Using automake 1.16.5, in my, I have the following lines:
liba2ps_la_LDFLAGS = $(LIBGC_LIBS)
liba2ps_la_SOURCES = $(liba2pssources) $(libitsources) $(mylibitsources)
noinst_LIBRARIES = libnowarnings.a
libnowarnings_a_CFLAGS = $(LIBGC_FLAGS)
libnowarnings_a_LDFLAGS = $(LIBGC_LIBS)
libnowarnings_a_SOURCES = fonts.l lexppd.l parseppd.y regex.c regex.h confg.c confg.h
(This is from
GNU a2ps's liba2ps/
When automake is run, it warns:
liba2ps/ warning: variable 'libnowarnings_a_LDFLAGS' is defined but no program or
liba2ps/ library has 'libnowarnings_a' as canonical name (possible typo)
I don't understand this, because libnowarnings.a is defined as the canonical name of a library.
In src/, I have the following lines:
noinst_LIBRARIES = libparse.a
libparse_a_SOURCES = parsessh.y lexssh.l lexps.l sheets-map.l
libparse_a_CFLAGS = $(LIBGC_FLAGS)
and I get no warnings. I have no LTLIBRARIES in this
If in the first I change the convenience library "libnowarnings.a" to a libtool library "", and add it to noinst_LTLIBRARIES, and rename the other variables accordingly, then again I get no warnings.