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Re: bash sockets: printf \x0a does TCP fragmentation

From: dirk+bash
Subject: Re: bash sockets: printf \x0a does TCP fragmentation
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2018 16:13:02 +0200
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On 9/25/18 3:46 PM, Chet Ramey wrote:
> On 9/25/18 9:04 AM, dirk+bash@testssl.sh wrote:
>> FYI: I ended up checking with type before whether an external printf
>> exists and set a variable for this and then just call this variable.
>> env or exec: never thought about it (thanks!) but as both are external
>> commands, that would mean upon every call one additional external program.
>> (yes, I know that there is such thing as a fs buffer). Subshells also costs
>> resources. As this is a core function I am happy for every homeopathic dose
>> of time I safe here :-)
> `exec' is a shell builtin. It will `cost' in terms of a fork, but you're
> going to fork and exec a different program anyway -- /usr/bin/printf --
> so it's basically a wash. In either case, there's one fork and one
> execve.

yeah, you're right.

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