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ESC . vs. ^R, ^P again

From: jidanni
Subject: ESC . vs. ^R, ^P again
Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2008 06:23:16 +0800

As there years pass I use ESC . daily hoping that it will get the last
chunk of the previous line on my screen, despite any ^P's or ^R's I
might have done.

Never have I wanted it to consider those ^P's and ^R's.

So even though you said that was a early design choice, perhaps you
could still leave (behind for posterity) a toggle variable or new
binding to do my dumber mode.

My http://www.useit.com/alertbox/ style survey of many years with
hundreds of hours with, er, 1 user, "indicates", as they say in the
medical business, that this is needed.

Surely you (all) are not such constant hammerers of ESC . as I. Vote
for Choice.

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