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It is possible that this can be a bug

From: Hugo Napoli
Subject: It is possible that this can be a bug
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2023 15:36:58 -0300

Good day.

Something strange is happening to me with this script that I have designed
moments ago.
I am a Computer Science professor, and among the subjects I teach, there is
one that has to do with BASH programming.
I make my own material, therefore, I have been working since last year with
this compendium of exercises that I have created, but I had never noticed
before that the BASH output of this program could be a "bug".
If not, I apologize and I'm sorry for wasting your time.

*This is the script code, exactly as I have it in my computer:*



echo ""
read -p "Ingrese  un  número entero de hasta 2 cifras
  : " min
read -p "Ingrese otro número entero de hasta 2 cifras, mayor que el
anterior  : " max

if [[ ${#min} -gt 2 ]] || [[ ${#max} -gt 2 ]];then
    echo "" && echo "Deben ser números de hasta 2 cifras..."
    read -p "Pulse ENTER para continuar..."
    bash "$0"

if [[ $min == $max ]];then

echo ""
echo "La suma entre "$min" y "$max", es "$suma"."
echo ""

*This is the output when I type "222" and "222" for min and max,
respectively, and in the next try, I enter "2" and "2":*

Ingrese  un  número entero de hasta 2 cifras                         : 2
Ingrese otro número entero de hasta 2 cifras, mayor que el anterior  : 2

La suma entre 2 y 2, es 4.

*La suma entre 222 y 222, es 444.*

What is in red is what I understand should not happen: the program repeats
the same operation, when the "bash $0" is supposed to reinitialize the
program and show only one result, not 2.
And if I enter 3, 4, or 5 wrong values, I get 3, 4, 5 additional results,

Before writing this report, I ran the same script on Arch Linux, getting
exactly the same results.

*I'm using openSUSE 15.4 (Leap, updated until today and phisically
installed, not virtualized) with "KDE Plasma desktop 5.24.4, Frameworks
5.90.0, Qt 5.15.2 running on X11" and kernel "5.14.21-150400.24.63-default"
and I execute all my scripts in "Konsole", now in 21.12.3 version. The
hardware is AMD Ryzen 3 3200U in an ACER Aspire 5 machine.*

I will be at your service for whatever you need to ask me.

Receive a warm hug from Uruguay,

*Hugo Napoli*

*Espacio educativo en YouTube:
*Sitio web personal:                **https://hugonapoli.blogspot.com/*

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