac --version
./t/vala-recursive-setup.sh: 975: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: valac: not found
SKIP t/vala-recursive-setup.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/vala-vapi
vala-vapi: running pkg-config --version
vala-vapi: running valac --version
./t/vala-vapi.sh: 975: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: valac: not found
SKIP t/vala-vapi.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/vala-vpath
vala-vpath: running valac --version
./t/vala-vpath.sh: 975: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: valac: not found
SKIP t/vala-vpath.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/gettext-macros
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: none
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ echo # Automatically generated by gettext-macros.
+ echo :
+ echo ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I m4
+ extract_program_version autopoint
+ autopoint --version
+ sed 1q
+ /usr/bin/perl -ne /(\d(?:\.\d+)+)/ and print "$1\n"
+ autopoint_version=0.20.2
+ test -n 0.20.2
+ cat
+ autopoint --force
autopoint: *** AM_GNU_GETTEXT without 'external' argument is no longer supported in version 0.20.2
autopoint: *** Stop.
+ rm -rf m4
+ mkdir m4
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror -Wno-syntax -I m4 --install
aclocal-1.16: warnings are treated as errors
configure.ac:4: warning: macro 'AM_GNU_GETTEXT' not found in library
configure.ac:5: warning: macro 'AM_GNU_GETTEXT_VERSION' not found in library
+ echo skip_all_ "couldn't find or get gettext macros"
+ cat
+ . ./get.sh
+ :
+ skip_all_ couldn't find or get gettext macros
+ skip_ couldn't find or get gettext macros
+ warn_ gettext-macros: skipped test: couldn't find or get gettext macros
+ echo gettext-macros: skipped test: couldn't find or get gettext macros
+ _am_exit 77
+ set +e
+ test 77 = 77
+ am__test_skipped=yes
+ exit 77
+ exit 77
+ am_exit_trap 77
+ exit_status=77
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test none = tap
+ test 77 -eq 0
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
SKIP t/gettext-macros.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/compile4-w
./t/compile4-w.sh: will source ./t/compile4.sh
compile4-w: running cl -?
./t/compile4-w.sh: 779: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: cl: not found
SKIP t/compile4-w.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/compile5-w
./t/compile5-w.sh: will source ./t/compile5.sh
Running from installcheck: no
Test Protocol: none
PATH = /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/bin:/home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax:/home/hv/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/home/hv/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer2.2/bin:/home/hv/ARM/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin:/opt/SEGGER/JLink
+ pwd
+ get_shell_script compile
+ am_source=compile am_target=compile
+ test ! -f compile
+ rm -f compile
+ test xyes = xyes
+ sed 1s|#!.*|#! /bin/sh| /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/lib/compile
+ chmod a+x compile
+ sed 10q compile
#! /bin/sh
# Wrapper for compilers which do not understand '-c -o'.
scriptversion=2018-03-07.03; # UTC
# Copyright (C) 1999-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Written by Tom Tromey .
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ unset am_target am_source
+ cat
+ chmod +x ./cl
+ cat
+ :
+ cat
+ aclocal-1.16 -Werror
+ autoconf
+ automake-1.16 --foreign -Werror -Wall -a
configure.ac:4: installing './config.guess'
configure.ac:4: installing './config.sub'
+ ./configure
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking build system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
checking host system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating check_host
+ . ./check_host
+ skip_ target OS is not MinGW
+ warn_ compile5-w: skipped test: target OS is not MinGW
+ echo compile5-w: skipped test: target OS is not MinGW
+ _am_exit 77
+ set +e
+ test 77 = 77
+ am__test_skipped=yes
+ exit 77
+ exit 77
+ am_exit_trap 77
+ exit_status=77
+ set +e
+ cd /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2
+ test none = tap
+ test 77 -eq 0
+ keep_testdirs=yes
+ am_keeping_testdirs
+ return 0
+ set +x
SKIP t/compile5-w.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/compile7-w
./t/compile7-w.sh: will source ./t/compile7.sh
compile7-w: running icl -?
./t/compile7-w.sh: 790: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: icl: not found
SKIP t/compile7-w.sh (exit status: 77)
SKIP: t/depcomp-lt-makedepend
depcomp-lt-makedepend: running makedepend -f-
./t/depcomp-lt-makedepend.tap: 878: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: makedepend: not found
1..0 # SKIP required program 'makedepend' not available
SKIP: t/depcomp-lt-makedepend.tap - required program 'makedepend' not available
SKIP: t/depcomp-lt-msvcmsys
depcomp-lt-msvcmsys: running cl -?
./t/depcomp-lt-msvcmsys.tap: 779: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: cl: not found
1..0 # SKIP Microsoft C compiler 'cl' not available
SKIP: t/depcomp-lt-msvcmsys.tap - Microsoft C compiler 'cl' not available
SKIP: t/depcomp-lt-msvisualcpp
depcomp-lt-msvisualcpp: running cl -?
./t/depcomp-lt-msvisualcpp.tap: 779: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: cl: not found
1..0 # SKIP Microsoft C compiler 'cl' not available
SKIP: t/depcomp-lt-msvisualcpp.tap - Microsoft C compiler 'cl' not available
SKIP: t/depcomp-makedepend
depcomp-makedepend: running makedepend -f-
./t/depcomp-makedepend.tap: 878: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: makedepend: not found
1..0 # SKIP required program 'makedepend' not available
SKIP: t/depcomp-makedepend.tap - required program 'makedepend' not available
SKIP: t/depcomp-msvcmsys
depcomp-msvcmsys: running cl -?
./t/depcomp-msvcmsys.tap: 779: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: cl: not found
1..0 # SKIP Microsoft C compiler 'cl' not available
SKIP: t/depcomp-msvcmsys.tap - Microsoft C compiler 'cl' not available
SKIP: t/depcomp-msvisualcpp
depcomp-msvisualcpp: running cl -?
./t/depcomp-msvisualcpp.tap: 779: /home/hv/ssd3/sources/automake-1.16.2/t/ax/test-init.sh: cl: not found
1..0 # SKIP Microsoft C compiler 'cl' not available
SKIP: t/depcomp-msvisualcpp.tap - Microsoft C compiler 'cl' not available