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Re: maybe a bug in bash?

From: Greg Wooledge
Subject: Re: maybe a bug in bash?
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2023 09:42:22 -0400

On Thu, Jun 29, 2023 at 11:33:15AM +0200, Sebastian Luhnburg wrote:
> I want to use this password in an here document, which inject some
> commands into a SSH-Connection (for simplification, I use the bash instead
> of ssh in the test script below).

Skipping the "is it a bug or not" part, which has already been addressed
as a mis-quoting issue, let's talk about the goal.

First of all, is this the password *of* the ssh connection itself?  If
so, that can be addressed by switching to key-based authentication (and
either using a key with no passphrase on it, or an ssh-agent to hold
your passphrase).

Second, are you trying to do something like this:

    ssh nonroot@some.host 'sudo some command'

where the password is for "sudo" because you aren't logging in directly
as root?  The answer to this is so blastedly obvious that I shouldn't
have to state it, but nonetheless, here we are: just ssh in as root
instead of nonroot + sudo.

Some folks will scream that this is a bad idea, horrible practice, can't
do it, etc.  These folks are idiots.  Ssh can be configured to allow
root logins only when using key authentication.  That's as secure as you
could ask for.  Certainly it's at *least* as secure as throwing a password
around and using sudo and invoking layers of quoting hell.

But let's say it's not either of these things.  Maybe it's a database
access password or something, and you're actually doing something like:

    ssh nonroot@some.host 'mysql -p mydatabase ...'

The obvious play here is to send the password on stdin.  But you've
introduced another layer of complication, because you're actually doing
something like:

    ssh nonroot@some.host bash <<-EOF
    some command
    another command
    mysql -p"$injected_password" mydatabase

where stdin is already tied up sending the script for bash to execute,
and therefore can't be used to send the database password.  This is NOT
going to work.

What you want to do instead is pass the password as an *argument* to
bash -s.  You've already got the @Q (or printf %q) part, which is a
necessary step.  You just need the rest of it.

    ssh nonroot@some.host bash -s "${password@Q}" <<-'EOF'
    some command
    another command
    mysql -p"$1" mydatabase

This is also described in a bit more detail at
I recommend reading that whole page when you get a chance.

Here it is in action:

unicorn:~$ password='$foo&bar'
unicorn:~$ ssh localhost bash -s "${password@Q}" <<-'EOF'
> printf 'Password is <%s>\n' "$1"
greg@localhost's password: 
Password is <$foo&bar>

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