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Re: bash3 on FreeBSD weirdness

From: Miek Gieben
Subject: Re: bash3 on FreeBSD weirdness
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 17:41:40 +0200
User-agent: Vim/Mutt/Linux

[On 29 Jun, @17:38, Chet Ramey wrote in "Re: bash3 on FreeBSD weirdness ..."]
> > Basicly the function local_mirror() (line 167) works, and
> > remote_mirror() (line 257) doesn't (on FreeBSD that is).
> The root cause is probably that something is consuming all of the
> input from stdin (the pipe) on FreeBSD and not on Linux.  I suspect
> the call to `head'.  The two implementations probably read and buffer
> differently.  This happens all the time, mostly with ssh.

thanks for the pointer! I will look into it some more,

  - Miek

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