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Re: $? is -1

From: Stephane Chazelas
Subject: Re: $? is -1
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2019 19:03:16 +0100
User-agent: NeoMutt/20171215

2019-07-05 09:03:06 -0400, Chet Ramey:
> >     Second, when ran in a subshell, the same exit status gets mapped to 255.
> >     While logical, as -1 gets mapped to 255, it seems inconsistent.
> >     ( from the manual: "The return status is the exit status of list." )
> It's the difference between passing a status around the shell and passing
> it through the waitpid() interface, which takes just eight bits.

Note though:

$ bash -c 'f() { return "$1"; }; f -1; echo "$?"'

It gets mapped to 255 even though there's no waitpid().

bash also takes upon itself to truncate the number passed to
exit(1) before passing it to _exit(2):

$ strace -fe exit_group bash -c 'exit -1'
exit_group(255)                         = ?

There's a lot of variation between shells (and other utilities)
on that front. See also:



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