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Re: Problem with pattern replacing when STRING is an expandable char

From: Heinz-Ado Arnolds
Subject: Re: Problem with pattern replacing when STRING is an expandable char
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 09:17:31 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070809)

Paul Jarc wrote:
Heinz-Ado Arnolds <arnolds@MPA-Garching.MPG.DE> wrote:
    echo ${a//[0-9]/x}

    correctly gives "xxx.x", but

    echo ${a//[0-9]/*}

    gives a listing of files in current directory. Seems that the "*"
    is expanded before replacing the pattern.

No, it's expanded afterward, because the variable expansion isn't
quoted.  This does what you want:
    echo "${a//[0-9]/*}"

    It workes the right way at least up to bash-3.1.17(1)-release

    But if you set


    it doesn't even work in 3.1.17 right.

3.1.17 behaves the same way as 3.2.25.  You see a different result
because of a different set of files between the two situations, not
because of the different bash version.  If there are no files in the
current directory that match ***.*, then pathname expansion will leave
it unchanged.


Thanks a lot for your fast response! Ok, even after so many years
bash is astounding if you don't have all expansion rules in mind
every time.

Kind regards,


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