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Re: T/F var expansion?

From: L A Walsh
Subject: Re: T/F var expansion?
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2019 00:57:55 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird

On 2019/07/28 22:01, Martin Schulte wrote:
> Hello!
>> Is there a T/F var expansion that does:
>>     var=${tst:+$yes}${tst:-$no}
>> but with yes/no in 1 expansion?
> At least if you are only working with numbers you can use
> ((var=(tst!=0?42:31)))
> But is this a question for bug-bash?
> Best regards,
> Martin
    I'm familiar with the numeric form, and many times have lamented the
lack of a similar form for non-numeric data.

    The fact that bash provides such a feature for numbers but not
for strings, seems like a missing feature. Depending on whether or
not you expected or wanted a language to provide similar operators for
the various types of data it can process such a deficit might be felt
to be a sufficient problem to warrant a solution. Wouldn't it be
the case that the lack of such a feature became a "type" of bug
that required, to the extent it was wanted,  a "fix"? 

    That said, I'm pretty sure that ideas for bash don't have to be
existing bugs in order to be considered something that might qualify
for a code addition or update.


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