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Re: ! history expansion occurs within arithmetic substitutions

From: Dale R. Worley
Subject: Re: ! history expansion occurs within arithmetic substitutions
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:21:47 -0400

Zachary Santer <zsanter@gmail.com> writes:
> When messing around in interactive mode to test things I may want to do in
> a script, it's nice if it actually behaves the same. There are probably
> some other set and possibly shopt things I should have somewhere if that's
> what I want.

I checked, and it doesn't seem that there's an explicit way to start
bash noninteractively, but running "cat | bash" seems to work.  Of
course, it's noninteractive, so you get e.g. empty prompt strings!

My understanding is that "interactive" directly affects only two things,
the startup file(s) read and the initial values of various shell
options.  You can fix the startup files with explicit options on
invocation, and you can fix the shell options that matter to you with


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