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Re: Alias in command substitution

From: Kerin Millar
Subject: Re: Alias in command substitution
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2023 09:33:54 +0100

On Wed, 21 Jun 2023 13:40:56 +0530
LitHack <lithack0@gmail.com> wrote:

> Normally declaring a alias inside the command substitution would not
> reflect in main shell like........
> lithack@aura:~$ `alias l=ls`
> lithack@aura:~$ l
> l: command not found
> But using this command .....
> lithack@aura:~$ `alias l=ls;alias`
> lithack@aura:~$ l
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> Templates   Videos
> It runs in main shell. Is this a bug?

No. This is what happens.

1) an alias is declared in the subshell incurred by the `command substitution`
2) the alias builtin is executed, which prints out a declaration of the 
just-declared alias
3) the command substitution causes that which was just printed to be evaluated 
in the original shell
4) an alias is thus declared in the original shell

As Lawrence advised in a different thread, such questions would be more 
appropriately posed at the help-bash list.

Kerin Millar

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