On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 2:53 AM, Linda Walsh <bash@tlinx.org
<mailto:bash@tlinx.org>> wrote:
from man bash, to define a function use;
"function" "name" <compound-command>
"name" () <compound-command>
And Compound Commands are:
( <list>)
{ <list>; )
(( expression ))
[[ expression ]]
...et al....
so why do I get a syntax error for
function good_dir [[ -n $1 && -d $1 && -r $1 && -x $1 ]]
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `[['
You should enclose the function body code in between `{' and `}':
function good_dir { [[ -n $1 && -d $1 && -r $1 && -x $1 ]]; }